Trash DM's

>playing 5e
>fighting wyvern
>just about to level up and be able to get a feat
>it's getting late and we're still in the battle
>DM tells us will continue it later
>start thing about what I want my feat to be
>ask my DM if I should print out my leveled character for next time
NO you don't know if you're going to beat it yet
>next week roles round
>we beat it and level up
>he asks me what perk I want
>Magic Initiate
>okay what spells do you want
>we're mid session
>never been a magic user before kinda want to look though the spells
>DM is rushing me and getting mad that I'm taking long to decide mid game
>he tells to pick another perk until next game and then figure out what spells I want at home
>pick mounted combatant
>looks like a real good perk
>he tells me that it's not going to help in a dungeon because horses can't enter
what ever it's only for one session really
>we don't play for a few months after

hey I changed my mounted combatant to Magic Initiate [warlock] and picked elderich blast, green flame blade and hellish rebuke


you said I could

no I didn't are you calling me lier?

>forced to keep a perk that he almost seems to write around by forcing every battle to take place where I can't bring a horse
>every other player makes fun of my fighter for being useless.

>Playing Godbound
>Group is on a large flying carpet about to fight some magic zombie chimeras.
>See the group of chimeras below us
>Decide to do the cool thing and jump into the fray swinging my magical fists everywhere
>DM rolls 20 attack rolls against my hero because apparently all 20 zombie chimeras are coordinated enough to squeeze in a super tight circle and slash with exactly one claw each.
>Turns out the GM never read the combat rules.

If you wanted to pick Magic Inititate anyway, why didn't you also preselect spells? You had all the time in the world. You're in the wrong here.

>have spells selected
>gm acuses him of net build


>know you're going to be leveling up
>know you'e going to get a feat
>DM delays the rest of the fight for next session
>could've looked up information between then
>DM gets mad because you didn't research beforehand and basically will be holding up the session

>choose a perk, we'll change it later
>not putting it down as a temporary perk
>keep perk that DM suggests isn't great for campaign
>be ridiculed for it

Sounds like you dun goofed, user.

>Playing Fate Core
>GM is using some shitty homebrew that uses health instead of stress
>uses players physical skills to calculate IDK
>All the players had ludicrously high health
>Only enemies we came across in the session were pathetic, went down in a hit or two, and barely did any damage.
>RP'ing was boring as sin, just sat in a limo for an hour while the GM had an NPC exposition at us
>Session ended after the combat encounter, barely a scratch on us and barely anything happened
>Players call GM out on how shitty the session was
>GM acts very defensive, eventually demands everyone leave his house
>Turns out he didn't even read the rulebook and barely knew the rules.
the twist is that the GM was me, I didn't know what I was thinking, I had 3 weeks to prepare for the session and had procrastinated so hard I barely understood what was going on so I just ad-libbed a bunch of shit then got really salty when my players called me out. I've since read through the book thoroughly and have vowed never to DM without preparing everything first ever again.

>leveling up mid session

Clearly this DM is a complete god damned retard.

more like
>Playing D&D unironically

More like,
>you fucking Hipster.

Not a hipster. It's just that D&D is not the only TTRPG out there. It might be popular but its also horribly imbalanced in nearly every edition and the mechanics of the game encourage nothing but murderhobo campaigns.Try to play something that doesn't have one dude do 2d10+6 damage per round at level 8 and another dude doing 102d6 damage per round.

You're both stupid.

Just messing dude, D&D greatly depends on your players though, in fact all TTRPGs do, but I suppose that's something you really can't change.

>Play world of darkness
>Start out as humans, first session GM has us experimented on and turn into various superhumans
>I'm an aberration
>Decide to just make myself as immortal as possible
>Spend the rest of the points on some general enhancements and a superspeed ability
>Could basically outrun a nuclear blast if I knew it was coming
>Could survive a direct hit from a missile and quickly heal myself up again
>One of the players can't play next session
>GM decides to move the session
>Another player can't play there
>Move it again, I say we could play with one man down
>GM declines
>After about a month and a half of this, he moves the session once more
>I tell him I can't play that day immediately
>All the other players can
>They decide to run it
>My characters gets one shot by a sniper shot to the leg and one of the players rips out my heart because the GM puts on his magical mentor voice and tells him he will get a boon if he does so


I'm so glad I don't have GM's like this

Did you take the hint that they actually just don't want you in their group?

>Are you calling me a liar?
>Look at his younger sister from across the table and wink at her.
>Cum in dat' pussy later that night.
>DM can't find his favorite dice, told him it'll come up eventually.
>Will accuse me of taking it.
>Naw senpai, I only took your sister's virginity.
>"You totally took my favorite dice you ass."
>Are you calling me a liar?

>shitty campaign by friend
>there's no plot
>our characters are stuck at a place we hate and don't like
>no motivation to do anything besides hide and hope the zombie apocalypse ends
>try to quit but he begs us to stay
>because he's my friend I stay and my other friend said "if you don't have faith in him you can quit"
>dm fucks over us by making it hard to use basic class features or actions that are rules legal
>very spiteful DM
>combat used to be high stakes boring slog of almost dying
>now is just boring slog where all the enemies run away to kill our fucking cows
>one decent npc that was neat
>DM ruins the npc by making the npc an asshole for no reason
>has npcs walk up to us just to say nasty shit to us for the sake of it
>nothing fucking happens ever
>this campaign has made me feel much worse as a person because of how fucking mad it makes me
>if I try to tell him I don't like it he'll just bitch at me forever or some dumb emotional shit
what should I do

Did you take his dice?

>WotC-made D&D that isn't 4e
>Playing a Fighter

>shit that never happened

What are you talking about? It's totaly legit.
Even the whole bus clapped.

>what should I do
have fun

did we miss the part where it was onlyfor one game? The player was/is in the right

Clearly you should do absolutely nothing and just suffer a shitty game just to protect one guy's feels, no matter how awful of a time you and everyone else are having.

How can a single feat make a fighter useless in 5e?

Man, it would be easier if user played with people who are capable of normal communication.

leave and have fun in a good game

Not the OP but I can see many ways for that. The DM never gives out magic weapons due to the old lame "magic is rare" BS. Then throws you need magic to hit and/or reduce damage if weapon is not magic monsters. Fighter in 5ed have few skills and a skill heavy campaign makes fighter not a good choice. etc etc

>You're in the wrong here.
Just because he was underprepared for a situation doesn't mean anything That DM did was justified.

If you didn't point it out,he still wouldn't have guessed it. They just don't want to hurt his autistic feelings.

What is this autistic shit?