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Has anyone here ever LARPed?
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>Has anyone here ever LARPed?
only for the last 16 years
Once, DM favoritism and cliches made a shitty experience.
Chronicle of Fagness.
I've run and played in LARPs. I swear they can be fun, but they can also very easily be a god awful intolerable mess of terribleness.
Obligatory request for Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes and Beast Mortal Remains.
Did those pathfags seriously call the path alternatives from the chronicler's guide homebrew?
Here you go, peoples.
Has anyone converted Legacies to 2e yet?
I'll be removing this file in a half hour or so off my account but by then it'll be out and about.
Thank you user.
Thank you fine user!
Any chance you might also have Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes?
A few, it's quite difficult in places however, due to the creation guide rules making it extremely difficult to provide certain Legacies with their pre-existing abilities. For example, for a Reality Stalker to Scry using a reality fracture, they'd need to put that into their Space 3 Attainment at a minimum simply because of sympathy, and even then it'd be there for seconds, have real troubles bypassing the Sympathetic Connection, and take a scene to use.
Also certain Legacies need a near complete re-write due to the changed nature of certain phenomenon. e.g. Clavs and the Bene Ashmadi,.
However if you're making new Legacies there are rarely as many problems.
I want updated Timori and will never stop complaining about it.
Well you're getting sixteen flavors of Tremere and you're going to like it
I PROBABLY WILL ACTUALLY. I hope its in the same direction as Left-Hand Path.
>mfw I realize DaveB will never release the promised Legacy updates, cut antagonist material or Mage FAQ
So what is required for the Bone Gnawers sacred rite of Super Bowl? Chips? A comfy couch?
Listen to God senpai
If you could have any one Arcanum, what would it be?
1e Awakening Prime. Phantasms for days.
It definitely read like homebrew. I don't get why it was so needlessly complicated. If all user wanted was to make a more freeform experience all he has to do is do the One Realm thing, and maybe have the og Realms beomce Lands in that Realm if you want to give it some detail. One Watchtower in the center that everyone Awakens to. The circumstances determine what Land you journey through, but once you reach the top of the tower you can see them all and you inscribe your name in that place where all the Lands meet. This could also be used as kind of a unifying aspect for all Mages. Despite all the differences they may have, beholding the Supernal Realm and its wonders from atop the Watchtower is an all Mages share and one they won't ever forget.
All Arcana are common until you pick a Legacy. Until you do, you have to pay Mana for every spell, but to offset that I would still have Rotes/Praxis/Attainments be free and I would fiddle with Mana a bit, making it a more common commodity and allowing players to hold and spend more of it than in vanilla. And hey, no inferior Arcana. That's a plus.
Characters would be more defined by the Arcana they want to study and what Legacies they choose. For example, A Mage proficient in Death would not be a Moros, but a Necromancer. Maybe he studies Spirit too (the inferior Arcanum for Moros in vanilla) and is seen as more of a Medium who deals with and studies ephemeral beings, ghosts and spirits alike. He wouldn't need to be tied to Matter or Life to achieve this character concept and he wouldn't have to find a way to justify a Path and a Realm around it.
That's just how I would do it. Minimal fuss. No great revampings and upendings of Mage society and total revisions of the Supernal Realms that don't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe user likes that, more power to him, but I prefer simpler solutions.
So reading the start of this, it makes Beasts out like they might be something cool. But since we know from a few threads ago that Beasts and Heroes are actually stupid bullshit I wonder if I should keep reading. It feels like a trap.
>It feels like a trap.
Because it is one.
Its still the best Beast supplement because its about killing beasts to make super Viagra.
>If you could have any one Arcanum, what would it be?
Forces or Fate.
They are just so damn versatile.
Adventuring in the Astral and turning both Goetia and people into your puppets is hello sweet.
Never have to sleep, bitchin' bio-mods, healing and shit, taming animals, creating animals.
It's just so fucking good.
Am I better off recruiting from SA, OPP or here if I wanted to run a game? I had bad experiences with and gitp so I don't have very high hopes for online games anymore.
Recruiting for what sort of game?
Thank you user.
I get the feeling that people didn't really read Mage Chronicler's Guide. That'd be a shame, that book is pretty good.
If you really want a game, try from all three simultaneously.
I'm currently in pretty decent larp group right now,
it has around 20+ players give or take.
I'm playing a character from a side family of the Giovanni from Belarus.
Good times, Just became Deputy Keeper of Elysium.
Real talk? Fate. Could you imagine? Your investments pay off, you win at all the gambling tables, you meet just the right women, do just the right things. Luck is the best superpower. This isn't even getting into curses and such.
Either Matter or Life.
Sad thing is though, with Fate everything you're doing is mundane.
Extraordinary, but mundane.
I'm also uncertain as to how happy you'll be when you start to realise that everything that's landing in your lap is doing so not necessarily because of any actual skill or proficiency, but because you're "lucky".
Oh look another WoD where plebs talk about MtA again...
For me, it'd be Time, I think.
If it was in the mega, they might.
SA if you want semi reasonable people but are ok waiting a bit
Here if you want warm bodies fast and don't care about the quality of players
OPP if you want to wait slightly less than you would for SA and are also ok with everyone being fawning sycophants for OPP.
Why is Caine sane?
Space. A lot of space's tricks are of limited use in the real world, but teleportation is too good to pass up.
He isn't
owod, probably wta.
I will take a look. Its hard to vet people you don't know. I will say that SA seems to do pbp but mine would be live, so that may not be an avenue for players.
>been conscious of WoD for a while
>reading some reviews for WtA actually piques my interest
>go wiki-diving
>the garou are totally retarded and weaver did nothing wrong
Am I wrong?
Caine is a lawn chair
The Weaver isn't the force of unfathomable evil and corruption, son.
The Wyrm is.
I suggest doing more research as the Garou from WtA/WtF is amazing.
Caine is a god beyond your childlike understanding.
All hail the divine lawnchair
I'd still like to play WtA but damn do those garou have a supernatural ability to fuck up
>the creation of the BSDs
>War of Rage
>the awakening of Eater-of-Souls
>killing the Uktena and Wendigo
And then there are the "tribe falls" scenarios from Apocalypse.
Supernal Realms don't make sense anyway so I don't see what that would change
They do have a knack for fucking up but Werewolves are the most powerful Earth primal force.
I played a WtF LARP a long time ago, it was super awesome. I wish I could find another one.
>>That Totem Power though
>>Those natural connections to spirits and primal power.
>>Little physical weakness
>>Can take out a grown Vampire if smart enough.
Werewolves have little weakness in my book other their lack of organization (in most cases) and intellect (in some cases)
>autistic cosmic force becomes sentient when it shouldn't and ruins everything by stepping out of its boundaries
Nah, the Weaver did everything wrong and needs her shit pushed in.
hey, to their credit, the Uktena and Wendigo are still around (a shame, the Wendigo should be dead so that the Croatans could live)
Damsel is a cute.
So which of the 20th anniversary book are and aren't worth it? I heard that M20 was pretty bad but I've heard nothing but praise for V20.
Can anyone repost it? I missed the download.
V20 and its supplements>W20>>the rest of W20 supplements (with the exception of Shattered Dreams)>a dump of shit>M20
>Supernal Realms don't make sense
In what way?
> I don't see what that would change
What would not change?
W20 core is servicable, avoid Changing Breeds. Book of rhe Wyrm is passable but still read Revised material. Sgattered Dreams should be taken with an IMMENSE amount of salt as its written by a bunch of nobodies with little or no history with wta outside of OPP anniversary products.
Moar of those lucious Leech jugs!
>I heard that M20 was pretty bad but I've heard nothing but praise for V20.
That's the way it should be, OHOHOHO.
No but seriously, M20 could have been awesome, but it turned out like complete shit. Messiest book ever.
>So which of the 20th anniversary book are and aren't worth it?
Well, pretty much anything from the V20 line is worth getting, obviously. Hunters Hunted II is great if you want to play as a regular mortal hunter, and Anarchs Unbound is great if you want a good book that gives some much-needed focus on the Anarchs. I'd also recommend Lore of the Clans, for new and interesting discipline cominbations and new concepts/merits, and also Rites of the Blood because it's a school about blood magic for all the sects (including anarchs) which is always awesome.
As for W20... Well, it's pretty solid over all from what I've heard. Never been that big of a fan of Werewolves, but from what I've read it seems pretty darn good.
This is the best assesment of W20 that I have seen so far.
Oh, and also V20 Dark Ages. It's a must.
And unlike the mess of its predecessors, The V20 Black Hand book is pretty awesome, except for the art (which is terrible).
The Wyrm is also a terrifying son-of-a-bitch. Started to consume entire planets in the ET scenario.
Still not as scary as an Archmage blowing up galaxies at the snap of their fingers.
No one mentioned mages. Stop fishing.
>Can anyone repost it? I missed the download.
Hunter - Tooth and Nail
Now, can anyone share Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes?
He's fishing in empty waters.
The Wyrm is the unkillable force of entropy.
So what's so awful about M20, I hear a lot of "it's shit" but not a lot of why
From what I gather it's a jumbled mess of poor mechanics and Brucato's drying crusty semen.
Archmages are pretty fucking beefy. Arete 9 Archmages would definitely maul The Triat relatively easily. Arete 10 is just plain plot device.
Don't know what you're talking about man, Changing breed's (W20th) is a good book, Rage across the world is pretty alright, Velvet Shadow is very useful for giving more wyld focused stuff along with a bunch of places to visit. White howlers tribe book is a bit short but still good for people that wanna relive the glory days or wanna run one of THOSE stories.
Thank you so much.
>play a Caitiff
>Me: Former ghoul, Childe of Toreador primogen that inexplicably came out wrong
>rest of party all likes me and treat me like any other vampire
>my sire hates me for being degenerate scum and perceived shame brought to her for making me
>nobody else cares what I am because when I was a ghoul I was such a legit motherfucker, so they cut me some slack
I feel like I'm cheating by not getting shit on for my lack of Clan but I also don't want to tell the GM what to do, especially when my request is to be treated worse, that might sound weird.
What do
Tell him you want to be treated like shit for ~roleplaying~
>What do
Talk to your GM so that you can both come to a solution that helps you get more satisfaction and enjoyment from the game.
Can you shut the fuck up and stop samefagging your own post.
The rest of the thread who's actually on top and talking about VtM and WtA.
People are getting paranoid
Any version without the stupid black bits?
father's thrusting cock
Except VtM and WtA is absolute shit
Yes. But not on these boards.
Just go to, like, any R34 site and search for "Damsel" or whatever vamp strikes your fancy.
... Pardon?
meant for
I didn't realize that it had a penis in it, my bad.
Dire times we live in. Mage Supremacists around every corner, vampfags being bullied left and right. Now Werewolf is being targeted.
>Fucking shit games
Have you ever considered that incest would be a good topic for a throw-away line in your opening fiction? Have you ever thought about how the name a tradition has always operated under must be in some way offensive? Have you ever rolled over in bed and had the sudden realization that if you don't put a sidebar in your book then people will play the nephandi and actually turn into murderrapists in real life? If the answer to these is no, you aren't Phil Brucato.
>taking the bait
The stinky French frog is back
It wasn't aimed at you fucktard
Lets just ignore the retarded magefag and carry on with the awesome VtM and WtA
Quick! Talk about knots and fortune cookies!
Okay you... I've considered none of these, but I'm more interested in the later two, incest isn't a new concept at all to World of darkness.
We all can find common ground in our contempt and loathing for Beasts (and changelings).
Fuck you man, Changeling (nWoD) is great! No idea about oWoD, waiting for there to be any progress on the 20th anniversary edition..
>No idea about oWoD
I know it wasn't very well received.
Changelings only exist to be bullied by Acanthus Magelords.