Nyaaa! I'm a female martial! Let me in your party, boys, I'm just as good as ANY musclebound male warrior! With my feminine swordfighting style and peerless spirit, I'll definitely be an asset to the party and won't ever get GREENED! Pick me, I'm ready for ADVENTURE!
Nyaaa! I'm a female martial! Let me in your party, boys...
Sure, the RP could always use more catgirls. And given that we're playing a properly designed system your gender or class will let you contribute to the game in a meaningful, mechanical sense just fine.
Think about what thread you just created, OP.
Do you have references?
Nyo, but the bar I used to work at said I was the cheerfulest and I never spilled a drink! That's pretty good for this level...right?
I don't play video games, what does this mean
By the Emperor, those abs. I want her to protect me.
Raped by orcs probably
Given how hard core cats are I'd be afraid of a cat girl
But we're playing a modern spy campaign..
He knows what he created. It's one of the most basic bait thread formulas on Veeky Forums. Guaranteed replies.
If a man can sit at my table and say "nyaa", he's neckbear enough to stay and play. I'll take it.
Nobody tell him, let him discover it on his own.
Sorry, we don't play Shitfinder.
Fuck off Satan, 5e needs catgirls too.
You know what causes threads like this? Dexfags. Dexfags are what cause threads like this. Remove scimitar.
Get this weeb shit out of my face. We're playing WoW d20.
Alright, you can join.
*Unzips dick and rolls to grapple*
>GM suddenly tacks on d20 fantasy elements
Forget the abs, look at them thighs. I bet she could crush bags of chestnuts between those.
Would you ever suspect OP's character of being a highly trained intelligence operative?
You sound upset, STRfag.
I too love me some 4e!
Rolling the die off the table counts as an automatic critical failure on any attack roll.
>You get caught in your own zipper, take 1d4 slashing damage and 3d6 pride damage
Shit, your right
300 replies incoming
At least there is no weebshit psuedo-furries.
That's nothing to be proud of for multiple reasons
>someone remembers 3eaboos v 4rries
You do understand though that IRL he'd just grab her and trow to the ground?
It's genius. Report to HQ immediately.
That bug looks dressed up nicely.
Therefore it's a feature.
Better balanced than Shitfinder.
Why aren't race levels automatic after so many character levels?
Okay faggot calm down
Do you use the semi-official space goat Draenei race?
That's a pretty low bar, and I'm only assuming it's true because I don't care to look myself
Think of it as embracing and embodying the culture and heritage of a race. A night elf engineer would never take night elf levels.
Oh no, here comes the tin men of the Skeletor come to post pics at me. Let me help you homos out.
Every official WoW race is allowed. Except Virmen. Fuck you.
WoW d20 attempts to make warriors and such good.
>You suddenly find yourselves before a giant GATE
Fire support, nya!
Don't use a cutie from Granblue for a trashy post like this.
Alright so this is a troll thread. Can we try to maybe twist it into an intelligent discussion?
Here's a topic Ive wanted to make a thread about for a while but never have because of the probability that it would devolve into what this thead is already intended to be, but it can't hurt to throw it in now.
I've always been annoyed by males and females being stated the same in rpgs. Treating the genders the same doesn't open up more possibilities for narrative, it destroys them. In a game that is entirely about telling a story, why would you invalidate one of the most important pieces of human nature and character variety? On that note, this obviously does not at all apply to tgs entirely about tactical gameplay.
Sure you can still treat men and women differently in roleplay and worldbuilding, and only apply the magical equality to mechanics, but then I wonder why we have mechanics at all if not to partially automate and add randomness and versimility to the art of storytelling. Mechanics optimally need to be built to facilitate the kind of stories it aims to tell through its natural processes, and this means having the genders treated as seperate things is desirable.
In my opinion anyway.
So if you are resolved to stat genders differently, with balance being a consideration but not a law, how would you do it? I'm not asking about DnD stats or any stats in particular, incent stats if you need to to make your point, I'm just interested in what how the stats of men and women vary to push stories to naturally unfold in ways which are allready intuitively archetypal to us, so that they can then be meaningfully suberted or otherwise interacted with.
Why do people even make such trash threads?
Why would muscles ever matter in a magical setting where a 12 year old girl could just wear an ogre's strength belt and be instantly much stronger than professional weightlifter who trained his entire life?
>Why do people even make such trash threads?
Because anons keep replying. Remember that you can always report
What is the catgirl in question is actually a catgirl (male)?
Do you have human ears in addition to the animal ones?
If yes, go away four eared freak.
If not, lift your hair up and show me the side of your head.
>Protected by a catgirl instead of superior human
It's just hair, they are no blank space of bald flesh where the ears should be for a human. Why do you think they all keep long hair ? More easy when they want to pass for human.
>Tired of troll thread
>Posts argument for difference in stats for different sexes
Cat ears actually attach at the side of the head, rather than on top. The inner ear is in the same place, roughly, as human ears.
I got curious after discovering catgirls, and had a relatively docile cat handy to check ears on.
The problem is that men and women aren't balanced by nature. Men are noticeably superior to women in many ways when it comes to adventuring, and women have essentially nothing to compensate for it.
Women are more flexible, and some studies suggest they have slightly better manual dexterity (although the study I saw was based on sowing skill, so I suspect a certain bias...) and the idea that women have a higher pain treshold is a myth. If it's a human-only game, I suppose you could give them higher Charisma, to represent the Women are Wonderful effect, but that sort of thing is highly situational - there are plenty of social situations where it's better to be a man.
I suppose if you have a really assymetrical system, you could give men a boost to strength, speed, toughness and all of that crap, and women a boost to stealth (because they're smaller and more flexible), reduced aggro because they're less threatening, and possibly a boost to sense motive, representing the (highly suspect) notion that women are more empathetic.
If you did this right, women would have a significant advantage when playing classes such as rogues and wizards, being able to sneak better and avoid being targeted by enemies, while the men get in close and personal and protect their adventuring waifus.
But that look a bit weird no ? Unless the ear are really huge and start on the side to end at the top or something like that.
About this, how are fox ears ? For the Kitsune.
Girls get -4 str, but a bonus to seduction rolls against men.
Although, on a serious note, if we wanted to do what you're talking about, women would indeed get a base penalty to strength and whatever determines hit points, a bonus to perception, dexterity and whatever determines how fast they heal and restore stamina, and maybe some wisdom/spirit/whatever. Men get strength, hp, endurance, intelligence. Also realistically men should be allowed to make more serious changes in their base stats, i.e. take a large bonus in one stat for an equal penalty in another, while women are closer to the average. Socially women are better at persuasion and seduction especially when interacting with men, and men are better at threats. All that could be overridden for a certain character, like if a particular woman is big and trained, she's stronger than an average man, and this also changes her bonuses/penalties in social interactions accordingly, if she has scars and has a reputation of being a ruthless bandit, her threats will be much more effective than her seduction (unless someone's into that). And finally skills matter a lot more than attributes.
Oh, right.
I thought it was a MMO term like "toon" or whatever.
>All that could be overridden for a certain character
I don't think that's reasonable. If a woman got as scary/strong/tough as she could, a man who did the same would still be scarier/stronger/tougher, unless he was born a pitiful runt.
+2 strength to men and that's it, that's the only statifiable bonus.
Whenever I do animal-people in my settings, I always fluff animal ears starting at the same place human ears would start.
And yes, their ears would be huge, compare the ratio of a cat head to a cat ear and translate that to human-size. Fox ears would be even bigger.
On the other hand you could always base your cat girls on big cats (tiger, leopard, etc.), their ears are proportionally smaller.
I think I was pretty open about that. And just because a subject is inflammatory doesnt mean its meritless
Are already two replies of good quality.
So far it seems that a system which wants to do this would need a robust social system, which is fine as my proposition that genders be stated differently did assume a rather character driven approach to tgs. No one is going to argue that men are going to be highly unbalenced relative to men in a game entirely about fighting; this discussion is mostly about what kinds of things a game would need to make storytelling with gender as a meaningful element satisfying.
Not really; the ears aren't symmetrical. One side attaches to the top of the head, and the other below the ear canal.
I don't have a fox around to check, but I'd assume they'd be the same. An ear is an ear.
Of course, I sadly can't repeat the feline observations. The docile cat in question is long dead now, having lived a long, fulfilling life of being a cat.
There's some game about viking-era Norse homesteading that has character sex play a big role in it. I can't remember what it's called. Fate of the Norns, maybe?
>relative to men
Relative to women
I think their ears would be bigger but not in the same proportion as the original animal.
Some things need to be a specific size to work effectively, like eyes, which don't vary as much as body size in mammals
I think the thing is determine how we see a character, and what the basic stats represent.
In a multi-race setting, at least for me, the stats bonus/malus represent the difference betwen the different species, who should be much more great than betwen to individual of different gender in the same species.
You should also take in account that basic stat's should represent the average potential of a species. If you start to take account the gender, you should also take in account the physical difference in the different human ethnies. For example a Scandinavian, who's average size is more important than the one of a Tibetan should be more strong.
Finally, stats should represent a individual. It would be stupid to give a strengh malus to a female gladiator that have been train since childhood and a bonus to the male mage who skip legs, arm and abs day, or to be honest every day.
And that's only for the human. Sexual dimorphism vary between species; maybe the Dwarf female will not get malus in "Toughness" cause Dwarf female are just as tough as male in this setting, who know.
I'd give women +2 dex for game balance purposes, but it's not really realistic.
But fuck realism
Her arms are fucking ripped too. She must be a daughter of Aisha Clanclan or something
>who should be much more great than betwen to individual of different gender in the same species.
This isn't necessarily true.
>It would be stupid to give a strengh malus to a female gladiator that have been train since childhood and a bonus to the male mage who skip legs, arm and abs day, or to be honest every day.
The man has a "racial" bonus to his basic strength, and the woman has a penalty. The woman still has a higher total strength stat than the man in this scenario, because she has invested heavily in strength, but their potential is and always was different.
But you make some good points, which pretty much make up the reason I don't bother with stat differences in fantasy games (or any games, honestly).
Actually my own system is a science fantasy where humans are one a few races, but are the only race with sexual reproduction. Other races include a psuedo-asexual (first birth is from a slow breeding non-humanoid broodthing, can reprudice asexually afterwords) alien which is highly prone to mutation (the number of births since the firstbirth), so it has a plethora of subraces. The other is mechanical, so litterally build-a-subspecies.
I thought it would be cool to have the human "subraces" just be genders, since gender is an important part of their identity relative to other races (and also a few results of pantrophy and desiner gene therapy). So thats part of how I got on this bend.
Well, maybe that's reasonable, but since we're talking about a game where every character, no matter where they start, will end up with superhuman abilities, I think it's more important to give players more options to make characters that are interesting and outstanding in their own way.
Also, I should add that this all was written with medieval fantasy humans in mind, since it may be different for different species and cultures.
>at least for me, the stats bonus/malus represent the difference betwen the different species, who should be much more great than betwen to individual of different gender in the same species.
It depends. Like, you could write a race where males are super large and tough and females are much smaller, faster and more nimble, and a race that is rather close to humans, so the difference between tham and humans isn't so big.
>This isn't necessarily true.
The thing is, carac stat's are they are use in most game have limit.
You can choose to give bonus like for example +2 to strengh to male human; let's say for example the Orcs, who, regardless of gender are stronger than human, have a racial bonus of +2 and the male have a other +2. Female orc would be as strong as a human ? I know it differ with the setting, but a regular female orc should be stronger than a regular male human.
I don't know if my point is clear.
What about what post you just created, faggot.
then maybe the gender bonus should be 1 instead of 2
Well for starters you have your terms wrong.
The word gender refers to ones assumed sex within the confides of the mind, and was coined by a sudo-scientest who sure loved to fuck up little kids.
Ones sex, on the other hand, is ones bodily makeup that leads to the individual being classified as a male or female, based on genitalia and hormones.
If offering stats based on physical attributes, most would assume that males would have benefits to their strength and endurance, whilst females might have benefits to thier charisma and dexterity.
oh my fucking god no
just when i thought anime was a salvageable medium
just when i thought we'd buried the memory of uninteresting generic fantasy meets stupid nationalist masturbation meets stupid otaku bullshit
Yeah but what I mean is that maybe to introduce more subtile difference in the carac, a new system would be needed.
Same for the "ethnies" problem I talk about in my first post. How did you introduce the fact that the Scandinavian guy, by his size and more imposant physic have better basic stat than the tibetan/asian ?
>I know it differ with the setting
Exacly, you just made a setting where an average female orc is as strong as an average female human. Nothing wrong with such a setting, but if you want a different one then make it so.
>The word gender refers to ones assumed sex within the confides of the mind, and was coined by a sudo-scientest who sure loved to fuck up little kids.
I do not believe you. The word 'gender' has been around for a while.
Well he's right that it refers to a social role that may or may not correspond with the biological sex. By the way, if we write a race with a third gender, the third gender there may have physical attributes bonuses/penalties of their biological sex, but other social modifiers.
Yes but it has been linked to sex for most of its existence (when talking about human beings). He's not entirely wrong.
Around 60 years I think
I didn't believe it either. But a friend of mine went on a tangent about gender politics so we ended up looking the words origins.
I don't have time right now but if you search for difference between sex and gender you might start on the same path of information we went down.
I had assumed gender was synonymous with sex pre-sjw too, but after reading his post I looked it up and apparently it originally only refered to the male/female conjuration of a word, and then in the mid 1900s was extended to conceptual sex as opposed to physical sex.
Learned something new
Things like this make me always think cat-people sound like 1920s gangsters.
>Nyah, see?
>Why would muscles ever matter in a magical setting where a 12 year old girl could just wear an ogre's strength belt and be instantly much stronger than professional weightlifter who trained his entire life?
Because tight abs, defined arms and powerful thighs are aethetic as fuck and probably feel nice too.
This, on the other hand, looks weird as fuck. Not only are those abs accompanied by the fakest tits I've ever seen and skinny arms/legs, but she looks so out of proportion I can barely believe this is a real person.
Why didn't you post a real person then?
Because 9/10 times they're instagram sluts and they tend to disappoint on the whole "being actually strong" front.
>>Why would muscles ever matter in a magical setting where a 12 year old girl could just wear an ogre's strength belt and be instantly much stronger than professional weightlifter who trained his entire life?
I always wanted to do this as a partywide joke.
>Shortstack fighter with magic boosts to become a five-nothing charging pain train with subtle armor and a staff enchanted to weigh some absurd amount
>Devotee of slightly suspect cults, too many knives but an excellent surgeon and a gifted divine channeller
>Wizard works out while prepping spells, has a chin you could crack cocoanuts on and is technically a knight by birth, wears robes glamered to look like armor to sell the deal
>Charlatan priest is an excellent social manipulator, poisoner, and improvisationalist, has to be picked up and shaken upside down for everyone in the party to get their share
Why did you post a dragon lesbian? Take that shit to /u/.
>le reddit spacing
>Writting to be more easy to read
>"Muuuh reddit"
>reporting threads
Bitching about threads you don't like that don't explicitly break the rules is cancer. Make a better thread instead or change the subject. I, for one, would love to talk about the consequences of CRISPR on the army of the future.
The biggest sign of a redditor is responding to the bait of being called a redditor.
Stop being so triggered over nothing.
>reduced aggro
What a shitpost
>they tend to disappoint on the whole "being actually strong" front
Do you value aesthetics or actual strength?
And the best sign of autism is shitposting.