Haven't seen one of these in a while.
I'd love to know your pilot's story.
Bump for potential.
Tritons, man.
With my old warlock dead, I had to make a new character and Volo's just came out. Figured I'd give its races a whirl, and ended up making triton eldritch knight, defense-focused. Shield, absorb elements, all that jazz. The character itself was supposed to be the type that's happiest when things are most horrible. Googly-eyed, sewage-smelling, constantly-with-wet-hair mess of a woman that made everyone else super uncomfortable by having no sense of personal space. A waterborne menace to annoy everyone, as my GM put it. It was all in good fun, but I still wanted to subvert the "emotionless girls are cute" anime bullshit.
So somehow things went a bit different, and my triton ended up doing most of the party's serious talks with the NPCs, giving motivational speeches, forming battle plans against a city-destroying cult, etc. And that's not even getting to how she performed in battle. Absurd amounts of HP, ridiculous AC, she was tanking left and right no matter what attacked us, and practically acting as an armored vehicle from behind which the rest of the group took potshots at the enemy. She had no fancy gimmicks, just bulldozed through to the biggest opponent and set up camp there. Took face full of Behir's lightning breath and didn't even drop below half of her maximum, powered through cloudkill to drag her party to safety, you name it. Not once during her tenure did she go unconscious. Hell, the only time she got in trouble when possessed by a ghost, and even then it was worse for her teammates.
Eventually I retired her, and instead of being creepy as fuck as normal, she went on to give one last motivational speech to her group, commented how unlike her this whole experience had been, and left.
So you made a young rape victim, the dm saw a cuck and you played a vigilante lesbian?
I made a low level basic fighter with few gimmicks.
DM saw an edge lord soldier barbarian
I played the team mom and killed evil as I saw it with no remorse.
story please
>Tumblr: the show
Consider suicide.
It's literally transexual propaganda, and the creator is a rape apologist.
Light-manipulation magic, invariably, ends in lasers.