Unusual dwarves

I noticed that there is a huge number of elven subtipes in most settings - High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Solar Elves, Lunar Elves, etc. Meanwhile, there's a dearth of dwarven subtipes - you're lucky if you get Duergars of Chaos Dwarves. Let's try to rectify this by coming up with original subtypes of dwarves.

>Sea Dwarves
As there are numerous mountain ranges on the bottom of the sea, it's only natural to expect that there are also dwarves there. Originally exiled from their homes on the dry land, they came across seamountains in submarines and built magnificent domed cities there. Most of them spend their entire lives on the seafloor, mining its vast untapped treasures. They extensively use corals in decoration and carry harpoon launchers for self defence.

>Sky Dwarves
Without a mountain to call home, the Sky Dwarves are the nomads of their race. Their clans live in fleets of gigantic zeppelins, each one of them carrying a platform comparable in size to a city. As young Sky Dwarves learn to walk, they also begin learning how to use a jetpack, since it's a much more convenient means of transportation in the sky than just their two feet. They travel around the world looking for invitations by the ground kings to develop mines for them. While their contracts demand a third of the wealth they manage to unearth, their services are highly sought after.

>Abyssal Dwarves
The stories of dwarves who accidentally dig into a demon tomb and lose their kingdoms as a result are common, but the ancestors of the Abyssal Dwarves are uniquely unlucky. In their avarice they dug into the earth's bowels until they reached layers inhabited by indescribable creatures who came into the world aeons ago. Awoken from their slumber, these elder beings enslaved the intruders and twisted their forms to better suit their tastes. Mutated beyond all recognition, the Abyssal Dwarves, as they became known, dwell in the deepest dungeons, only leaving them to do bidding of their dark masters.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Frost Dwarves
They inhabit the arctic corners of the world. Where other dwarves learn how to work the stone to create their magnificent halls, the Frost Dwarves know how to create their homes out of even the thickest ice. They hunt the creatures that live under frozen sees and swim through the vast oceans and fabricate their tools and weapons out of the bones and hides of these creatures.

>Wood Dwarves
The Dwarven race is deeply spiritually connected to the element of Earth, and plants are its favourite children. Ages ago, this prompted a group of religious dwarves to leave the dead of the mountains and settle in the woods. They're certainly not above cutting down trees, understanding that old trees must die to give space to the younger growth - in fact, they're known as the world's most skilled lumberjacks. They're also unmatched experts in woodcarving, and they know the secret of wood petrification that allows them to produce wood hard as stone for their armour and log cabins.

>Giant Dwarves


Where did the association of dwarves with vikings originally come from? Was it the names in Tolkien's books? Those were actually fake names they used for the goyim, their real names are supposedly semitic.

Lady Dwarves?

>no beard
Take that Hobbit in boots away.

>I noticed that there is a huge number of elven subtipes in most settings - High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Solar Elves, Lunar Elves, etc. Meanwhile, there's a dearth of dwarven subtipes - you're lucky if you get Duergars of Chaos Dwarves.

You need to check out AD&D 2E, they went nuts with subtypes.

Here's a Jungle Dwarf that runs around naked covered in mud and weaves his pubes into underwear.

Because dwarves were originally a common part of viking/scandinavian/germanic mythology/sagas silly.

Please fuck off, you have your own thread.

Here's a dwarf that's half the height of a regular D&D dwarf and lives in the polar regions.

Here's a dwarf that's half donkey.

As opposed to Elves?
What if I told you that the nordic dwarves ARE Elves?

>What if I told you that the nordic dwarves ARE Elves?
Not that user, but I think most people on Veeky Forums already know that.

I don't doubt it, but this is a creativity thread...

Lady Dwarves

>You know how those faggy elves have a ton of useless bullshit subtypes?
>Well dwarves are cooler than elves, so lets give them a ton of useless subtypes as well!
If we're going to play this retarded game I propose loli dorfs who have long floofy hair.
I'll call them faerie dwarves.

>weeb shit
Opinion discarded, poster tossed into the trash


>Strawmanning this hard
I'm not even him but seriously Veeky Forums isn't for weebshit, it's for, you guessed it, traditional games.

And loli is shit.

Created via crossbreeding with gnomes.

Mongolian dwarf is pretty cool.

Steppe Dwarf
Hardy dwarves who left the mountains to live in the harsh steppes. They herd great numbers of the 14-foot-tall dwarven buffalo, and breed the swiftest riding caribou in the world. Rather than digging tunnels, they excavate huge open-pit mines.

Dragon age exiled dwarves.

I can't find the codex but they do this.

>Summon "corrupt stone spirits" (Demons)

>Apparently survived bring in the desert.

>Worship literal rocks.

>Have a type of magic steel before anyone else.

>Said "steel" is known as lyrium or the king of minerals.

>Lyrium harms (or if used properly) helps anything.

>Regular dwarves hate "surface-dwellers" and call them heretics to their "stone".

>Exiling is the highest dishonour.

>Regular dwarves under siege by "darkspawn".

>Darkspawn have mutating toxic corrupting blood.

>Darkspawn have "genlocks" (mutated dwarves).

Dragon age exiled dwarves.

I can't find the codex but they do this.

>Summon "corrupt stone spirits" (Demons)

>Apparently survived bring in the desert.

>Worship literal rocks.

>Have a type of magic steel before anyone else.

>Said "steel" is known as lyrium or the king of minerals.

>Lyrium harms (or if used properly) helps anything.

>Also create grimdark golems using lava-like lyrium and pouring it on "volunteers".

>Regular dwarves hate "surface-dwellers" and call them heretics to their "stone".

>Exiling is the highest dishonour.

>Regular dwarves under siege by "darkspawn".

>Darkspawn have mutating toxic corrupting blood.

>Darkspawn have "genlocks" (mutated dwarves).

>I know lets go to a website names 4(((CHAN))), made for people who like anime and other boards were added so the people who like anime could talk about their other interests with like minded people and complain about ANIME
You people are so pathetic.

>Faerie Dwarf
Isn't that a Gnome?

Somebody suggested it to me a while ago, and here is the result:

Maggot Men

It is known that the ancestors of the dwarves originated from the maggots who fed on the flesh of the ancient giants whose bodies became the land. Thanks to a geological cataclysm that isolated a population of early dwarves from the rest of them, this population never went through the changes that molded the rest of their race into what it is now. They constitute a missing link between the giant maggots and modern dwarves.

The maggot men look very strange: they have the upper body of a normal dwarf, although with arthropod eyes and mandibles, and the lower body of a giant black centipede with a thick chitinous carapace. Their society is also rather alien, as their tribes share a hivemind.

However, in certain other aspects, they resemble typical dwarves. They also constantly burrow the underground in search for gold, which their keep in large hoards. They're rather skilled craftsmen who favor repeating crossbows in combat. Finally, they're extremely fond of a type of alcohol that they make from squashed insects, though this alcohol is toxic to nearly every other lifeform.

That sounds really more like Prairie Indian dwarves to me. Still cool though.

Mongoloid dwarf*

What if I told you I am nordic and elves here mean a lot different beings than Tolkielves.

Fuck, meant to answer to

Tolkien's elves only take the name from the nordic elves, they're pretty much Tuatha De Danann.

As opposed to Tolkien's dwarves?

Desert Dwarves

No points for guessing where they live. Due to lack of proper mountains, they erect their settlements in the shape of huge pyramids imitating mountains. Deserts where they live are known for their deposits of oil, which the dwarves pump and use to power up their technology. They own some of the largest gold mines in the world, and legends even speak of a legendary pyramid made entirely of gold, but no adventurers have been able to find it so far because it's protected by artificial mirages.

> Plains dwarves
Dwarves cast down from the mountainhomes due to the heretical ideas of their ancestors.

Physically, they aren't much different. Culturally, much.
They tend the surface. Tapping rivers, draining lakes, and felling forests to provide wood for their forges, along with open-cast mining of hills for the coal therein. They keep livestock as well, in shallow underground caverns, fed on grassy mosses and lit with sunlight fed down through mirror-lined shafts.
Their settlements tend to be based around a sprawling surface-level development of walls and fortifications. Within those are an array of surface industries; surface crops, butcheries, tanneries, and many other dirty/noisy industries.
Older settlements tend to grow towers in the centre of the fortifications, from which sprout buttressed canopies of metal and stone to shade surrounding lands.
Shaded lands are a strange ecology. On the outer edges, local plants wage war with the dwarven mosses and fungi, the front extending along with the canopy. Further in, cavern plants take over in the half-lit gloom, with roads carved through soil packed with the dead and rotting remains of the surface plants that were there before. Under the oldest parts of the canopy, carven ecology has taken over completely. Some civilisations have even created shafts directly down to subsurface caverns, with the ideal of allowing their preferred environment free rein over the surface.
Others still have opened shafts clear down to the seas of magma beneath the surface, heating their surroundings with it to replace the solar heating removed by the canopy, or pumped it into insulated moats.
Common to almost all plains dwarves is the export of items made from volcanic rocks. The plainsdwarf affinity for magma combined with their habitual redirection of rivers to subsurface cisterns has lead many to suspect they are casting said stone beneath the surface.

Just make dwarves a type of elves. Probem solved.

Everything is a type of elf in TES, even the sky, even Allah himself.

So basically these guys are obsessed with umbrellas?

This is fucking cool and i'm stealing it.

What if dwarves are like maggots or lice to Giants, and so the kinds of Dwarves is determined by the kinds of giants, and Dwarves are where Giants are or were?

Frost Dwarves in the North come from the Frost Giants.

FIre Dwarves of the volcanic island come from a Fire Giant.

The Snow White like Hill Dwarves come from Hill Giants.

The deep Stone Dwarves come from the Stone Giants.

Storm Dwarves come from Storm Giants: they inhabit tropical islands, can generate electricity and widely use it.

Cloud Dwarves come from Cloud Giants: they live on the tallest peaks towering above the clouds and forge their stuff from meteorite iron. Also extremely racist and toss any babies that deviate from the perfect cloud dwarf image down below the clouds.

All these non-dorfy subtypes. Duh:

Gold Dwarves
Iron Dwarves
Silver Dwarves
Bronze Dwarves
Steel Dwarves
Stone Dwarves
Igneous Dwarves
Poison Stone Dwarves
Oil Dwarves
Copper Dwarves
Tin Dwarves
Jade Dwarves
Etc etc etc

Teetotaler, clean-shaven giant dwarfs; five foot on average.

how bout a race of dwarves magically crossbred with underdark creatures?

I'm loving these. Eugenicist Cloud Dwarves are awesome.

>Poison Stone Dwarves
You know the developers are trying too hard when they use TWO adjectives. Bonus points if they don't match at all.

They say the mostly nocturnal Yuller are at once the missing link between Gnomes and Dwarves, and at the same time, something uniquely their own.

They live exclusively in arctic and subarctic regions, mainly exploiting veins of iron ore bearing hills, near icy sea shores. Although they make handcrafted implements of war, and tools, of the steel they smelt, they are largely hunter-gatherers, supplementing this by herding local reindeer. They mostly use traditional stone and bone tools for simplicity, and keep the iron/steel items for tightly controlled trade.

Their appearance is almost albino, if not albino, and they keep short-trimmed beards of gold, white, silver, and red. They keep their faces covered in deep hoods, often with goggle-like snow-blinds over their often pigment poor eyes. Their live in villages of sod houses surrounded by short stacked stone walls, and dikes, mostly outside their shallow mines, which they retreat to when attacked. In their world of near-tundra, sea coast and taiga, there are several tribes of humans. They trade a limited number of well-made weapons, and sometimes armor as well, for the warriors and chiefs they favor (never sell), in exchange for protection from orcs, wolves, and other nasty vermin of The North, without giving them enough to turn the tables and betray them.

Their females have no beards. They employ "Shamans" (Illusionists & Clerics), to help protect their people. They give succor to those in need, especially humans, hoping to curry favor.

Their best weapons and armor [often with lesser sorts of "magic" + to protection or damage], they present only to human warriors who quest or perform some signal service for them.

They are known for producing bright, intricately lined and decorated cloth for themselves and others, usually with abstract repeating patterns designed in narrow bands along the hem. These clothes and cloth, they offer for more mundane, normal trade, once again, namely with humans.

If you look at the CrystalKeep indices, you'll find that 3.5 had MORE dwarf subraces than elf subraces.



Iron Dwarves are probably my favorite variant Dwarf I've run across.



I don't care how many elf subtypes you have, that makes sense, elves are changeful.

But a dwarf is a dwarf is a dwarf is a dwarf.

I don't even like duerger. Other races can have wizard-did-it-corrupted-subraces but not dwarves.

lol, that's because the late-3e designers said the same thing that OP just said. Also new settings tend to make new dwarf subtypes (because "where are all the dwarf subtypes??") while just reusing the staple elf subtypes.

How about we take the things that make Dwarves into Dwarves and apply them to different environments instead of every variant just mining glaciers and clouds instead of mountains?

Maybe instead of Sea Dwarves that are exactly the fucking same just underwater we have them as organized close knit groups of warring clans that spread island to island in the most meticulously crafted boats. The Dwarves then take great pride in turning every island they control into a trap filled hellhole and daring others to raid the island they turn into a fortess

Shit like that

Deseret Dwarves.

Led by Briggam the Young, the Deseret Dwarves live in their nation of salt flats, mountains and deserts. They try to spread their creepy religion whose main tenents are weirdly specific underpants requirements, not drinking, and worshiping a god who lives on the planet Kolob.

I'm basing them off my mid-period Dorf Fortress games, where I'd set up in grassland by a river with plenty of wood around, and then block out the sky to deal with cave adaptation.

They're half-dwarves.

Dwarf pirates with Island fortresses?

yes but that's still a type of dwarf.

>Cave Dwarves


Dark elves to be precise. They're maggots feasting on the corpse of a god.

>Dwarf Vampires

Vampires in the names only, the Dwarf Vampires were named so because of their superficial similarity with the real vampires. Whereas the real vampires feed on the blood of their victims, the dwarven variety feeds on the calcium in their bodies, which they get by injecting the victim through their long, mole-like claws with a ferment that dissolves their skeleton and then drinking it, leaving the victim an immobile,helpless pile of flesh.

The excessive amount of calcium in their organisms makes them grow armour plates on their bodies. Unlike the traditional vampires who can turn into bates, Dwarf Vampires turn into giant moles who can burrow through any kind of ground.

>They live exclusively in arctic and subarctic regions, mainly exploiting veins of iron ore bearing hills, near icy sea shores
I can tell you as a person living in the Arctic that this is impossible. Iron ore can only be found in swamps here.

Cool Dwarves are the the dwarves that do not suck. They have pleasant body proportions and don't have hair all over their bodies, they're usually sober, they are capable of learning basic good manners and they understand the concept of sharing.

Not even him, but you are aware that Veeky Forums has existed for a long time now, right? We're well beyond the point where anime is the main focus for people who visit.

Chan is short for Channel, newfag.


Are you for real?

Most land here is swamp...

I don't see endless expanses of snow and ice.

That's because we have such a thing as SUMMER. Shocking, I know...

So, is my understanding of the Arctic wrong?

It's literally the land in the polar artic correct?

You're not thinking like the Arctic being Greenland, or Baffin Island right?

I live in Murmansk.
The climate isn't the best, but we have a proper summer alright.

The Arctic is anything within the Arctic Circle. It isn't a biome.

As that's where I was misunderstood.

I literally thought the Arctic was the single large northern polar landmass, not everything within the Arctic Circle.

Murmansk is sub-arctic isn't it?

No, it's just within the Arctic Circle.

Nope. About 2 degrees north of the Arctic Circle line.


>huge open-pit mines

Must dwarves necessarily mine?

If you adopt the maggot origin theory, it's their basic instinct.

>the single large northern polar landmass

Murrican education at work.

Fucktons of ice that have been there since time immemorial count as "land".

Mining is what dwarves do. What else would they do? Work wood like elves? Till the land like filthy humans?


>ice count as "land"

Reminder that elves are literally always better smiths than dwarves in either their original myths or tolkien. Because they're maggots, merely fit for menial tasks.

They are basically the same in myths and when it comes to Tolkien, as far as I can say it's only some rare super elfen smiths that can surpass dwarfen weapons. Dwarfen works are consistently better.

>They are basically the same in myths and when it comes to Tolkien
You clearly haven't read one or the other or both.

Enlighten me then.

Warhammer took care of that.

Enlighten yourself. Let me just say that Tolkien based his elves by and large on the Irish legend of Tuatha De Danan.

You lack severe reading comprehension.

I was thinking.

Why not make dwarfs non-standard in terms of biology?

Why not give them mineral skin and crystal hair?

So basically, Discworld Trolls?

Only shorter.

Or 40k Demiurg

>Remove Squats
>Add Demiurg
>Only mention them being a thing and that's all

I swear, GW hates the idea of Space Dwarfs.

Weren't there a way to fit the Squats into the later grimdarkness or were they too silly/not grimdark enough?

Also they really should do something with the Demiurg.

>this poor soul believes that an average of 17°C in fucking July is a proper summer


>were they too silly/not grimdark enough?
According to Jervis Johnson, yet.
Also everyone at GW hated the name.
The way he described it, squats for GW were one of those extremely embarrassing things that you wake up with no memory of, and then they come to your attention and make you cringe like you never cringed before. Apparently, the whole experience was so traumatic for the GW designers that space dwarves pretty much became a taboo.