Im trying to get into Warhammer, and i already bought the small starter kit for age of sigmar. Also been thinking about trying to collect skeletons/death. Should i Continue making smaller purchases in age of sigmar, or is the larger playerbase for 40k enough reason to buy into that instead?
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AoS is easier to get into since it doesn't suffer from the rules bloat
Other than that, play what you want man
The major turn off from 40k was the massive price of the rules and codexes. I figured that i could buy 2 sizable armies for the price of one plus the rules in 40k, hence why i chose AOS to start
Again, play what you wanna play, granted skellies do best in hordes, but death also has the best cheat to get around the battleline tax. Just take 3 units of 10 zombies and merge 'em all turn one
Just buy the models you think look cool.
First, consider what is most popular in your area.
Second, AoS is currently the better game in terms of the ruleset and ease of play.
Third, pick whatever game that has the models you like and want to collect.
>Im trying to get into Warhammer,
Found your problem right there.
>Should i Continue making smaller purchases in age of sigmar, or is the larger playerbase for 40k enough reason to buy into that instead?
Try 40k it's better than AoS and you will save your time from endless move phase.
>AoS is easier to get into since it doesn't suffer from the rules bloat
lol no,
>Second, AoS is currently the better game in terms of the ruleset and ease of play.
>t.shill from AoS general
>Im trying to get into Warhammer,
Then go to official warhammer site.
t salty 40kids that will be aosified in 2 month
>t.8 yo kid from reddit
How to spot a 40kids
>AoSshiteater without good rules, or models, or writiing calls someone else a kid
The denial of 40k players is so strong.
Assuming you're still around two hours later, go to your local game store or wherever AoS and 40K are played, and watch people play a few games of each. This will give you a better idea of how the games flow as well as the differences between them.
AoS has the advantage of cheaper startup costs and some really cool looking models, but 40K has a significantly larger playerbase and a certain charm all its own (plus a shitload of new plot stuff is happening right now).
Lastly, as has been said, pick whichever army you think looks cool as fuck, don't worry about "the meta".
>Just take 3 units of 10 zombies and merge 'em all turn one
The FAQ says you cannot do that in matched play anymore, I think
>and some really cool looking models
Such as..?
Zombies have a special rule that allows them to do that.
The FAQ was referring to people writing a list with 3x 10 Bloodletters, then setting up as 1x 30 Bloodletters (Which was never a thing, but some people will argue anything for an advantage).
Endless move phase... yeah, I guess that's why I finish AoS games of similar points' levels in a third of the time I take in doing a 40k game. Yeah.
>yeah, I guess that's why I finish AoS games of similar points' levels in a third of the time I take in doing a 40k game.
Liar or Tyranid player.
I play eldar and dark angels and even then I can say that, normally, I took 4 hours for 2k games (of course we didn't go at tournament speed), meanwhile 2k AoS games took me around 2 hours (and a bit less sometimes). While playing ORCS.
If you want to save money, get into chaos daemons. those can be used for both 40k and AoS.
>ey, get into chaos daemons. those can be used for both 40k and AoS.
And use the SC! for tzeentch, it's pretty efficient once you get down to it.
40k is getting new rules with a likely global streamlining either this year or the next.
Anybody celebrating 40k getting the AoS treatment is a sociopath or an idiot.
You should not be happy if GW is actually planning to ruin another game on purpose. And anybody who actually thinks this would improve 40k is just retarded.
You clearly haven't played AoS so your opinion means jackshit.
>I took 4 hours for 2k games
Liar or imbecile.
>meanwhile 2k AoS games took me around 2 hours
>While playing ORCS.
No such thing
>you should eat this shit before calling it's a shit.
And the opinion of someone who thinks stripping most of the rules away, raising prices and ruining the aesthetic/fluff completely is worth anything? AoS didn't even have point values or proper army composition rules when it was released. Yet people actually thanked GW for this as if releasing an unfinished game was a bold new direction in wargaming.
40k needs to be streamlined, not gutted entirely. GW has been ruining the game for years, why do you want them to finish the job?
Soo, now you have clarvoyance and the like? Fine by me, if you want to live inside that nice bubble and fool yourself, be my guest.
I'm referring to the ruleset and the current one to boot. At which point did I refer to the background and fluff. Last time I checked you don't need to read Warzone Fenris' fluff in order to activate Wulfen, nor read any novel in order to play.
>if you want to live inside that nice bubble and fool yourself,
But that's about you, my tasteless friend.
Well, I take 3 horus making a 1.5k game, counting set up and explaining the list. In my experience, it's viable to say that each 100pts add 10 minutes of game-length. So a 2k games usually takes me 3.5 hours to finish (unless we are talking of tabling the shit out of my enemy), which isn't that far off from 4 hours.
Any GW product is utter shit, be it 40k, AoS or WHFB. Sure, the lore for the first and third were good (back in the day) but the games have been always utter garbage once compared to properly designed game.
So "tasteless friend" it can be applied to anyone who likes GW-systems.
>Any GW product is utter shit,
Whatever you say 8 yo kid.
Oh yeah, that's why there's so many outcries of "X is broken" or "Y is shit" or "The game is busted wide open". These systems are so degenerate that force people to do the balancing themselves rather than the system itself. When you've got to do one of the key parts of the job yourself, you know the product is shit.
>that's why there's so many outcries of "X is broken" or "Y is shit" or "The game is busted wide open".
At least 40k isn't totally "roll 3+ to win".
Yeah, you just need to roll plenty of 3+.
AoS's rules are trash but at least matched play tells you must play to the mission rather than just wiping out the enemy in a totally unbalanced way.
>rather than just wiping out the enemy in a totally unbalanced way.
You realize that you described all AoS battles?
I've described your average 40k match. And like I said: matched play outright states that killing all your enemies doesn't count as victory, which IMO makes for more interesting games than that guy bringing 30 scatterlasers and 3 wraithknights or some shit like that. Still bad but certainly more interesting than two armies shelling each other to kingdom come.
>outright states that killing all your enemies doesn't count as victory
It's victory when your monster infantry spam wiping a out all enemy units
Dat sunds damn orky if ah getz tha sayz so meself.
It's victory when your units held more objectives than the other side, and played better than the other.
>It's victory when your units held more objectives than the other side, and played better than the other.
Which means you should move all your infantry forward and wipe out enemy from the table.
You obviously have never played a single game of 40k
But I played.
Every man and his dog knows that 40k has an astronomically longer game time than AoS where a 1000pt game takes 1 hour tops and 40k takes almmost 2 hours and 20 minutes, you have not played either
>Every man and his dog knows that 40k has an astronomically longer game time than AoS
Nice wonderland kid, but unlike 40k AoS is fucking overloaded by models, since game focused on infantry and cavalry.
I play 2k games fielding a whooping 45 models, didn't know that counted as overloaded.
People who shit talk AoS haven't actually played it. There is no plausible way you can argue that 40k's rules are more fun or better overall than AoS at the moment.
>doesn't suffer from the rules bloat
Neither does tic-tac-toe, but I wouldn't recommend blowing your cash on that, either
You actually think 40k is fun to play right now??
Maw Crushsa, those Chokobo riders, roid rage orge, flying Stormcast Spartans, those creepy dryad fused ghost things. Lot of cool sets from a variety of factions. Then again, there's also some real ass looking ones, like the fyreslayers
You actually think AoS has ever been fun to play?
Actually, yeah. It is. If you're going by the first release of just "lol throw down anything and go", then, no, it's kinda crap. Unless you're just dicking around with friends and wanna smash models together like toy cars. If you actually go by some of the missions though, there's quite a few fun ones. One I did recently was a bridge battle. It's literally just a foot wide strip of the table, one end to the other. No terrain. No whatever. Final destination. If you get within 3 inches of the sides, models fall off into the abyss. Push the opponent off and get to the other side. It was silly, and actually pretty fun to figure out how to maneuver my dudes without going totally lemmings off the sides.
i just started playing with the stormcast eternals and my friend with the Khorne bloodbound. I find it very fun so far. the price of entry to 40k is simply too opressive for me. FOr the price of the 40k rulebook I was able to get a small force for AoS and Paint them
Kys, he's a beginner, no need to go aggressive on people.
the scenarios in the starter kit are pretty fun too. my favorite is one where the lord relictor and 3 retributors fight off against 3 waves of 20 bloodeavers and 5 bloodwarriors. its pretty skewed in the bloodbounds favor but still fun
>People who shit talk AoS haven't actually played it.
because you say it?
>I find it very fun so far.
Yeah because it's your first tabletop expirience, you will find fun anything right now.
>40k is simply too opressive for me.
So as AoS since 2k or higher is only playable format
>Maw Crushsa,
Proto-drake rip-off, nothing good.
>those Chokobo riders
>flying Stormcast Spartans,
Shit taste dude.
>those creepy dryad fused ghost things.
Another WoW rip=off.
>Lot of cool sets from a variety of factions.
Such as..?
YOu should be older to post on this site.
Half-tempted to buy a shitton of Revolutionary War British line infantry and play an army of 90% Imperial handgunners. From what I've heard about how shooting in melee works and the dumb buffs available to Free Guild, it sounds like it'd even work.
>Yeah because it's your first tabletop expirience, you will find fun anything right now.
Because you say it? He said he started AoS and not 40k, not that it was his first TT experience. GW isn't the whole market, ya know?
Might work but it will be a pretty boring army to play and play against
>Because you say it?
Yep, because the OP post obviously made by newcomer.
Prepare yourself to be wiped out by any army with heavy/monster infantry.
You're going to get murdered if a) Your enemy outranges you (which will happen against things like stonehorns, stormcast bowmen, elves and tk) or if the enemy can get in before you get even to shoot once (which means about most armies from the destruction range but mainly the Ironjawz and BCR) and crump you in CQC.
Still it could work if, for example, you decided to do a tercio: instead of 90, make it 50 with a 30% on swordsmen (for extra defense) and 20% on buffing characters and cannons. A friend of mine does so, to got results.
And you know it for sure, since you have telepathy. I bought the starter too and been playing Malifaux, old WHFB and 40k
>And you know it for sure, since you have telepathy
Nope, I just understood posting style, not perfectly accurate, yet still...
>heavy/monster infantry.
I mean, I'd almost certainly be running Steam Tanks even if I run all Handgunners.
I mean, even in cqc, Handgunners still get to shoot and with buffs are at, what, 3+ to hit with -1 rending? It was one of the dumber rules that I saw and was told about AoS. The outranging I could see being an issue, but I assumed that Dragoons ala Outriders would be able to take care of that.
>I mean, I'd almost certainly be running Steam Tanks even if I run all Handgunners.
Still useles..
Dear, I've smashed that kind of lists. I speak from experience: any dedicated meelee unit will mulch through most of them in a turn. Shooting in meelee matters little when, out of 20 models, 11 died in the previous turn and 5 more fled during battleshock.
I'm also just starting to get (back) into Warhams after a few years of being out of it, and I managed to get the Spire of Dawn box. I was mainly thinking of collecting, but looking at the AoS rules, it honestly seems like a fun game I could get into. I already have a lot of old stuff, and I found the Battlescrolls for Fantasy armies, so I guess I could conceivably use everything I already have. Square bases honestly don't seem like a big issue for casual play, more of an aesthetic thing.
Thing is, I've heard they actually added point costs to units now, and I've been trying to find those for WHFB armies. So far, no luck. Is it only the new AoS armies that've been given actual point costs?
Honestly, the biggest hurdle for me is the incredibly loose "Just use whatever you want" mindset. It's nice they're relaxed about it, but at the same time, it's pretty intimidating. I just want some balanced matches, man.
No idea. Especially since when I look at the Scroll builder page that I see linked in the AoS general, it doesn't have any of the costs for various options. Only for a base model and then buying more troops in that model.
>it honestly seems like a fun game I could get into.
You should learn new pattern shill
Also, after reading the rules, I'm a bit unclear on this: are saves rolled against hits, or against wounds? So if a model with a damage of 2 hits someone 2 times, potentially dealing 4 wounds, do you roll 2 saves (for each of the hits, negating all the damage of a hit on a succesful save) or do you roll 4 saves (individually for each wound)?
I think it's supposed to be per attack, not per wounds, but I'm not 100% sure.
>I'm also just starting to get (back) into Warhams after a few years
>Also, after reading the rules, I'm a bit unclear on this:
Check out
If you want the points costs in hard copy you need the General's Handbook.
You roll saves before damage. So, a 2 damage wound is still one save. Most "ward saves" are per point of damage, though.
Im getting started in WH40k and just bought this guys on Ebay. What i must know expect Chaos sucks in 7ed?
Just questioning about that site. Does that mean all options are priced equally that are available to units? Having a musician is just as expensive as not having one? Variable equipment costs are all the same?
>Does that mean all options are priced equally that are available to units?
They are free, but you knew it.
I honestly don't. And that seems fucking retarded, given the different strengths in many of those options.
Actual army building, as in "Sit down with long lists and calculate points" doesn't really seem to be much of a thing any more in AoS, as far as GW's intentions go.
"Just play it like you want, man" is pretty damn strong in this game. At least they've started to include really rudimentary point costs of SOME kind.
>"Just play it like you want, man" is pretty damn strong in this game.
yeah that's why there is only few playable armies with one working army-pattern.
Your shilling a little pathetic
That sounds doubly fucking retarded. Why would I play a wargame that doesn't want to be a wargame any more than a bunch of kids playing with green armymen and GI Joes?
I specifically says you can. It just limits the size of the final unit, rtfm
>That sounds doubly fucking retarded.
It's 8+ game dude
>The major turn off from 40k was the massive price of the rules and codexes
Just pirate them. Everybody else does
No, it sounds like it's a 8-12.
"Rudimentary point costs" As in a comp-pack made by tournament players tested ad nauseam, bitch.
About on the same level as you trying to sound superior/have a point just by calling people shills (assuming you're the same guy as before, if not, my excuses).
It's so funny how people cannot accept that people are actually playing Age of Sigmar and enjoying it.
Nope people cannot accept how kids allowed to post on Veeky Forums
Because there's not people enjoying AoS.
There's filthy shills that suck GW's putrid scrotum while moaning between whippings about how much they like the shit they are forcefed. Mindless drones that don't give a damn in their goddam worthless life about quality and have no personality barring a frail and pathetic ego.
Just in case: /sarcasm.
That argument would have sounded more credible if you hadn't forgotten about the "are" that would go before allowed. It makes you look like the snotty brat that still hasn't learnt to-
Oh... Self projection, I see. Don't worry, you'll eventually grow.
That is 100% completely false, in my city - Austin Texas there's a huge group that gets together at GW and at Dragon's Lair and it's growing all the time.
Out of the dozen or so Warhammer players my town had, literally two play AoS. And that's just with some randos, as both of them still play KoW. The other 10 all play either KoW or 9th Ed. And the yearly Fantasy section of the Redstone Rumble has been replaced with KoW with more players than when it was Warhammer.
Yeah, it's not like the most recent battle tome for Tzeentch didn't sell out on the first day or anything.
Yeah, it's not like I was being sarcastic or anything. Or mocking the other guys.
Seriously: end of sarcasm means nothing to you guys?
Nice argumentation shill
It's still miles better than. "XXX Shill" if you ask me. Not that I care that much about your opinion, desu. I'm actually chuckling.
>It's still miles better than.
>contributing nothing to subject