>Hour, Timezone & Days
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
>Voice or Text
>Contact Info
>Additional notes
Gamefinder / Game Finder thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Unknown Armies 3rd edition.
"Unknown Armies is an occult game about broken people conspiring to fix the world. It’s about humanity, and how those among us who are the most obsessed have the power to alter reality until it aligns with their fevered desires. "
Unknown Armies is a horror game that I feel can best be described as somewhat of a mashup between the personal horror of World of Darkness, and the focus on sanity and general feeling of powerlessness of Call of Cthulhu.
My own game is set in Detroit and has a heavy focus on investigation/mystery and roleplaying.
>Hour, Timezone & Days
I'm available almost all day every Sunday on PST (GMT-8), and weekdays from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM PST.
>Method of play
>Voice or Text
>Contact Info
Discord: Maratus #1029
Email: [email protected]
>Additional info
One of our players decided the game wasn't for him on so I'm looking to find a 4th player to fill out the group. Anyone who hasn't even heard of Unknown Armies before are completely welcome to contact me as I've got two players falling under that category already, and I'm willing to explain anything you need me to.
Old school DnD (0e, Swords and Wizardry Whitebox)
>Hour, Timezone & Days
CST, weekday evenings. I'm free any day, really, so we can hash that out when we get a full party.
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Roll20, most likely
>Voice or Text
Text, for sure, but there's a chance we might do a mixture of both.
>Contact Info
kbalanera on Skype
>Additional notes
This will be lots of fun. Looking for 2-3 more players. I'm a first-time DM.
sent uno requesto
Sorry about your timezone, but unfortunately the zone difference between Eastern Europe and US West Coast doesn't leave much time to work with. The slot is still open.
Welp, sucks to hear that
>another Slav
I do ERP.
Text or Voice?
BoL (Probably, subject to change)
When is yet to be determined, however we are looking for Australians or New Zealanders.
We'll be playing on skype, voice.
I'll contact you, just tell me your details.
Looking for someone who is fairly relaxed. Dont care about level of experience.
Looking for cuties to run cute games for. Post contact information.
Edge of the Empire, or AoR/FaD. I'm also open to pretty much anything else if the campaign sounds interesting, but that's what I'm specifically looking for.
>Hour, Timezone & Days
GMT+10, I'm an Ausfag. Can pretty much do any time as long as it's not earlier than 10am or later than about 2am. Any day of the week works fine, although I go back to study in a month, which will knock out Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Roll20 preferred, but I can work with anything. I like Discord or Skype for voice, if we use voice.
>Voice or Text
I only like doing the actual in-character roleplaying via text, but voice is fine for OOC banter and rules stuff.
>Contact Info
Skype: homobastard
Email: [email protected]
Discord: Hoob#3184
Steam: steamcommunity.com
>Additional notes
Just looking for a game to satisfy my Star Wars boner. I'm very familiar with the rules (I've run a couple of EotE games in the past) and I have a few character ideas in mind. Down to join anything else if it suits my timezone, just as long as it's fairly story and roleplay heavy, I'm not really into the more rollplay oriented campaigns.
The fuck is BoL?
I want to play/run games too but I'm not cute.
Probably Barbarians of Lemuria, a light sword & sorcery game that's reputed to be pretty good.
>I'm not cute
Yep. Barbarians of Lemuria.
You forgot to say which edition of BoL.
Define 'cute'...
Urgh misclick.
If your character is cute or sexy you can be in.
Whatever is cute to you will probably be cute to me as well.
sent email
I mentioned in /osrg/ (), I'll play if you do it on discord or if you're playing on roll20 and just need Skype to organize, give me an email or something. Fuck Skype.
CST: Free M/W 2pm - 12am; T/TH 7pm - 12am; F/Sa 1pm - 4pm; Su 1pm - 6pm
IIRC you're planning a straight OSR dungeoncrawl, right?
I'm specifically looking for someone to playtest World of the Five Nations. Who knows, it might turn into a full fledged campaign.
Just one person please, preferibly with no games.
Isn't that Naruto?
Shit nigger count me in
You don't sound very cute.
I can be!
Gimme a chance user-chan~
I can be lewd too
Okay, post your Discord or something.
oh me me me me
one of my friends has been working on a setting like that since highschool and its probably just as cool
Post your discord too.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays - Mondays and Fridays will be clearing up in Feburary
Any time after 1:00 PM CST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, IRC, Skype, Discord, Maptools- All good.
>Text or Voice?
Text is my preference. Can do Voice as OOC, but as long as Text is IC talk then I'll be happy.
>Contact Info
Bumblebuggy#1192 on Discord is the best way to contact me.
>Additional Notes
I would very much appreciate if Path of War or other Dreamscarred Press was allowed.
I'm also coming up with a game that I wanna GM, but that's still a month or two out as I'm still planning things. Chances are if you're in the group I play with, you'll get asked to join once I get everything laid out.
Don't know what the system as like, but I would also be willing to give it a go.
Bepp booop bampuuu
Story obsessed, wannabe heroine loli suddenly given the power of a warrior demi-god?
(It's a perfectly good Exalted character damnit!)
Are you cute? Post your Discord.
I can also run Exalted, but that'd come later. Post Discord.
Define "cute"
Cute is cute, dude.
Can also be sexy, that's my thing too.
Could you describe it at least?
Would you consider Autism cute?
What's your fav color?
amzn to/2kdC9f9
I am 100% in.
You propose a deeply confusing question to me. What is, indeed, cute? In this case, I must admit that cute is not precisely what I seek, but is certainly a quality that often comes mixed with the others I do desire from a player.
Autism can be cute, from time to time.
My favorite color is olive green.
>Whatever is cute to you will probably be cute to me as well.
I think girls wetting themselves is cute
I think that too.
Are you me?
I might.
Hey, are we allowed to have nice things here?
Yes, how are you doing today?
Pretty fine. I'm running my first game to a group of online misfits, and I am a bit nervous to preform.
And how do you do?
>Mythweavers lost all data since july last year
Fate Core
>Hour, Timezone & Days
16:30 GMT alternate Saturdays (starting 11 Feb)
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Roll20 for random chat, maps and handouts, Skype for talking
>Voice or Text
>Contact Info
KnightofAtlantis on Skype
>Additional notes
I'll be running Red Hand of Doom, the classic D&D campaign. My previous game just sort of stopped and I offered to take over for a game, quickly choosing a system I love and a module I've been wanting to run for years (probably not a great fit but I'll try to make it work).
Well now this is embarrassing
I'll bite.
Good. Let it die user.
any World of Darkness game, DnD 5e, pathfinder.
>Hour, Timezone & Days
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Skype or Roll20 works good, but I can adapt
>Voice or Text
>Contact Info
I also have skype, but I'll only pass that on if it's something I want to join
>Additional notes
Fuck you
>Want to run a game on Gamefinder but nobody here will want to play homebrew
Wow that sounds just like me!
I try not to post my contact info on Veeky Forums, though. I've had people go all stalker on me before.
At this point I'll take just about fucking anything that's a decent system
What do ya got
Can you blame us? Things are already shaky around these parts.
Working on it. I've already got the basic rules down but I need to edit and make it look presentable, plus set up my r20 account and stuff first, then I'll start gathering players.
But why the stimga? That's all I want to know.
Is there anyone running something with magical girls?
I've been itching to play a mahou shoujo game.
Personally, I figure that homebrewers tend to think within their own perspective when cooking things up and do not account for others as much as a team of devs could. There's also the fact that they know what they want out of the setting and mechanics but might not be able to express themselves properly, leading to frustration on both sides.
It's not fair, I know, but I tend to glaze over homebrews to avoid potential burns.
Not likely.
There are no solid systems for the genre, so any game of the sort has to struggle to be good in spite of the mechanics. Recipe for disaster considering the generally low quality baseline for online games.
>Personally, I figure that homebrewers tend to think within their own perspective when cooking things up and do not account for others as much as a team of devs could
That's a good thing, faggot
Wound you run Shadowrun Senpai?
Yeah, who doesn't love a table top that has only one way to play?
I think he means that, by having a sole author, the game will have one artistic vision for the game/setting combination to flow towards. When making a game like horror or in a really gonzo setting this is actually a really good thing because it means that, at least with a competent creator, all rules and fluff will match up to create a perfect storm of mood and theme playing together.
Yeah, that's what I meant. But also that the alternative he described is soulless garbage. Players are too entitled these days, they've no humility to enter a world they're not largely in control over or patience to try something that challenges them.
Just do it, buddy. It'll be worth your time.
I only want to playtest World of the Five Nations for now.
Maybe I'm just being autism, but this sounds like I'm being set up for a prank. Do you know something I don't?
It's not! You just sound like somebody fun, and since you're halfway interested in doing the playtest, why not give it a shot?
Because shy I guess
They know who the guy you're talking to is.
You'll find I'm a very accodomating person. Just toss your discord here then delete it after a minute.
Who is it?
Is it Virt?
Come on, post your Discord. What's so suspicious about this?
You sound like you're trying to pressure someone into prom sex, for one.
Colette, aka Touhoufag
Well then
You're never going to catch cuties if you give up so easily
>Players are too entitled these days, they've no humility to enter a world they're not largely in control over or patience to try something that challenges them.
Where are you getting the experience to say 'these days'? Not even arguing, just curious.
Or it could be that most homebrew settings are written by people who have no idea how to worldbuild and end up with hilariously bad geopolitics.
>mfw this thread has devolved into shitty homebrew arguments and ERP.
I'm no grognard, but it's based on what I've read about past generation's RPG culture and based on what's codified in their systems, modules & play reports. Also I believe hubris is in general the pre-eminent sin of our modern world. Why do you ask?
Heya, we're looking for a GM
How many? I'm just looking for one to run this little playtest.
About 2, really
Who's the other one?
They're asleep right now and i dont want to give out their shit when i cant get their permission, sorry senpai.
Just drop a name. I'm certain I know you two.
And it's embarrassing.
they're new so i dont believe you do.
Storytime, cuckboy
There's no story to it.