Any word/guesses on the future plans for their present board game lines? Since they are breaking up with FFG it really sucks, we will not get expansions for Warhammer Quest, dungeon Quest etc..
Any word/guesses on the future plans for their present board game lines...
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>we will not get expansions for Warhammer Quest
GW is doing Warhammer Quest.
>ny word/guesses on the future plans for their present board game lines?
More likely they will continue making shitton of one-day standalone board games (loke Overkill, Lost Partol, Execution Force, Gangs of Commoragh), just to sell some "exclusive.
models". And more likely they will nver made new BFG.
Has any of these been good? I've played a few and they've all been huge wastes of money.
>huge waste of money
Every single one of them have been literally half the price of the miniatures included.
I'm wondering what the next Heresy box set will be. MKV armor and assault squads?
It varies. Their more recent boxed games actually have something to them, and in particular people are saying good things about Gangs of Commargh and its campaign system.
People really like the blood bowl reboot for what that is worth. It was designed to have push fit models on colored plastics so people looking just for the game can get right into it really fast.
GW also teased at another entry into Warhammer Quest coming possibly this year. Warhammer Quest Silver Tower was very well received, though you need the right crowd to play it.
I'm told the Horus Heresy games were actually good, but almost everyone who bought those games did so only for the models.
People also liked the Bloodchosen AoS game, but that is kind of a simpler smaller game.
Lost partrol, Execution Force, Overkill, Death Masque, Skies of Death, and the ones with the knights were all kind of forgettable games.
I've heard from multiple sources that in 2016 GW's biggest seller behind paints and hobby supplies was boxed games.
Wow, redshirt right here.
>. Warhammer Quest Silver Tower was very well received
By whom?
>People really like the blood bowl reboot for what that is worth.
Well nope, it's very overpriced game (100$ for board u torlling me?) with outdated ruleset.
>People also liked the Bloodchosen AoS gam
Source, or what?
>I've heard from multiple sources that in 2016 GW's biggest seller behind paints and hobby supplies was boxed games.
Then post your sources shill.
So they were shit as board games, and made just to sell models (but usually these ames had only few good models).
BGG gave WQST a decent (but not phenomenal) score, and Shut Up & Sit Down gave a very favorable review.
100 dollars is pretty standard for a miniatures game. Fantasy flight coffin box games are not cheap, and they use slave labor in china more than GW does.
People on the Long War network were giving rave reviews of the gorechosen game, but I have a sneaking suspicion they were the only ones who have played it.
B&C, various youtubers who polled LGS owners.
People will honestly defend FFG Descent like it is the shit or something, but the game is not that good and stops being fun after a couple play throughs.
>Warhammer Quest Silver Tower was very well received, though you need the right crowd to play it.
Yeah, no, it's shit. Saying "you need the right crowd to play it" is admitting it's shit.
you seem really upset
WQST has a bunch of fiddly rules and takes time to play. Your average relative or non-tg person is going to lose interest of just about anything after 40 minutes, making ANY long running involved game go poorly.
Furthermore, WQST is a cooperative game, and competitive players will end up trying to turn the game into a single player game with an audience, which is a fault almost every cooperative game shares.
>BGG gave WQST a decent (but not phenomenal) score, and Shut Up & Sit Down gave a very favorable review.
So what? Gamming journalism is corrupted as fuck, so it's not reliabke source, bpyet still it's funny how you keep promoting antpything except your own opinion.
>100 dollars is pretty standard for a miniatures game
But BB is board game.
>People on the Long War network were giving rave reviews of the gorechosen game, but I have a sneaking suspicion they were the only ones who have played it.
>B&C, various youtubers who polled LGS owners.
So what? And btw, who are these people and why theirnopinions should be more relevant then arguments about game systems?
>People will honestly defend FFG Descent like it is the shit or something, but the game is not that good and stops being fun after a couple play throughs
Wow, GWfa talking about quality, but unlike GW games, Descent at least have replayability and well designed rules.
>Your average relative or non-tg person is going to lose interest of just about anything after 40 minutes,
Actually anyone who hasn't hard boner for GW logo will lose interest.
>yet another thread for anti-gw spergs to troll in
it had the same image and everything
I can't believe I fell for the bait
>>yet another thread for anti-gw spergs to troll in
>says obvious shill
>s-s-stop l-liking what I d-don't like, s-ss-shill!
>the whole posts is about "some reviewers says it's good, so it's .good, since I doesn't have any opinions and arguments, all who talking bad about GW games are just trolls"
>I am not shill, I swear
Take a breath angry user. Not everyone that disagrees with you is part of a sinister conspiracy
>asks for sources on statements
>lel you can't even form your own opinion
nice strawman
but my personal take on WQST (since that is the only one of the above I've played). I really like the art, the models, and the narrative components of the game. With all the text to read and weird quirks of each room it does a very good job at portraying the chaotic nature of the silver tower. The mechanics of how the dice and hit points work is fairly clever for a game like that and works well. I might have enjoyed more narrative bits, but it already had more than the Milton Bradly Heroquest, and people liked that game.
The little dexterity challenges for the special rooms are cute, but not everyone at the table enjoyed them .
I like the idea of a cooperative game, but it would work better with a GM I think. The AI tables for all the enemies are very slow to use and slow down the game a LOT. Players got distracted very easily during the AI phase of each turn as it involves a lot of flipping through rulebooks and tables. Game aids can mitigate this, but a better design would have not had so many complex tables.
Overall I think the game ought to be faster, especially the AI phase. The player phase should also be simultaneous for all the players rather than a one-at-a-time affair to keep more the more ADD players off their phones. Furthermore, while I actually really liked and enjoyed the high concept fantasy theme, for normies a simpler low-fantasy dungeoon crawl would have been better received I think. The models were also incredibly complicated, even for GW standards, making this not at all a pick-up-and-play kind of game but rather a game for the enthusiast who enjoys building and painting models. The tiny dwarf was 13 different pieces.
Chances are good you already knew if WQST is a game for you or not before you even read this.
slavposter please leave
..."biggest seller behind paints and hobby supplies was boxed games." Well, yeah - almost every Chaos and Loyalist Marine Player went out and bought Calth so they could get all that sweet Mk IV armour, Cataphractii Terminators, and a Contemptor, all in plastic. People wanted plastic Sisters, and others wanted new Thousand Sons, so they bought Prospero. Same goes for Deathwatch.
Who bought Lost Patrol?
to be fair, lost patrol was a re-release from the Kirby era and was designed to clear inventory on scouts and genestealers
B@C and BoP had actual new models, and really excellent ones at that.
Whatevr you say Cevin.
>>lel you can't even form your own opinion
>BGG gave WQST a decent (but not phenomenal) score, and Shut Up & Sit Down gave a very favorable review
>People on the Long War network
>B&C, various youtubers who polled LGS owners.
>People really like the blood bowl reboot for what that is worth.
>People also liked the Bloodchosen AoS game,
>I've heard from multiple sources that in 2016 GW's biggest seller behind paints and hobby supplies was boxed games.
Yeah, totally your own opinion, nothing else.
>I really like the art, the models, and the narrative components of the game.
Are you 8 y.o. or what?
>With all the text to read and weird quirks of each room it does a very good job at portraying the chaotic nature of the silver tower. The mechanics of how the dice and hit points work is fairly clever for a game like that and works well.
>lolsorandom and easy Imao, I love just rolling random dices
>for normies a simpler low-fantasy dungeoon crawl would have been better received I think.
But you are normie.
>Well nope, it's very overpriced game (100$ for board u torlling me?) with outdated ruleset.
$100 isn't much for a board game anymore.
I'd call you grandpa, but I'm likely older.
If they'd have updated the BB rules, fans would have been pissed. Its one of those "don't fix what people still want to throw money at" things.
The fact that we have 24/7 dedicated Generals on here is enough proof people are playing Blood Bowl.
If you check those threads, most people like the new Skaven sculpts even if opinion on Dwarfs is mixed and they hate the humans and Orcs.
>$100 isn't much for a board game anymore.
Since when?
>If they'd have updated the BB rules, fans would have been pissed.
You right "let's just resell old rules for high price" is much better and totally not jewing.
Excuse me, but so what? Some idiots still p!aying WHFB. BB was a good game, but holy crap today old ruleset plays very clumsy, it's like playing BFG instead of Armada for rules.
Well, yeah. That's the charm of the game.
You don't streamline a ruleset when the clunky humor is what brought people to it.
It'd be like making Mordheim and Necromunda easy quickplay games. You'd have created a new game and slapped the old name on it.
Are you kidding me? Walk into a FLGS, about half of the games on the shelf are likely over $100.
>You right "let's just resell old rules for high price" is much better and totally not jewing.
Well, yeah. They assume you aren't buying it if you already own it.
Its just to get the kids in.
>That's the charm of the game
It's not.
>when the clunky humor is what brought people to it.
Wrong, people played it for models, not for rules..
>Walk into a FLGS, about half of the games on the shelf are likely over $100.
Yeah and a lot of them have content worth of 100$, unlike BB.
>Well, yeah. They assume you aren't buying it if you already own it.
Had any official sources from GW?
>Its just to get the kids in.
And how it's supposed to be good thing?
Speaking of, anyone know where I can find quality scans of Talisman expansions?
Please, I can't find shit all anywhere. Though maybe I just don't know the right places to look.
And pay that markup? Nope.
I already bought what I can reasonably afford. And I actually have part of the Dungeon (the characters and the regular adventure deck stuff)
Adeptus Titanicus was shown off at the HH Weekender. Well, the rules were anyways.
Post your sources outside of Veeky Forums to counter then. Don't be a prickdick and just lob rocks and call anyone who doesn't instantly reeeeeeeeeeee at GW a redshirt shill. We all play overpriced shit so sit the fuck down
Don't have a source on hand but IIRC there was a comment from FW that they wanted to do BFG after they got Adeptus Titanicus up and going, but with a 30k theme. Their eventual plan is to integrate HH, AT and BFG into a multi-level campaign with the results of battles have varying effects across the different game lines.
Fielding HH era warships sounds like a blast desu, they all have so much character in the book series.
You know, considering they're just spaceships.
My general principle is to stick to remakes of existing games. Treat new ones with a great deal of suspicion.
>And how it's supposed to be good thing?
>how's getting new blood to the game a good thing?
This is generally what I get from them. If you want something for the gameplay you are better of paying for many other, much cheaper, board games.
Better try real board game, since unlike GW board games a dead.
>getting new blood to the game a
>it's actually old game with stupid price, except now you cannot play without of laugh
>good thing
armada isn't very good
Nah it's pretty well-designed, good optimization and adaptation of x-wing concept for new scale.
mechanically it's probably my least favorite of the half-dozen or so fleets fighting in space games
x-wing gets a free pass for lack of direct competitors, but only because no one has aironautica wings locally
>FW that they wanted to do BFG
Here is the main word.