Stat me Veeky Forums
Stat me Veeky Forums
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Another generic looking shit from Overwatch?
Damn, I can't believe some people praise the aesthetics in Blizzard games. Sometimes I can't even understand what game it is - a new Borderlands installment or another Halo spinoff.
So shallow, like Chinese ripoffs.
MOV6-4 CC18 BS15 PH13 WIP14 ARM3 BTS0 W1
Multispectral Visor L4, Hyper-Dynamics L2, V: No Wound Incapacitation, Specialist Troop
MULTI-Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Medikit, Knife
The funny thing is that this guy is supposed to be Generic FPS Man in-context. All of his abilities are based on Call of Halo kinda stuff.
Str 24
Dex 24
Con 24
Int 24
Wis 24
Cha 24
That is the d20 definition of peak human, because 24 is as high as an ability score can get via leveling without racial bonuses or magic.
t. Battleborn developer.
They must have felt pretty dumb after posting that
The lowest of the low was when the lead developer linked to the rule34 section of Battleborn porn desperately hoping someone would notice. Truly fucking pathetic
It's not about Overwatch only, so your argument is invalid - Blizzard always was unimaginative in terms of art direction, and only North had some spice to it (Diablo 2 and Brood Wars are fine example). Though it makes me cringe that two equally shitty games are judged differently solely because one of the companies in question managed to breed themselves a generation of cattle who will praise anything they'll get, if the brand is right.
I feel like Junkrat would be some kind of spell caster or magic user
Fucking no way?
They realised too late that Overporn was what got the waifu and husbando crew to promote it outside the blizzard boubble.
Thought he was Cable from the thumbnail.
Alchemist, Obviously. Artificer if you go by the new 5e UA.
Yeah it was pretty pathetic. I believe his name is "Randy Pitchford". Basically told everyone to check it out if they were interested.
Stat me vidya threads in general and the dearth of stat me Overwatch threads lately are a fucking cancer.
If its your money or career that is burning, nothing is sacred.
I would have done this too, if i were in his position.
Now for a hard one
Me too.
Wasn't it also implied by the age of the subreddit that he likely created it himself?
To be fair Blizzard of the Games-workshop of video games.
Copy everything then claim it is original.
Basically they try what Hillary did. "I'm not Trump vote for me" "I'm not overwatch take me"
Sadly they forgot that people have limited time and disposable income to spend in $60 games. Try the new ip from random company or try new ip from mother fucking blizzard.
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3–8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6–8 HD (Large); 9–15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
He's pretty much designed to be a parody of that 90's archetype. A parody, and a bit of a love letter.
The character is basically Captain America after he gets old and grouchy.
Frickin' Source me up, user
Are stat threads decently accepted by Veeky Forums? I always find it a hit or a miss on the popularity and just feel people hate the repetition of the same concept
>The character is basically Captain America after he gets old and grouchy.
I've always thought he was more like the Punisher but PG-13 and without Frankface.
He's a mixture.
His origin story is literally Cap. Determined all-American kid wants to join the army and signs up for a supersoldier project to do, becomes the most successful subject and an international hero, and after the big war is established as leader of basically the UN's superhero division.
Then it all goes to shit and years later he's a tired, bitter old man with a whole bunch of scores to settle.
Depends on what you want to stat.
PS, be polite if people ask for information. I've seen a number of those type of threads get sunk because OP was a jerk. This isn't /a/
You are right, but at least GW tried to put something fresh on the table.
Before I met WH40K, I never saw space knights with swords and guns. When I grew older, sure, I saw some settings that had it before, but it wasn't a commonplace and it is obvious GW made a trope out of it. Same goes for orks - they were everywhere, yes, but making them fungal to better place them in Sci-Fi setting was a nice touch.
Yet Blizzard simply copies and sometimes openly admits it - both in looks, both in details of their backgrounds. Nowadays it is so stupid - I wasn't exaggerating when I said "can't tell the game" - week later this guy asked to stat some generic sniper girl from Overwatch and I decided it was some sort of an assassin like Athena chick from Borderlands, so I started googling for the third installment.
You can say it's the time context that matters, and GW worked for more sophisticated audience than Blizzard, but even then, there is no excuse for being dull.
I remember some blizzdrone tweeting at CA for daring to make total warhammer.
Everyone understands stat-me threads are a flimsy excuse to talk about an unrelated subject on the tabletop gaming board, so as long as it's a topic that enough other posters enjoy, the thread will be tolerated (or at least the people complaining about it will be lower by volume).
So... do we already have a stat block for Commander Keen?
Nobody cares if there already is a stat block for a character from where ever, stat me threads still will keep getting made.
Just make a thread and enjoy the discussion newfriend.
Also, for all the shit you can give Warhammer Fantasy, it's a setting based on the Holy Roman Empire and the 30 year war, with the main "antagonists" being essentially mutated Conan meets vikings.(Except it's not, Orcs are honestly more common as an enemy IIRC), surrounded by an Arthurian (And ACTUALLY Arthurian, not just knights and shits) kingdom, fantasy Italian City states (Which are just never a thing in Fantasy), fantasy Spain (Has fantasy Spain ever been a thing in any other setting?) on one side, and on the other side we've got the Dwarf kingdom and clans which may be fairly stereotypical but given that just beyond them we've got Chaos dwarfs who are mesopotamian mad scientists with magic cancer I think we can give it a pass.
And that's ignoring the magic Egyptians, the Mongols who instead of conquering everything for glory conquers everything because there's food there, the wood elves who are more or less in direct conflict with the forest and run an actual wild hunt (No seriously, what other fantasy property has elves just straight up murder and kidnap humans for shits and giggles? Discworld and The Witcher?), and the fucking Mayaincatec lizard people who secretly run the world (Well, the Slann sorta do).
The people who claim Warhammer fantasy is generic fantasy haven't read up on it. Simple as.
BS4 WS4 S3 T4 W3 I3 A2 Sv5+/6++
Soldier:76 may move an additional 2'' during the movement phase, and may move an additional d6'' if choosing to move in the shooting phase
Pulse Rifle
S4 AP5 24'', assault 3
Helix Rocket
S6 AP3 24'', heavy 1, blast
Biotic field
at the start of your turn, all units under a large blast template centered on Soledier:76 gain Feels No Pain 4+, all units under the large blast template at the end of the turn removes one wound
Tactical visor
roll a d6, adding +1 for every model killed by Soldier:76 and for every turn since tactical visor was last used
until your next turn, Soldier:76 may fire all weapons he is currently equipped with at BS10, and performs overwatch at BS5, gains relentless, and may fire his pulse rifle an additional time
BS5 WS4 S4 T4 W3 I4 Av 5+
Not! Europe has been done in 7th sea. Italy is basically Venice on steroid, Germany has the wood elf forest thingy with the Black Forest. Not! U.K. Has glamour magic basically folklore story magic and Arthurian crap.
Spain too super science was ban along with fire wizard, thank that to not! The Spanish Inquisition.
Alien or frog like people control de world from behind the scenes.
Like you know reptilians.
In other words, nothing is new, everything is a copy or a spinoff of something else. We might be doing this since the first human made a temple like 10k years ago.
My favorite part was that he was desperately, literally shilling his own game while pretending he was disgusted by the porn.
>oh my god there's porn of my game it's soooooo gross
>I can't believe there's porn on this link of this game that I made right here, I'm so super disgusted right now guys, really I am
It was completely fucking shameless.
2w legendary human soldier
3/2 first strike, protection from spirits
While this creature is in play, all creatures gain the soldier subtype
Don't pay attention to that faggot you replied to. GW invented more fantasy tropes than Tolkien did, and they have done the same for Sci-fi.
The modern depiction of orcs are derived from GW's, not Tolkiens. The modern depiction of dwarves is more influenced by GW than, again, Tolkien.
Hell, when it comes to sci-fi, the movie Starship Troopers is actually more influenced by 40K than it actually is by the actual book.
Visually, GW's work was clearly inspired by, but deviated quite dramatically, from classical fantasy fare like Frazetta and the Hilderbrandt brothers of the 70s. Most everything after is actually quite derivative of WH and WH40Ks unique spin.
And when it comes to Blizzard, well, they have never had an original bit of art pass through their minds, just look at Wrath of the Peter Jackson.
That may be Not!Europe, but it is a VERY different Not!Europe. Actually, every Not!Europe that takes inspiration from Europe seems to do so in different time periods, resulting in very different settings.
Your GW shill and Blizzard hate boner are out of control. Calm down.
I suppose you know 40k is basically Dune, Foundation, Heavy Metal comics (judge Dredd for example) and Starship Troopers?
I'll give you the green fungus ork. The rest? IIs that copy and spinoff of older shit.
HP: 76/76
MP: 76/76
STR: 76
AGI: 76
CON: 76
PER: 76
CHA: 76
LUK: 76
>I can't even understand what game it is
You understood it in the first sentence somehow.
Int 14
Dex 17
Str 14
Cha 14
Wis 12
Con 16
Pretty well rounded. I couldn't justify giving him 18 dex when characters like hanzo and genji exist. Honestly would work better to stat in a system that breaks Dex down into things kike Reflex and Acrobatics, etc.
Really that fast tho?
Well since we are on Veeky Forums I think he is Eternal Crusade developer.
>You are right, but at least GW tried to put something fresh on the table.
Such as..? They invented greenskins in 80s and that's all.
>Also, for all the shit you can give Warhammer Fantasy, it's a setting based on the Holy Roman Empire and the 30 year war, with the main "antagonists" being essentially mutated Conan meets vikings.(Except it's not, Orcs are honestly more common as an enemy IIRC), surrounded by an Arthurian (And ACTUALLY Arthurian, not just knights and shits) kingdom, fantasy Italian City states (Which are just never a thing in Fantasy), fantasy Spain (Has fantasy Spain ever been a thing in any other setting?) on one side, and on the other side we've got the Dwarf kingdom and clans which may be fairly stereotypical but given that just beyond them we've got Chaos dwarfs who are mesopotamian mad scientists with magic cancer I think we can give it a pass.
And even GW admited it was shit and killed it
>GW invented more fantasy tropes than Tolkien did, and they have done the same for Sci-fi.
Starship Troopers introduced Space Marines, DnD introduced gods of light and super-powerful paladins in magical armor, Steel Rat introduced Commisars and Death Worlds
>Visually, GW's work was clearly inspired by, but deviated quite dramatically, from classical fantasy fare like Frazetta and the Hilderbrandt brothers of the 70s. Most everything after is actually quite derivative of WH and WH40Ks unique spin.
Not exactly even Blanche admiting that he stole from Gean Geraud concepts for Jodorowsky's Dune movie
>The modern depiction of orcs are derived from GW's, not Tolkiens
Remind me please, which settings still using GW-like orcs?
Really? Arm 3?
isn't that pretty high?
Wrong. A supersoldier is in peak physical condition, Str Dex and Con may be right, the rest no.
I find the setting of Overwatch to be way more interesting. I want more of it.
My favorite head canon from here on Veeky Forums is that Silicon Valley is full of Dinosaur people now.
You do have to remember that he has had a building dropped on him and no more super human injections since then.
Only if you are line infantry, which the the USAriadna Grunt claim to fame. Arm 3 is pretty standard for Medium Infantry. Meanwhile the only things that move 6-4 or faster are robots, flesh robots, cyborg freaks, motorcycles, and TAGs.
I still cannot believe randy pitchford did that.
Fucking amusing. But at the same time hints of desperation that doesn't bode well for gearbox overall...
unimaginative, but it works. Blizzard has a following because they understand mass market beyond fad pandering.
Battleborn is fucking ugly in both aesthetic and playability.
Character models and particle effects overwhelm people with color and characters are not designed well to convey their abilities or skills.
Hopefully they make another Borderlands game before collapsing, I want to see how their last minute plot cookup ends.
>You are right, but at least GW tried to put something fresh on the table.
WS 4 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 4 A 3 I 4 Ld 10 Sv 4+/5++
Eternal Warrior
Feel No Pain
It Will Not Die
Pulse Rifle 24" S4 AP4 Rapid Fire
Helix Rocket 24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1
Tactical Visor: Once per game Soldier 76 can activate his Tactical Visor. Announce this during the Shooting Phase. Until the start of your next turn, his Pulse Rifle gains the following profile:
Pulse Rifle 24" S5 AP3, Assault 4, Interceptor, Rending, Precision Shot
During the use of Tactical Visor, 76 is Relentless and can fire his Helix Rocket with the following profile:
Helix Rocket 24" S8 AP2 Melta Heavy 1
BS3 WS4 S4 T4 W4 I4 Sv4+/6++
Bulky, Jump infantry, Independent Character
Tesla Cannon
S5 AP- Flamer, Assault 2
Excuse me for dropping in!
If Winston uses his jump pack during the assault phase, instead of resolving hammer of wrath as normal, place a small blast template underneath Winston. Resolve hammer of wrath against all enemy models hit at S5.
Barrier Projector
Instead of shooting, Winston may instead throw a barrier projector. S- AP- 6", Large Blast. The barrier projector only scatters 1d6 inches. Units within the area of the projector gain a 5++ save. Lasts until the begging of your next turn.
Primal Rage
At the start of your turn roll a d6, adding 1 for each model killed and for each turn since you last used primal rage. If you roll higher than a 12, you may elect to use primal rage. After passing the roll, no further rolls are needed until primal rage has been used. Upon using Primal Rage, Winston cannot fire his Tesla Cannon or throw barrier projectors for the rest of the turn. Winston gains the Rage and Fear USR, +1 S, may use his jump pack in both the move and assault phases, and a 4+ FNP until the start of your next turn.
Thoughts? Not sure how many points he should cost.
Aaaannd I forget an attack stat.
Very Bulky.
Up Toughness to T5
Tesla should be a double tap flamer. (S4/AP5)
Barrier gives a 3+ Invuln only for models completely under it.
Primal Rage should be on-demand, and one use.
Add +1T, Regain up to 2 Wounds, and gain FNP and IWND until the end of your next turn. Rage, Fear, +1S is all good. Also give him Smash.
Is there just one faggot making constant stat me threads for this piece of garbage game.
Okay, Updated a bit.
BS3 WS4 S4 T4 A3 W4 I4 Ld8 Sv4+/6++
Very Bulky, Jump infantry, Independent Character
Tesla Cannon
S5 AP- Template, Assault 2
Excuse me for dropping in!
If Winston uses his jump pack during the assault phase, instead of resolving hammer of wrath as normal, place a small blast template underneath Winston. Resolve hammer of wrath against all enemy models hit at S5.
Barrier Projector
Instead of shooting, Winston may instead throw a barrier projector. S- AP- 6", Large Blast. The barrier projector only scatters 1d6 inches. Creates a Zone that provides models fully within it a 3++ Invuln save, lasts until the start of your next turn.
Primal Rage
At the start of your turn roll a d6, adding 1 for each model killed and for each turn since you last used primal rage. If you roll higher than a 12, you may elect to use primal rage. After passing the roll, no further rolls are needed until primal rage has been used. Until the start of your next turn, Winston cannot fire his Tesla Cannon or throw Barrier projectors. Winston immediately regains all lost wounds, may use his Jump pack to both move and assault, gains the Rage, Smash, FNP, fear and fearless USR, +1S, and +1T.
If you don't like the overwatch style charge mechanic;
Primal Rage
Once per game at the start of your turn, Winston may Enter a primal rage. Until the start of your next turn, Winston cannot fire his Tesla Cannon or throw Barrier projectors. Winston immediately regains all lost wounds, may use his Jump pack to both move and assault, gains the Rage, Smash, FNP, fear and fearless USR, +1S, and+1T.
Don't think IWND fits him mechanically, gave him back all wounds to better reflect actual OW mechanics. Based Tesla Cannon after Necron Tesla - the living lightning rule, should be good against squishy hordes of grunts. Smash and Very bulky are good, but I doubt he is tougher than a space marine. Primal Rage lasts until start of next turn to make your 3+invuln machine useful in CC
> buttblasted warhammer fan
dunno where that asspull is coming from, Warhammer and Overwatch aren't even competing games, but as annoyingly over spammed 40k is on this board at least it's a traditional game.
Trying way too hard.
I for one really enjoy seeing the Overwatch characters statted for 40k. Mind posting the others that were statted? (I know Ana, Pharah and Junkrat have 40k stat blocks, were there any others?)
Don't have the other statblocks, I made up that one on the spot.
I remember the thread though, soldier 76 got a stablock as well. Very similar to the on in this thread IRRC
I need a Reinhardt one.
Or maybe I'll just tweak Guilliman's 40k stats when they come out.
>Giving a human in power armor primarch stats.
Here you go. Prollly baised cause Im a reinhardt main/fanboy
WS5 BS4 S4 T3 A2 W4 I4 Ld 10 Sv3+/6++
Bulky, Crusader, Independent Character, Stubborn
Rocket Hammer- Sx2 AP4, Sweeping blows, Concussive, two-handed, unwieldy
Sweeping blows- Reinhardt makes an attack with his rocket hammer against all enemies in base contact. IE in base contact with 3 enemy models? Attack all 3 twice, for a total of 6 attacks.
Fire Strike
S7 AP3 18" Beam, Ignores cover
Barrier Field
If Reinhardt elects not to move/assault during the assault phase, he activates his barrier field. Choose a facing to place a 4" wall. This wall blocks LOS when declaring targets for shooting. The barrier field has the following stats AV 12 4HP The barrier field is immune to all results on the vehicle damage table, and the barrier field loses 2 HP when penetrated instead. When the barrier is destroyed, it may not be used next turn. At the start of your turn, if the barrier has not been used during your last turn, it regains 2HP.
Reinhardt may forego his shooting to initiate a charge. During the assault phase, pick a direction, and roll 3d6+3 for charge range. Any enemy units that would come into base contact as reinhardt travels along that line must make an initiative test. Failure results in them being grabbed by Reinhardt, and being taken on a magical journey. On a success, the model takes a S5 hit, and is moved out of the way. The charge ends when Reinhardt and his new friend either hit a vehicle or a piece of terrain. If Reinhardt found a friend, they suffer a S10 AP2 concussive hit, and are locked in combat, if Reinhardt hits a vehicle, the vehicle suffers a S6 hit to the applicable facing. Charge distance ignores difficult/dangerous terrain penalties, but dangerous terrain tests must still be taken(For both Reinhardt and his new friend!), Overwatch may be taken against units caught in the line of charge.
BS4 WS4 S5 T5 A3 W5 Sv4+/5++
Rocket hammer
S+1 AP5
Rocket Hammer hits all models in Base to base contact with Reinhardt
Barrier Field
at the start of your turn you may place a shield anywhere along Reinhardts base, it counts as an obstacle 4'' high, 6'' wide, and placed with its middle touching reinhardts base. the shield blocks line of sight, and has 10HP and has an AV of 10. if the shield runs out of HP, it cannot be used on your next turn. Reinhardt can only up to 3'' during the mopvement phase if choosing to use the shield
Fire Strike
S5 AP3 12'', assault 1
when using fire strike, place a blast template anywhere along Reinhardts base, and move it in a straight line until it hits its maximum range, the attack hits each model caught under the template
when charging, Reinhardt gains Smash and may charge an additional d6''
At the start of your turn roll a d6, adding 1 for each model killed and for each turn since you last used primal rage. If you roll higher than a 9, you may elect to use Earthshatter.
S3 AP6 Template
any model caught under the template cannot perform overwatch, has their WS and I drop to 1
Cont because Fuck charge is complicated, but cool.
OW charge mechanic:
At the start of your turn roll a d6, adding 1 for each model killed and for each turn since you last used primal rage. If you roll higher than a 10, you may elect to use Earthshatter. After passing the roll, no further rolls are needed until Earthshatter has been used.
Or once per game, whenever you want
Shooting attack
S3 AP- Hellstorm
Concussive, Earthshatter, Haywire(ground vehicles only)
Earthshatter - Units hit by earthshatter must take a toughness test. Upon success, The model treats all terrain as difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. On a failure, the unit becomes pinned.
You tried.
Missing Initiative, Leadership, and good god Reinhardt is not as tough a custodes.
and also, when you copypaste, make sure you edit out the irrelevant stuff.
You want your ultimate soldier to be strong, tough and fast, but also making him perceptive, analytical and diplomatic is bad? Says fucking who?
>Meanwhile the only things that move 6-4 or faster are robots, flesh robots, cyborg freaks, motorcycles, and TAGs.
One of Soldier's in-game abilities is literally the power to run faster than any normal human.
patrician: 20
76 is actually superhuman. Dude tanks a grenade going off right behind him and gets up like it ain't no thang.
He's probably about as tough/strong as Ultimate Cap.
What does it say about the normal people in the Overwatch universe when one of the superscience abilities given to a supersoldier is sprinting? Can normal people not run?
All the characters in the game are running all the time.
76 can just run faster.
To be fair, 40k at least has an excuse for being everywhere the past week or so given the fact that a big event in the universe is occurring and that the past weekend was a FW event.
Lemony Crush Soda cans with fast peel tabs.
240 carbs a can.
I'm hoping they quit while they're ahead. I think they don't know why people liked Borderlands 1 and they're essentially using monkeys with typewriters to try and reproduce the formula.
He never get tied. Ever.
There's even a brawl (game mode) based around this joke(fact).
B-but all publicity is good publicity!
the more i see news about this game even here on Veeky Forums of all boards of it, the more i hate blizzard and their dumbfication of it
and the autistic tumblr CA fans who keeps defending it, even here on Veeky Forums
>and the autistic tumblr CA fans
>even here on Veeky Forums
>says fa/tg/uy
Zog me anons, that's beautiful.
blizzard dominates mass marketing.
After coming to america, I only see Activision-Blizzard adverts on the television.
That's because they got big.
They got big by understanding how to do generic stuff well.
Blizzard has never been a pioneer, but they knew how to make something inoffensive yet barely different to be be distinct in people's eyes.
Are you implying Soldier 76 is a fucking Demi-God?
What dumbfication of the game? I played the beta, and I recently got back to playing it again, and it plays exactly the same now as it did back then. Nor do any of the other people who I know to play it have noticed the game being significantly changed, let alone dumbed down.