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Primarch Back To Dance With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight edition
Eldar get even stronger with new supplement subedition

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> 40k reference in wiki format

>Rules and such. Use Readium for epubs. Sorry, it's shit but it'll read 3s.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW attempts to fuck up your list

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:


>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Can someone get Gulliman to get us a new copy of the codex astartes, Farsight refuses to return our only copy)

1st/2nd for the Dark Eldar

What special rules do you think black guardians will get? Hatred? Rage? +1 bs and ws? Pref enemy chaos?

I just got back from doing 1100 points against dark angels with commorrite eldar
>t1 try for night fighting, fail
>try and seize, succeed
>he scouts in his bike squad and assault bike
>blow up one of his bikes, wound his commander and put a wound on his assault bike
>his turn, ramps in and starts blasting, I take a wound to my talos
>turn 2, mishap my reaver squad in, he deploys them near my entrance instead of in his deployment zone
>twin-linked rapid-fire 20 splinter rifle shots, another 18 rapid-fire splinter rifles, and 2 dark lance shots into his bike squad
>he fucking saves ALL of them
>shoot into his assault bike squad and bike librarian HQ, kill them
>he then deepstrikes 2 termie squads and a librarian into the middle of all my skimmers
>manage to pass my jink saves
>my turn, disembark my archon, bring my reavers to bear
>wipe out a bunch of his termies, talos his bike squad finally, and try to reaver hammer of wrath his terminator captain squad
>lolnope, makes his saves, wipes out half my bike squad
>fail hit and run
>my archon goes in to fight his librarian, annihilates him
>all he has left in the bottom of turn 3 is a squad of 1 terminator, a squad of 2 terminator ...champion squad?, a squad of 2 marines and a squad of 5 marines(both of whom are in talos range)
>I have all my squads left: reavers (fleeing with 1 member left), 1 talos(2W left), my archon(3W left), 1 raider(10 kabalites)(3HP), 1 raider(9 kabalites)(2 HP), and 1 ravager(3HP)
>top of turn 4 he concedes

Do dark eldar start to suck after 1500 points? Because it feels like with how much dakka they drop, unless I'm against like...necrons or blood angels, I just wipe the floor with everything I go against.

4th for fracture of beil tan breaks the game
>scatter bikes or WK getting 3 shooting phases in one game turn

Reminder that Tau are one relic per model

Assuming they get the rule.


>3 shooting phases

>A unit can only make a Soulburst action once per turn.

Better ask GW for a FAQ

Early reminder

>new Ynnari Wraith Bundle formation for preorder
>currently sold out at over $300

Prepare your anus everybody. Soul bursting D-Scythes on the way!

Ynnari Wraithknights. Oh baby!

scatbikes most definitely will, and it looks like so will wraithgaurd.

WK are a maybe, but at this rate it's best to just assume the worst. Hope is the first step on the road to disapoinment and all that.

Horus Heresy general is that way

30k. But neat to have an Emps model nonetheless.

BRB says unless it specifies game turn "turn" means player turn.

>it will make Wyches playable!
>theyre totally not just sacrificial pawns!

They can't get 3 only 2.

Im getting started in WH40k and just bought this guys on Ebay. What i must know expect Chaos sucks in 7ed?

Read the BRB. This is basic stuff

>order Veridyan, 2 immolators, and a HFlamer as soon as they're available
>go through LGS because I like supporting him
>its a month
>all 3 are still sold out
>cant even call GW about it

I should have just ordered it myself. This is what I get for being nice.

>What i must know expect Chaos sucks in 7ed?
Chaos is actually in a rather good place right now due to traitor legions. Depending on what legion you want to play, you can create some pretty powerful lists

A player turn is still all of the phases.

>le blitz brigade part 2 the sequel
Fuck off

I dont choosed legion. Alpha, Iron wwarriors or thousand sons. I like this 3, wanna some fortifications, magic casting and infiltrating in enemy ass

So will the new formations make Wyches useable?

Right, so if someone decides to assault the scatbiked and they annihilate them with overwatch you get another shooting phrase.

What bonuses will they get?

“Whenever a rule refers to ‘a turn’ it always means ‘player turn’ unless it specifically refers to a ‘game turn’.”.
Page 577 of the e-book BRB.
This isn't blitzbrigade RAW fuckery, this is out right just how the rules work.

24" range guns
super duper battle focused

No -1 ld penalty vs slaanesh.

Then I won't play you. Fuck off

Some version of Power From Pain based on how many casualties they've taken.

Not the guy you're responding to but the rule is pretty clear.

Can take 1 soulburst action per game turn - they can take a soulburst action in your turn.

Does that mean they shoot in an enemies turn?

So, I've recently bought an Imperial Knight. How stupid/awesome would it be to buy a Space Marine Tank to cut it up and use for the base of my knight? I want him to step on the tank with one foot, while aimimg his thermal cannon somewhere. Maybe add some Marines for decoration.
No, I will not ask/wip/.

Yep. It says the unit may immediately shoot as if it were your shooting phase.

Well that would be the wisest course of action.
You don't think I'm advocating this, do you?
I'm simply pointing out GW probably phil kelly that bastard has made the most powerful codex even stronger than before.

>No, I will not ask/wip/.
well then I'm not gonna give you an answer

it would look good if done right, so it would need some interior detailing, gears and bits fallen out of it, etc

you can probably get a scrap rhino on ebay real cheap for this.

Or you have another unit within 7” (maybe 14” depending on the formation) shoot.
I absolutely refuse to believe anyone thought this was balanced. This can only be the result of the writer saying "how can I make it so that eldar never lose ever again?"

Wrong game brah.

Maybe it'll get through your skull in another decade or so.

So like this but with a crushed tank instead of a rock?

That'd look pretty cool, Knights are a centrepiece model so it's good to make them a mini-diorama imo.

Yeah, thinking of this. Buy a cheap Rhino, paint it in the colours of my dudes, then turn it into wreckage and let the Knight step on it.

buy some old destroyed rhinos, but i would be weary of putting too much on the base. also you should ask wip about the knight on a church, not for the meme but i liked the conversion

Well too bad, faggot, cuz /wip/ is answering your bitch ass.

If you asked there, im sure someone has the pic of making a Greenstuff wreckage by pressing a mould around a tank's front and rear top. Then you'd have the tank and a wreck.

I dont really want to ask wip, because I'm not that good of a painter, but I like the idea. Like this one here, but with a Rhino

Nevar forget


I'm a prolific WIPoster and I've only finished one fucking model.

Do they still scream in horror?

Also, Sslyth

I-i just feel insecure. I haven't even finished one miniature. Everything is just at some inbetween-I-will-surely-put-it-together-someday stage

Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion are both pretty solid. Thousand Sons is harder to pull off in a large number, though if you just want Tzeentch Sorcerers that's easy

>tfw the best Craftworld had to die because of some faggy Ynnead worshippers.


I'm getting the feeling that the Soulburst rule would only be balanced if you disallowed everything except for the movement option, making it a sort of reactionary Battle Focus.

So, as an Eldarfag, how do you tell the difference between Dark Angels and Fallen Angels? I've never paid much attention to the fluff of the three Space Marine spin-off factions.

At least Vect is going to get buttfucked too.

>This isn't blitzbrigade RAW fuckery

This is exactly the same as Blitz Brigade.

And rules as written, they're both completely legitimate.

This means I should paint this marines as Iron Warriors or Alpha legion and just take Cabal of black legion or Tzeentch formations? Am i right and can take some formations and CAD?

one's in black, with black bikes and black terminators
one's in green, with black bikes and white terminators

fallen angels always wear the hood.

Not Ok either.

This whole Ynnari bs is fucking retarded.

Some are loyal, some are heretics. If you have to ask which faction is loyal and which one isn't, YOU are probably the heretic one
>cue a Dark Angel BLAM

Dark Angels wear green and Fallen Angels wear black.

The former rove around in large groups, the latter show up alone or in small groups, then the former show up and kill a bunch of loyal guardsmen/marines in order to get to them.

Yes. That's how it works. For example, you could take an Iron Warriors CAD, a Thousand Sons Cabal, and another CAD of Alpha Legion and still have a legal army.

I would focus on one aspect of it for now, probably Iron warriors, and get yourself a solid core before you start branching out too much. Figure out the rules and what you want to run before going too hard on formations.

I'm pretty psyched about it. Ynnead has long been my favorite Eldar story thread.

I would have been OK with it as well, had this Ynnead stuff not UTTERLY FUCKED OVER PRETTY MUCH ALL OTHER ELDAR FACTIONS!

What church incident?

Ok, but the rumor is that a loyal faction becomes a traitor and a traitor faction becomes loyal.

And we see Fallen hanging out with Guilliman, so either the rumor is right and Res'd Roboute is a Chaos Daemon, and the Grey Knights flipped, or Dark Angels have been heretics the whole time.

Grossest thing about Rise of the Primarchs is that all the Yiff/DA shitposting might come to an end with the yiffs proven right.

Does soulburst work on units inside transports like everything in a dark eldar army or is it just more buffs to craftworlders?

If a unit is in a transport it is considered to not be on the table thus would not benefit a unit inside.

After all this eldar bitching I'm actually really looking forward to some old fashioned fallen truth bombs. I hope they try to portray both the Fallen and Dark Angels as noble but deeply guilty of bad things.

I can have even 2 CADs? Wow
And i heard terminators just suicide squads. I cant use them effectively as Vanguard force? And can i use Heresy terminators in 40k not as proxy?

It is story progression - it progresses a story I like. Ultimately I think it is very clearly obvious why they chose to blow up Biel-Tan over any other craftworld anyway.

These rules are for Ynnead or whatever the new faction is called. They aren't for Eldar OR Dark Eldar, but an entirely separate faction (that is probably just a detachment filter for eldar, get rekted pornelf lol).

>Best Marines becoming heretics
Nah, turns out DA were the heretics all along. Also, Asmodai becomes a Bloodthirster through sheer rage.

Who the fuck takes a shooty WK? Also, 15-man Dire Avengers squad getting to shoot twice sounds tasty/broken as fuck. 60(!) rending shots at BS4 S4, jesus christ.

do you think if Abaddon dies GW will bring back Horus?

yes, he's deader than dead but GW will retcon anything

He died for our sins

Except this bullshit story "progression" literally fucks over most Eldar factions and renders them insignificant or flat out extinct, with only the Ynnead wankers remaining.

>Ultimately I think it is very clearly obvious why they chose to blow up Biel-Tan over any other craftworld anyway.
The only reason they blew up Biel-Tan was to render the miltary power of the CWE null, and basically phase out Aspect Warriors and everything around them out of the game.

We will never get any new aspect warrior stuff ever again, now that Aspect Warriors-The Craftworld is gone.

Depends. GW wouldn't bring him back. BL would, while somehow have him suck Drachnyens cock.

ynnead isn't fully reborn, so craftworld, commorrite, and harlequin eldar all still exist.

hell, even biel-tan is still around, just splintered.

they'd probably turn abbadabbadoo into a daemon prince before bringing horus back

Eldar were supposed to be insignificant. They've been dying the whole time.

Sure, they spanned the galaxy and are practically ageless and there's still billions of them, the exact opposite of Tau, but Eldar have been in decline since the setting was created, (also the exact opposite of Tau).

WD says that most Eldar from all the factions barring the most conservative ones, have joined with the Ynnead wankers.
Sure they may still "exist" but only as bud buddies and minions of the new tranny god.

They no longer exist as their own distinct entities.

Phasing out Aspect Warriors was the point. It isn't from a we want Ynnead to be best stand point, it is from a business standpoint.

AW are very difficult to justify as a plastic kit because they're hyper specialized, you don't need many of them, and there is no clear favorite (outside DA). So you either limp the current range along in perpetuity or you close the curtains on them and move forward with your all plastic range/line goal. The option is going to be B.

What I mean to say is that this isn't a kick to the balls of Eldar players. It's not a bait and switch or anything.

It's the natural end of the story arc that has been established as their "theme" since you picked up a rulebook.

I can't speak for craftworlders, but the haemonculus covens and vect himself both hate ynnead and are staying independent, so at the very least the commorrites are still around.

Chaos Termies do function best as suicide squads, due to the small minimum unit size, access to combi weapons, and relative lack of durability for points cost.

I don't think there's a good way to use 30k termies except as normal Chaos versions. I know loyalists got access to them in some way, though I don't think Chaos got that.

They aren't going to be too effective at spearheading a charge though. For that, you're Iron warriors. You want tanks.

What the fuck is going on? Is story really progressing or are we going to get End Times in 40k?

I wanted Dorn not rawbutt

And that's why there's aspect warrior in the formations right?
To phase them out.

I got it, thank you

The only aspect warriors in the formations are DA who are plastic.

>Is story really progressing?
yes. Fenris got fucked up completely, the planet of the sorcerers is back in realspace.

Cadia fell, abbadon got fucked up, and Trazyn collected Creed

and now despite Deathwatch fucking up the eldar ritual to rez ynnead, they pulled it off and blew up biel-tan.

>are we going to get End Times in 40k?

Unless the player your up against has a stick up his ass 30k terminators should be fine

Reminder that Tau don't have relics.

progression rather than end times

You'll worship Guilliman's mighty pecs and you'll fucking like it, Fist.

And the Howling banshees.

Which is fucking bullshit, since Aspect Warriors are a big part of what make Eldar what they are. They should redo the Aspect Warrior range in plastic as well. Make them dual kits with Howling Banshees/Striking Scorpions, Swooping Hawks/Warp Spiders, Fire Dragons/Dark Reapers etc.

I don't want the Eldar to regress to just wraith wankery and jetbikes. I want fucking aspect warriors. They are far more core part of the Eldar than wraith junk is.

Any reason all but the last are heavy/light armour mixes?

Story is progressing. It is not the full WHFB style "End Times" though. They aren't having the galaxy sucked into the warp.

I could see just about anything short of that though. I wouldn't be surprised if the final chapter is Abaddon killing the Emperor and dying in turn, with something or someone (Warp god Emps?) replacing the Astronomicon.

hol up

What happens to Space Wolves now? Im sure my boy Ragnar can save them with his mary sueness(reading his novels right now).

Abbadon failing is no surprise but how did Cadia fall?