> First five posts, counting OP, decide the major races of the setting.
> Surprisingly civilized Bullmen are a major race.
> First five posts, counting OP, decide the major races of the setting.
> Surprisingly civilized Bullmen are a major race.
Artemis Fowl style fairies.
Civil centaurs as well.
Cyborg bird men from 999k years in the future.
Insectoid capitalist republic
Now what op
Humans have no permanent home, no capitol, no territory and no major holdings or ties to any one faction. Wherever you go in the world, a human or two or a dozen are always there and nobody questions it.
Their armed force mostly consists of mobile mercenary companies that fight each other as often as they fight whatever they're paid to fight. A man swearing an oath of allegiance to one faction or another is rare and usually yields massive dividends, because all the effort spent on planning where next to go and what the next month will bring has all been redirected to making the most out of their current circumstances.
No borders and no homeland means familial and tribal links are that much stronger, and loyalty is tested that much more as a consequence.
Mobility and lack of restrictions are prized, so transport is held in high regard. Navies both nautical and airship-based often see dealings with human merchant caravans for the sheer breadth of supply.
TL;DR humans adventurers forever. Ride for your brothers, die for your brothers.
Not OP but let's have the next five posts decide the 5 most numerous/prominent types of magic in this world.
Enchantment Magic (Enchantments on Guns or Swords or soemthing seems awesome)
Osteomancy?? Cool. Could do pseudo-necromancy and rip the bones out of people's bodies. Or manipulate bones you touch and have bone weapons under manipulation.
Could even be a healer of sorts, fixing broken bones.
Copromancy. This is a school of magic originally practiced by ettins who discovered a way to unlock strange powers with poop drawings, which have since become a coherent system of shit runes. One of the most well known enchantments is to cover a warrior in magical poop drawings for increased prowess.
this has since spread to other races, and occasionally one will even find a human craptitioner.
Alatiomancy, the magic of the fundamental Salts of living organisms. Practitioners render living things down into their component salts, and then through ritual use of salts as a focus, bring the traits of those organisms into themselves, or reanimating mockeries of their living selves as servants.
I always wondered where Redstone came from.
It seems that OP lied about having nothing to do, lol!
Gemcrafting. Like in the Gemcraft games. Pew pew!
Ordinary poop does absolutely nothing, of course. Even stool of magic-saturated races including most dragons will barely spark a rune. Corpomancy originated from a trader in the Central lands who had been tricked into buying several tons of hardened Gakaar worm stool under the premise that it was unsmelted ore. When he set fire to the pile out of anger, the stool activated in the first recorder Corpomantic spell, an explosion of a measurable size. Attempts to recreate the effect led to more discoveries, and the domestication of the Gakaar worm as well as the creation of a new breed of said worm, which did not require to live in the intense pressure of the ocean floor.
Modern Copromancy relies heavily on alchemy to treat the product in such a way as to fine tune the end result.
Using the bones as a vector for healing-branch Osteomancy is an effective way to heal the body; from the inside-out. Most methods of the practice involve placing oils on places where the skin and the bone are not far apart such as the knuckles, ankle, elbow or most effectively the temple in order for as much magical energy to go into the vector as possible. Extreme osteomantic healing is the most powerful extent of this, which involves the use of simple but powerful catalyc spells which feed off their own 'waste' magic. This practice is well able to have entire limbs regrown under the casting of a practiced Osteomancer.
The practice, which yielded full-body healing effective and available, has had the societal impact of denigrating the concept of personal injury and wounding; the prospect of quick, easy (if expensive) healing on hand made the prospect of wounds a simple thing to ignore until it could be fixed. Bloodsports are a notable attraction of most established cities in the Civilized World, flourishing under the services of the various osteomantic orders.
The Duraan, the civilization formed out of the Horned Folk tribes of the Centerlands, acted to cease the national conflicts which defined the Pre-Founding age and establish trade routes in the same maneuver. On the day established as the Founding 1499 years ago, the fundamental principles of the Civilized World were laid down as follows;
Five key civil services were put into requirement backed by international law under the Concord of Races. 1) judicial and policing services to keep peace exempt of influence by outside powers, 2) mandated non-profit disaster relief and emergency response, 3) subsidized medical support should one not be supported by private institutions or practicioners, 4) subsidized financial stability and 5) contract-based magical service, should it be required. A city which does not meet the standards for sustainable existence in these five fields may be lawfully seized and have a Governor appointed by the Concord of Races.
The Duraan's establishment, maintenance and protection of the inter-city trade routes has made them a prosperous civilization which has enjoyed co-operation with the majority of the Concord of Races. Their race's capitol is the Hinterlaan, the centerpiece of the Gallveri continent's Plains. They have little magical prowess in comparison to their numbers, but the few among them with magical aptitude enjoy much higher reserves at the expense of lesser control. Pyromancy and Osteomancy are popular branches within the Hinterlaan Mage College.
Ooh, nice. Yeah, let's have the various factions of the world, then. How will they interact with the other factions?
While the Duraan may have ensured the trade safety of the Civilized World, it was the Anjo who solidified its legitimacy of the Concord through improving life for all through their advancements.
They are a race of birdfolk primarily of the crow aesthetic that revered the technology of their void-travelling ancestors, but through their advancements stunted their health. This was compensated for with extensive cybernetics after the Renaissance years, where the brunt of research and development was done in an effort to redirect their cunning drive, which in Pre-Founding years had formerly had been focused on picking their enemies apart with highly mobile, hard-hitting raids far from advance guards and armed formations. Their co-operation with the Duraan is a sign of their cultural development, as the tribes of what was formerly Hinterlaan Bay were their favored game in what is referred to as 'the long hunt'.
Much of modern science was laid down by Anjo seekers of knowledge before the Concord Guild of Discovery was formed, and even then it was primarily Anjo that drove forward the Civilized World's understanding.
'A people cursed by their own work' was popularized by the sorceror Rostensli as a phrase to describe the Anjo civilization as a whole, as while their medicine and sciences are far beyond that of what they deem fitting to share with the Concord of Races, their average lifespans remain woefully short at less than thirty years. The Anjo people's capitol is Morning Roost, a colossal spire-city where airships and zeppelins provide the majority of trade traffic due to the unreachable location and the city's positioning in the Schwarzemunt mountains separating the Gallveri plains and the Keatask Highlands.
The Anjo have an abundance of magical prowess that is tempered by a cultural disillusionment in magic as a whole. Other races have found this puzzling, but accept it in favor of the more sustainable and widespread technology.
The various Horned Folk tribes have many myths, but all of them have a story about a massive underground city or dungeon that their ancestor came from. They tell of a previous age of Horned Folk civilization that built cities overnight, ruled by a powerful leader. They enjoyed unprecedented heights of magic mastery, and prospered because of it. Even going as far as making their leader immortal. But such immortality has a hidden price, for the leader went mad and caused a curse to be placed on the ancestors of the Horned Folk; Their cities would grow to be their prison, confusing those who walk upon their streets. A cabal of magic users manage to protect a small pocket of Horned Folk and researched a way out of the ever-growing city, using a stagnating part of the city as their laboratory. The cabal perished, but their sacrifice ensured the Horned Folk reached the surface.
Some call the mythical underground city The Lab, but some others remember more clearly of The Labyrinth. The city was thought to be a myth until recently, when several entrances were found by archeo-osteomancers looking for fossils underground.