
>the other side/malifaux
Stop making games with mandatory canon characters

No frogposting in Veeky Forums. Thank you.

Stop frogposting

Good thing 40k never does that, ri-
>Rouboute Guillermo
>Magnus the Red
>Leman Russ
>even fucking Abaddon the super interesting and successful is getting pushed again
Oh jeez look at that


Almost every wargame does this

You don't like those games? Vote with your wallet.
And in the meantime, git .

Why the fuck do you care?

Boy, it's a shame that I literally have to use Guilliman and Abaddon and Ghazgkull, and there's no options for generic Chapter Masters, Chaos Lords or Warbosses!

>Almost every wargame does this
And people wonder why GeeDubya's stuff is more popular than anything else.

And, what's more, a lot of the time those generic choices are actually better for your points than their named equivalent or at least not considerably worse.

Frogposting is like using trollface unironically.

>autistic game devs who think people want to play their special snow flakes instead of making up their own special snow flakes

You guys are worse than the frogposters.

You need to stop.

Oh how nice that we have you guys to be unpaid curators of Veeky Forums culture.

Why exactly does that annoy you so much OP?
Do you have similar problems with Star Wars games, LOTR games, and so on?

Have you tried not playing those games?

No. Stop defending shitty meme spam outside of shitty meme spam boards.

If you don't care. don't get defensive.

I spend inordinate amounts of money on little plastic soldiers and inordinate amounts of time modeling and painting them and making them my own.
The entire purpose of this is to have "my dudes" and to pit them against my friends dudes in a mutually agreed upon setting so we can all create our own dudes that can coexist.I think the social creative aspect of tabletop is the primary reason we are willing to put up with a comparatively mediocre game instead of playing some video game, so when you shackle the creativity of players by FORCING them to play canon characters it flies in the face of the point for me, and in a lot of ways reduced it to JUST a competitive game rather than a competitive role playing game.
I don't want to create hypothetical fan fiction for our copies of the main characters, I want me and my friends to carve out own little corner of the setting out for Our Dudes.

shit, man, those are some rocking minis, especially the wizard looking dude in the front. Are they just stuff you've had knocking around for ages, or are some still available somewhere?

Its just a random image from my realms of chaos folder, not my minatures.
I think pretty much all of those are oop warhammer fantasy minis. With the exception of the plastic bits.

oh well, a man can dream. Time to prowl around ebay. Thanks for the lead though!

Too bad.

Quality post


It took a big change of thinking for games that don't have a "your dudes" policy to even seem acceptable.

I love Warmachine for what it is, but there needs to always be wargames with that "my dudes" aspect of the hobby.

I don't wonder at all. I'm well aware of the high ratio of plebs to patricians in this world.

He an old nurgle sorcerer

dumb frogposter

lovely, thanks!

Agreed. My group and I recently decided to take up Savage Worlds: Showdown for this reason. We really got sick of competitive wargames with unnecessarily complex sets of rules and prescribed lists of miniatures and stats. We want to use nice minis from all over the place, design cool narrative scenarios and campaigns, and make my little plastic werewolves fight their little plastic cyborgs.

I'm happy that competitive tabletop gaming helped develop such a huge industry that fosters so many talented artists, but it's really hard to find any modern wargames that aren't designed for tournament play. Mordheim and Inquisitor have their charm, and I still play them on occasion, but they're also janky as fuck. Designing my dudes, modelling my dudes, and building stories about my dudes violently greeting my friend's dudes is the core of my hobby desires.

>autistic game devs

Isnt tales of sword ans sorcwery(or something like that) a good game to do a custom army campaign/game?

Frog poster with shit ideas, oh boy

Frogposting = free bumps

nice try OP
