Since 40k is end times now, will the tyranids get their shit together?
Since 40k is end times now, will the tyranids get their shit together?
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They roll up in one big ball
no, nids are npcs
Well if they invade via the galactic east again, they're going to run smack bang into the Avenging Son, and since they kept getting slapped down by Calgar, I doubt that'll go well for them.
>We Love Tyranids
I'd play that game.
I hope so, I want Tyrants riding some kind of god awful rhinoceros beetle looking monstrosity into battle!
Chaos vs Tyranids?
Nope too NPC and underpowered. They will probably get replaced by more family friendly and hero-centric xenos races with OP units and vehicles, or get rebooted like the tomb king-necrons so they are snarky and have occasional alliances with Imperium from some xenos inquisitor charming a norm queen or whatever.
Carnifexes with looted lascannons when?
Silly user, everyone knows that the Orks and 'Nids became one faction, like all the Eldar, and later the Tau and Necrons, in the Gathering Storm series of books!
They became a massive threat, but never did anything and haven't seen any new Destrorkers or Destrucnids models in ages.
Carnifices are already walking plasma cannons.
i love that this marine's response to having his TANK tackled is "better shoot it with a pistol."
No, they will be rightfully forgotten as the most boring race ever.
>le End Times meme lelele xdddd
Gw told us it's average tuesday, why is it so hard to understand ?
It's not the fucking end times. They're just progressing the story so it isn't the same shit like Cadia being a impregnable bastion which it has been for over 20 years.
>progressing the story
40k is not a story, it is a setting for stories. You fags not understanding this are gonna fuck it up for everyone. AoS was a terrible idea and you want that in 40k.
What's happening now is not the end times or AoS. They're changing the general setting from what it has been since the 2nd edition.
>or AoS.
>literally event about Grand Alliances and turning Milky Way into bunch of warp realms
>replacing old xenophobic totalitarian Imperium by family-freindly progressive Imperium Secundus
>it's nothing like AoS
I want them at least on par with chaos in terms of sheer threat, really they should be more but GW loves chaos dick, I doubt they'll actually do much though, they'll just be orks2
Not while Cruddace lives
>second most defended fortress world falls
>the eye expands more than ever
>the eldar birth another god
>a primarch returns
>average Thursday
yes its nothing more than average tuesday in 40k as per gw
GW don't know what it's talking about. That is some serious, setting-altering shit.