>The BBEG Kills his own men
Seriously why is this still a thing?
>The BBEG Kills his own men
Seriously why is this still a thing?
>being upset about this
Quick and easy way to sound like a faggot.
Because Darth Vader was basically the perfect villain character and people want to emulate him.
>whining about widely-accepted community slang
Quick and easy way to sounds like a faggot.
To weed out the worthless.
Because it's evil.
It's used by everyone except for you, shitposting faggot.
Except 3 hours ago I just poked my head out of my favorite general for the first time in weeks and every time I saw BBEG used I saw someone else bitching about it. I guess Veeky Forums is starting to get sick of the term.
your shitposting elevates you to meme-levels
go to /co/ and suck off barneyfag now
Death as a disciplinary action is rather common thing even today. Especially in authoritative / military regimes.
Decimation dates to ancient Rome if not earlier.
It's just some faggot using a filter to shitpost any thread where it's used, the replies are literally the same every time.
They're trying to engineer Veeky Forums against it and other terms because autism; it's been done before.
And you somehow find within yourself a fuck to give? Let this faggot with a hate boner for acronyms waste his time and effort engineering Veeky Forums against it, we'll just use "boss" or something else that isn't an acronym instead.
because he's CUH-HUH-RAZY MANG!1!1
Far more people are familiar with Darth Vader than military history.
I can guarantee you when most people talk about the BBEG killing his minions, they're thinking of Vader choking Ozzel to death. Not some Roman general.
I'd like to know if this guy is actually upset about a term that's been in popular use for almost 20 years, or if he's just trying really hard to force a meme of some kind. A "really guys, nobody likes this term and it's not just me, honest" kind of meme.
Because in times where this was common, people often achieved their rank by nature of their lineage rather than talent or skill. Someone born into their position cannot be demoted or removed any other way. If you -were- to somehow strip them of rank or status, they would still probably have servants or loyalists and be a revolt hazard not far down the line.
>I can guarantee you when most people talk about the BBEG killing his minions, they're thinking of Vader choking Ozzel to death. Not some Roman general
>some Roman general
I just had a good hard laugh imagining a Roman general just losing it and choking a centurion to death.
>we'll just use "boss" or something else that isn't an acronym instead.
...why? BBEG is okay. No need for changes.
No need to change, but there's nothing lost in the change either, so I don't see why anyone would go through the effort of opposing it.
I really can't stress enough to future readers how much of a faggot you are for even thinking that someone would agree with you.
>You have failed me for the last time, Ozzelius.
>Et tu, Brutus
Or you can go the way of infamous Roman degenerates (the likes of Caligula) who would not do the deed themselves but rather have failed commander choked on a horse dick.
They deny the enemy farm.
also so they can claim their souls in the after life to boolster their power in Gehenna, and to consume the souls when the ritual is complete to respawn in the material plane.
Some faggot insists on wasting my time to complain about it every time it's used.
>The BBEG take care of his own men and expects the best of them and grows enraged when they're unfairly hurt
And your response is to waste your effort and more of your time telling him to fuck off? Wrestling with the pigs just gets you covered in mud user.
Different guy. I've also had an issue with "BBEG," because it's always sounded dumb.
I also now find it amazing to what lengths people will go to in order to try and defend the term, like they think it's something valuable and worth keeping around.
Because it can make for a great villain.
Because when the main villain doesn't kill his own surviving men and gives them a second chance you know that they are actually intelligent and the new goal not to fail their dark lord a second time will give them a strengthened resolve.
>I also now find it amazing to what lengths people will go to in order to try and attack the term, like they think they're something valuable and worth keeping around.
I agree, why are you posting in a thread that makes you upset
I don't mind the term BBEG so this thread is enjoyable to me. What's the use of making a post to let everyone know you don't like [THING], instead of just ignoring the thread?
Until someone has a better alternative, BBEG is what we're going to keep using.
>I agree, why are you posting in a thread that makes you upset
Hey man, I just saw this stay up up in the bump order and wanted to see what the conversation was about. You really need to relax and stop being so defensive.
I`m now wondering.
Who is the best and most caring commander in fiction that is also full-blown villain?
Papa Nurgle?
Except that people already use plenty of alternatives. The only difference is that they don't use them as acronyms. If that's what you want, great, but check out that thread where a guy wrote "DMMV" and see how the "BBEG" folk lost their minds.
I mean people have done it before. It isn't common but field executions for cowardice including decimation have been practiced throughout history. Desertion is still generally punishable by death. And even historically monumental military fuck ups sometimes resulted in the failure being executed.
As long as he doesn't casually kill off men it isn't that absurd for a villain to kill off failures and cowards.
>You retreated during the middle of battle leading to your army to rout, for that you will be executed.
>You soldiers retreated from an advantageous position after suffering just 5% casualties losing us the battle, for that every tenth man will be executed by his comrades
>You led a force of 80,000 soldiers including 5,000 elite knights to nearly be wiped out by 15,000 enemy soldiers. For that you will be executed.
>You failed to obtain an artifact and lost nine unimportant mooks in the process so you will be executed
Is pretty fucking stupid. Unless the BBEG loses a lot to the failure they shouldn't be killed unless he is specifically meant to be an incompetent tyrant that everyone wants dead (eg. Nero).
I'm sure someone can come up with a better one, but I'll set the bar at Hank Scorpio
DMMV is way more vague and awkward than BBEG.
Their deaths amuses him.
The power of the BBEG is so vast, that he treats his army as a joke. For example you got the power of superman and you take command of a country by force. Some guys follow you. But they are so insignificant you send them in suicide runs because you get a good laugh from their deaths.
>The power of the BBEG is so vast, that he treats his army as a joke.
If he's so powerful, then he shouldn't need to have an army.
"You nincompoops have failed me for the last time! Myah!"
>kills goons
"Now that I have no more goons left I will definitively defeat the heroes!"
>Papa Nurgle?
Papa Nurgle doesn't love you. He gives you unimaginable pain and then if you agree to worship him he numbs the pain. Even then you follow the god of decay, your works will ultimately mean nothing and your body looks like shit. You call him papa to thank him for numbing the pain that he gave you in order to force you into serving him.
>BBEG treats all of existence like a video game
>His armies are like a game of Rome total war
>He doesn't need to fight wars but he finds them fun, and when losing frustrates him he takes his anger out on his soldiers
It's also just the guy talking about something different than just a final boss and isn't really a replacement for "BBEG", but was talking about a DM's self insert, like a DMPC. He could have very easily used DMBBEG instead.
What I'm talking about is the BBEG guys shitting up that thread because they thought it was an affront to their personal acronym. I understand they're a little antsy at the moment, but I have a feeling they'd do the same to any actual alternative for their favorite acronym.
He does not need them, but their deaths are funny to him.
Palpatine didn't need an Imperial Senat but their scheming amused him enough to let them exist.
The forces of darkness that dwell within them demand blood, and sometimes when they're marching their army around they go too long without seeing enemies or innocent civilians. And it makes it very tempting to respond to annoyance or failure on their minions' parts with brutal violence.
>BBEG is widely hated
>i-it must be one autist with a lot of time!
Man, I don't know. I like to make my bad guys care about their men, leads them in battle and inspires courage.
He doesn't NEED one, but it's certainly better than doing all the work yourself.
>BBEG is widely hated
Look, lets be honest here. People who use the BBEG are retarded and need to get banned. It's plain and simple and I don't think we need to enter the details, but I've spoken to mods several times and they've all agreed with me that posters who use this term are also the ones who shitpost the most according to their IPs. We shouldn't encourage shitposters and we shouldn't allow them to ruin this board any further.
It's autistic, it's childish, it shows you lack any form of mental complexity, stop using it or eventually the banhammer is coming down.
there was an image for this from an anime where a monster dude kneels before his evil monster king and apologizes for failing and then the king tells him not to worry and that he's still a champion to the people.
I wish I had saved it.
>Look, lets be honest here. People who use the BBEG are retarded and need to get banned.
Are you running for anything? If you are, you've got my vote.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
>BBEG is widely known by haters
the pigs are the real bbeg then
man, what is the source?
How to improve the world in 3 easy steps
1 - Turn off the computer.
2 - Contemplate your life.
3 - Kill yourself.
The idea behind it is that it's supposed to show how strong the BBEG is (those kinda-strong henchmen were disposed of in ONE strike, he's super strong!) as well as how evil he is (b-but he was on his side! That guy, he's bad news!). In reality it makes the BBEG appear petty as he wastes his most valuable resource: manpower.
In my opinion this only works if the BBEG is actually a petty cunt. Imagine daddy's little princess, except with superhuman powers. Something like that.
>People who use the BBEG are retarded and need to get banned. It's plain and simple and I don't think we need to enter the details, but I've spoken to mods several times and they've all agreed with me that posters who use this term are also the ones who shitpost the most according to their IPs.
This is gold, I feel like a kid again
I prefer to call it "Ironic rib poking" because I make mine too ridiculous to take seriously.
Just like a real dad, yeah. What else is new?
Sauce please?
>getting this triggered over 4 letters
Because he has a cloning bay.
>Decimation dates to ancient Rome if not earlier.
Most people don't even know that decimation means to cut by a tenth, i.e. you kill one in ten men. So you aren't pointlessly crippling your army.
I seriously doubt they know that it was practiced in ancient Rome.
Look, lets be honest here. People who use the term "shitposting" are retarded and need to get banned. It's plain and simple and I don't think we need to enter the details, but I've spoken to mods several times and they've all agreed with me that posters who use this term are also the ones who shitpost the most according to their IPs. We shouldn't encourage shitposters and we shouldn't allow them to ruin this board any further.
It's autistic, it's childish, it shows you lack any form of mental complexity, stop using it or eventually the banhammer is coming down.
>The BBEG isn't actually the BBEG at all but merely a pawn in larger scale revenge plot
En from Dorohedoro.
Motherfucker takes affronts against his people VERY seriously. One of the questions the series addresses is basically "What if the bad guys had the Power of Friendship instead of the good guys?"
is this from tsukihime?
It's gone full circle.
Asterix: Mission Cleopatra movie
>Look, lets be honest here. People who use the term 'fun' are retarded and need to get banned. It's plain and simple and I don't think we need to enter the details, but I've spoken to mods several times and they've all agreed with me that posters who use this term are also the ones who shitpost the most according to their IPs. We shouldn't encourage shitposters and we shouldn't allow them to ruin this board any further.
>It's autistic, it's childish, it shows you lack any form of mental complexity, stop using it or eventually the banhammer is coming down.
Oh man, that scene made the entire movie worth it.
The kung-fu battle was good also.
To be honest, this is actually rather tasty pasta
It's a quick and easy way to show that the guy is an evil bastard.
Dancouga fucking slayed, and I'll fight anyone that disagrees
Not bringing out the combination until like halfway through the series was a plus
It's used by people who have spent too much time on TVTropes and now think they are experts on narrative devices and le cynical expert critic: i.e. faggots.
>>BBEG is widely hated
It is hated by roughly two anons that frequent one website.
Mostly just you.
It is widely accepted as stupid and redundant, but accepted as a brief 4 letter term.
Boss does not fit the Main Antagonist descriptor.
Can't get MV to catch on, can you. my spergy little autist?
Forgot to answer OP
>>The BBEG Kills his own men
>Seriously why is this still a thing?
It is far overused and I agree completely.
The only time I like it is:
On one hand, it's good when used to illustrate that the BBEG is not a good leader and possibly crazy, but still terrifying and powerful.
On the other hand, sometimes you really need to kill a guy.
Pic related
>Who is the best and most caring commander in fiction that is also full-blown villain?
>Hank Scorpio
My best alternative is Redcloak from OotS.
He kills troublesome allies and hopes to betray his leader, but actively tries to create a better life for his people.
Are you trying to turn this into some sort of game? Please don't. The weird hyper-defensive manners of the people upset about other people making fun of them for using BBEG is really starting to reveal the worst in you.
And, it doesn't do you any good to try and pretend there's only two, or ten, or only twenty people who think "big bad evil guy" isn't really funny, clever, or particularly useful jargon. You may believe so, but it's getting quite tiresome to hear you try to pretend that it's some great term that we should consider worth upholding and defending.
It's just a dumb joke that stopped being funny, and now has gotten tired.
>I can't understand resisting pointless change
Nigga, do you even talk to people?
Most people resist change that might even have had a point.
Ignoring the squeeling of the pigs is less likely to get you muddy than trying to appease them.
Excellent taste, user.
Okay user, to be honest I don't care much about it but I can see you're earnest so if you ask me very nicely to stop using the term BBEG I'll consider joining your side.
That's all it takes, just be very polite about it since I can tell you're being serious and one less person will use that term.
>isn't really funny, clever, or particularly useful jargon
>it's some great term that we should consider worth upholding and defending.
>It's just a dumb joke that stopped being funny, and now has gotten tired.
It's none of that.
It is:
A. A four letter term for a concept often referenced.
B. Widely understood.
That's it. Accept it.
>Are you trying to turn this into some sort of game?
No. I'm mocking you because you are ridiculous.
I specifically use BBEG now instead of villain, just to trigger you, you sad little autist.
See you next time.
Unless, of course, you manage to resist the urge to go into a thread just to post about a term you dislike.
In which case, I'm glad whatever therapy you're using finally started working.
>Okay user, to be honest
You don't sound honest at all. I didn't even need to read past "I don't care" to see that you're one heck of a weird liar.
Lying on the internet right after saying you're being honest? For shame.
Why is this such a big deal for you? Curious onlooker, and it seems like you care a lot more about BBEG than they people who dislike it.
pretending to be a curious onlooker is a pathetic thing to do.
t. amused onlooker.
>"I have autism."
Thanks for inadvertently providing an answer, I guess.
Because it quickly gets several things across to the players/audience...
1. The villain is so evil he will even slay his own men from the slightest provocation.
2. The villain is so respected/feared that the rest of his men let this happen and don't do anything about it.
3. The villain's troops are disposable to him, implying that he has a vast, nearly invincible army or having them around is just a matter of convenience.
4. The heroes, by virtue of not killing their own men, are immediately an obvious better alternative than the villain. If the villain treats his own forces this way, imagine what kind of terrible fate he will wrought upon the protagonists' homeland?
>Why is this such a big deal for you?
Previous rants by user going back months possibly longer.
Until user gets others to accept an equal or better term, he is wrong.
He is wrong anyway for specifically going into threads just to complain about a common term.
He won't stop.
It's not a big deal to me.
Changing villain to BBEG is three keystrokes less.
If you let the ridiculous shout wrong things uncontested, they are the only voice heard.
>it seems like you care a lot more about BBEG than they people who dislike it.
Nobody cares more about BBEG than this user.
I just have chosen to point out his ridiculousness when I see it.
I mock him because he is absurd.
I trigger him because he has proven to be an ass in previous rants and I sincerely hope that every time I type BBEG, he gets emotionally bothered. Because he chooses that path.
My jimmies remain unrustled.
>Until user gets others to accept an equal or better term, he is wrong.
Who is wrong? About what? About thinking that "BBEG" isn't really that cool, and kind of stupid?
You also seem to not realize that most people either say villain or antagonist, and no one needs to get them to accept those terms.
You seem to be taking some kind of crazy pills here, user. Please, user, for your own sake, drop it. I have no beef about BBEG, but seeing your awkward attempts to try to defend it makes me like it less, not more.
This, obviously, wasn't me.
Also, did they use that "t. amused onlooker." thing right?
When typing, BBEG is quicker than "primary villain" or "main antagonist".
It's shorthand.
That's it.
He is wrong for fighting a crusade to get people to stop using a shorthand term because it's redundant and stupid and he doesn't like it.
I can't imagine that most people use it because it's "cool" but because they feel like it.
user wants those who feel like using a widely known term to stop doing so because he doesn't like it.
He is wrong.
>You seem to be taking some kind of crazy pills here, user. Please, user, for your own sake, drop it.
Ditto pal. As I said, I am unbothered here.
>I have no beef about BBEG, but seeing your awkward attempts to try to defend it makes me like it less, not more.
Like it or don't.
Use it or don't.
Go into every thread you see that uses it for the sole purpose of complaining that people use it?
Get mocked for being ridiculous.
No, I dont understand. You're still trying to valiantly defend something that's really just sort of silly, under the idea that you can convince people that "BBEG" is innately superior because it's more efficient than typing out villain.
Between saying "big bad evil guy" in short hand and saying villain, a lot of people will prefer the latter, and you really need to not act like there's anything wrong with preferring the latter.
This whole "anyone who disagrees with me is one person, and he is wrong" business is starting to make me think that you're really oversensitive about this BBEG business, and very likely the reason why it's started to escalate into a constant problem.
Just let it go. I think you're the one who needs to try to understand something here.