Most despised race in 40k?
According to fans or according to the other races?
Fans: Tau.
In-setting: Honestly I'd probably say humans.
They hate us cause they ain't us
I'm guessing Tau are hated because they are gommies. But why humans in lore?
Most are Xenophobic Fascists, and the rest are even more insane, and worship the chaos deities responsible for fucking up most of the setting.
Tau: They're assholes to us.
Eldar: They're assholes to us.
Deldar: They won't give their assholes to us.
Orks: Dem 'Umies don't fight fair!
Necrons: get the fuck off my law
>fans: Tau
Is this true, though? I'm not big on the WH40K, but I heard somewhere that tau are selling pretty nice.
In universe, or meta?
Tyranids: NOMNOMNOM*get slaughtered because the newest codex makes you into a little bitch to every other faction*
That's part of it. Everyone hates Tau Fans. Also fuck any faction that act's like a Bitch when it comes to melee.
definitely tyranids in the eyes of other races.
they are so successful they've come from another galaxy, they just want to destroy and assimilate everything, deny chaos souls, corrupt gene seeds, fuck webways up, can out-ork orks, necrons butthurt that living flesh is superior to metal the list goes on.
Don't forget humans hate other humans
Tau before Newcrons
Squats before Tau
>ignore Space Marines players, they're all a bunch of 11-year-old mouthbreathers
>ignore CSM players, it's for 3edgy5me spergs who throw a fit if you imply Chaos won't "win" 40k
>ignore Tau players, they're all powergaming weaboos who want to ruin your fun and can't shut up about Evangelion
>ignore Eldar players, they're stuck-up RAWfags who will never stop complaining
>ignore IG players, they're a bunch of HFY stormweenies
>ignore Orks players, they're lolrandom grognards who shout WAAAGH every time they win, spewing you with cheeto-scentedsputum.
>ignore Tyranids players, they're /d/eviant virgins who get off to alien rape porn and vore
>ignore Inquisitors players; see IG
>ignore SoB players, they're depressed waifufags who are mad no one likes their shit army
>ignore DEldar players, they masturbate in public bathrooms
>ignore Mechanicus players, every single one has tried to have sex with a vacuum cleaner
That was hilarious, 40k confirmed as the hobby of the socially inept
>Implying you've never tried to get it on with your hoover
>40k confirmed as the hobby of the socially inept
That's all Veeky Forums hobbies, really.
>ignore Tyranids players, they're /d/eviant virgins who get off to alien rape porn and vore
I take slight offence to that. I hate vore.
Oh yeah, I fogot:
>Ignore Necron players, they're all autists who only care about skub wars and complex math equations
>they hate us cuz they anus
Even Tau players hate themselves?
Humans are an existential threat on the level of Tyranids to non human races that have the misfortune of encountering them.
The imperium regularly wipes out alien species for their crime of daring to exist.
In-universe, I would guess orks.
They're like the Imperium in their swarming annoyance, but they're even less reasonable.
IRL none of them unless you're sperg enough to despise a fictional race that might not be to your tastes.
>IRL none of them unless you're sperg enough to despise a fictional race that might not be to your tastes.
Where the hell do you think you are?
They hate us, cuz they ain't us
Looks like a mutant to me.
I know... I know...
Personally I like every faction in 40k. There isn't a single faction I don't find cool and interesting in some way.
I get that some people just aren't into certain styles, but it's full-retard to actually dislike the existence of that faction just because you aren't into it.
I feel the same way as you. Each faction is cool, either as something I'd like to play as, alongside, or even just against even if I wouldn't play them myself.
Say what you will about GW, but they can make some good factions for a wargame in general, and leave plenty of room for interesting combinations.
Space marines
Space Marines because of their fanbase. I'd say tau are most despised but I don't think they belong in 40k in the first place so they don't really count.
So fuck orks?
aren't us is what that means
What is cool about tyranids?
>ingnore Mechanicus players, every single one has tried to have sex with a vacuum cleaner
Is it lonely up there on your high horse?
So what you're saying is the Mechanicus master race is best?
I would.
The Swarm is a great enemy for anyone else to fight. They are the ultimate antagonists. Plus you can shoot 50+ things in a small point game. Even if you lose it, you really felt like you did something cool. And if you are playing them, you can have 50+ miniatures shot off the table and still kill every enemy on the board. Plus there is just something amazing about seeing the largest army you can field take the board in just waves of bodies. Yeah, they all suck, but it looks cool.
>Orks players, they're lolrandom grognards who shout WAAAGH every time they win, spewing you with cheeto-scentedsputum.
You're laughing, but this has really happened to me...
Could be Aeldar, maybe Orruks. But I'd say Necrynns.
>ignore Tyranids players, they're /d/eviant virgins who get off to alien rape porn and vore
Shit, you got me.
>Daemons not mentioned
It was proven once again that we are the patricians.
More the Weebiness and shit foundation of their lore that is just horribly patronizing/demeaning to Asian cultures.
>ignore Mechanicus players, every single one has tried to have sex with a vacuum cleaner
And I will not apologize, I said to make yourself scarce from the apartment as I had a date.
Every time. This model is pure 40k.
A model to match the fanbase.