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Now we wait

Second for Ynnari.

I dont get what this is saying

I can always just move my guys onto the field on my table edge, or the 2 short edges?

What if im playing Hammer and Anvil and the short edge is my opponents?

You go on his side.

There's another rule that lets you do that too.

DA BEAST better come an stomp dem humies and spiky boyz

>if able to do so

Scout and infiltrators can roll in on a flank, and anything with Deepstrike can Deepstrike.


So, its just letting me use deepstrike and outflanking on turn 1? Do I still have to roll for reserves?

The wording is absolutely fucked

it needs the other wolf on the chariot

This sounds like a custom mission not formation/dt bonus. "Eldar player" obviously suggest it, its wording used in campaign missions.

your table edge and opponents table edge are self explanatory, short edge are the sides. this wording suggests that the units you would be moving on are in reserves, and that you would not have to roll for them.

Ah, I see

You should read it again. I don't see what's so hard about it.

>Hold everything in reserve
>T1, being in as many things from reserve as you want
>scouts and infiltrators can outflank
>this means they can come in from a table edge
>jump units, raiders, ect have Deepstrike
>this means they can Deepstrike
>anything you didn't bring in stays in reserve
>roll for reserves on T2 as normal


> Start playing 40k like two months ago
> Love it
> Go crazy buying/building/painting models
> Am finally at the point where my Army is big enough that I can start looking at Formations and their various benefits

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit this is awesome

This is it, seeing as it also refers to your table edge separate from the "short" table edges, implying the board setup is pre-determined

Sail on sailor, dont let anyone bring you down, try as they will

I'm so glad I did this

Does anyone have a scan of Fall of Cadia? Or at the very least a scan of Cawl's full rules, not just those boxed with the mini?

Reminder that the Night Lords theme song has been found at long last


>Dubstep is gay lol?
Dubstep suits many chaotic factions as it is fairly chaotic
Also this song is hardly Dubstep

>I listened to three seconds and I thought it was shit?
No, you are shit. Try lasting longer than you do in bed next time, before giving a review

>If this music isn't to my personal taste, does that mean it is the wrong song for the Night Lords?

Metal music doesn't suit chaos, this isn't the 80s. The Night Lords have evolved a lot in the last 8-10 years, so get on board or fuck off. Metal only really suits World Eaters, even then, probably Hardcore.

>My Emps Children love the shit metal though!!!
No, your structured music would bore them to death. Please read current fluff, not your 80s shit

*Pat pat* nice original joke, friend

>Does the above point apply for any of my other "funny" song ideas?

>I know more about music than you because that is brostep, not dubstep
Doesn't change the fact that it is the correct song for the Night Lords

I want a 10 bikers Ravenwing Black Knights squad but I'm a poorfag. (That would be around 130€)
I will use normal ravenwing bikes from eBay (they're cheap because of Dark Vengeance) and convert them into Black Knights.
Give me ideas on how to convert them, please
Need to have:
> Plasma Talon
> Corvus Hammers
> Badass look
> remain cheap
What do?

What do I equip on my exalted sorcerers to make them worth fielding?
What about my scarab occult terminators?
If possible, what about my rubrics?

you equip them with 30k rules

this fits better youtube.com/watch?v=06Ot0DaN1hM

just buy the $50 book dude.


It seems there are some formations which are basically "1-X units of Y", which seems fairly convenient if you were planning on taking Y, since now it's a separate formation and doesn't take up a slot in a CAD.

I am guessing Orks. Have you found their theme song yet?

He's actually autistic. Just filter him.

careful, some of those arent formations, but parts of the decurion. Formations that can be taken by themselves always have their own page.

Is there no way to make them decent with 40k WoM/Traitors rules?

I know what suits Word Bearers


>"We have come you" for spoke the marine, in the spookiest voice he could
>As he spoke the Night Lord fondled his hedge clipper impatiently
>"But first let me play you the song of my legion!"
>The user before him fell to his knees
>"Stop please, I beg you! Its so shit!"
>The Night Lord sparked the throttle on his hedge clipper, its throaty roar merely added to the cacophony of shit musical taste
>"Kill Me, Kill Me now! I can't stand it anymore!" Screamed user
>"Another metal head user." wept the Night Lord, his tears half drowning him in his helmet
>The hedge clipper made short work of user. But soon other anons heard the shit music
>And the cycle repeated


of course there is they'll just be entirely situational like 90% of the units in 40k.

You can savage people in fluffy games, but thats it.

>Its another Veeky Forums tells new Ork players to field Boys and Trukks edition


There hasnt been a single mention of boyz or trukks in the thread so far

Ork players can field whatever they want and like. If you are only looking competitive lists for Orks, you are doing Orks wrong. Bloody git.

They're I2, you've got to wait a couple of posts.

>YFW you realise the only advice the Ork player has received is to find a theme song

Hoping Deldar get something that isn't just "plug craftworlders into your army to make it work properly"

>Ork players can field whatever they want
>Why do Ork players do nothing but whine!

Difference between competitive builds, working builds, and the shit Veeky Forums suggests like Boys and Trukks.


Is it worth giving my NL Raptor champ a power sword or claw? For now, I'm only running them as two squads of 5 with meltas, but I can still charge transport occupants.

Thanks for your opinion. It is wrong, but any contribution is appreciated.

Power Sword, use chain glaive from FW to represent it, no one will question it because Rule of Cool.

That or go two claws, but that gets expensive.

Oh, I know. Thank you though. I'm going through the Angels of Death book right now, checking out different datasheets for things. Gotta get some more mechanized units.

Space Marines. I even came up with my own custom chapter. I'm a basic bitch I guess. I thought about Orks, but everyone told me they were fun to model but godawful on the table. I like some of their stuff though. If you were big into conversions/kitbashing/etc they seem like they would be the perfect army.

Speaking of conversions, good lord who designed the dual treads on the Tauroxes? They look ridiculous unless you throw some actual wheels on them.

I would love a pair of claws, but like you said, expensive. CSM don't even get the discount for the pair, so it's 30pts on a 1W model.

I could use a glaive. I need some for 30k anyway. It would be sweet if they could actually take them, though.

Also I don't play Orks, it was just easier to find a picture of an Ork smiling than it was to find a picture of a Space Marine smiling.

Take that how you will.

What chapter?


Plays as Iron Hands. I like walkers and mobile armor so that seemed like a natural fit. I thought about going IG instead since their tanks were way better statwise, but I figured the last thing I needed while I was learning how to paint minis was a horde army.


There's a full tank army you can play with only a few Mech Vets for objectives and shit. (30-40 dudes total.)

Imperial Armour, Armoured Battle Group.

much meme very humerus.

Is there anyone who is actually bothered by the thought of Female space marines here? I mean i think the general consensus is not that we hate the idea its just its not necessary in the game to have females represented in every role.

Eye of Ezekiel novel
Dying Lion
Azrael has to beg Cypher for help
Ezekiel possessed and no one detects it
Truly the gay legion is the home of evil degeneracy- just like that Breitbart bumfucker

There is a good in-universe reason why there aren't any. The hate of female space marines is just the logical reaction to the push for female space marines by others. If geneseed were fluffed differently right from the start I don't think anyone would mind.

Yeah but I couldn't have afforded that while I was just starting off.

> Is there anyone who is actually bothered by the thought of Female space marines here? I mean i think the general consensus is not that we hate the idea its just its not necessary in the game to have females represented in every role.

I think it's more like dudes feel that women and/or "gender politics" are intruding on all of their hobbies while simultaneously attempting to shame them for having fun, and they find tabletop wargaming to be one of the last few predominantly male safe spaces that they have left. It's easy to see how people could be defensive about it.

Thats what i meant there is no reason to change the fluff just to fit something irrelevant and that no one here is actually autisticaly bothered by just the idea.

The Beast lost

>last few predominantly male safe spaces that they have left.

The thought no, the noisy people clamouring to pound that square peg into 40k, yes.

What I AM bothered by is the insistence that female space marines after extensive enhancements, bulking, hormone treatments and layers of sloped armour wold be identifiable as female.

Know what's better than a space Marine? A fucking temple assassin.

>Safe Space
What now? Going were a safety pin, since Trump won?

If you want a safe space go to a university where those stupid things are in place.


Exactly i agree with you entirely but lets not derail this thread any harder than its starting to get. On a scale of 1-10 how bad do you think that craftworld eldar is going to become the old eldar cheese?

> Videogames
> Sports
> Computers
> Role Playing
> etc

Tons of traditional "guy hobbies" have seen a large infusion of females over the past decade or so and have changed as a result. Whether or not that is a good thing is a subject for a completely different thread.

Tabletop wargaming is the grognardiest of hobbies, some dudes see how other hobbies have changed and they don't want to see that sort of change in wargaming.


Safe Space in the metaphorical sense you dumbass, not in the physical "I'm a 20 year old co-ed and some guy smiled at me in the cafeteria and now I need a place to cry for 3 hours about how I was stare-raped" kind of safe space.

Woah, calm down oh triggered one. Put down the swastika coffee mug and just focus on painting your little mans like the rest of us.

On a scale of 1-10 how bad do you think the old eldar cheese is going to be compared to the new eldar cheese

It was your description of it as a "safe space" for guys that made me laugh.

Come on, user, fucking hell that's gay, and I'm a literal faggot who plays Eldar.

In universe they make no sense.

Model wise? Still do not make sense since they would look just like male marines.

Also at this scale unless you for something like SoB. With big boobs on the armour and noticible waist from afar you won't notice shit.

Look at any miniature model at this scale, unless they have huge boobs or a very define waist model armour parts you won't notice it.
Unless well the model is naked.

SoB make sense in universe and the boob and waist armour work perfectly to show they are women.

Unless you go out of your way to show they are women you end with things like Victorian miniatures alternative guardsmen, that unless you look very closely men and women look the same under combat fatigues.

Yes, Space Marines are supposed to be hyper masculine soldiers, masculinity is a big part of their identity. Also there's the fact that they were designed to be physically superior soldiers, and although there are very strong and fit women out there, it's simple biological fact that the most physically strong men (and Space Marines only take the very best remember) will always be stronger, by a large margin, than the most physically strong women. A female space marine would have to by necessity be written as a "man with boobs" to avoid ruining the space marine identity in which case, what's the point?

Female guardsmen I'm all cool with. Hell I'd like to see an all female regiment, and I wish GW would put out female Cadians (inb4 Cadia is kill)

> Literal faggot
> Plays Eldar

I believe it.

You gonna get Gangs of Commorragh?

Speaking of boxed games, are any of the 40K ones any good? Space Hulk looks like fun but is spendy as hell, but what about stuff like Lost Patrol and the assassins one?

Did you saw this ? He is a massive cuck.

I was just shitposting but damn he was actually serious.

>what's the point
Cause its biologically possible and in a galaxy covered in bizare alterations and outcomes arising from different planetary conditions acknowledging it helps flesh out the setting?

Personally I have no burning desire to see female Space Marines, I'd rather have SoB Boob plate get removed. I just find it totally puzzling how much of a conniption Veeky Forums throws over the idea

Yeah, even if it's just for Jetbikes for my Ynnari force.

Looks like a fun little game though.

> Calls someone a cuck unironically

/pol/ is that way, friendo

>I'd rather have SoB Boob plate get removed




Don't you mean Gangs of the Daemon infested ruins of Commorragh?

Yeah I think its unnecessary and ugly

Am I imagining things or do those Eldar rules seem even better than the stuff in the first Gathering Storm for the Imperium? Ynneari is certainly better than Greyfax as is their Triumvirate formation bonus. Their general utility also seems way more diverse and flexible than Cawl's and Celestine's rather basic "can't be killed" rules.

Ynnari are the future of the Eldar race, Ynnead is the only hope.

Also can we call non Ynnari fucking heretics now?

>I'd rather have SoB Boob plate get removed
It's an important part of their identity as Not-Men! under arms.

It's not like Vect and the Covens didn't just make another one.

Don't worry, they make up for it by losing everything in fluff.

Its apparently a deal GW's design studio made with the fluff writers. Since the fluff writers are always only gonna crap on the Eldar, in return the Design Studio were allowed to make them OP in the Crunch until the Fluff gets better

Who do you mean, Yvraine or the Yncarne?

>future of the Eldar race
Nah, it's Eldar race future food for Ynnead.

No, that retarded imperial shit.

Oh right, meant Yvraine.

>Ynnead is the only hope
for the Imperium

Does the combined Aeldari list mean we can get Howling Banshees in Raiders now? Without having to pay an Allies tax or have them start out on foot?

>Nah, it's Eldar race future food for Ynnead.
Are you having a stroke?

I don't think it even is biologically possible to be honest with you, unless the female in question was some mutant in which case she might have a hard time getting picked to be a Space marine.

I used to think the same about SoB but then someone made a good point. The whole idea behind SoB is that they are not MEN at arms, they are women. So the armor is intentionally designed to show off their feminine features. Maybe this was originally so that their army would never be confused as male soldiers, and persists to this day as a symbolic thing. But I guess I can understand people getting upset about boobplate.

You could literally remove it and I wouldn't notice. The presence of giant moulded boobs on their armour has never stood out to me at all as an important part of their character compared to their religious imagery

You can feel free to like it. But I don't


Have this been posted yet?