What's the Canada of your setting
What's the Canada of your setting
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Nowhere. My setting is based heavily on 1600s scandinavia.
What exactly is the Canada of a setting?
A wasteland.
It's like the main superpower of the setting but cooler.
bretty gud
>not a beaver
You had 1 job.
>Passive agressive
>No real cultural identity
>When they're not busy hating their objectively superior neighbor, they hate half of their country
I don't see why you'd want a Canada in any setting. Including the setting we live in.
>but cooler
I hope you're talking about temperature.
None, because I'm not uncreative enough to put "X but with a different name" in my settings.
Please keep /pol/ memes in /pol/. Thank you.
Roland go home.
Stop infecting Veeky Forums with your shitty memes
>inb4 op starts shouting about poo in the loo or some shit
This has nothing to do with Veeky Forums. You're a stupid piece of shit normie from /int/ that wanted (You)'s. Here's your (You) and be prepared for this thread to be purged.
Looks like /int/ stuff senpai
I asked my players if they had a preference for where the campaign took place, and they all chose Canada.
I don't know why.
I had to make a shit up, which mainly consisted of "It's really cold" and "I guess Mounties exist?"
I asked my players if they had a preference for where the campaign took place, and they all chose America.
I don't know why.
I had to make a shit up, which mainly consisted of "There's niggers everywhere" and "I guess non-belligerent people exist?"
No, shart in mart.
I don't get it.
An icy wasteland inhabited by cold-weather monsters, awakened undead exiles, and snow elves.
Well it's a fantasy setting, so Canada doesn't exist.
Canada, with monster girls and wizards.
It's full of yuki-onna, except they're a bit thicker and exceedingly polite
Hah. You're funny user.
No, but seriously, it just seemed so out of left field. I asked if they had a preference and they just pounced on it. I don't think we've ever talked about Canada much or anything, and then they all just came together and said "We want it to be in Canada."
And it wasn't really a huge change to the setting or anything, so I just said, "Okay, sure." And I wanted to portray it correctly, so I went online and did some research to see if there was anything I needed to know. But there really wasn't.
So it really just came down to, "It's cold, mounties exist and they're pretty badass, guns aren't as common", and that was it.
I still feel as if it was a bit random and I don't know if I did it right, but everyone seemed to have a good time and that's the important thing.
T. butthurt American from North Dakota wasteland wishing he was living a little bit higher up north.
Report, sage, hide.
Also, FUCK OFF, /pol/, with your shitty memes
Sorry about that, I've been dealing with /int/ shitheads on Veeky Forums which makes me cranky with anything that seems to be /int/ shitposting (the pro/anti /pol/ fags are far, far worse though). That is a bit strange, but if everyone had fun (including yourself) then I'm happy. One thing for your Canada campaign though, beware of the moose. Those fuckers will chase you in rutting season and they're hard to get away from (they'll run you down in a straight line, so run into woods and try to keep yourself and the moose between strong tress. It's scary, but it may save yourself from getting broken bones or worse).
>le /pol/ boogie man
These are /int/ memes. It's equally shit, but at least be accurate.
... How is she not fat tho
Canada is full of mystery.
Canadians have real syrup, not the 95% sugar, maple flavored sludge they sell in most of America.
It tastes like cigarette butts, but in a good way
I believe would be a better border for you if you absolutely need a place to whine about /pol/ and other similar boards like a little faggot.
Land inhabitated mainly by Ice trolls, with few elven colonies here and there.
Also why isn't OP's picture animated/gif-fed yet?
That's pretty good to know, user. Hopefully I'll be able to use that information someday.
In a story or campaign of some sort, I mean. Not in real life. Real life would suck.
Why would I include such a disgusting land to my setting?
Leafs deserve the day of the rake.
Every year, the peoples of Cah'Nudah must make a sacrifice of their lifeforce to appease their eldritch masters
Excuse me friend, but as a North Dakotan, I can assure you that we would never be that rude to a stranger on the computer.
Dessert lefse?
So in this new world of Canada allegedly being the most prolific shitposters, where does Australia fit in? Will the Commonwealth nations emerge as a unified shitposting power?
>>Passive agressive
Just passive really.
>>No real cultural identity
>>When they're not busy hating their objectively superior neighbor, they hate half of their country
Every other country hates the US. Every country will shit-talk their provincial/state neighbours.
What the hell is wrong with her milk? Why is it in some kind of full retard attempt at a bag, which wouldn't be able to properly store liquid?
>Every other country hates the US.
From my experience with working with exchange students, Korea and Germany don't hate the US, and Japan tends to recognize and accept them slightly more that other countries.
Though my experience is solely with exchange students who willingly come to the states, so I have a biased distribution of normies
Don't really have one, mostly because I don't really have an America equivilent since the setting is inspired by the Hellenistic period
Though, across the ocean, there is a race of angry Shrike-People, who are essentially Scots mixed with Aussies who have a cultural finnickyness about food preparation based slightly off of Gordon Ramsey
America, too. It's called Thanksgiving.
Of if you're in the south, Thursday.
It's just a drawing designed for immediate visual cues.
Settle down, silly pants.
>Of if you're in the south, Thursday.
I live in the south, and that was funny.
Wait, since when did we get Poutine here in the States? Tell me, I need some!
Shut up! we love our trashpandas!
Hello imgur.
National health care? We run from bears? Snowshoeing?
Trashpanda was an /an/ thing since 2012 at least.
People actually go to /an/?
Never been to Toronto have you, you sorry sack of two dollar nails?
Oh, I have. Trust me, nobody likes those raccoons.
No ;.;
My mum fed a family that lived under our deck when I was in highschool. Kept me out of our trash for the most part actually.
Its funny, becaue Red Panda, and their Family Ailuridae, used to be part of Family Procyonidae, which is the family of Raccoons, Ringtails, and Coatimundis
Your mum is fucking crazy, man.
this pic has no sauce and is probably outdated, but here you go
I lived right next to the Rouge Valley (now a national park!) for a long while and raccoon's killed my neighbors kitten. It was a bad day. Basically, fuck raccoons and all they stand for.
Why does Bangladesh hate Isreal so much? Besides being Muslim.
I also think it's funny that India hates Pakistan but Pakistan now hates America.
I do
I saw a cheeto thread that lasted for several months, man, this board is slow as a snail
what flag is that on the african country next to Somalia?
>Vietnam considered a threat by China.
Huh, wierd.
The Somalian flag.
other way round dingaling
Wow, racists BTFO'd.
Of the four countries smart enough to realized the truth, all four (Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq, and Bangladesh) are full of little brown people.
You've got the flag backwards.
why is germany so cucked
I hate it when fantasy settings have just one culture for one race even if they're found scattered across a large world. I've been trying to come up with at least three different flavors of each race for my setting. For dwarves you have the traditional mountain dwarves, lava-themed leviathan worshipping under-dwarves, and canadian lumberjack dwarves.
Basically centuries ago they left their mountain home in exodus. Haven't decided why yet, prolly either a dragon took it over or it was rendered uninhabitable due to a curse. With no home the dwarves settled in the nearby hills and took to fur trapping and felling lumber rather than mining ore. I just like the image of a heavily tattooed fur-clad dwarf riding a bunch of logs down a frozen river.
The nation that's culturally a watered-down version of the main nation of the setting with bits and pieces of its own lore, while simultaneously piggy-backing on the success of the main nation to allow it to have nice things without having to actually pay for them.
They're pretty much irrevocably tied to the main nation, though, and its collapse would result in their collapse, so they're kind of their bitch when it comes to geopolitical relations.
>log drivers
Now you've done it
They have a flag? I thought that each little warlord had a head on a pole to signify his authority.
inb4 "White people gave them the flag before the Somalians decided to experiment with home rule.
>traditional mountain dwarves, lava-themed leviathan worshipping under-dwarves, and canadian lumberjack dwarves.
I like you.
My setting is basically a renaissance fantasy with Not!North America having been settled about a few decades prior to main events.
Canada is simply considered part of the Torturga Archipelago.
>I thought that each little warlord had a head on a pole to signify his authority.
Well, that's the reality of the situation on the ground, but they DO still have a flag for the government that only exists on paper.
>someone call you out on your bullshit
>y-you're a c-cuck
god amerifats are so overly sensitive
>I hate it when fantasy settings have just one culture for one race even if they're found scattered across a large world.
Amen brother. I always have each setting have 2-3 major ethnicities, with numerous geographic sub-cultures each.
Just wish I could get around to writing it down and finishing my homebrew setting
That was a cute video user, thanks for that.
Please user, I already have one fictional Canadian gf! I don't need another.
Newfoundland is more Canada then Canada
Tell me about it. Part of me wants to like, actually write this stuff down but discussing and imagining this stuff up is the fun part. I'm not much for writing, so I know as soon as I sit down and start typing it all I'll just lose interest. Still, would be nice to write up a little travel guide or compendium for my players. Actually an in-universe series of research notes on different cultures and provinces would be pretty rad to hash out.
>s. Actually an in-universe series of research notes on different cultures and provinces would be pretty rad to hash out.
Yeah, that would be nice. Personally, I've only just starte on writing down the recorded cosmology as left behind by the Creator Deity "The One Who is I" on the seeds left behind from the fruit of life.
After that, I was thinking of doing for the TES approach of recording the history in a series of religious texts, military reports, academic articles, and old snips of recorded songs and carvings.
women voters
That sounds pretty cool dude. I always liked the approach of never having a concrete history, and having multiple stories the players can sift through. Like I dunno, the dwarves could believe the world was created when their god took his eye and hammered it on his cosmic anvil, the sparks creating the stars in the sky. Meanwhile the Elves believe two great serpents fought in the sky, one plucked out the others eye and it became the world. Two very different stories but sharing a common theme. The players will receive several different stories about why say dragons exist, but they'll get the overall idea while having some fun stories to debate about.
calm down there Hans your wife's son is crying
The term is "stepson", you niggerlover.
What is that?
Looks like french fries, with maybe some kind of cheese covered in gravy?
Its the Canadian equivelent to the Luther Burger
cheese curds, covered in chicken-based gravy.
It's called poutine, which is pronounced either "poo-teen" or "pu-tsay" depending on how French you are.
It's one of three National Foods of Canada, the other two being the Nanaimo Bar and All-Dressed Potato Chips
>It's one of three National Foods of Canada, the other two being the Nanaimo Bar and All-Dressed Potato Chips
>Nanaimo Bar and All-Dressed Potato Chips
Neither of those are how you spell "Kraft Dinner".
It's cheese curds. Also varies between disgusting vomit slop and super delicious depending on where you get it.
Oh Squeaky cheese. I thought It looked familiar. Doesn't sound bad at all. Surprised we haven't developed that here in Wisconsin. We love our Cheese Curds around here.
Kraft Dinner has been depreciated.
Its the cold forces their bodies to spend more calories not freezing to death.
the norths are cold deadly hellscapes, but I'm sure the border to them has occupancy, which means a shitload of sleepy cold tree dryads, trolls, bear lords, and ratfolk in majority, so yeah, a quiet peaceful place full of goobers hardened by the occasional assault from the unimagined north.
High Elves. All obsessed with trees and worshipping giant deer.