What happened to the guy who wrote the Mirrodin Besieged flavor text and why isn't he in charge of the writing department?
What happened to the guy who wrote the Mirrodin Besieged flavor text and why isn't he in charge of the writing...
Bad flavor text is not a recent development. Never forget this gem.
In fact, why not have a bad flavor text thread
Or a favorite flavor text thread?
not too far after it, it seems
>Bad flavor text is not a recent development
No, but it is a recent development that bad flavor text is nearly universal. Compare this actual cringeworthy garbage to its prior prints for a good idea of how the writing quality of MtG has decayed over time.
I haven't followed the storyline closely since the Manateers became MaRo's pets but even just playing the cards it's easy to see the decline. Jace and co. are flavor poison.
Odyssey block had the best flavor text.
Fucking fight me.
If this was printed now it would say something like, "Nissa learned that Otaria's druids are so in touch with nature, they can manifest bestial forms to defend their homes in times of trouble."
Scars of Mirrodin had really great flavour. Probably my favorite set desu
I don't get it. The newer supplemental product flavor text isn't that bad. Most still aren't as good as the classics, but its certainly better than the shit they put in the standard sets.
The difference is the supplementals aren't required by Maro mandate to shill the Jacetice League.
I like the Ogre one.
Are we supposed to not like it?
God, this is egregious.
Made it 9 posts. You're getting better, Veeky Forums.
that's chandra's revolution flavor text is pretty bad. it seems like two completely different thoughts. here are my alternate versions:
>Chandra pours her anger out with great generosity, for the man who killed her father, and anybody else who stands in her way.
>Chandra's driving force is anger. Anger directed at many, but most of all for the man who killed her father.
>Chandra fights for many reasons but none more fiercely than a man named Kiran.
i think in general i prefer flavor text to be in the present tense?
The image is clearly supposed to be a contrast between bad vs. good.
Fair enough.
This one has to be a joke.
Well, he's not wrong.
Are you actually trying to argue that Jace and friends is actually good for the story? I much preferred when the focus was on the plane itself and how they explored its unique characteristics. Now they shove these mary sue avengers rip offs in our face to try to capitalize on the current "MCU" hype.
as a dedicated goblin player, i wish it was.
wizards always been keeping goblin kin down.
Same. I want to know more about the planes and the history and nature of it, not what some Saturday morning super hero's are doing meddling in the affairs of other planes.
In fact that's what I want to see next. The Jacetice league gets in shit for interfering with other planes and basically pull a watchmen on them.
I think I'd like it more if it was any good at all. I'm fine with it in concept, but the storytelling is just awful.
No, because it is miles better than the new jacetice league card.
>Chandra fights for many reasons but none more fiercely than a man named Kiran.
Fucking five stars.
Both of those are directly from MaRo.
It's not news that MaRo can do good shit. Like many writers, the problems arise when he's given free reign. If you took his nuwalker pets away from him I have no doubt he could be competent again.
>Chandra's madness gave her motive, and her motive gave her might; all come to bear down on the mantle of the man she hated most, the maker of her father's memory.
no good?
thanks i've applied to work at wotc on a number of occasions but they said i couldn't work there because i'm too gay
That's disgraceful.
I also love greenskins in games and that's such a waste.
you're right, the flavor text would suck if they printed it today.
it hurts
kek, that's actually really good
jesus. how did they fuck up so much on IDENTICAL cards in just one year?? Who actually looked at the m12 flavor text and thought, "yes, this is clearly an improvement over the last core set"
not broken enough
>Nissa learned, much to her dismay, that Otaria's druids are so in touch with nature that, in times of trouble, they can defend their homes by shapechanging into bestial forms
I believe the Oof meant someone jizzed their pants.
I liked most of the Elderitch Moon flavor text
they seem to mix up "goblins can be reckless and used for cannon fodder by even their own" with "goblins are retarded idiots that jump in volcanoes for fun"
i think its a conspiracy to keep greenskins down. show a goblin with too much success and everyone freaks the fuck out.
Someday I'll be good at words.
I kinda like how fucking stupid it is. Like, I'm impressed.
It doesn't even make any sense.
The best way over is through? What?
But those are both pretty good
Yeah sorry it's dreadful. Though I gotta say I like the idea of Chandra going crazy, if only because it would finally be advancing her character.
And maybe getting rid of her so we can have a new Red frontliner who isn't just Diet Jaya.
and who could forget THIS classic?
o fug skimming through the thread i didn't see someone had already posted the chieftain.
its not even like a cute but dumb line, its just flat and doesnt make any sense.
a quote like "Everyone knows that The fastest path between two points is a straight line! Duh!" would be better, maybe add "- Tun-Tugs last words" or something flavorful.
when did goblin lore just all end up with gobbos dying? RIP slobad and tuktuk
literally third post in a less than 50 post thread
yeah as soon as the thread loaded I shot down to like, post #25 I aint got time to read all that shit
there is no way you couldve missed that unless you are phoneposting
red players like you give red players like me a bad name
lolz not even phone posting just a lazy fucker
>Passion fueled her fire. Whether it was the love of her father or the anger towards the man who killed him.
that's a nice one. it has a good push and pull to it.
Thanks. That what I was hoping to get.
ding, we have a winrar
>Invention and aether flow together in a great Cycle, and to understand that is to understand Kaladesh.
>Chandra was cross with basically everybody, but she was the most peeved by the man who offed her dad.
I think the problem is it that it is trying to describe her in a way that works if you are talking about a place or animal, but not really for a person. It just seems like she is lifeless in this text, not to mention how awkward it is.
It's because they have decided that rather than every color and race getting a wide range of emotions and tones, all things silly must be red, and all things dumb must be goblins, because everything must be easily broken down for marketing analysis.
it would be a boon to the whole game if superfriends and nico bolas inc. all kill each other in the next set with no hint towards what happens next. they could create something entirely new after that.
wouldn't that be nice?
The point here is that the flavor on the ogre makes me care more about that ogre then literally every generic Chandra flavortext ever.
That would be nice.
Unfortunately the packaging for the block after Amonkhet block was leaked and Ajani is confirmed. It's possible others could die before then but it seems unlikely.
>bear lore
The problem here is that "invention" is an abstract concept while "aether" is presumably a concrete one for kaladeshians. It reads like a brochure rather than a legitimate description. Come see beautiful Kaladesh, we have Invention and Aether.
>tfw this logic made Viashino degenerate from crafty desert warriors and artificiers to screaming retard crocodiles and finally removed altogether when their overlap with Goblins reached 100%
Really hate the "each color gets 1 sapient race + humans" paradigm.
Yea, I know. I was trying to keep the same concept of the original.
And I respect the attempt, but while your take IS better there's just no salvaging flavor text that bad without redoing it entirely.
i dont mind silly, but being flat is another thing.
compare with pic related. one tells a simple story and while doesnt have much synergy gameplaywise, it gets an idea across. this. THIS doent really work that well, pias flavor is better, and pia is a better card with little synergy other than most people would take the damage most of the time.
also this art looks rather flat. did aether revolt get a minimalist style or is it just this card/artist?
In my opinion, this has always been the greatest example of the half-life of flavor text quality.
This is the worst. I wouldn't even mind the new flavor text on a similar card, but replacing something like that? Fuck all of that.
I always hated the new text. Hasn't Barrin suffered enough without making a joke of his lowest moment?
Holy fuck. I didn't realize that was combined art. Now I want a mat with the full picture on it. Damn it.
>someone, somewhere, actually likes Chandra enough to want a mat of her
Guess Maro isn't alone after all.
>you might not care, but others do!
I've always liked her, though not waifu level of like. Admittedly, I wish they'd stop having her act like a 12 year old.
Chandra is the most likable member of the Gatewatch.
Not that that's saying much.
the art fucking sucks thou
When you consider that Jace is basically a harassed middle-manager who saves the multiverse mostly out of a sense of obligation he becomes a bit more charming.
Are you really defending Jace's character? He's a total cunt.
Flavor text jace is a total cunt.
Story Archive jace is a combination of harassed middle manager, every problem possible with telepathy, and a giant walking pile of dumb amnesia side effects brought on by TERRIBLE DECISIONS. It makes him a much more enjoyable character.
>That moment when you realize jace literally forgot how to solve the implicit maze, immediately before entering the implicit maze, because he thought that anyone knowing about it would be dangerous.
>Fucking six hours before Niv-Mizzet told everyone about it.
I'm working on a custom set and flavor text really is quite difficult. I find myself defaulting to puns or exposition too much.
The Pia text looks good next to the Chandra text, but honestly in a vacuum it sucks. I think the inherent problem is that the conflict itself just isn't very good. The Consulate isn't really evil, the renegades cause is really meh, and the whole thing feels a bit phoned in. No one seems really passionate, if you get me. I mean, look at these Mirrodin Besieged cards. Even the more boring ones are way better than anything in this set.
Actually, I think I figured out the worst part of the new flavortext. The story moment text is the worst by far, because it is literally nothing but exposition. It's all just "And then this person, who is like X, did Y, because Z."
Also, I don't get the "Keldon soldier" part. The Keld I'm used too doesn't give a shit about the cost if even just one enemy is killed.
Phyrexia does tend to make for that kind of thing since there can't be any peaceable solution or middle ground. You either have to kill them all or be annihilated yourselves.
They also fit a niche in that they have an alien but not TOO alien mindset, so they don't slot into Bolas's saturday morning cartoon villain vibe or the Eldrazi's pretentious YOU CANNOT COMPREHEND bullshit. Their thought processes are strange and quite horribly insane from any perspective but their own but have their own kind of logic.
Actually, this one was an attempt at a callback. It's an obvious reference to the RtR one. That's one reason it sounds a bit awkward. It's certainly not the best but I'd hesitate to call it anything worse than mediocre.
Re: "sounding like a brochure," that may have been intentional: Kaladesh was supposed to be all bright and cherry, to better contrast it with the reality shown in Aether Revolt.
>In fact that's what I want to see next. The Jacetice league gets in shit for interfering with other planes and basically pull a watchmen on them.
>t. Didn't read the story where Ugin chews them out for killing the Titans
They've been foreshadowing this for ages now
Although even Aether Revolt was pretty tame overall. The consulate forces despite the crackdowns and such fight using almost exclusively nonlethal tactics, as do the rebels, apparently. There's a fuckload of property damage but Baral and Liliana appear to be the only people in the story actually trying to cause casualties on either side. The revolt is based more around ousting a corrupt faction in the consulate's energy department than the overthrow of the existing social order, and after Tezzeret flees to Amonkhet, the two sides quickly reach an understanding. Aside from Kambal losing his job to Pia as a concession to the Renegades, it appears peace is restored surprisingly easily once Tezzeret is no longer in the picture.
Kaladesh/Aether Revolt is very blatantly a breather episode. Things were very high-stakes in the last two blocks with Eldrazi devouring everything, and SOI was pretty fucking dark, although most of that is focused on how the normal people on Innistrad are fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked now.
Kaladesh gives us a bright, optimistic story and some feel-good moments for Chandra and the others while at the same time setting them up for a fall when their victory there spurs them to unwisely attack Amonkhet. It's the classic "the heroes have won some major victories, but in doing so put themselves in a situation where they have to cross paths with the big-leagues villains and promptly get their shit pushed in as a reality check." I'd put money on it, Amonhket is going to go very badly for the Gatewatch.
>post Goblin Chieftain
>What the fuck wizards, so goblins always gave to be comedic relief? This is bullshit!
>post this
>What the fuck wizards, what is this quippy bullshit? It's not funny at all!
You're a fucking child. The M12 flavor text is miles better than the older one, and more unique -- if you like goblins so much, you're already aware of just how many flavor texts boil down to "man, Goblins sure suck huh?"
Chandra is a cute and conceptually fine. The problem is the people writing her nowadays.
In The Purifying Fire and the webcomics she was a hothead, cunning daredevil. But WotC's keeps pulling it's interns from some Seattle comunity college's women studies courses and giving them stories to write.
Fantastic, hope that soppy knife ear dies or gets captured and turned into Bolas' fucktoy.
Hope Jace dies too, pretentious cunt has it coming. Get back to coolwalkers already wizards
True, and there is nothing wrong with having a morally gray villain. The problem is that the villains, while clearly the bad guys, aren't evil, but act evil in specific ways, which are not the direct reason the revolt is happening and...
Actually, a much less tortured way of saying it is either go big or go home. The Consulate basically did like 2 things that are bad, and even then they went out of their way to emphasize how temporary those measures were. And the rebels are all goody and don't seem to have any genuine hate or vengeance in them except for Baral. Either make the Consulate the Colombian Army and the rebels FARC (two factions that have legitimate arguments but both commit atrocities), or make the Consulate the Gestapo and the rebels the Partisans, so at least even with the mutual massacres one side clearly deserves it.
welp, you basically summarized what I was trying to say here about fifty times better then I did. Well done, have a cookie.
She raged about her family, about her life. But mostly she just raged.
we can't have people getting killed in this children's card game
Where's the best Keldon flavor text?
That one is great. My only gripe would be a trivia one: we're not shown these "beasts of Keld" in the art, and the phrase is generic enough to not give you any idea what they are besides, presumably, large. Or you can read "footprints" and "beasts" more figuratively. That duality is kind of neat, but I doubt it was intentional.
It was really weird that none of the cards in Aether Revolt, not even the black or red ones, depict anyone participating in the revolt with anything but the purest of intentions. No dwarven war profiteers sensing an impending power vacuum, no vedalken interested in the freedom to pursue clearly unethical experiments, no aetherborn curious what a consul's soul tastes like, no humans too poor to be artificers who just want to vent their frustration. It really made the world kind of boring.
You just kind of have to infer from the rest of the set that it's figurative and they're humans (maybe human mutants) who behave in a bestial way.
Eh, people died by the billions in the last two blocks, one block where everybody's OK is fine as a breather.
Oddly, Gonti was clearly backing both sides of the conflict since they had an understanding with the exact faction the revolt was trying to oust but ALSO supplied the rebels with weaponry to rise up in the first place. What, if anything, they were playing at by doing so is never really made clear, so I had to assume Gonti was just hedging their bets so it didn't matter if Kambal or Pia was in charge when the dust settled.
under fucking rated
No Origins Five walker is getting killed or changed drastically until they get their god damned movie.
Hasbro is hellbent on selling the IP to Hollywood and riding off the cross-promotion. And the new WotC CEO is desperate to enter the "esport" world with Magic. Meanwhile half the shareholders want every rare to be Black Lotus expensive/rare, and half want to abolish the resserved list and throw the baby with the bathwater in a deluge of reprints.
These next couple years are gonna be bursting with conflicting interests.
Does anyone have the whole poem from the Invasion novel? It's no Love Song of Night and Day, but I remember liking it at the time.
I don't expect any of the Gatewatch to die on Amonkhet, but I'm feeling like this is where they're going to get their shit pushed in hard by Bolas and then hit their "scattering of the fellowship" thing.
Y'know, like in the end of Season 1 of the new Voltron, where the crew go up against the main bad guy, get their asses kicked, and while running for it get separated.
The gatewatch fight Bolas, they lose very badly, and escape is messed up in some way that flings all five members to different parts of the multiverse where circumstances delay their reunion for a while as they develop individually, with a getting the band back together subplot that stretches through the next couple blocks.
>Kiran's death sparked the fire of her rage, and only death can quench the fires that torment her soul
Well I tried