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Is anyone willing to share the new Beast books?
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>Is anyone willing to share the new Beast books?
Remember anons; sharing is caring
I'm willing buy my copy is from a friend and though I don't see a watermark I don't want to risk their name being embedded in some metadata somewhere
So the Mage book in the pastebin is the pre-errata one.
Does anyone have the link to the updated version?
Chronicle of Fagness.
Fuck you FBI man, you ain't getting my meta and sueing me. Trump ain't stealing my FREEDOM.
Mage 2e with errata:
Thank you kind user.
Make sharing rpg pds great again!
Speaking of stupid shit that shouldn't be in these threads, where did Aspel go?
>where did Aspel go?
I'm guessing suicide or he/she/it/they/zhe received a long-term ban.
It's best not to ask to many questions or look this gift horse in the mouth.
What if Aspel never left, and just started posting like a normal person. Or became a mageposter
Aspel is still around, they just left here. Which I honestly should commit to doing, too.
Glad to know his whole, "they'll never get rid of me" shit didn't last.
>Which I honestly should commit to doing, too.
You really should
Good, let him fuck off, he can go jack off to people in /soc/
>Which I honestly should commit to doing, too.
You seem to know about the games and generally enjoy the discussion (even if you believe Mummy is playable). You also don't engage in the confrontational politics or trolling of posters like Aspel that would make you widely loathed.
so, do crinos have knots? do gauru have knots?
Bone Gnawers! Who's ready for the sacred Super Bowl ritual tomorrow?
go away please
I tend to prefer my roleplaying game discussion with less slurs tossed in, but I'm spoiled by how much busier this place is than the official forums or other sites.
Why is the White Wolf reddit so dead, anyway?
Do you even have to ask?
>be your average mortal
>kill another human bean for whatever reason
>you, as far as everyone else (and yourself) is aware, permanently ended their existence
>people may or may not hate you
>be Kindred
>commit diablerie on another vampire, permanently ending their existence
>you ended their existence? that's taboo, you fucking abomination
>people hate you and will try to murder you
I'm not seeing what you're getting at here.
Are you upset that the sheriff executed your character?
You obliterated their fucking soul man, they're pretty clear on that.
And what, be left with the site where someone tried to draw a link between divine progressivism and eating babies?
You're here forever you son of a bitch.
I love you don't go
Humans cant gain the powers of the one they murdered and become stronger, we only gain whatever material resources. If you were a torpid elder and I your neonate, and I diablerized you, I would gain skills, discipline points, blood potency, etc. I would walk out of your "burial" chamber a very scary little babyvamp
That same guy moved on to try to make a half-baked point by citing "gods like Ragnarok and Kali" as his evidence.
The Scion forums are like, stunningly bad.
Okay you need to explain that one right now man, that is some stupid bullshit and I wanna know who thought it.
Yeah, and in doing so, you end their existence; no future exists for them. Just like what happens when humans kill each other, as far as they know.
The debate was on how the various Pantheons would respond to various social movements in the modern world, and one idiot suggested that if you were going to have the gods accept LGBTQ identities you might as well have them be just as okay with being a "baby-eating psychopath."
I mean, I'm sure in VTM it'd make sense that a Vampire would be hated for diablire since that takes them away from being punished by god.
Go on. I'm all ears
The gist was that they argued gods were static, since they handed down behavioral dictates in the past and as gods would not stand to be contradicted to change their views over time, so somehow the argument got the point where he was going 'well if some Scion makes it to Godhood and enforces a change in social mores that's no different than if the same thing happened and the new God was pro-baby eating'
I think it was about gay people at that point? Women and trans people came up, but I think that was a line of thought spinning off from 'would any gods be okay with dudes to fuck'
Yeah they are. I hope after 2e hits they get better just due to influx. More mediocre posters means the average will trend up at least.
>Being progressive
I think fucking not
LIke... I get that they're saying that gods are old fashioned, but come on, the gods are going to be way more metropolitan than that. Hell one of the pre-made scions in.... Demi-god? God? Is a transexual scion of a aztec god that's the 'sister' of the new fledged villian aztec memeber.
He was specifically trying to argue that the Theoi would hate homosexuality and would have no frame of reference for transgender folks, nevermind that the Greeks and Romans had a whole lot of male-male romance (as did their gods) and quite a few mythological figures switched sexes.
That's also ignoring that in Scion's setting, these gods have had hundreds or thousands of years to change their minds.
Honestly it probably depends on the god in question and how much they change from their worshippers changing, or vice versa. The setting of either edition of Scion assumes the world is not too far off from our own so you have to then consider why if the gods are very real forces.
Nono user. diabo isn't murder or destruction of person or soul. It's out right soul theft. You ate a bastard and stole the power of his blood, which is the only the replacement of the poor bastard's soul.
and as we all know theft is a more brutal crime than murder in such a capitalist society
>'would any gods be okay with dudes to fuck
Literally makes you think. Fucking elders, man. A decent amount of them probably did it at some point too.
I think when you add millenia of time and assume the gods aren't totally static but instead embody sets of themes only the most hardcore pro-same sex marriage gods would be the gods of marriage. I can't see most of the Greek gods really giving two shits unless the girl of the week they're trying to rape insists she's into women, besides Hera who as with most things would throw a bitchfit because WAAAAH WHY DO I HAVE TO MARRY A SHITTY PERSON WAAAAH
Someone on the forums argued that Hera is super duper down for same-sex marriage because it gives her more marriages to have power over.
I'm honestly glad they left. Less because I didn't like them (though boy did I not like them) and more because there's no shame in saying "I'm not having a good time here" and leaving. There's no point in hanging around a place if it turns you into a cursing fool half the time. Quietly leaving is for the best.
I hope they learn to finish their work, learn to take criticism and revise better, and also start reading some Gramsci or Roemer something because boy do they need to work on figuring out what tendency they really belong to before talking about stuff on the internet.
Anyways that's my obligatory general drama blog post.
I sure am! Pizza will indeed be ordered, and worlds will be changed!
Can you diaberize a half-vampire?
I don't know, I see her as traditional greek marriage only. And frankly if anyone has a reason to be bitter and dickish, it is the goddess of marriage who has been married to Zeus for millenia. And the Greek gods are known for their pettiness, I could see her specifically as a stand out example of being a shitty person due to anger bottling. Other than that, I don't really think anyone would care, they all have other shit to worry about.
MAny neonates quietly ask the same.
Remember kids, in the Invictus, you don't get punished for breaking the law, you get punished for being CAUGHT breaking the law
I don't have a dog in this contest, so really I don't care. but I will point out Loki got put out to the studs at one point. then their was the fabric affair. Guy gets around
Oh user she likes folks getting married so she can see them Fail and then laugh about it. She uses her power over marriages to see them fall into flames
so are the OPP forums just cancer? I keep hearing about the autistic things they do over there
>are the OPP forums just cancer?
Yes. They are a carefully cultivated echo chamber.
really? exprain
I know what an echo chamber is, I want to know what bounces around in thers
Actual fucking game discussion.
>Actual fucking game discussion.
I would rather shitpost
Basically the only decent places to talk about WoD are here and SA. I only pop into the official forums to check out mage homebrew and read DaveB posts occasionally.
OPP is still a better than Veeky Forums
Yeah I said it.
More cancerous than this cesspool of fat goth chicks, magefaggery and gay werewolves?
But all the mods are leftys that wanna control what we say and they DEFEND those hacks Hill and Mcfarland.
>DEFEND those hacks Hill and Mcfarland
Anything is better than
I've never been, what's so bad about that place.
Aside from the F.A.T.A.L. review, literally everything.
Veeky Forums is still the worst thing on Veeky Forums
That is objectivly false, there is literally a containment board for racism, sexism and all kids of horrid things.
Matt McFarland, the developer of the abomination known as Beast, is a mod. strictly enforces a very left-wing political view, so much so it often resembles therapy sessions rather than game discussions.
>Basically the only decent places to talk about WoD are here and SA.
Whats SA?
>really? exprain
>I know what an echo chamber is, I want to know what bounces around in thers
Rules question are fine is when someone mention an aspect of a line they dont like thats when they pull "the right way to play" and how the devs cant commit no wrong.
Example when mage 2nd was released the wording of the time attaiment was such that indicate a time mage with 2 could send any spell into his own past without any effort basically changing the timeline willy nilly.
Some people said it was fucking idiotic idea that made Mage even more of a hell to run. The echo chamber bend over backwards about how it was the "theme" of the game (basically 99% of the echo chamber defense on critisism) and how the devs were this clever bitches for daring to innovate in a new type of game.
But then the errata came and they change the attaiment and the same echo chamber who defend it said "well of course the devs should change it, it was obvious a nightmare to run"
What bugs me about the echo chamber aside from they get their "employee/cocksleves" from that echo chamber like David hill and arcanearts is how the notion that "yes, the game is following a theme but it still heavy handed about it" just doesnt compute with them.
/pol/ and /tv/ exist so that's objectively wrong
Something Awful, AKA pay to post. At least FATAL and Friends is good.
>More cancerous than this cesspool of fat goth chicks, magefaggery and gay werewolves?
Honestly yes, at least here i can call someone a faggot with issues and they respond with fuck you and carry on.
>Complaining about racism and sexism
Who cares. The reason /pol/ is bad is because it's filled with idiots who don't know their own ideology, not because they're "racist."
As someone so left you'd probably gag, that's not the problem with the OPP forums. It is the horrible posters and mods who only ever step in if someone's feelings have been hurt and not if you get five pages of retards arguing in a circle or anything helpful
That place is like unto hell.
I fail to see how /pol/ is worse than Veeky Forums
God, I don't like that... Wyrmrabbit(?) or whatever nerd, the forigener that has all these dumb ideas. Lotta bads in that place.
>I've never been, what's so bad about that place.
The devs got the mission of making the place welcoming to everyone and thus they make the place only welcoming to people who share their ideas and dissenting views are banned. is akin to Nazi Germany; Speaking out against the mandatory ideology is grounds for death. Dissent is dealt with quickly and harshly in the Reich.
>Dissent is dealt with quickly and harshly in the Reich.
God I'm so tired about hearing about nazi's, they're fucking dead, they've been dead since before most of us where born.
I once kicked a guy out because he was from there. I told him that I do not tolerate sexist behavior and I have seen nothing but that from when he set foot in my house, and that he should consider a sex change if he fails that hard at being a man.
I'm a woman, so it probably shattered him to pieces.
I recommend psychological help then.
They're pretty much the archetypal repressive regime. What, would you rather me say Soviets and have everyone disagree with me because Lenin dindu nuffin?
>God I'm so tired about hearing about nazi's, they're fucking dead, they've been dead since before most of us where born.
> is akin to a South American dictatorship; Speaking out against the mandatory ideology is grounds for disappearance and death. Dissent is dealt with quickly and harshly in the Reorganization Process
But no really, I get you man, I'm just so fucking tired of 'nazi this' and 'nazi that'
Yeah, sure, whatever. Fuck the boers or something.
>Fuck the boers
Yeah, fuck them.
That was my point. The Soviet Union is just as murderous and repressive as Nazi Germany, it's just they had a much better PR department. I'm not pulling the "Everyone who disagrees with my ideology is a nazi" I was trying to make a bloody joke.
>South America
what nazi punching isn't the national sport anymore?
>bringing up Nazis when they actually mean fascists
I'd rather be a Jew burning SS officer than a fucking libcuck who confuses, or literally doesn't know about, Stalinist communists for their lofty Marxist bullshit ideals.
They went out of style, now its all about the cis men product of the patriarchy.
No, I meant National Socialists. They were far more repressive than most fascist regimes.
Nope. I am right. You are wrong.
Oh, I read that as south africa, I apologize.
If you don't agree with me you're a nazi
But I like punching nazi. They're objectively the least morally questionable enemy you could find in games. you know besides zombies and robots.
So I'm tinkering with the idea of my Moros character tinkering with cold magic. I'm thinking about having it draw more upon things associated with cold instead of just being frozen water, the same way that shadows are treated as more than absences of light by the Death arcanum.
So cold is associated with what? Loss of hope, lack of energy, and loneliness is all I can come up with. So in terms of magic, a Moros would use a conjunction of Matter and Death, the former to manipulate water or water vapor and the latter to ensorcell it so that it takes on the attributes of cold. It becomes a leeching, creeping frost that latches onto the target and sucks energy and motivation from them, and makes them cold, inside and out.
It's just a rough sketch so far. I'm open to critiques and suggestions on further applications/associations, or you can just go ahead and just call me a dumb fag if you want.
Spell potency isn't equal to the arcana dots required of a spell, right? Like you could cast an Adept grade direct attack spell and do just 1L damage if you don't increase that spell factor, or did I miss a line saying base primary factor of a spell is equal to the highest arcana that goes into it?
Adolf Hitler was a Mage
Vampires were the jews
>the same way that shadows are treated as more than absences of light by the Death arcanum
That's bullshit
Fuck the Death arcanum
That can't be possible. Hitler lost because of overwhelming stupidity and incompetence.
Tell us how you really feel user
Fuck you, ghosts are great.