Serious question Veeky Forums. How do mermaids poop? Where are their butt holes?
Serious question Veeky Forums. How do mermaids poop? Where are their butt holes?
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like fish do
where fish's are
Aw man, now I got a mental image of a mermaid with a big long chain of poop hanging out of her butt, like my fish sometimes do.
I don't wanna play this game anymore, user!
Cloaca where human vagina is?
Listen man... We all want a monster girl but when they start doing monstrous shit is where we differentiate between men and the boys.
Monstrous is one thing, plain old nasty is another.
Alright ya it is pretty nasty.
>Tfw when your fish waifu shits in the pool with you.
Why'd you post a picture of a human
I remember that fucking book! Creepy as shit art in it, weird story behind it too.
For sex, the mermaid lays her eggs underwater and you're expected to wank and jizz over them. Underwater. Good luck.
Nah, that depends on the type of fish. That's how salmon do it, yeah, but there's lot of variety under the sea. Sharks, for one, penetrate the female's cloaca to fertilize the eggs internally.
>Underwater. Good luck.
Fuuuuck, I can't even masturbate in the shower.
Did someone say Sharks?
>TFW you gotta find a shark girl that is submissive to you so she won't bite your dick off when you aren't looking
The same way fish do.
But what if they did bite your dick?
The same guy also did a book on future animals. I own that one, and it's really neat. Less creepy due to everything not having weird human faces, though.
>Dat lore
Wow, the writer for this monstergirl thing is starting to become incredibly pandering and convoluted.
>Starting to
Greater men than us have asked this question. Yet still it remains unanswered.
That long chain of poop is the equivalent of humans getting a brown, stinky smear on their butts when they don't wipe. Mermaids are intelligent, aquatic humanoids (which is why I always believed it made more sense for them to be aquatic mammals than fishmen) so they probably value hygiene.
The real problem is them not having a separate vagina, meaning that all sex is automatically anal (or oral). Or do aquatic mammals have separate vaginas? They must, right? Where else would they push their babies out of?
Mermaids, being more civilized than fish, and actually having hands to wipe their ass (cloaca, whatever), probably would clean themselves up after going to the bathroom. Mermaid with her poop trailing behind her would probably be equal social faux pas to a human walking around in soiled pants.
>When they smell human blood they are concerned and rush to help
Suddenly reminded of the shark who tries to help the humans out of the cage because they are trapped.
Large bodies of water inhabited by fish are so damn disgusting. It's all just piss and shit and trash and fuck know what's else. Just blow it all up. Super heat that shit until there is nothing left. It's all fucking gross.
They don't.
Fish fart in that lake.
Where the fuck did this "fish have a cloaca" meme come from?
Amphibians have a cloaca. Some reptiles and some birds have a cloaca. Fish have a separate anal opening and urogenital opening. Most fish are oviparous and reproduce by external fertilization; some species reproduce by internal fertilization, with the male having a depository organ (e.g. gonopodum in guppies, clasper in sharks and rays).
Merfolk, though, despite being scaly and finned on the outside, would almost certainly have delphine/cetacean anatomy on the inside. This is by far the most common depiction that isn't played for laughs (SNL, Futurama)—normal mammalian sex, birth, etc., thereby explaining why they have tits and navels.
Actually, it's all reptiles, birds, amphibians, plus monotremes and a few marsupials.
Still no fish, though.
>Disposition: Ferocious, bold, timid
>bold, timid
Isn't that a contradiction?