All the mooning happened last week. Cryptocurrencies are officially dead...

All the mooning happened last week. Cryptocurrencies are officially dead. You'll be luck if you get >1% return on anything from now on.

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thats alright we just need to test 20k again and it all starts over

Do Americans really have to do this?

Is that why I'm up 30% today?

we love our country whats the problem eurotrash

God you nocoiners will go to any length to justify your mental illness


Burgers will continue to fall back. Their country is beyond hope.

these kids are the future backbone of america and you should be ashamed for suggesting immigration is a bad idea. go back to /pol/, nazi

Meanwhile, while OP is taking it up his ass and composing this post, VEN is just starting to moon

So no bubble then?

Le 52% faces lol

Can't wait for my crypto to take off and fuck off to Prague/Bratislava away from these Burger monstrosities

most powerful country in the world retard

You only did it to rout out the commies in the 50's, and now your 1984esque-ideological-shibboleth has become a point of pride rather than a distasteful anachronism to be swept under the rug.

you are dumb! your negative attitude cost you a 50% return since this morning on

i cant hear you over all this freedom

>enforced daily oaths in public schools
kek, good one. I needed a laugh.

look at these 56% faces jesus christ

america really is dead

> Bratislava
you'll get raped with a rusty commie era lamp pole by Alojz the minute you start gabbing about "muh cryptogains" amerifat

They clap when the plane lands.

Fascism is the only thing that can save us at this point

enjoy living in your shit hole while im here in my nice comfy massive house,

>dat JUST face

The Germans loved their country once..

>richest country in the world
>9th place in quality of life
Do they teach you people this shit in school or do you come to these inane conclusions on your own?