Thoughts on Robute Motherfucking Guilliman himself rising from the dead?
Guess who's back, back again
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more importantly, thoughts on the model itself?
It's cool when he's wearing the Helmet.
Now he have to wade through 10 000 years of critique of the codex astartes
Poor guy
Also I wonder if he will think that the SoB are cute.
Will the real Aplharius please stand up?
I'm more curious if he'll be pissed at Emperor Worship and how it's spread into how the Ultramarines dickride the codex like it's holy text.
>tfw Rowboat Girlyman has two models and you're still waiting for Sanguinius to hold you in his big strong angelic arms.
>yfw he just strolls into the Imperial palace and takes his dad's sword
>he just laughs at the Ecclesiarchs screaming about 'muh holy relic
wait wait wait
I was out for 2 weeks.
wtf. Wasn't he hanging in stasis half dead somewhere?
Isnt warhammer suppose to be a setting and not a story that progresses?
so what happened is ynnead shit finally went down due to the fall of cadia shenanigans.
avatar of ynnead got dragged to macragge and fixed girlyman, and now hes stuck fixing 40k.
>2 weeks
more like 2 months if you haven't heard about gathering storm
He will just toss it and LOGISTICS THE SHIT outta the Imperium.
Chaos is fucked now, the most autistic and most spamtastic primarch just came back.
>1000 million strong Legions with ascended and gene modified Primarch-level astartes heroes soon.
Are you saying. The imperium is going to use, weaponized autism?
Like /pol/ did for Trump during the election?
Yea. And GW keeps saying this isnt the end of 40k. Fucking lol.
They are stuck between:
A) Girlyman completely saves fucking everyone because he is fucking Girlyman and can "JUST DO IT!" at stuff to make it work.
B) They have to do something drastic like kill the Emperor or something to shatter the Galaxy into fragments to keep Girlyman from saving everyone like the Marty Stu that he is.
"50K, THE AGE OF EMPRA!!!!" is upon us.
How would anything change from rogue trader days if there was no progressive story?
It's still looks like ugly 3d model created by early Aurora engine
>the most autistic and most spamtastic primarch just came back.
And Abbadon is stronger than Emperor, so one primarch will not chage a lot.
Age of Robute
>Abaddon is stronger than Emperor
Oh Carnac.
It's actual fluff, Emperor foresow his death by Abbadon..
I was going to alter a faces of meth pic with the FW girly man and the citadel girly man
girly man got a bit better
Abby got stabbed in the back by a depowered Saint and ran away. And only won by chucking broken Blackstone rocks at the planet.
Eldar literally gets their god of Strength D weapons and Imperium gets their golden Blueboy.
Chaos is in for some more punchbagging by mary sues, thats for sure.
>Abbadon is stronger than Emperor,
Failbaddon lost a fight to a sexy nun.
Dude Eldar literally got the God of team kills. The only thing the Ynnari do is wipe out Commorragh and Biel-tan, the most based of Eldar.
Then, after that, literally the only thing Ynnead does is give humans the Webway and resurrect Roboute. That's the sum total of the Eldar God of the Dead's contribution, being a bitchy boy for the Smurfs.
Eldar confirmed for worst.
In all honesty though I find it hilarious that the birth of Ynnead is being upstaged so magnificently, no-one's even talking about Fracture, that's some epic trolling by GW's
Thicc > No Fap confirmed
Is Fracture scanned yet?
Wiping out Commorragh doesn't seem like a big loss anyways, for sanity.
Eldar Empire 2.0 coming back seems to be a better trade for all eldar parties involved.
I am a bit worried that GW is starting the process to killing off all their grim darkiest factions like the Dark "gang-rape is a friendly hello" Eldar and Slaanesh too.
All for the sake of family friendliness
We're gonna have a problem here..
>Wiping out Commorragh doesn't seem like a big loss anyways
The fuck?
I mean if that isn't enough for you don't worry, they wipe Biel-tan out too and Iyanden is (again) basically destroyed with like 1% of its population remaining or some shit.
Also Eldar Empire 2.0? Boy there aren't even Ynnari to even populate one Craftworld anymore, they aren't rebuilding squat, their hopping on the Imperium's dick and giving them the Webway/a Primrach back and such. Eldar been turned into an Imperium sidefaction.
I am a little pissed that the entire birth of Ynnead is playing second fiddle to a Primarch.
Did GW really have to upstage Ynnead a few days before it comes out? What's Ynnead even doing? Like Guilliman is at least beating Abaddon, what does Ynnead do?
Big loss for good guys I mean.
Sorry should have clarified.
>Roe v. Wade Gorillaman has two models
>my primarch has none
What did you mean by this?
For fuck sake, not the blueberries again.
>they wipe Biel-tan out too
No they don't. Been confirmed it turns into a flotilla. You're making shit up and downplaying a God.
Or, they can just have him stop chaos as then go back to stasis. Then they freeze the storyline again. That would mean, nothing happened except Cadia blew up and the imperium have a verified superhero that they will pop out when the going gets rough.
not bad
Is Commorragh actually gone, guys?
It was my favorite fluff setting.
>For fuck sake, not the blueberries again.
there are no tau here
Nothing from GW seems to indicate that it is. GW has mentioned that Biel-Tan is fracturing though.
It's just carnac talking shit
What did the Dunc mean by this?
One of ADB HH book.
>Abby got stabbed in the back by a depowered Saint and ran away
Looks like you forgetting that before ir Abby almost killed Saint and ultrasmurfs second company (not counting shitton of company and chapter masters from other chapters).
>Been confirmed it turns into a flotilla.
Yeah without any leaders (autarchs, farseers and phoenix lords), they are irrelevant as corsairs now.
>One of ADB HH book.
this one.
daddy issues the revenge
>phoenix lords
you can't own them, they go where they want man
When will the Sanguinius reveal that he is the best son back from the dead?
Anyone got that screencap about the Iron Cage and the Imperial Fists getting btfo?
They dead.
Who's roboute culligman
Knowing GW we'll probably get two Girlyman models, Leman Russ in 40k, Sanguinus will come back from the dead, and Thorpe will forget that The Lion is literally just sitting in the Rock waiting for the plot to progress.
like the armour is gone?
a man who loved rome so much he sucked every dick until his home planet became the center of neo Byzantium
>like the armour is gone?
Souls were consumed by Ynnead
>The Lion is literally just sitting in the Rock waiting for the plot to progress.
Nah, Lion will become new Warmaster
>forgetting the khan being let out of de
>vulkan coming back
>dorn not being dead
>corvus saying never more to being a bitch
>wolf time
hell even farrus manus will show up.
he'll just be a bit shorter
So Ynead is now a wrap entity? Or in physical form? Or in one of those infinity circuits?
even fuelgan
that means old rhana dhranda or whatever is confirmed not to be true.
that or ynead necromancy.
Why is no none talking about this?
I agree about the upstaging thing, it feels like the Eldar release has just been forgotten.
But perhaps that leak of the WD wasn't anticipated and they had to officially reveal their Gulliman promotional material ahead of schedule to reign in the hype.
>2 happy little thin coats
I really don't like his design. The first triumvirate was awesome, the second was hit and miss, the third is just fucking boring.
He meant that as always, you need to apply the paint in two thin coats.
I haven't played it yet, but I didn't even think of the possibility of adding other shit to the game. It's an arena fight, which means they can use all sorts of slaves. Ork coptas, Gargoyles, winged warriors, vespids, ect.
Are you trying to say the Carcharodons are coming?
>it feels like the Eldar release has just been forgotten.
The Eldar got a huge release and are central to the story. Where are the Orks? The Tau? The motherfucking Necrons, now that's the forgotten faction for sure!
>So Ynead is now a wrap entity? Or in physical form?
It's basically Avatar.
You should have posted your picture back when it went from lighthearted fun to greemdork. Now it's actually getting closer to the roots.
I guess none cares about another shitty board game
>The Eldar got a huge release
>3 models
>huge releas
True, but I expect they will get something eventually.
And I only meant forgotten in regards to the fact that they are getting a huge release as you say but it is overshadowed by the next stage of the story in march even though its only the beginning of feb. Because muh spess murreeens.
WD says 'it takes the destruction of Biel-Tan'
Destruction is right there in the name buddy.
Also pray tell what has this God done other than kill Eldar and bring Roboute back? I ain't downplaying shit, there's nothing to downplay about Ynnead, it hasn't done anything worthwhile
Its been overrun by Daemons
Due the Phoenix Lords and Rhana Dhanra don't matter any more, Ynnari have decided being Imperium's slaves is the only way to go.
(which based on novels is probably right, the Imperium do win 90% of everything)
It sucks. I've been waiting for the Ynnead plotline to crescendo into something awesome for years. When it finally comes out it looks like Ynnead doesn't do shit and is instantly upstaged by some Primarch.
Avatar? Oh great, more jobbing to come
Girlyman is needed to lead the armies. Because what the fuck would another Eldar chaos daemon know about warfare?
Um... yeah. You must've been gone the past 6 years if you still think Warhammer ( 40k and Whfb) is just a setting and not progressive. End Times pretty much set the precedent of making the lore more immersive with a progressive storyline. 40k is the lite version with the campaigns being sweeping but the status quo note or less kept. It gives GW an excuse to crank out new minis and (more recently) new characters
So what does the Eldar God of Death then do, huh?
Cause at this stage Girlyman has a much larger imapct than the birth of a New Warp God
It's Abby!
In a Mary Sue thread!
Fucking Fitting!
Cool as fuck.
>muh Girlyman
>muh space smurfs
>muh toilet seat
Prepare your anus heretics.
The Girlyman lacks a cape or a tabard of some sort instead of the ultra baroque muscle suit.
Also, helmet for life.
Better use for that sweet model.
He was also depowered and was surrounded by entire regiment of 8th regiment. The Warp was shutting down which means he would have been left stranded on ground to be overrun while his minions enact his blow Cadia plan. He did not run from Celestine.
Celestine sucked the poison out.
No, he didn't. Celestine is who lost the fight. Didn't your read the book? It's established that Celestine despite her Emperor given power ws no match for Abaddon so she needed help to keep him back.
Celetine is more powerful than the Primarchs.
She just some chaotic demon whore from the abyss.
Who eats Greater Daemons and daemon princes for breakfast.
She is a greater weapon against Chaos than the primarchs. It's like the differance between a space marine and Grey Knight.
What space marine? Dante would tear out a Grey Knights asshole and wear it as a hat. It's all relative.
i read someone saying one of the triumvirate dudes is the first grey knight. Are we getting/did we get mistery sucked out of grey knight's origin as well?
>entire regiment of the 8th regiment
that's not how that works mate
A Grandmaster of the Grey Knights would kill any Chapter Master in a fair fight.
Come here shiny boy
The point i am making is that maybe Abby has the measure of warp entities but would get his ass kicked in by a Primarch who has the measure of him. And Dante would win.
ITT: Some dumbass chaosfag wanks as hard as he possibly can about failbaddon the armless onewhos about to get executed infront of girlyman's entire legion via cipher bullshit, also stupid elder perpetual whinery about their gods once again being useless shit like all the other useless shit eldar gods, Smurffags bouncing off the walls about their spiritual liege returning and grey knightfags excited about a new model.
No, he won't. Abaddon fought Primarchs before and won.
Girlyman is out matched.
So how will chaoscucks ever recover? Most autistic empire builder in the galaxy has just been ressed. He's the most effective manager in the entire imperium. Hell, his autism may shift imperium from grimdark into noblebright.