Let's post arts of weird, unusual and strange locations here for those who run their campaigns in less conventional settings.
Weird location art
That looks like a location in Second Life.
The only thing I know about Second Life is that it exists, but this artist is fucking cool.
How weird do we want to get?
As weird as your taste would allow.
Excellent thread
ending with a bit of mtg ...
Damn, this thread is putting me in the mood for some progressive rock. Also Planescape. I wish I had something better to provide here, but here ya goes.
Anyone got the one with the semicircular water basins underground? If so, it would be greatly appreciated and A E S T H E T I C
yep, thats it. you nailed it
prog rock. thats what I need right now
I'll throw out a few in hopes of spurring this thread on for a while yet.
For OP - from the same artist
Anyone have any themes they're looking for?
Got any dark, gritty gothic-ish looking landscapes?
In the same vein as Berserk/Dark Souls etc. Going to be setting up a very dark setting soon and I need some inspiration.
I'll see what i've got
Cheers man.
Started off strong atleast, really liking that one.
Veeky Forums thinks i'm duplicate posting so it's slowing me down
and these captchas are getting vicious
trying to vary the styles up a bit
and the scale
This one might be a bit bright, but it certainly is gothic
This one feels a bit isolated
That looks like something out of one of the Dragon Quest games... or maybe it was Fincal Fantasy VI?
Thanks man, really appreciate it!
not art but this might be of use in devising strange settings
Last one for now, might post more later tonight
good luck with your campaign user
Thanks man, this helped a ton to get me up and running regarding the campaign.
Also that's neat as fuck, cheers!
Where is this from? That's a bunch of lovely ideas, but I'd like the context.
Are you using legacy captcha?
Anyone got any confusion and/or wanderlust inspiring images?
Always loved fungal themed locations
Here we go