Daily thread about a south american card game that nobody played

Daily thread about a south american card game that nobody played.

Complains about my subpar translations are welcome, same with questions about the game mechanics.

Rule book and game rules in the previous threadGhost.


>Some things are worst than death.

[molecular vibration](it can't be bocked).



>Justice should come.

[cell](it can't challenge to a duel)

In your harvest of will you can turn Goethe, to turn a target enemy [character].

Motion sensors.


>Simple unerring, don't you think?

You can pay 3 willpoints, once per turn, to search for one [technology] in your deck and put it in your hand.



>A gun with an excellent fame.

Bearer gains +2 to the strength and +1 to [sanctuary] damage.

I love the art in this

Thanks for posting it amigo

Thanks to you for your bump, I colected this cause I liked the art direction.

Altar of meditation.


>Concentrate student, be one with the earth.

When it enters the game, choose one of your [accesories] in game, so the altar of meditation adds as many will points as the [accesory] has.

Advanced telepathy.


>I can feel you sister.

Choose two random cards from your opponent hand, look at them and choose one so your opponent discard it.

Skulls fence.


>Evil feeds on evil.

While skull fence it's in game, your oponnent can't declare attack with less than 2 [characters].



>She can blow up an entire building.

[agility](it can attack the turn it enters the game)
[entrophy](it must atack all turns)
If Symbroska it's destroyed, draw a card.



>Meat has anything you ask for.

[agility](it can attack the turn it enters the game)
Gains +1 damage to [sanctuary] if it's declared attacker along with [abismal][characters].

Interesante, pero... I noticed that card is called "Censores de movimiento". Censores, instead of the correct spelling, "sensores". Is that on purpose, perhaps alluding to the fact they "censor" or impede movement, or is it just misspelled? Not judging the game, just asking out of curiosity. You know, la curiosidad mató al gato, pero la satisfacción lo resucitó. Anyway, gracias, hombre.

You are completely right, it's a typo.

They fixed it later.



>There's nobody, that doesn't hide something.

[technologies] played by Coyote, reduce their cost by 1.
Can carry an additional[technology].

Infrared cameras.


>They detect even a sigh.

When it enters the game, your opponent plays with an open hand till the contemplation phase.

Blue mettle.


>Jazz it's the life on earth.

[vitue](chimera): In combat turns the target [character].

Manipulate puppet.


>Without a will it's better, don't you think?

Choose a [character] from the opponent territory, so it's losses it's skill and it becomes under your control till the contemplation phase, where it returns to the opponent territory.

I just want to say thanks for uploading all of these. I'd have never of known about this otherwise.



>Another historical weapon.

Bearer gains +1 to the strength and combat damage.

Steel vaults.


>Solitude it's remarkable.

When Steel vaults enters the game you can play an additional [accesory].

That's why I'm here.

The Moth


>The fire listens to my commands.

[macrophage](it can only challenge to a duel)

In your harvest of will, you can destroy the moth to destroy a target [character] of strength 3 or less.

On duel gains +1 to the strength.

I want these cards just for the art alone.

There's something about it.


>A scream in the night ended his life.

If all your [characters] in game are [abismals], Malavache gains +2 to the strength.

Night's Mask.

>A dark being that pretends to reign.

[macrophage](it can only challenge to a duel)
If it's destroyed during a duel, you can pay his will cost to avoid it.


This is really cool. dump these (with translations) out to a tumblr or wordpress or something. Are there still any reasonable places to buy cards?

Sadly it's been discontinued.

I'll dump them all once I get a working scanner.

Palms of Moloch.


>You can run, but you can't hide.

Bearer gains +2 at the strength.

It's actually.

>You can run, but you can't escape.

My bad.

Heavy Machine gun.


>Don't leave enemies behind.

You can pay three will points, so the target [character] losses [empathy] till the contemplation phase.

how can she blow up an entire building?

Damn, this art reminded me about The Suffering videogame series.
The protagonist could transform in very similar creature, eyeless, yellowish and with blade as his right arm.

With bombs, game has a surprisingly grounded universe.



>Challenge me, the shadow has honor.

[agility](it can attack when it enters the game)

If it makes damage to an enemy [sanctuary], you can choose an opponent [character] to be declared attacker the next turn.

Three Stars.


>I'm who it'll be, and who it was.

In your harvest of will, once per turn, you can destroy one of your [characters] so three stars gains as much strength, as the [character] destroyed.

Watch tower.


>Soldiers are disposable

Destroy watch tower to reduce to 0 all damage made to your [sanctuary] this turn.

>Restriction 1.


I looked on the online reboot website, it's amazingly under-done - most of the text seems to be placeholders

Damn lazy bastards, Lantadilla did a thousand cards in three years.

Corporation Satellite.


>I can see it all from here.

When it enters the game, if all your [characters] are [corporation], you can choose a random card from your opponent's hand, so it is discarded.