I've been looking at topside minis, does anyone have any experience with them? I don't live in the US so my shipping rate I'm sure will be pound me in the ass expensive, so I'm wondering if I should get a ton of 1/6000 boats instead, since it works out to about the same price.
Naval Miniatures
Where do you live?
I'd suggest going with 1:1800 or 1:2400 personally, the detail's worth the cost. Heard very good things about GHQ, but if you're outside the US shipping might be a deal-killer.
My fleet is from NavWar they do 1/3000 and I like them a lot.
Only problem is that you can only order by mail, regular mail
Here's a pic
>know that it is a chrysanthemum seal
>always see a stylized asshole
1/3000 from britain? No chance, Postage will kill me.
GHQ does very good 1:2400s, and it's only 10% (maxing at $15) S&H for Canada orders.
Fuck, for a second there it looked like Z-29's name was "Z-29 Cunt".
The thumbnail pic looks like those are iPhones.
The red-topped German camo was the best.
I agree, gave the British a big red bullseye to shoot at.
I feel dirty for designing this monstrosity.
What's wrong with it?
>fisher would be proud
>no comically oversized guns
18 inchers on a light cruiser or bust, user.
Anyone else play World of Warships? I just got Neptune and am loooooving it
>liking a game where crossing the T is a bad maneuver
come on, man
gibe stats screen
mah nigga
Gotta wonder how they managed to fuck that up.
Has there ever been a ship uglier than this?
Oh, I know the answer to that one.
They based their armor pen model on tanks, the rounds from the shells impact at the wrong angle, they artifically make battleship guns scatter like crazy for 'realism' and since they wanted every ship to have a role, you have DDs with unlimited torps, Cruisers with pyrotechnic guns, and battleships which are just around to be shot and catch on fire.
If you want a naval game with more strategy and closer to real naval warfare, look up Steel Ocean on steam. It might not be pretty, but at least every ship class is useful without the BS that Warships has.
All were way uglier.
I just bought the entire Mediteranean conflict from Topside OP, 400 bucks for every ship Italy/Germany/Netherlands/Poland/France/UK had. Shipping was 23.50 to Canada.
>play rtw as germany
>war against france with uk as my ally, less than 6 months
>war against italy with both uk and usa as my allies, 34 months and counting
Jesus, pastas aren't planning to surrender anytime soon, are they?
>looking through HyperWar's WW2 USN section
Man, I forgot how fucking insane WW2 US naval production was.
>let's build a hundred CVEs because why the fuck not
Anyone got a good source breaking down production by class? I don't want to count every individual ship in each class.
Don't you talk shit about my shipfu.
To those playing Rule The Waves:
Is it worth the money?
I've been playing Steam and Iron and I've yet to wear it out but the prospect of designing my own ships is very tempting. Does it suitably supersede the campaign expansion and russo-japanese war games?
Ship design is THE reason to get RtW, user.
A slow destroyer with an impractical gun loadout?
I mean it's shit, but not a monstrosity.
Cut one of the tubes (torps are useless early game) and remove the two wing turrets to replace them with a single aft. That should free up enough tonnage to hit 30knots.
That and seeing what kind of bizarre alternative histories you end up creating.
>imperial germany and uk being bffs with brits helping krauts in their wars and krauts helping them to root out australian rebels
>1st world war being fought mostly on various caribbean islands and in canada between us&france and uk
i'll admit 35$ is sorta steep for what it is, but it's a real blast designing your stuff and fighting with it.
>tfw had one game where russia kept building pre-dread battlecruisers well until late 1910s
man i wish, the svent istvan in pic is a former russian ship. it fought me on its own in over half a dozen combats after i wiped out the rest of the russian fleet. it took a beating but never broke. after the russian government collapsed i took it as a spoil and i had it till the end of the campain.
Ah, the curse of the Grognard.
It is pretty funny how certain wars can drag on and on while others end almost instantly.
>stuck in a stalemate with france
>random cruiser battle
>1 of my 10 inch armored cruisers with +7 inches of belt armor vs 2 of their 6 inch CAs with 3 inch belts
>2 sunk french CAs later
>france surrenders
Just what were those ships carrying that made French to take up white flags?
I wouldn't say it's steep from a cost/benefit analysis. RtW has rocketed to my most played game by far. That's saying something, given its age.
Mashing your fisherian nightmares against computer's equally weird, ugly, and/or diseased designs never stops being fun.
>random coastal raid against france
>end up facing against all that remains of french fleet outside of mediterranean
Well, that escalated quickly. Guess that I should had noticed the signs that this would happen when the game gave me 3 battlecruisers to sink couple boats with.
If you guys are looking to try some tabletop boat stuff, I'm working on a pretty simple naval wargame set during WW1 and the inter-war period. I'll post the PDF for the playtest when I'm at my desktop.
A ship so fast they had to streamline the funnels!
Sounds interesting.
Their last hopes annon, their last hope.
Or gold.
I bought Topside Minis Coronel and Falklands set during the Christmas sale. For what you pay, you get a pretty nice looking, feeling, and portable product. But they're essentially just really nice counters, so if that's gonna bother you I'd look at 1/2400 or 1/3000 scale minus instead.
It's a mother beautiful ship!
Oddball pls, Myoko looks like shit.
Hey guys, what if the South Carolina had turbine engines?
>everyone else is running around with stupid shit like wing turrets and crossdeck fire
>yanks go with 2 pairs of superfiring guns
I mean, we did our own retarded shit WITH 2 pairs of superfiring guns.
Fuck, I had forgotten how crap the gunnery is in very early game.
user, pls. Myoko a sexy.
I'll give you most IJN battlewagons though.
Especially the concept ones that never got built.
Pic related so hard.
I think lattice masts are kind of neat. For some reason they conjure up associations in my head of those really ornate stacks riverboats used to have. I do remember either South Carolina or her sister ship losing a mast in a fairly stiff breeze though.
>that funnel
I wonder what he was smoking while designing that.
No idea. It's like it's begging for one good hit so that it can collapse and foul all sorts of shit on deck.
It's basically just more, higher, and taller from Nagato's intermediate two-stack arrangement and the norm for their cruisers. Though advances in naval radar would've made the whole thing irrelevant anyway: even Japanese capital ships were getting it towards the end of the war.
Just too late to save most of their fleet.
Carriers or no carriers, Veeky Forums?
My main beef is that it makes no sense to bring them to the table: if you wanted a realistic simulation of WWII naval combat your fleets would spend most of the time in neighboring buildings.
If it's bugs you that badly, do a separate pair of tables for carrier groups and one main one for surface combatants. That way they're technically offboard, but you can still game with them, particularly when air strikes or subs come into play.
And also when you want to play convoy missions where escort carriers were part of the attached escorts, or for hunter killer groups wandering the Atlantic look for boots.
Pro-carriers but can see why certain people don't it like when they get involved.
Generally speaking when fleet carriers are involved you'd do best dedicating your surface fleets to AA and ASW screening duty rather than engaging in surface combat.
Or you can be the Kriegsmarine and IJN of your table and get your clocks cleaned.
>been playing rtw for over 6 moths
>finally found that you can upgrade your base capacity
Guess that this what I get for being an idiot and not reading the manual.
Been contemplating RtW for a bit, but currently on a binge of From the Depths. Anyone else like it?
Took a while but here you go.
Thanks m8.
Anybody here like ACW era naval action? It's on my gaming bucket list, but I'm still shopping around for scale, manufacturer, and system. I've heard good things about Peter Pigs Hammering Iron, does anybody have any suggestions?
Kearsarge is mai shipfu. How dare you insult her.
Kearsarge a cute.
Potentially unpopular opinion: I actually kinda like some pagoda masts, depending on where they are and how high they are.
Here's an appealing rear oblique view.
Pagodas really don't work unless you are ready to go full pagoda.
See, that wasn't exactly a pretty ship before she got the pagoda treatment. Then you add something that looks that unwieldy and awkward, it gets downright hideous.
The double-ended boats wore pagodas much better.
Fusos ended up being so ugly that they became once again beautiful, same thing with Ises and their aviation battleship rebuilds.
There are some areas where I'd agree that's possible, to come around full circle. Naval architecture isn't one of them.
Behold the enemy of waifuboats everywhere.
>Not Friitz X
>cannot even sink a +30 years old british grandma
WWI, WWII, or something in-between?
Mid (late 20s - early 30s) interwar probably would give the best mix of WW2 and WW1 boats.
Dunno, Nagato and Mutsu sorta managed to get it work but on Kongous it look like they had develop some kind of conning tower cancer.
I always figured they look uneven because they were stretched as part of their rebuild, and their rear superstructures weren't built up as much. So you have a tall pagoda with a comparatively long, low-slung ass end. Nagatos would've looked just as odd had they been refit into fast battleships.
Whichever one lets me put garish filigree on the prow and ten foot statues of Victory on the main guns
I love surface combat, but WWI era cruisers and destroyers were a bit of a mess and product lines can have glaring gaps in coverage for anything that's not HMS or SMS something-or-another. WWII without air wings would be the best for me, a lot of good designs to draw on and much more comprehensive product lines.
WW1 and earlier for me. I love those weird designs of pre-dreadnought stuff and having to have offset wing turrets and everyone is trying to adapt to rapidly changing technology. WW2 for me is too... optimised.
>try to modernize and upgrade my forces after fighting a 4 year war against usa
>random naval disarmament event happens
>tell them to politely not agree to anything
>they end up signing the treaty anyway and this leads to basically all of new capital ships and CAs that I've laid down getting scrapped
>pick a fight with france and in 8 months have started a war with them
Guess that starting a war with another country that will most likely end up killing tens if not hundreds of thousands of men just so that I don't have to follow disarmament treaties is bit dickish but, in my defense, the government forced me to do this.
How big are the firing markers?
I would assume it changes on scale but what is your base?
I've just been using penny-sized (UK) counters I found in a charity shop for dirt cheap.
Why are battleships faster than destroyers and cruisers? I know some could get over 30knots, but that was the exception not the rule, and by then DDs were even faster.