So i'm sure this has already been discussed to death but I'm curious
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Dawn of War 3?
So i'm sure this has already been discussed to death but I'm curious
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Dawn of War 3?
It's been three games, I really wish they'd pull the finger out and get to at least Noon of War already.
Made me reinstall DoW1
Same, I replayed the disorder campaign of Winter Assault
>tfw you can't play Dark Crusade campaing with mods
I think it's looking alright
Really like the animations, especially these deff dreads
>not playing the order campaign
You don't want to disappoint General Sturnn, do you?
But Gortgutz is my waifu
The walkers animations are good but the buildings and infantry animations are awful
You can't even see much of the work that goes into the animation with how far you zoom out in a normal game so it is pointless after a certain degree.
Looks really bad, just let old 40k die.
Here is a commented gameplay of the ork demo, played by someone who knows more about RTS than the ING player.
Am I the only one who likes some of Gorgutz lines?
Speaking of Gorgutz I like his new design to an extent, the claw should've been a little smaller but his VA is awful, he sounds like a human with a bad accent
>carrying about Gorgutz
Gorgutz is one of the best characters in the franchise
From the looks of it, it's gonna be trash imo.
Nothing about it looks appealing to me. It's combat has been simplified to hell and back, many of the design decisions like Eldar having regenerating shields, or the removal of cover mechanics etc are things I completely disagree with, heroes are even more prominent, with abilities copied straight out of mobas, and the aesthetics look like trash.
In short, the game looks to be worse than both of it's predecessors.
Jesus fucking christ that looks so bad.
>What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Dawn of War 3?
Hard to tell because it's still pre-Beta but I miss the sync-kills, don't like their cover system (or rather, would like it in addition to the old one) and the particle effects are a bit busy. The art style is a little Blizzard for my tastes too.
Also, as weird as it sounds, I don't think DoW scales up to the size of fights they were showing. I always preferred three squads, some scouts of one type or another and a couple of tanks rather than horde-herding like C&C.
Indeed, unless they revamp the game considerably it'll be something that simply doesn't live up to the original even if it's rather too dated now. Still it really could change in that time, DOOM had a terrible open beta and no one thought that'd be any good, in retrospect the DOOM versus original Doom videos on YouTube look positively foolish.
>...and welcome to starcraft 3
Isn't most of the people at Relic new employes? It sure bugs me when their FB page keeps uploading pictures of them playing MTG.
I hope, as is tradition, one of the xpacs has a character with a funny accent and over dramatic lines to ushers in a Third Age of 40k memes
That is truly one of the best video game scenes of all time. I remember when it came out I was blown away.
>Gorgutz is one of the best characters in the franchise
Then who would be?
It's gonna be shit
>I always preferred three squads, some scouts of one type or another and a couple of tanks rather than horde-herding like C&C.
See I disagree here. I hope they go back to the massive hordes.
What made DoW 1 the perfect game, in my opinion, wasthe battles felt and played like the scenes from a warhammer codex. You know, what the vast hordes of Guardsmen shooting into a vast horde of tyranids or something. Kinda like pic related.
THAT to me is a proper Warhammer battle.
No you're right, the character who's been in the most games is not, infact, one of the best
But he's not, though.
Gabe. No real question there. The rest are just memes.
It's GW dropping the ball harder than they ever have. Rountree's been throwing their license's ass out the window for years now, and we've been given shit game after shit game because of it. Now they're treating the one video game property that's actually regularly successful out the door?
I hope GW rots in hell for what they did to themselves.
>The rest are just memes.
>Sturnn is a meme.
>Davian Thule is a meme.
>Kais is a meme.
>Eliphas is a meme.
>Tarkus is a meme.
>Avitus is a meme.
>Merrick is a meme.
>Ronahn is a meme.
>Veldoran is a meme.
>Bluddflagg iz a meme.
I like Gabe, but that claim is just moronic.
But he is right, only Space Marines characters are important.
Yes, you can. Epic Armageddon and Titanium Wars both work with Dark Crusade's campaign.
Under rated goof
I am starting to wish that the Blood Ravens become the losers of DoW 3.
Everyone's the loser in DoW 3
>Everyone is the loser in 40K except Chaos because muh ultimate evil/daddy issues
Fixed for ya.
I like it
But not FoK.
>Nice trailer. Shit game.
Is it out then? I thought it was still months from release...
Game footage has been released so he's talking about that
Oh. Sounds a bit early to declare it shit, then.
>the one video game property that's actually regularly successful
TW:W wipes its ass with the DoW series.
Orks theme is dope. The moba elements scare me deeply, along with reliance upon hero units and elites. The aesthetic is kind of wonky right now. I like orks, but i'm tempted to get it and play eldar if it isn't declared absolutely awful on release because i'm nostalgic for this badly-painted wraithlord I had when I first got into tabletop. I'm expecting the worse though.
Lost it
>The moba elements scare me deeply, along with reliance upon hero units and elites.
If this makes you feel better, in the demos I noticed that the heroes would get killed quickly if put on bad situations. (Solaria killed by Banshees, Macha and Jain Zar killed by marine dakka and Gorgutz with the Weirdboy killed by going alone in a outpost)
The gameplay footage released is astonishingly shit
How the fuck is it a MoBA?
Dawn of war 1 and 2 had heroes.
MOBA became "RTS I don't like" to the average /v/tard.
Because having a 25% miss chance is so much better.
And having targeted abilities has been a thing in RTS games since WC3.
>Deffcopters sing Ride of the Valkyries.
TW:WH is dead to normies.
It looked like generic RTS, more down to the roots of WC3, when you kite little shits with hero unit. I assume you're talking about that part with Angelos, right?
I can't say it is shit bases purely on that.
Having actual cover mechanics are better than the bs in DoW 3.
Also, WC 3 is shit tier. And DoW 3's hero abilities are fucking blatantly taken from moba games with zero regard to the actual lore of the factions. It's fucking disgusting.
Except that's not how space marines fucking fight you mong.
People will suddenly say that it's a Moba because of tall grass.
Then someone will say Company of heroes 1 and 2 had similar mechanics.
Then they will call you a cuck.
Truly a masterpiece of vidya cinematic.
>Moba abilities.
Because dawn of war 1 and 2 didn't have Moba abilities.
>muh lore
makes for terrible gameplay.
The shield mechanic is a better abstraction that doesn't depend on RNG bullshit that the non eldar player can or cannot control.
>Retards unironically says that it is shit because "muh lore" or "Borderlands did it before"
>oy vey Gorgutz was whispering and wasn't saying "PANZIES", it's anudda shoah.
No, they didn't, and the abilities they had were very well founded on the lore.
Wheres in DoW 3, you have Terminators doing massive flip jumps, and Gorguz flinging his claw like Pudge's hook. It's fucking retarded.
Also, the shield mechanic is stupid. More fitting representation of battle focus would have been to allow the Eldar to shoot on the move or something.
Battle Focus lets the eldar move and shoot in the same phase on the TT. Translating that to "lol, regenerating shields" is fucking moronic.
DoW 3 is going to be utter shit and only braindead plebs have any interest towards it.
>battle focus
Dawn of war made them pretty broken with their move and shoot mechanic if you remember.
Oh wait you don't.
The shield mechanic actually allow the eldar to do hit and run attacks because the shields allow you to survive just long enough without losing HP damage.
>it was based on lore.
And the lore should never stand in the way of gameplay you mong. It's like arguing with Wehraboos on Good design takes some cues from the source material and is not a 1-1 copy.
Having large abilities that allow you to disrupt your opponent is always a good thing, especially if they allow your opponent to actually counter it.
>you have Terminators doing massive flip jumps,
Only Angelos, the other Termies are still heavy. Still a bit silly.
>and Gorguz flinging his claw like Pudge's hook.
Dis git don't know about orky teknologi.
I like the mechanic that allows orks to build tanks with gretchins by collecting scrap.
Pretty neato.
I do remember how they played in DOW 1 and them being "broken" was simply a matter of ballance.
>And the lore should never stand in the way of gameplay you mong.
Then why the fuck make it a 40k game, if you are willing to disregard lore?
And no, the shield bs does not make for good gameplay, especially if you are a fan of the Eldar. It is fucking retarded shit that doesn't fit the race at all. Them being super mobile and able to outmanouver their foes would be more fitting, instead of having retarded shields that allow them to stick to a fight briefly, before being forced to run away.
I'd rather have Wargame: Epic Armageddon.
I'm utterly bored of tactical STRs.
Eldar don't stand up in a straight fight either way you mong.
The eldar gain a speed buff around their bases that allow them to kite their opponents around. Webway gates eventually allow you to teleport your bases entirely and are invisible.
The hit and run part is perfect.
And the shield mechanic is better because it reduces RNG bullshit that neither player has control over. Having a flat buff to fire on the move makes the eldar require less skill for kiting exactly what happened in dawn of war 1.
Also if you pay attention in the IGN video, the Killa Kans are driven by grots and the Deff Dreads by orks.
Also if you build with scrap, it is cheaper then the normal way, but the units are already damaged.
People whine about it nonstop but will come to like it 2-3 years after release unless relic pull a plug due to sega.
Campaign will have necrons as final big bad and campaign plot is about looting anti-warp tech. Necron overlord will be fueled by Veeky Forums memes subtly and will have thick brittish accent.
Yeeessss. Leviathans and Capotils Imperialis and titans duking it the fuck out, Tyranid acid-pools the size of towns, I can fap to this.
yes. I noticed.
Pretty neat mechanic.
I guess Gretchins will be a nice backline unit repairing tanks and kans.
>Eldar don't stand up in a straight fight either way you mong.
Except they do, both on the TT and the Lore.
Dark Eldar are the fragile glass cannons that need to do hit and run attacks.
Craftworlders can fight pretty decently in a straight up confrontation. They simply have very specialized warriors that are needed to utilize well together to bring out victory.
And again, no, the shield bs is retarded, and completely unfitting for the Eldar. They should rely on mobility, not regenerating shields that have no basis in either their lore or tt. Some units, like Dire Avengers having an exarch upgrade that grants them shields, would fit, but those shields being universal is fucking bullshit.
DoW 3 is going to be dead on arrival.
>why isn't gameplay a copy of my tabletop/lore?
Because TTs are turn based, not real time. Compstompers should have the last say about faction design.
And the eldar have tanky wraithbone units and a shit ton of specialists. Their movement is based on proximity to the webway that makes them different from the other two factions in a fluffy way and promotes a diverse playstyle of outmaneuvering your opponents without melting when you start skirmishing with their armies or completely roflstomping them because you have flat bonuses that your opponent can't play around.
It will take Relic to fuck up really bad (like Migthy Number 9 of fuck up) to make stop people liking the DoW series at all...not that it will stop whiners like Arch to spew shit here, on /v/ and Veeky Forums.
DoW 2 managed to be far closer to the TT and lore, and hence it will be the superior game when compared to DoW 3.
That game is blatantly utter shit, and only shills and mindless fanboys can possibly defend it.
There are no redeemable qualities in DoW 3 and I hope it fucking crashes and burns and relic goes under for their utter fuck up.
and it was criticized for having a tiny scale.
>the game has no redeemable qualities.
The LoS system is better.
The movable UI elements are good.
I like that basebuilding has actual effort behind it and the different factions interact with their bases differently rather than it being a mindless checkbox like it was in dawn of war.
How does a guy who play with Radious Total War for Warhammer even have any credibility?
CoH is shit and only retards like it.
Ooh movable UI elements would be nice, what's your source if I could enquire?
fuck off man of war fag.
Go make 500 mods about unique german strosstruppen mowing down a bajillion
Kat_RE on the Dawn of war 3 forums said that. She is a Relic PR employee
>Go make 500 mods about unique german strosstruppen mowing down a bajillion
I don't play that shit either.
WW2 is a setting that is literally only liked by spergy faggots, it offers not a single one interesting aspect. So go and take your shitty setting and your shitty game mechanics with you ass-goblin
go fuck yourself lore grognard.
Your setting is turning to literal dogshit and the only reason GW is plodding along is targeting beaten housewives like you and selling overpriced miniatures.
Don't forget to buy that New Aeldari minis.
Even the steaming diarrhea that is nu-40k will always be better than WW2 and I haven't bought a model in years.
>one is a global conflict that changed mankind's course of history and brought to the forefront different methods of warfare.
>the other is a setting where the good writers left and retards began to take jokes as super srs bsns.
Current "40k" fans are the ones that get their lore off arch warhammer, masturbate all over SM wank and then buy the next miniature that GW makes.
It's going to be shit.
But it have wraithguards and phoenix lords and shadows spectres, I can't hate it just yet.
That one video gameplay with Macha acting like a spurned lover is hilarious tho.
>Leave him alone, Macha, it's me you want !
>one is a global conflict that changed mankind's course of history and brought to the forefront different methods of warfare.
By that logic the lore of the discovery of vaccines or crop rotation is an interesting setting, and yet only autistic spergs roleplay pre-historic farmers (like WW2). Historical importance is literally completely divorced from the actual interest the topic holds. So go back to rubbing your micro-penis over your granddads uniform you pathetic dick-inhaler, and let us discuss our actually interesting setting peace.
>interesting setting
>Buy this model.
>actually interesting setting peace.
>tales about Guilliman and his Justice Legaue
>intersting setting
Pick one
Dude, ww2 was so boring. It didn't even have exterminatuses and giant warrior monks and shit.
>t.Sly Marbo
And can the retards in the "40K vs WW2" stop acting like morons?
Who am I kidding? They never stop
>not Davian Cool
I was taking the piss out of someone who thinks a setting whose best videogames were all about making fun of said setting means the setting is 2deep
There's 3 things I wanted out of DoW 3: AI that wasn't retarded as all fuck, return to sync kills, and seeing a larger army list.
So far I got one of those. At this point the only thing I can truly say I approve of is the Ork theme music, as it sounds like the rokkaz are back
AIs will always be retarded as fuck.
As long as they don't play Ring Around the Points with tier 1 units, I'll be fine.
Everytime I watch this I'm so bothered by the fact that the sergeant orders to leave the cover to charge.
But this is a truly beautiful video
That gets on my tits, too.
Here's a version of the same video, but without commentary: