Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Ynnead sucks ultramarine dick edition
Forgeworld is cancer sub-edition
Rowboat Girlyman will find Jaghatai Khan in the webway sub-sub-edition
Sub-sub-subway edition

>Previous thread

>Rules and such. Use Readium for epubs. Sorry, it's shit but it'll read 3s.

>Dank Daily Duncan

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW attempts to fuck up your list

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Can someone get Gulliman to get us a new copy of the codex astartes, Farsight refuses to return our only copy)

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First for Eldar are now Imperium's bitches and their God plays second fiddle to a Primarch

Age of Roboute when ???

So if Eldar being rolled as Imp subfaction this mean all good xenos factions just gonna get converted to pseud-guardsmen now for the Space Marines?

Have there been any rules leaks for Yvraine yet?

inb4 farsight becomes new eldar leader with his special sword that contains a shard of the emperors power.
Also, khan is the next primarch, with imp having webway access, he'll be back soon.

They aren't, though.

But if Eldar and Dark Eldar are in same Aeldari codex, then it means that there is literally no reason to take Dark Eldar, being the subpar units in the dex.

Whatcha working on fellas?
I have my Leviathan dreadnought about 60% assembled.

Why no new White dwarf in the mega Link??!?!

Isn't that some chick from that Eldar release? Who cares? Roboute's coming back

Dark Eldar confirmed squatted

New Eldar leader's Roboute dude, keep up

Now that Imps control Webway, Khan probably kills Vect and takesover the remaining Dark Eldar like in those fanfictions

Pretty much, yeah

Buy it you cheap fuck.

Wow, for real? Man I actually am starting to hate my own army. Can someone other than the fucking Space Marines matter for a change?

Trips confirm. Sadly.

I'm trying to build an alternative Tau list.

What non-Riptide/Stormsurge/Crisis Suit unit is best for taking down Infantry? Would a Bomber work? A Barracuda?

Hahahaha sure i buy gws overprized Magazines they should give them out for free

Im slowly working my way through painting Cawl tonight. I am aping the GW colour scheme because I cbf coming up with a original palette for him.

White Dwarf is great, user. Battle reports, lore articles, conversion and painting guides, news and all kinds of shit, it's over a 100 pages.

It's in no way overpriced.

yeah nah, thats not how that works

>Commorragh is destroyed

Fuck that and fuck GW. Guess Gangs of Commorragh really was just about getting rid of some models that weren't otherwise selling well.

Nth for Chaos!

Don't worry user, the destruction of all eldarkind has made way for out Spiritual Liege

It is not destroyed, user.

Just damaged.

>one off

Tzeentch fucked you again.

>Daemon infested
>Open hole to Warp

The City is besieged by daemons. Basically it's another Tuesday for the Dark Eldar.

So, did we learn why Gabriel Angelos can jump in terminator armor?
Aside from being more machine than man.

Bullshit. You clearly haven't read the Dark Eldar codex if you don't know how serious Khaine's Gate is

What are some quick changes that can be made to GWs kill team to make retarded shit more balanced?

Grenades are an easy fix by making them one use only. I was thinking about also adding a Grenadier specialist that gets unlimited.

Hordes are harder, and I think the easiest way to do it would be to give all models reaping volley. Maybe use a Ld test and you get a target for each shot, but you have to chose the closest enemy model or something.

>inb4 HoR

I'm using it as a stepping stone to get new players, and I don't want to have to teach them HoR rules, then reteach them 40k rules.

pff, barely an average monday

to date, squats are literally the only race in the game to have ever been 'squatted'.

beastman auxiliaries for the most part
Those shark people
the 5th chaos god, and every one passed that.
those cyber spider things.
untold legions of rogue trader weirdness.


Beat me to it.

For adding to the first post
> 40k reference in wiki format

>beastman auxiliaries for the most part

They'll be back. Pestigors soon.

Allegedly, the iTunes preview of the Fracture of Biel-Tann has all of the rules data in it. Fucking Apple bullshit makes it so only iFaggots can download and view it though.

>They'll be back. Pestigors soon.
I meant for the imperuim

Oh. Well those are all classed as mutants now and get killed.

This is fucking awesome. Good find user

thus my point but it isn't a big deal.
very small niche that wants good ab-humans

>tfw no amazing rules for 40k TS
>tfw no 80 AP3 ID I7 attacks on 10man squad
>tfw no plasma rerolling to hit and wound Ignoring Scouts
>tfw no 4++ 2w termies for 35pts

Here's some stuff.

Who cares? Its Eldar shit

I know the guy who maintains it

Going to play apoc game in march. Many such models to paint. Sad!

Why would anyone trust Eldard? He's fucked up evey plan he's ever made. If Eldar knew what was good for them they'd give Eldard to their enemies

GW still claiming Eldrad is a 'great seer' lol

>Though they long ago learned how to stave off the vile attention of She Who Thirsts – known as Slaanesh in the tongues of men – the Time of Ending yet tightens its grip on the Eldar. No matter the methods they use to escape the notice of the god who haunts them, the Eldar sacrifice much in the process.

>Time of Ending
>End Times

You lied to me, Veeky Forums. You said this is no ending.

It's been Time of Ending since 5th edition, user.

Is that from the regular Tablet preview? Because apparently the iTunes preview(different) has the entire glossary.

Perhaps it is less broken Eldar shit. Not counting on it.

Unless it goes back and alters the craftworld codex, it's more likely to make them better.

Girlyman looks like legitimate garbage

>tacky flaming sword and braziers
>Next to zero roman/greek aesthetics (what the ultramarines are known for)
>Random Chaos swirls on clutttering the armour

seriously you could paint him gold and he would not look out of place in a sigmarine army

Paint it gold eh?

Who cares? Eldar shit is Eldar shit, nobody likes any of it

I do.

Helmet makes it look so much better.

Say what you want about their rules, but their models look pretty sweet. I wish GW would unfuck their rules so I would actually want to buy them.

how shit are looted wagons with kill kannons?

they seem better than those worthless trukks to me.

Night lord user who was talking with someone last thread about running them rhinoless, here. I put together a list. The termies are pretty suboptimal, but I like them. I might switch the orb on the sorcerer for a plate and stick him with the termies.

They look like shit and your shit for liking them eldar shits least they're all dying at last

It's made of countless bubble realms. So even losing a large portion wouldn't destroy it. They could just seal of the bad areas gnomeregan style

>the new dark city

Nope. I own one Eldar model and that is the extra Eldrad that came with Death Masque. Skitarii and Space Marines (of several different flavors) for me.



Is there a ballpark of how many total humans are alive in 40k? What's the Imperium's population?


>Is there a ballpark of how many total humans are alive in 40k?
they can't even count the amount of people in a single hive city, and you think the imperium has a reliable census of its entire population?

41 trillion, or 1.5 Quintillion.

How much bling should a 1st Captain have?


I'm not asking what Terra's census bureau thinks it knows, I'm asking if GW has put out a number.

That's a pretty big difference. Unless I'm retarded, 41 trillion is only about 5000 modern real-life Earths, and we don't even have hive cities and an overwhelming majority of our planet isn't developed.

Somewhere between a veteran and the returned rowboat.

Just a quick calculation. This probably isn't very accurate but its ment to show you the cast scale of the imperium and its population.... I took these stats from the Dark heresy RPG to kinda get the numbers on the worlds... These are all estimates... Anyway here we go.

20% Deathworlds & Feral worlds = 200 000
200 000 (worlds) x 10 000 000 (pop) = 2 000 000 000 000.

2 trillion people live on Deathworlds. Approximately.

An average hive world will have a population above that, and we can presume that around 35% of the Imperiums liveable planets are hiveworlds.

so... 350 000 x 3 000 000 000 000 = 1 050 000 000 000 000 000

Just over 1 Quintillion people live on Hiveworlds. Again this is a really approximate number.

And we are bit over half way

The remaining 55% are all thrown into the "Imperial Worlds" class. Anything from a shrine world to an agri-world or perhaps a death world. Maybe even a paradise world! Who knows. Anyway I figure the average here probably is in the tens of billions. So im going to go with.... Say... 75 billion. Seems like a reasonable number.

550 000 x 75 000 000 000 = 41 250 000 000 000

So around 41 trillion people live on Imperial worlds. This number was really difficult to get an average on so...

That puts the total population around 1.5 Quintillion souls. Thats alot of people!

Again, this was all guess work and I think my numbers were quite low but there you go..

And those levels are?

Yeah I misread this, it's 1.5 Quintillion. The Imperial Worlds threw me. It's a class of worlds not all Imperial worlds.

Whatever, ignore it like peta.

A lot of what defines queer culture and fetish culture came out of the same counterculture movement that spawned 40k and 2000AD. That there's parallels isn't surprising.

The Emperor sure is a rich man.

>I'm asking if GW has put out a number.
they haven't


Braziers are on base, you imbecile, and similar filigree was on dozens of SM models so far. It's also very Roman in style, in fact, are you blind or stupid?

Sword too, belonged to his daddy and looks exactly like it did on all artwork so far. Being so new you don't even know the most iconic picture of the whole setting, noob?

He could use some pteruges, yes, but I do like practical, streamlined shape, no stupid capes or helmet toppings, he looks perfectly fine, especially helmet version.

Because it looks cool in a trailor. Also planet confirmed for low gravity.

1.5 quintillion sounds better, thank you.

Roughly one million worlds in the Imperium.
About 1% of them hive worlds.
Typical hive world population seems to be somewhere in the double-digit billions.
So maybe 500,000,000,000,000 living on hive worlds.
Another few percentage points of highly populated civilised worlds, forge worlds, etc. with populations in the single-digit billions.
Maybe 250,000,000,000,000 more on those worlds.
Majority of the worlds are under-developed, ranging from bronze-age to industrial-revolution population levels.
Say another 250,000,000,000,000 living on those.

At a very, very rough estimate, 1,000,000,000,000,000 humans in the Imperium.

No idea on humans outside the Imperium, but probably insignificant numbers in comparison.

Other races:

Several trillion necrons.
Hundreds of billions of tau.
A few billion aeldari.
Couple of million space marines.
Absolutely masses of orks and tyranids.

Please tell me the setting isn't getting Smegmared

I've seen shit that suggests eldar are uniting, then uniting with imperials, and Rowboat coming back to turn the Imperium full tolerant golden age,tell me this isn't happening

I can't wait to read in detail about Guilliman's awakening. The conversation with Calgar is gonna be amazing.

Nope, not getting deleted. Just rules streamlining.

That was me.
They should be fine without a rhino, I am guessing sorc with marines, or are you not deep striking the termies?
Have you considered dropping down to 5 havoks, or having 2 squads of 5 at least?
If you drop the sorc and down to 5 havoks can you afford a decent demon prince instead?
Also drop the auto cannon on the normal CSM, not relentless.

The powers. Looks pretty sweet!

Revenant discipline

Primaris: Spirit Hook (WC1)

focused wichfire; 18". if psyker LD > target LD = target suffer a S6 hit. if not, a S3 hit. No armour/cover saves allowed. no effect on veicles

1. Shield of Ynnead (WC1)

blessing that target the psyker. all friendly units within 7" of him get a 6++

2. Storm of Whispers (WC1)

nova; 9" S3 AP2 Assault 2D6, Pinning, Ignore covers

3. Word of the Phoenix (WC2)

(no type), target a friendly unit with the strength from deadh special rules within 24": they can make a soulburst action immediately

4. Ancestor's Grace (WC2)

blessing, 14", only friendly non-veichle unit. target add 1 to WS / BS / I / A / Ld and gain Adamantium Will while the power is in effect

5. Unbind Souls (WC2)

wichfire; 12" S4 AP- Assault X, Soulreap
X = number of models in the target unit
Soulreap = if you kill any models in the target unit, one friendly unit with the strength from death rules within 7" of the target can make a soulburst action

6. Gaze of Ynnead (WC3)

wichfire; 12" S10 AP1 Assault 1, Ignore cover, Inescapable (no invul save allowed) !


Vets: Loincloths, raised armour trim in metallic colours, fancier looking equipment.

Guilliman: just look up in the thread.

It's your dudes though so they can be as blinged or operator as you want. They might be more serious tier like Ravenguard or Raptors instead of "MY PAULDRONS ARE EAGLES" tier like say, Marneus Calgar.


I don't think they would go as far as deleting it, what I'm afraid of is it turning super-faggy that it's unrecognizable(this is what I meant by sigmared, to be more explicit,maybe not the best descriptor)

Age of Sigmar is good. Dunno what you mean.


A Soulburst action is one of: move, shoot (or run or turbo boost) or charge. You choose which one and you can do that even if you have already done it in the turn

>for macragge
>Tfw the ultramarines are gonna mary sue their way through storm 3