Seems we hardly ever talk about this system.
What's everyone's preferred edition of this game?
I haven't played it yet, but thought it might be worth trying if people think it's better than Pathfinder and D&D.
Seems we hardly ever talk about this system.
What's everyone's preferred edition of this game?
I haven't played it yet, but thought it might be worth trying if people think it's better than Pathfinder and D&D.
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a shit ton of editions. I've only ever played Runequest 6 (now Mythras), and it was fine. I'm not a big fan of the combat maneuvers, but as a skill system I much prefer it over games like D&D or Pathfinder.
Runequest is pretty heavily associated with Glorantha, so you'll find many people turned off just because of that.
I think it's a little much to say that people would be turned off by Glorantha, since the only parts that could be called offensive are the duck people. But yeah, it's definitely not a selling point, since it's a comparatively dull setting. People are not exactly running in the streets in order to get their hands on Glorantha stuff.
I can only speak from experience.
>People are not exactly running in the streets in order to get their hands on Glorantha stuff.
Guide to Glorantha - 1,276 backers pledged $260,962 to help bring this project to life.
Runequest: Classic Edition - 2,176 backers pledged $206,819 to help bring this project to life.
Now not huge numbers compared to DnD or Pathfinder (or even FATE which got 10k backers), I'd say those are decent numbers. But I might be deluding myself because I like Glorantha.
Is it that time of the year again? RQ is swell, and RQ6 reigns supreme. Still not sold on Glorantha, though.
But how many of those are new fans? Granted, Glorantha is obviously doing better than it has in a long while, but how much of their fan base is drawn from people who already know and love it?
I'm a Glorantha fan too, but none of the books are newbie-friendly. I don't think the average gamer would pick up a Glorantha book and have their first reaction be "Wow. I really want to play a game in this setting."
Glorantha has three hurdles: its presentation, its fanbase, and the setting itself.
1. The books read like reference texts, and focus too much on the world itself instead of on what the world allows player characters to do and be.
2. The fanbase has a toxic reputation for echoing the mistakes the writers themselves make as listed above.
3. Glorantha will always and forever be known as the game you can play a duck in; and all the other gonzo stuff certainly doesn't help.
Well I bought the Guide (and the Atlas) in dead tree format and I've never actually played an RPG in Glorantha. My old group had a player who hated it because he had a companion (or a fetch or something) that could attack better than him so we just played 2e DnD. Group after that didn't want to play Fantasy (unless it was more modern fantasy), and now I live in the boonies so I only sometimes get to play in an online game.
Forgot to add, "So I'm one, but you're right it's probably mostly old fans."
RQ6/Mythras is a great game, the best edition IMO. Also, I would choose Classic Fantasy over D&D/Pathfinder, if I wanted old school dungeoncrawling. I like skill-based systems much more than level-based ones.
Yeah. If you bought the Guide and the Atlas I'm guessing you like reading lore -- which is great and nothing to be ashamed of, but from a business perspective it doesn't grow the brand. New blood isn't introduced to the game, and there's no impulse to buy more gaming products set in Glorantha.
The soon-to-be new RQ and the 13th Age-game might rectify some of this, and make Glorantha more approachable.
Or they might completely fuck it up, it remains to be seen.
I've got loads of Glorantha-stuff, but I've barely played in the setting. I read it for fun and for stealing ideas.
Yeah, if they're ever fucking released. I'm so tired of waiting for them that I've just decided to play GURPS instead.
I think the idea of making a d20 Glorantha game as in 13th Age is a good idea, and might definitely draw some new blood -- 13th Age is pretty popular, and might be an easier step from D&D.
I'm excited for the new Runequest. It sounds as if they're really going all out, and although I was initially suspicious of their decision to go back to RQ2 for the basics, I think it'll work out just fine. The only problem is that I don't think it's going to be coming out for at least a year.
what if we make a new setting for RuneQuest?
I'm all for it. Classical age setting based in the diadochoi, but in fantasy land?
Because I like Glorantha.
The new RQ is going to be basically inextricable from it, anyway.
More about med fantasy than northern stuff for a change.
You mean make a new setting for the system that has been divorced from Glorantha in at least 2 iterations (3 and 6/Mythras)?
OK. But this is your setting.
>Veeky Forums gets shit done
aaand the sad reality...
>I want other people to do shit for me and then I'll pound my chest like an ape and spout mantras
>implying I was the one asking for a new setting
What kind of setting would that be that haven't already been made? BRP is giving GURPS a run for its money.
But only one person in this thread wants a new setting for Runequest.
it ain't me bud
Does anyone in the thread have questions about Glorantha? It's the weekend so I have time to reply.
got a link to the RQ one?
>doesn't know how to use google
Good thing for you We Are All Us in Glorantha threads, newfag
I am running a RQ 3 game in glorantha for over a year now. The party doesn't really care about the setting, but they like the fantasticness of it. The thing with Glorantha is that the source books all focus on the epic and the divine making it a lot larger than life than Runequest. In Runequest you hardly ever play a larger than life character.
So my party just drifts around fighting monsters and dudes and making friends and enemies. They travelled in Sartar fighting the Lunars there. They were banished to the badlands of Prax and helped a baboon becoming King of the Baboons in a couple of quests. Now they have travelled to Balazar in the North. The last session was just them traversing a mountain and they enjoyed it a whole lot. They killed a Griffin though so that will become a problem in the Future.
We are all young by the way, I the oldest at 24. The rest is all younger.
That's good. There's no wrong way to play in Glorantha. YGWV
Do Lhankor Mhy cultists ALL have to have beards, or is that just an Orlanthi thing?
Pretty sure Lhankor Mhy is an exclusively Orlanthi cult, which should answer your question.
Of course, Lhankor Mhy may or may not be an exiled Brithini from the god time... so the requirement to wear a beard may have a deeper root in caste law.
>No one likes Glorantha
>Or Runequest
>Page 11
It hurts.
I like RuneQuest but not Glorantha.
Let's talk about Runequest, then. This is a Runequest thread, after all.
What edition do you use?
RQ6/Mythras is my favorite. Classic Fantasy is good too. Shame there is not much support for these games.
I feel like Classic Fantasy introduces some neat ideas, but misses the mark in trying to codify everything into hard builds. Do love RQ6 generally though.
I've played a bit of RQ6. Didn't really gel with combat styles or the combat effects.
I think people just don't know about it, or think it's a dead game. It's a shame, and I feel bad for the designers.
Not him, but yesterday was my weekly Runequest 6 game. The players are working their way up a river in a ship in order to obtain help for their tribe.
I'm a tiny bit confused about combat. As I'm reading it, a character can generally only attack once a round. So most of the time, one AP is saved for attacking and another for defending against anyone attacking them later in the initiative order.
What happens if two people with 3 AP are fighting? Do they just attack and defend against one another and the third is wasted, or are there actions they can take to influence the fight with that extra point? Am I totally wrong and they're able to attack a second time?
I'm pretty sure you can attack as many times in a round as you want, so long as you have the AP to spend.
After everyone has a go, people with remaining AP get another go to spend their remaining AP.
Tell us more about your game. What's the setting?
You're confusing rounds with turns. A character can attack once in a turn, which is determined by initiative order. The round only ends after no one has APs left. So a character with 3 APs can attack 3 times or attack 2 times and parry once or attack 1 time and parry twice or parry 3 times.
The combat styles are one of the few things I don't really like about RQ6, especially because it's up to the GM to create them all. The book should at least provide some generic ones for reference.
Ah, MRQ, not the best edition, bit it's mine.
I play it with the errata - without it's fiddly and overcomplicated, fun solid system in most incarnations though.
Far more versatile and lethal than D&D.
Glorantha is the tits.
It's goofy in parts, and has profound mythological overtones in others.
It's one of the most Anthropologically interesting settings about, particularly since it began moving away from so many direct analogies to real world cultures.
Plus Games Workshop ripped so much of their stuff off it's funny.
What do combat styles do, I only know r3
Yeah, I prefer individual weapon skills, like in RQ2.
Yeah, the guide did a great job of making the cultures look very different from the traditional real world analogs -- except Kralorela and Vormain.
A combat style is basically just a package set of skills, which can be as broad or as restrictive as the GM wants.
The game suggests keeping it at around two or three weapons, but the idea is that if you use a sword and shield, instead of having separate skills for both, you have one single combat style to encompass that combination.
So that means you have a skill level for that combination?
It's pretty fuzzy, but yes. It could mean that you have a lower skill level if you're wielding one but not both weapons, or it might not. It's up to your GM how he wants to run it.
It's too mushy for me. I like solidity.
Same here. I don't know if I should separate weapons by region or culture or have all encompassing styles like 'swords', 'axes', 'bows' and so forth. Traits in combat styles is another thing to worry about.
I think the only guideline they give is to determine it based on how important you want combat to be in your game. The more combat styles you have, and the more intricate they are, the more points your players will have to spend on them in order to be competent.
I like RQ6 but my group had a bad experience with a bad GM playing it. They'd probably try it again if I ran it.
I find it a little too rules heavy for my tastes. RQ2 just makes more sense to me (and yeah, I know they're essentially the same game).
Magic in particular in RQ6 felt overly complex. My friends and I could not figure out what the hell animism was all about. I should re-read it again.
I understand spirit combat in RQ2.
I do like how your cultural background is integrated into your starting skills, though. I think they did that beautifully. I also appreciate that you don't start as a complete shlup like you do in RQ2.
Combat moves (or whatever they're called; the effects you can do if you succeed and your opponent doesn't) were cool, but slowed down combat to a crawl when we first played.
There are some good "SRD" type documents avalable, for old-style RQ2 and something that's probably RQ6. A mix of the two is probably best, depending on personal preference.
I've been running a RQ6 game for about a month in a homebrew setting. I'm pretty much in love with the system, and it was a near perfect fit for my setting which was amazing. Players are really liking all the options in combat and limb loss.
Recently ran a huge combat encounter that took like two hours to complete. Normally hate when combat drags on in 3.PF/etc but I just love the combat so much it was fun the whole time.
Mythras looks cool. The setting for Runequest looks kind of retarded though.
>talking shit about Glorantha in a Runequest thread
Have some manners, user.
so for anyone who bought the 2E re-release, mind talking a little about it's quality, might buy a copy sometime in the next couple of months along with the reprint of the Guide To Glorantha(assuming it doesn't run out before I can save up enough for it)
It's fine! It's a product of it's time, so don't expect the actual material to be as polished and user-friendly as a modern game might be. But the actual production values for the reprint are quite good.
yeah I'm aware of the system's age, was more concerned about physical quality
Well hopefully you got your answer, then. Is there anything specific you're worried about?
I just came here to post some new art, and say that second-from-the-left in has the flyest armour in any-all fantasy settings I have ever seen.
In honour of the thread that just wont die, have a RQ2-related pdf
I had the 3rd Edition boxed set myself, and I remember being very taken by the little bit of the fantasy Europe that was talked about in it. I would like to have something like that fleshed out for a setting.
My primary interaction with Glorantha has been King of Dragon Pass. So I don't really see why people hate it.
Have a RQ6-related pdf as well
And hell, a Glorantha one too
And this could have been RuneQuest. Good thing Avalon Hill folded when it did.
That, my friend, is the original RQ4. Look at it and despair.
Actually, it is not completely horrible - its pretty decent in itself. Its only a horrible thing to stick the name RuneQuest on.
It looks like a home brew supplement.
Hey man. The setting is the primary drag factor of the game.
It's literally impossible to take seriously a fantasy setting that has duck people.
Duck people shouldn't make anything more ridiculous than pig people, dog people, snake people, slime people, cat people, hawk people, water people, giant people, miniature people or metal people do.
And yet they somehow do.
And now the word people looks all weird..