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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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How do you fight, Jumpers?
I made a thing. Here you go.
>Funnily enough, none of the Jump notes address this.
Hm, true. Might be good to note they keep their Exaltations as long as they resurrect.
>And Exaltations do not count killing as death for ressurective beings until the ressurective mechanisms are nullified.
Though this is sort of already a canon thing, considering Immortal Malevolence Enslavement.
Then again, they lose their Exaltation if they reincarnate with Domnica's Mantle, so reincarnation normally does count as death. Which might mean it's unclear enough to need a note. Hm...
Jumper, have you ever chosen not to fight, even when someone said you should?
Now this is a spicy meme.
I guess I'll read through it, but what possessed you to make a jump for this?
Got interested in reading AF after Val dropped Multiverse and I read through the series, read both versions of AF, and decided to make a jump cause why not?
Wait AF is actually real?
I just knew about the hoax that everyone got pranked by a decade or so ago.
>Ten times as powerful as Frieza
That would only be 1 billion, though. That's far less than Buu, let alone Omega Shenron. Why is he such a great threat?
AF got made into a fancomic by the guy who currently illustrates Super's manga.
It's a fancomic. Two notable ones, including the current illustrator for Super
I'm going off what the doujinshi stated, which is ten times Frieza's power. It's bullshit, and I should probably note that
Cool. Now all we need is an original Dragon Ball jump with dinosaurs and capsules and quirky adventures.
Readan. But first, a question: Can Potential's eventual wasting be mitigated by anti-atrophy perks?
Not Everyone.
Well uh I don't care too much for the whole no upper limit thing on some perks. It's not the the absolute worst thing, but it does feel powergrabby.
Other than that it seems fine. It does feel like an attempt to sqeeeze more out of the setting, but I suppose it's no worse than having a half dozen exalted jumps.
Also no bullying Yamcha. He did nothing wrong.
I wonder what the reaction would be to someone with a Godly transformation from the Multiverse jump? I imagine Iza would flip his shit at seeing the Golden Frost Demon form, trying to figure a way to achieve it himself.
>I trained for six months.
Well then. I guess I have a few more things to throw on the backlog.
Are either of them actually good?
>He did nothing wrong.
Well you're half right.
Not everyone has the extremly convenient power to always come back from death, user.
I couldn't help it. Especially after that episode in Super. They made him into a punching bag more than I ever could.
Even Frisk had to fight to finish the game.
He didn't necessarily need to kill anyone, but fighting still happened.
Looks good.
For the things discounted because of race, if I pick the appropriate origin, will the price drop again?
>functionally infinite transformations as long as you never stop training.
>Hyperbolic Time Chamber with no time limit
I don't know how to feel about this.
>mfw I stole Frieza's body in Multiverse.
>mfw I can turn into his dad and taunt him.
It feel so good.
I've got a Stand Arrow in Steven Universe. What should I do? And for that matter, would the Arrow work on Gems?
Helps when none of your actions have any real consequences.
>God Hand EX
>All those 1-up perks and items.
Yeah but a jumper is not one of those people.
I note it under perks, anything that gets a discount from both is free
You have a point. Depending on how people feel I'll limit it as appropriate.
Hey, BLADE, you said "noted" when I told you about your lack of 50 Cp options in CStW. Was that like a "ok" sort of thing, or are you actually planning on doing anything about it? Because two of the origins are 50 CP, which leaves 50 CP to spend because the 100 CP options are free.
Key word is always user.
Eventually you'll run out of extra guys.
Unless you cheat like a bitch and use Lost Odyssey, but that doesn't count.
>F-father, is that you? How are you back? How are you so STRONG?!
>Well, you see son, you're not dealing with the average Frost Demon warrior...
Yeah I know you're just taking on his form, but it'd be fun to act like him.
Ah, missed that.
I think the transformations thing is fine, but you might want to limit the HTC. Hell, use the canon limits, whatever they are.
Personally, I'd recommend just making it so your training is more effective/you reach transformations that are theoretically possible for you more quickly. Otherwise... yeah, it seems a bit much.
Ehh, we can already make a hyperbolic time chamber or something better with all those technology/magic/time manipulations perks we have in the chain. This just gives it to us in a neat package.
Gems are made from hard light, and nobody in that show has shonen levels of self-determination, so even if the arrow could effect them, they'd probably just die.
Instead they get their determination from love and songs, so first you'd need to become a valued member of the team and then scream lyrics at them while jabbing them with the arrow.
This would make this perk basically useless, because really, how many theoretically possible transformations are there? Even saiyans are limited to like 4 or 5 in how many they can achieve.
Didn't Freeza actually have son in canon?
Well, he was only in a gag manga but he was made by Toriyama.
What was the canon limit in DBZ again? Two years? Either way, in AF canon they can make gravity chambers that dilate time as well, at least in Toyble's version, so I'd have to limit that as well.
Would the forms taking exponentially more time be good enough? Or should I just scrap the unlimited transformations bit?
Quite literally, it means that i've made a note to myself to fix it.
How big of a boost is A Practical Guide to Evil’s SORCERY?
>mfw I stole Frieza's body in Multiverse
I have heard of stealing someones clothes they were wearing, even body parts, but a whole body? What was Frieza left with once you stole hos body, a naked casper ghost?
I think the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is fine. The unlimited transformations on the other hand?
Oops, see
If something managed to bypass EX God Hand multiple times then a jumper has a much bigger thing to worry about then their morality.
What could bypass EX God Hand? DBZ characters, Exalted?
That's why I said for it to make training in general more effective.
I'm just one user, keep in mind, but unlimited transformations seems excessive.
Things like getting dumped into a singularity.
I really don't think God hand is going to do much good at that point even at EX level.
Well I used Soul-Body Separation from German Hollow Quest to get his soul out of his body.
Then I ate his soul. Of course then his body was just lying around unused so I jumped inside it and made myself at home.
>original Dragon Ball
That's a funny way to spell Dragon Ball Fusions.
Pretty good amount? Most casting is singular fireballs (and not D&D fireballs, but baseball sized balls of fire) while Warlock does stuff like snap make a fire that consumes a whole tower, then spec it to leave everything untouched except for the soldiers, who get incinerated so thoroughly they don't even find the ash.
>Unless you cheat like a bitch and use Lost Odyssey, but that doesn't count.
kek. It's perfectly valid, user. And it's based in canon.
A fuck-ton. I think you're wanking God Hand a bit, mate. Probably only the magical equivalent of a tactical nuke would be needed.
I don't know, another training boost seems kinda uninspired. I'd rather like it if he limited how often we could achieve a new transformation, or something like that.
>"There's so much going wrong with this world!"
>"They're killing those people!"
"Yes. It's horrible."
>"You don't even disagree! Why won't you DO something?!"
"Look... if I step in, what happens when I walk away? You remember reading about World War 2, right? When I ended up present in a world where I could change things... I made sure that Hitler died in '43 to stop the Holocaust, but Himmler ended up taking charge and he fought the Allies to a standstill in '48 when Germany nuked London. When I killed Stalin to avert the purges he'd do, the Soviet state splintered and became a military junta that abandoned pretense and killed fifty million people. Sometimes I can change things for the better. Sometimes it's worse.
"But I can't just interfere in every conflict, can't go about making peoples' decisions for them. Stealing what victories they earned, what lessons they would have learned. They stagnate. They become diminished instead of growing. If I do interfere, where do I draw the line? Wars between countries? Shootouts? Should I stop everyone from committing crimes?"
>How about you just stop the empire from subjugating everyone around it and killing people before it implodes and splinters apart? Instead of being part of the empire and changing it inside, just... assert your will on them.
"How about I don't try to play God? I have it on very good authority that the position is taken."
Maybe have it make any transformations you do get be far stronger then it would have otherwise been? So you'd be more like a Super Saiyan 5&1/2 etc.
>What could bypass EX God Hand? DBZ characters, Exalted?
You're thinking way to high. Ea and Rhon can get past an EX god hand. Think magic strategic nuclear weapons not planet busting.
Or you can just use cheat mode to get a new one every month. Or simply buy a few thousand in the Hero BBS jump. And I'm sure there are a few other ways.
Pretty sure you can still be killed hard enough to end your chain with the Lost Odyssey perks.
By the way, I saw your guide to Nanoha verse on SB (and as a longtime fan of the series, very nice work), and I think you might find a question I asked interesting.
>When I ended up present in a world where I could change things... I made sure that Hitler died in '43 to stop the Holocaust, but Himmler ended up taking charge and he fought the Allies to a standstill in '48 when Germany nuked London.
You have time travel. Shoot Himmler first.
That again feels like it has really limited utility, simply because there are kinda few transformations in the chain. Perhaps limit it to one transformation gained per jump/setting, with the transformation itself being thematic and fitting the setting? Would be a neat way to do it, I think.
Where can you get anti-atrophy perks?
>How about I don't try to play God?
To be fair, the the people that chose to look on silently while their Jew neighbors were taken away were also choosing not to play god.
Come to think of it, what about the reverse?
What if you go to AF first, then Multiverse with the Super Multiverse drawback?
Imagined how confused Goku and Vegeta would be when you turn into pic related instead of a Super Saiyan Blue?
You can die for good if there's absolutely nothing left of you.
It's still BS, but that makes it almost fair. About as fair as Anomalous Phisiology with a fuckton of regen perks.
The only ones off the top of my head are Immortality from Hero BBS and (arguably) Adult Mode from Nanoha.
Sword Art Online, No more heroes, and generic Xianxia have good ones.
So does modern action hero.
>Unless you cheat like a bitch and use Lost Odyssey
Shut up Timmy, nobody cares about you.
If you think that's timmy you're new as hell.
Please stop trying to fit in. It's very awkward to watch you try.
I wrote that under the assumption that it's a first or second jump, if only because figuring out every possible perk someone might have when entering a jump is an exercise in futility. I mean, for all I know, there's a perk out there that's literally, "Any device you touch now works perfectly as was intended by its creator" or something. It's also not really intended to be a "Buy this!" or a "You must have this!" sort of thing so much as it's supposed to be a general overview of the setting for people who are jumping it but haven't watched it.
Well this is neat. I'd like a bit more fluff information if you could give it, just a bit more mind.
Is that a thing in this canon? /Knows nothing of this side of Dragon Balls. Please Send Help.
>Killing Hitler puts Himmler in charge
Seems realistic-
>Himmler fights better
...I know you're just using it as an example, but that's so hilariously wrong it's not even funny. He might have used chemical weapons, which Hitler wouldn't have due to having been exposed to mustard gas in WW2, but Germany would have been just as thoroughly stomped into the ground under him as it was with Hitler, hell they would have been stomped harder due to how angry people would have been after said bio weapons were used. Plus, Hitler's death would have thrown the German government into chaos, and even aside from that they would have never gotten nukes in time. The German nuclear program was a joke, with thirteen different groups competing against each other and refusing to use anything that went against the Nazi ideal. So nothing from Albert Einstein. Furthermore, by 1943, the tide was already starting to turn, as the sheer industrial might of the US and the Soviet Union buried Nazi Germany.
So, all killing Hitler in 1943 would have done is probably end the war in Europe sooner, or cause it to have a bloodier ending. There was no way for Nazi Germany to even stalemate at that point. The Stalin thing is even less likely, due to the majority of people dying from famine rather then actual murder.
It's not canon. It's a fanmade form, which is why Goku and Vegeta would be confused if they saw it.
>If you think that's timmy you're new as hell.
All shit posters are Timmy.
Also, shut up Timmy, nobody cares about you.
I'll add some fluff, sure. And it's canon to AF, which is fanmade.
Also, I noticed you didn't put in a Basic Ki Skills perk like the other two Dragon Ball jumps?
Yeah you're new.
Well welcome to this hell I guess. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon.
Damn it Bobby, nobody cares about you.
Yeah, but I thought you’d find it a rather funny way to fix the book.
Better, I make sure the Kaiser stays in power. Oops, now we don't have a world where nukes were a last resort and eastern Europe is a radioactive wasteland from planes that dropped bombs because rocketry was never developed as quickly as as it was in our world and WW2 happened in the early sixties.
To be fair, the people that didn't choose to look on silently got shot or hauled off too, but I still draw the line at genocide, yes.
You're assuming I didn't try to change things in a more subtle way before going 'FUCK IT, VALKYRIE, YOUR BOMB NOW IS A BRIEFCASE FULL OF THERMAL DETONATORS.' WW2 was definitely not remotely close to canon there.
How did you even get to Super Saiyan 5 that doesn't even make sense!
>You see Vegeta your not dealing with the average Super Saiyan Warrior anymore...
*Shrug* I don't know enough about the perk in question to find the humor, unfortunately.
Noted under perks, you can use key and start at Trunks level at the start of GT
Would they call you Super Saiyan White?
The balancing on races seems a bit off. Especially with Saiyans getting a capstone where everyone else gets a 400 at most. The non-Saiyan races seem to mostly get their point costs from innate abilities with a couple discounts. Might be a good idea to knock it down to a discount.
Also you should clarify how double discounts work for this jump, since there are some races that end up with them if they go the right origin.
Ah okay then.
>Just noticed I could become a Kaioshin/Saiyin Hybrid. Then I noted that the child of Goku is just that in one of the worlds we have to choose.
Oh shit that's a thing? Neat.
Also Tamerai, question. Between this and Multiverse (With Super Drawaback) which one would you recommend first?
>Better, I make sure the Kaiser stays in power. Oops, now we don't have a world where nukes were a last resort and eastern Europe is a radioactive wasteland from planes that dropped bombs because rocketry was never developed as quickly as as it was in our world and WW2 happened in the early sixties.
You're being a fucking moron then. Nuclear bombs have never been considered anything but last resort weapons. Ever.
The U.S seriously considered not using them in Japan because it would set precedent for using them again but were faced with that or casulties in the multi-millions on both sides and another two or three years taking the Japanese mainland.
No one drops nukes lightly.
The actual way to do this is to crush fascism in Germany before it gains any power.
The humor is, as Heavens said:
>you could probably draw the damaged program out and debug it via facesmashings.
Isn't that... pretty much what happens in canon though? They eject the Defense Program then blast it a lot?
I'd say Go Further Beyond is fine as is for a capstone in such a high-powered jump.
Yeah, have fun with that. While you're at it, crush it in the US and the rest of the world, because it took Germany systematically killing millions to actually accomplish that when it happened.
The big problem isn't that the damaged parts can't be destroyed it's that the damaged part gets repaired by the undamaged parts into it's damaged state. It's why Reinforce had to die for the book to be fixed.
Double discounts are already mentioned under perks. Otherwise... yeah, I'll reduce it to a discount
First? Power wise I'm not sure which is stronger, although YoungJiji's version was completed recently enough to mention Battle of the Gods, so the power level of this jump might even exceed or otherwise match it, though I'm not entirely sure. I for one am planning to take this before multiverse
>DBM Goku and Vegeta start nagging you about how you did that so they can try to achieve Super Saiyan 5 themselves.
And then they have to destroy reinforce and the book before the program restarts.
Just my two cent's here but I think the transformations are fine. I mean you have to train for them and master the previous transformation so it's not broken.
Drawback cap?
Yes, and then it starts to come back.
The Gamer Driver (from Neo-Heisei Part 3) would repair the damage to the defense program, not just stop it temporarily.
There's been enough contention to warrant some kind of change. I want to keep in the limitless forms, so my current plan is to make them take exponentially more time
I don't do drawback caps. If you want to threaten your chain for more power it's your decision.
>I for one am planning to take this before multiverse
Okay then, neato.
I agree, expecially if mastering the form is the thing that they did with super saiyin, where they could have it on 24/7, cause that took them years if I remember right.
>my current plan is to make them take exponentially more time
This is a good way to do it.
> If you want to threaten your chain for more power it's your decision.
With so much good stuff open I... I think I need time.
>so my current plan is to make them take exponentially more time
Seems fair.