>Considering doing a Pathfinder game where my players go to the campaign world's version of Egypt
>Lacks fitting Egyptian art
So yeah, anybody know where to get Egyptian themed artwork that works for a Pathfinder campaign or has some?
>Considering doing a Pathfinder game where my players go to the campaign world's version of Egypt
>Lacks fitting Egyptian art
So yeah, anybody know where to get Egyptian themed artwork that works for a Pathfinder campaign or has some?
>inb4 We Wuz
Not Kangz
OP, you goddamn faggot, what Egypt? Medieval Egypt? Modern Egypt? Persian Egypt? Greek Egypt? Ottoman Egypt? Kushite Egypt aka WE WUZ? Old Kingdom? New Kingdom? First dynasties of Upper Egypt?
this, as a civilization it existed for almost 4000 years, and despite their best efforts to the contrary, that means that a lot of things changed
I guess Egypt before the Muslims came around.
It's always the fucking middle kingdom
(I think like 3 rpgs ever even touched at another Egypt)
Old Kingdom? Middle Kingdom? Persian? Nubian? Late Kingdom? Ptolemaic? Roman? Byzantine? Sassanid?
One thing hasn't changed: It not being a White country or Black country
That's about half of his list there.
I think for the purpose of a pathfinder game, 99% of people will understand exactly what kinds of pictures OP would want.
Not enough We Wuz.
Or Ayy Lmaos
I wish I had more.
Fun fact about Egypt, women wore clothing that was basically lingerie.
Yeah, it's one of the few areas of fantasy costume design where the women's clothes are pretty consistently less skimpy than the historical depictions that inspire them. Which is not a value judgment. It's just interesting.
I figure it has a lot to do with censorship standards of the day, for the same reason a lot of victorian era paintings refused to use proper empire waist dresses because they were seen as too vulgar for the public of the day.
Basically we're more okay as a society with bikinis than tits out.
That's definitely the Minoans, not the Egyptians.