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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Wow, OP, what a disappointing edition.
Jumpers, have you ever taken over a city, country, or even world? If so, what did you take over, and what was your rule like?
Hey, ASA, why do you want to start a war with the Outer Gods?
So are New Gods in STAS real gods? Like the same kind that power Wonder Woman and Shazam?
Yes. No.
The New Gods are actual gods, yes. They're also super-advanced aliens, because this is Jack Kirby we're talking about. They are not the same sort of thing as the gods that power Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, though. Like the name says, they're the NEW Gods, different from the old ones.
Yeah they're gods. They live on a different plane of existence. They're super advanced and split into two races. Those that follow Darkseid and those that follow High Father. They're not the same as Zeus and SHAZAM. However quite similar.
Though I don't think they're new in the sense that the normal earth gods are the old gods. Because apparently New Gods have existed simce before earth type gods anyway.
Ah, okay. Do they need worship or anything? And are they actually gods /of/ something?
Yes they are real gods, but they are different than the gods of Greek mythology or any other mythology really. That's what Kirby was trying to do, create a new pantheon for a new mythology.
For all his many talents Kirby was not very subtle most of the time. Mainly because he was never trying to be subtle. It's why the ultimate evil is called "dark side".
>that pic
That actually looks pretty cool.
I took over the world in Black Bullet. Probably the nicest Autocratic Surveillance State you've ever seen, especially when compared to before.
i do that a lot, people have no idea how to govern themselves.
No need for worship. They're totally divorce from the mortal plane. They're New Gods of being "New". They really don't have "portfolios" like that of Zeus, God of Thunder...etc. They're normal people pretty much with super advanced technology.
Kind-a sort-a. People forget that the Fourth World cycle was originally meant to be a stand-alone series with only tangential relation to the rest of the DC universe, and to have a finite run and then not appear again. It lead to some weird changes in the worldbuilding when it got integrated into wider DC canon, a lot of the ideas Kirby wanted to work with didn't really fit anymore but were so cool he tried to do them anyway. In the original plan, they included the gods of Earth in the "old gods" that they were heir to, in fact Kirby originally came up with the idea of the New Gods when working on the Ragnarok arc in Thor. It was supposed to end with all the Norse gods dead for good and these new gods taking their place.
They can be gods of things, yes. Metron is the god of time, the Black Racer the god of death, etc. Many aren't, though, and are just sort of genetically divine. And they don't need worship. They just are (DARKSEID IS! Sorry, couldn't resist it).
Oh boy.
So what was that about abhoring tyranny? To the point of hating physics itself? Because it suppressed people's freedom?
yeah they do things like have dictatorships, Plutocracys,theocracies in Worlds where The gods do not have a direct presence,autocracies,Entire cities are run by guild councils without any significant influence by the populace, Have legal slavery. all sorts of nasty stuff
yes. So I teach them how to govern themselves, and part of that is freeing them from their previous Oppression.
People just don't know how to be free the right way!
He'll free them from physics and sanity, or he'll free them from their lives. There are no alternatives.
I take over the space colonies in every Gundam jump. If Gundam has any real message, it's not about the necessity of understanding or how war leads us to dehumanize each other. No, it's about how people who live in space are assholes and will never stop trying to destroy the world. There needs to be someone to keep them in line, and the various Earth governments are eventually going to screw things up and let the space assholes get strong enough to fight for their independence. Fortunately, I have technology so advanced they'll never be able to match it on their own and perks that keep it from being reverse-engineered, so there's no risk of them ever being able to struggle free from beneath my thumb.
We're barely 25 posts in and already we're about to hit an anti-Tera posting spree.
Good night, I'll be by with a fire extinguisher later.
Well, might as well repost my question.
How do Jobs in FFTA work?
So, question. Is it wrong if I want to create a race of creatures whose sole purpose is just...living? I mean, I'm not creating them for any specific goal, I'm just...making them because I want them to exist. I mean, I suppose I DO want to see how they evolve, and what kind of civilisation they form, but other then that I just want to create them just to create them. Is that wrong? Am I breaking some sort of moral law or something by creating life just for the sake of creating life and seeing what happens?
Yes to all of the above.
Strapped a bunch of cosmic hot air balloons to Firefly Alley, lifting it above the sea of Death. Ran for mayor and won by a landslide.
Transformed America into a dark monopoly ruled by Old Ones and one hell goddess, because I looked into the future and saw the alternatives were worse. Technically me and Glory were more transitional dark lords of all, and when I left I handed power back to Mayor Wilkins.
In the Wheel of Time I possesed Rand, traded Ishamael a final death for his powers and conspired with Lanfear to annihilate the Dark One-whose umbral essence I then wove into myself. We then manned the Choden Kai to obliterate-weave the Creator as well-breaking the Wheel of Time. The end result was a world devoid of free will, where every sentient being was conscripted to forge it-and the possibilities of Tel'aran'rhiod-into a multiverse-size Sa'angreal in preparation for my post-spark battle with Nyarlathotep. Except for the few Forsaken who defected to me, supervising the enslaved suddenly-channelers.
From what I gather they're basically like D&D classes?
>Taking over the colonies
>In every Gundam Jump
>Even the ones where the colonies are doing just as good, if not better than under Earth rule.
Wow, we got some real Feddie scum right here.
If they're alive for the sake of it just include little tidbits and false leads as to why they're actually alive. Give them some kind of hope should they discover their artificial origin.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
I don't think so, myself. Why not let them enjoy their lives?
It's not inherently wrong to create life, no. Extremely ambitious, and like all ambitious tasks it has to be handled carefully to prevent it from going wrong, but I don't think it's intrinsically immoral. You don't even have to provide for them in comfort and happiness, just make sure they have the possibility to do so.
So you basically want to make a sapient ant farm?
Why would it be wrong?
I guess that really depends on your own morality, but there's not really anything inherently ebil about it if that's what you're asking.
You might want to make sure they don't go all invasive species on wherever you put them though, just to be polite.
Not really. It honestly seems better than creating them to serve a purpose to me.
You get a basic job and it comes with some skills and abilites, You can train it up by fighting in it and after you git gud you can look into advanced jobs with better stuff..
Some are race restricted, but if you have a compaion that has one you can learn it from them after the jump is over.
Using things from a job when you aren't in it is tricky unless you have the classy perk.
I suggest taking a look at a wiki for what the jobs can do for you. Also fanwank is your friend. FFTA is heavy on the mechanics and some wont make sense outside of the game.
>Wow, we got some real Feddie scum right here.
No, because the Federation fails. They always fail to prevent the colonies from causing horrible destruction to everyone, and it winds up to some plucky group of mavericks to save the day. Fuck that, I'm not letting it get to that stage. There isn't a single Gundam series where the people who live in the space colonies are the good guys. The closest we get are series where they are the less evil guys. Either way, they still try to do awful things. Someone needs to be there to stop them.
I don't believe so. Some might try to make the "playing god" argument, but all life at its core seeks to survive and thrive. Depending on the circumstances behind the race you create, they may curse your existence at first or sometime later (just like people blame god for putting them on Earth or whatever), but they'll try to live and seek happiness in whatever form it takes for them in the end.
I took over the galaxy, I was a just and loving ruler but those that betrayed me suffered a most terrible vengeance.
Oh, that's a good idea. It'd be terrible if they became depressed at discovering their existence was just because someone wanted to make them and see what happens.
Oh, okay, good. Just wanted to check. I will have to handle it carefully, but I think if I play my cards right I can allow them everything they need to grow and thrive if they take the opportunity.
That's...yeah, that's almost exactly what I'm going for. I just want to make them and then see what happens.
Well, there's the whole "playing god" thing, I suppose. Plus, it would be kind of sad to discover that you existed only because your creator simply wanted you to exist and wanted to see what you would do, rather then having some grand design. Oh, right, I should make sure they don't become an invasive species. Maybe put some initial breeding limitations or give them certain weaknesses to natural predators?
That's a good point user. It'd be a bummer if they came to hate me, but hey, I wanted to know how they would evolve, so I guess I have my answer on that.
Thanks, everyone. I appreciate you all taking the time to answer my question. You guys rock.
Well, the short and simple answer is: It was mean to me in Ravenloft. And technically that's true; as one of the Dark Powers behind it Nyarlathotep took a interest in my journey, like a malevolent Benefactor. Towns died screaming into madness, the local dark lords spontaneously mutated into eldritch abominations and the damned mist got all non-euclidean even though I had Mist Walker. It was literally like living through a nightmare, and colored my views about the multiverse knowing there were THINGS out there that could just drop into your world one day, and do worse than destroy it.
I...did not take it well when I finally learned one of my Benefactor's identities: The Nameless Mist, mother to Yog-Sothoth.
But there's the bigger reason: Someone once asked if maybe the Outer Gods have Jumpers of their own. They have two. The first is Nyarlathotep-and arguably there would BE no war without him, because he is the soul and messenger of the others which arguably aren't even sentient by any conventional measure. It's telling that in trying to remake another being in his own image, he introduced unimaginable horror in my wake,
The second is...me. Altforms. Spaces thst should not be. The very concept of a causality-warping entity with a boredom that can't be understood. This post isn't big enough to explain what I've learned about Benefactor metaphysics (and cinnamon toast cruonch) but suffice to say she's removed enough from her family that I've no grudge against her. However, I have learned that the very concept of a Jumper was reverse-engineered from Nyarlathotep's form.
That doesn't change my sheer revulsion at the idea of just how much they've shaped their own reality and beyond /and not even caring/ because they're utterly beyond consequence.
They're cosmic cancers. Nothing can coexist with them without being bent to their whims. And I'll be DAMNED if the worlds I've come to cherish will be defiled by their touch.
Normal people suppressed by Gjallahorn
>G Gundam
They left Earth and fight on it. They're not evil.
>Build Fighters
Normal people with secret magic crystals
Some good and some evil but all for the sake of unifying Earth and creating Innovators
The Zeonic movement may have been taken over by the Zabis and turned into something far worse than it was intended to be but behind all that they had a point. They were being screwed over and the normal people were suffering because of it.
In the end: fuck you user, there are tonnes of good spacenoids and your "stop the spacenoid" plan is both discriminatory and evil.
Do you think he cares?
I think a slow metabolism is the simplest solution. Like the galapogos tortoise. Or some breeds of elf.
Basically anything that isn't barnacle spores, really.
>Normal people suppressed by Gjallahorn
All of the "normal people" we've seen have been either pirates, mob bosses, or their victims. I feel sympathy for the victims, but the rest can burn.
>They left Earth and fight on it. They're not evil.
Fight on the ruins of the Earth, from which they've abandoned millions to starve in. Not outright evil, but very unsympathetic and clearly need to be regulated given that they're responsible for creating the Devil Gundam.
>Normal people with secret magic crystals
Not actually space, Arian is in another dimension. I'll grant that they seem pretty nice, though.
>Some good and some evil but all for the sake of unifying Earth and creating Innovators
Deluded terrorists thinking they're fighting for a "greater good" at best, actively trying to destroy human civilization at worst. Falls into the "lesser evil" category.
>The Zeonic movement may have been taken over by the Zabis and turned into something far worse than it was intended to be but behind all that they had a point. They were being screwed over and the normal people were suffering because of it.
No one was suffering. This is a persistent myth that Zeon perpetuated. The colonies were fine, every last space colony we see in UC Gundam is a great place to live. Side 3 was fine, the only "oppression" they had was that after they declared independence the Federation stopped giving them aid since they were no longer one of their protectorates. Oh no, they got what they wanted and had to deal with the consequences of it. But yeah, I'm sure that justifies all the genocide they committed against both their fellow Spacenoids and Earthnoids. Remember, Zeon killed over a third of the human population in six months. They are the greatest villains in history, in the UC timeline.
In the end: Fuck you, user, there might be tonnes of good Spacenoids on the individual level, but every large group of them inevitably does evil. It's a systemic problem.
No but I feel that any user reading his comment may be swayed into thinking all spacenoids are evil. Misinformation is bad for Jumpers.
I'm not saying that all Spacenoids are evil. I'm saying that all Spacenoid governments are evil. That's what Mobile Suit Gundam was about. Zeon are unambiguously the villains of that story. But any individual Zeonic soldier could be a good person. It's only when you get them together and let the institutional culture happen that they commit atrocities. So I'm not going to do bad things to the Spacenoids that I conquer. They don't deserve mistreatment. But neither can they be left to govern themselves, because they're just going to do horrible things with that freedom. My one worry is that in enforcing the Spacenoids I'll have to live in space, and therefore have my organization become just as bad as them. That's what happened to the Titans, after all.
So all those people living on Mars that are dying on the street don't count as normal people? Wow.
So you haven't seen G Gundam? Could've just said.
So you haven't seen Build Fighters either?
Actively trying to destroy human civilisation? Just make a list of the shows you have seen, it'd be shorter.
Watch the side content, watch Origin, watch the sequels and read the mangas. The normal spacenoids were being fucked over. Not as bad as the Zabis said but they were being fucked.
>it would be kind of sad to discover that you existed only because your creator simply wanted you to exist and wanted to see what you would do, rather then having some grand design.
If they have a mindset even remotely close to human, then at least a few of them will reason that their 'grand purpose' is to do as they wish. To find purpose for themselves. That the meaning of life is to find meaning in life. Your experiment might run more smoothly if you foster that reasoning, maybe.
Do Majin have DNA or are they just magical silly putty?
I'm kinda thinking the latter.
>So all those people living on Mars that are dying on the street don't count as normal people? Wow.
Oh, you mean the people who live in Chryse, which has been granted limited autonomy from the Earth nations that used to run it and therefore are responsible for their own suffering? Yeah, those are the victims of the "pirates, mob bosses and their victims" groupings.
>So you haven't seen G Gundam? Could've just said.
Nothing I said was wrong. Earth is a shithole, there are still plenty of people living there, the colonies abandoned them. .
>So you haven't seen Build Fighters either?
Again, I'm not wrong. Arian isn't in space, it's another dimension. Though the other dimension is admittedly one that has space colonies, so if you want to be pedantic, fine.
>Actively trying to destroy human civilisation? Just make a list of the shows you have seen, it'd be shorter.
Did you watch Season 2? I'll understand if you didn't, it's not as good as the first season.
>Watch the side content, watch Origin, watch the sequels and read the mangas. The normal spacenoids were being fucked over. Not as bad as the Zabis said but they were being fucked.
Origin is non-canon, casual. The sequels are after Zeon has fucked everything over for Spacenoids, so of course it's bad there then. And most of the mangas are non-canon, too, I'd need you to provide specific citation about which ones you're referring to.
Huh. That could work. Thanks, Garlock.
Oh! That's a good idea, I can work with that! Thanks, user!
They seem to just be magical silly putty, yeah
Magical silly putty. The original Majin, Majin Buu, is a being that has existed since the dawn of time, rampaging for a while before returning to hibernation.
>The story of a Jumper as told through a genre lens of Cosmic Horror.
You know I just got a lot more interested in your Jumping and I've been here since just before Light of Terra... keep it up Garlock!
And the other colonists that are under Gjallarhorn rule who get killed off or imprisoned for even the most minor of things. Hell, Gjallarhorn has acknowledged how badly it treats the Spacenoids a couple of times int he first season
I meant about the Devil Gundam, which if you had watched the show you'd know it was originally the Ultimate Gundam designed to fix Earth. They never abandoned Earth, either. They still send it resources.
I am being pedantic since it's on a space colony. Even if it happens to not be near Earth.
And did you watch the end of that? The Innovades were going their own way because their leader thought that'd be the best way to fulfil the plan but normal CB (main characters) were still trying to follow the original plan while fixing their mistakes. Did you watch the second season? I actually thought it was just as good as the first and I even liked the movie because I'm not a sub-human mongoloid that can't understand the ending
non-canon. ffs user if we were talking canon then the Zeta movie would be canon. You know? That one where they change the ending? And if we're getting technical with "canon" then the proper canon is anything with an anime, like the origin and Thunderbolt. Any new content overriding old content so that anything not fitting is retconned. I don't have any specific entries right now since my manga collection is on another hard drive but the basic fact is that they were being treated as second class citizens while the Earth as using itself as a hub for everything to go through and be ruled by. This caused resources to flood there. Unicorn touched on the history of it a little but there was less of it in the anime than the books.
At this point I know you're going to argue so how about we agree to disagree. Not all spacenoids are evil and like Germany in WW2, normal people can get caught up in a bad movement without any chance to get out of it.
Couldn't sleep, decided to finish the thing I haven't touched since...
July sixth of last year...
Fuck I have zero drive.
I changed Archetype because it wasn't satisfying before and deleted a picture I couldn't get in line. Can't remember any other changes.
Pdf doesn't work sempai.
Getting a "PDF failed to load" message whenever I click on it. Is it corrupted or something?
he'll fix it by September.
works on my end, anons
>New Archetype
Can we...can we have the old one back? This was is so much worse. Just...why post this if you can't even be arsed changing it?
Works for me?
rewriting it* not changing it. Phone at it's worst.
Try clicking reload guys. Just entering the link again won't fix it but hitting the blue reload link will with a minute or two.
Thanks, that fixed it.
It looks more like it does the same thing the old one did with the addition of a sin/virtue based power. Isn't that an improvement?
It doesn't do the same thing as the old one. Now it's a half assed "Make your own power option". The last one was cool and felt like it fit the setting at least somewhat. This one does far less.
I dunno. Looking at the wording it looks more like you get a power and the potential to reach the levels of Judgement and Lucifer.
>Right now you have the seed of power, given time, it will bloom into greatness and you will be able to stand side by side with even the most powerful of archdevils and archangels.
Looking at the powers given for example at the bottom they look more like an addition than what makes you equal to an Archangel/Archdemon.
>Greed: You carry your fortune on your back. You have a personal space within your heart containing every currency you own, all of it, no matter how large, how small, or if it was stolen. Gold, Jewelry, Heaven and Havoc coins. And not only that, it has an interest rate. 0.0001% of your entire fortune will be added onto it at the end of every day, individually for each kind of currency. No you can’t use this to replace your warehouse, only things of purely >monetary value such as statues, paintings, and other forms of wealth can be stored here.
Maybe, though I'm not sure why the price got reduced and discounted if it's been made more powerful as well. Hopefully the jumpmaker will be around to actually answer stuff soon.
Jump #257: Soul Calibur
>Queen of Cups: A tranquil poet who reflects the nature of the observer.
>Age: 17
>Location: Water Mills Valley
>Identity: Drop-In
>Drawbacks: Wardrobe Malfunction (+200)
Actually, I can turn this into a useful mechanic, considering I'm spending a decade in a series that is an overglorified fighting game. Layers of armor would ablate. The more damage I take, the more my armor falls away. Perhaps I'd move faster as a result? Yes, valid gameplay mechanic... but it means I'd better not wear anything I am not completely willing to have torn to shreds, at best.
>Deliverance (1100)
Well, if there are swords that would screw with one's head, it's best to be able to deal with that efficiently.
>Eternal Wayfarer (1000, Drop-In)
This is the best perk I can get here, I would argue. Travel becomes easier, full of energy on discovering new places... I've been doing that for so long, and I'll be doing it even longer.
>Forever Onward (900, Drop-In)
Being able to not be hampered by the weather is more handy than some would think.
>Demon Hunter (700)
Useful here, and more useful elsewhere.
>Faster Than A Howling Wind (400)
Gotta fight fast?
>Sacred Dawn (100)
Never underestimate the detrimental effects that a sleepless night can have on a person. It's not fun.
>Ling Shen Su (0, Drop-In)
A fighting style that centers around a staff instead of a sword? A relative rarity. And useful - after all, I have the silicon staff I picked up in Blame rather than a GBE. Just means I effectively have a limit break, yeah?
Fantastic swords and where to find them?
Seriously, this is just... a really thin plot centering on a couple of swords that want to kill each other. I'm not sure where to go with this. Except to beat everyone up and smash both of their swords, because I have never been a fan of Soulcaliber. And when they reappear, do it again.
I think after that, I might put Cervantes back in a normal and living human body and just see what the heck happens from there.
Original Archetype was just a straight power up. Probably should have removed the "Stand Like Powers" in the notes since that was for a different version that basically was a choose your own power thing, although that could just be examples of what you can do with your power eventually?
And yeah, thinking on it again I probably shouldn't have done the price drop.
Anyways, I'm going to be gone tomorrow so don't hold your breath for anymore answers.
Well, just say when you are back so we can discuss it.
Anyways, quick adjustment. I'll check in tomorrow evening.
I'm reading the "more it influences you" part of the updated perk as a potential loss of self (or at least a /diminishing/ of self) in return for power. It seems, at least to me, that you become increasingly and so in turn less defined by defined by your aspect and less defined by /you/.
How accurate would you call that? Not a criticism, by the way, just checking if I'm reading it correctly.
By the way, would you mind making panty and stocking a separate companion purchase from the priest guy?
Honestly I didn't think of that, but that would be a really neat idea to play with for a narrative. I was thinking more physical or abstract rather than mental. Depending on how you play it you could have it as "Diving into a persona" or "The man becoming the mask".
To me companion options are highly personal, so if you don't want a part of it who am I to judge?
Do Panty & Stocking w/ Garterbelt count as one companion or three?
Has your benefactor every messed with you just to do it, nothing harmful just something they did because they knew it would get under your skin? Mine decided it would be funny to give the Vampire-hating werewolf a Vampire sister!
Mine took my knowledge of Earth and the reasons why I started my chain. Took me 3 jumps before I realised and it was only because I was looking at a pedestrian crossing and trying to figure out how to use it, even though I should've known.
I was given a minor reward of a weeks semi-restricted access to Earth's internet from when I left.
My Chain is a little different in that time on Earth continues and unless I win I'll be dead forever. Though if I win I should have some kind of time travel ability to return back to my time otherwise I'm stuck in the far future.
Yeah I'm kind of drawn to the idea of the perk blurring lines that define selfhood, there's narrative potential there.
But just to clarify, you were originally intending the perk to read that if you (under your own power), embraced this concept, you would change from the perspective of an /outside/ observer? So you'd look (body and soul) like the incarnation of rage or justice or whatever as your actions fall more in line with that concept?
(And presumably this increase in power and change to our nature is entirely dependant on ur continued embodiment of whatever choice we've made - so an Archetype of say, Rage, would lose the benefits of this perk if they went and peacefully meditated in a mountain for a year?)
Would a Dominions 4 jump be valid or is the power level too high? It's about Pretenders (such as ancient dragons, archmages, devils and shit from dozens of myths) fighting for the throne of High God.
It'd be fine, even the Pantokrator is fairly low-power compared to some of the jumps floating around. Some of the high-level magic effects are rather terrifying, but they're still being compared against a baseline of filthy peasants with sticks.
Like Asura's Wrath, the power of the setting is highly dependent upon infrastructure.
Plus, spells and item creation take months to finish by default.
Just a question about GHQ. If you take The Fifth Step does this mean you have to continue eating hollows so you don't devolve back into a lower class hollow?
Don't think so, no.
>Green Sun Prince Akuma
Huh. I had not considered that as a possibility before.
I think I mentally dismissed it on grounds of crossing the streams of Infernalhood... and the whole Primordial-Exaltation prohibits it, but that's only the case with incompatible essences like it is for Alchemicals and Abyssals.
So I suppose it's possible, though the drawback was meant to make you a mortal Akuma.
Don't think being a GSP Akuma's worth 300 points though. So I might update it to that, but probably reduce it to 200cp then?
>Getting both drawbacks should make you a normal mortal Akuma
Hm. Only if I use the above, since the Akuma drawback was originally supposed to already make you a mortal Akuma.
>Tempting, right? That is how an infernal deal like this should look.
>that deal is not tempting or insidious enough.
To be fair, Akumahood was never actually a good bargain.
But I'll consider it for the update. You make some good points.In the meantime, I'll work on Lunars some more, see if I can get some wip worth posting this weekend.
Bodacious Buns
Huh. That somehow reminded me of a perk I was supposed to include and forgot about.
That smiley face on her head never ceases to amuse me. What were they thinking when they made that their symbol, anyway?
It's supposed to be a stylized sunset, with half the Zenith and Night symbols.
...But I prefer the smiley interpretation too.
If I buy the Potential perk as a Saiyan in DBZM could I wank that I have reached the 3 SSJ forms? I know it would be pointless and wasteful to use them at that point considering how Mystic/Ultimate form works but I still want the golden hair.
No, why would you be able to do that?
Not in the way that you mean the question, no. I've been in charge of cities for limited amount of time before, but that was war and it was more of a relief effort than ruling. Technically I'm ruler of this town in Nechronica. Population 26 partly insane "high school" students and a half dozen regular Dolls with stragglers coming in every few days. But I'm less a ruler and more a heavily armed baby-sitter right now.
I couldn't even tell you what my rule is like yet. I'm only a week into this mess.
My Coordinator does not mess with me in non-harmful ways.
He unleashed a nearly world-ending plague in Avatar: TLA because I bored him.
Because the Mystic/Ultimate "form" you have from the potential perk is a sliding scale of base to a bit stronger than SSJ 3. With none of the downsides such as consuming of energy in SSJ 3.
Using any of the Super Saiyan forms with the Potential perk is completely pointless and just a waste of energy*.Since it doesn't provide any extra power I figured it might be fine.
*In the DBZM canon, in the main canon I think they stack.
It never unlocked the super saiyan forms, just gave shitloads of power to base forms. You can always unlock the others in jump by training like vegeta did. Also get bulma to build a blutz wave cannon to become ss4 a lot until you can transform at will.
Then use the dbz beerus movie to unlock saiyan god mode to stack that on top.
Then kai o ken technique to push your body higher.
There you go, unbeatable by all but the most powerful dbz villains.
Does it? I never saw any mention of them not stacking. If so, just take the 0cp option to add other canons in and you can learn to add those forms on too. Though it would add true canon DBZ as another universe of course.
I know gohan ises his super saiyan form on top of potential. Kai o ken seems to be forgotten in the original for some reason though.
Isn't that because you need a calm focus for Kaioken not to kill you, which doesn't really work with Super Saiyan's rage thing?
Apart from no one except Goku learning the technique.
Kaio-ken and super saiyan aren't compatible in db main canon due to super saiyan disturbing the ki and being it's own strain on the body. Trying to use kaio-ken on top of something else that strains your body, and weakens your control over the technique is likely to prove fatal, and super saiyan was a much larger boost to power than kaio-ken. I don't know shit about multiverse though.
>Does it?
It is one of the things the author of Multiverse changed. It's stated that Gohan can use his full power in his "normal" form without going through the various Super Saiyan transformations.
According to the Author of DBZM every race has a peak of power they can possess, Gohan is at that at all times so he has no need for those forms which would just be a waste of energy for him.
Unless someone takes the alt continuity drawbacks the SSJ forms do nothing for them after getting the Old Kai's Unlocked Potential since they can use that power in their normal form.