/swg/ Space Utes

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Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar


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Also a neat submarine
If you ever want your characters to shit bricks, have them go underwater

Second for crazy EU bullshit

Is this some kind of alternate universe shit, or did Yodas ghost get aboard a third Death Star?

Since It'll be a while before I'll get to try it myself, I demand more tales of the space tractor.

Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope

Basically, the rebels fail to destroy the Death Star over Yavin.

>There weren't that many Nimitz built, you want something with more turnover and mass production.
That's fair.

>The number of Abrams
Are you seriously comparing the complexity of a star ship with tens of thousands of crew and accommodations for each to a tank with a crew of four?
62 Los-Angeles-class submarines were built, which are a meager 110m long.
The USS Honolulu (SSN-718) was laid down in 1981, commissioned 1985. That's still four years for something a fraction of the size and a fraction of the complexity.

I mean, if they've got a Factorio-style ludicrously parallel resource processing, where ore becomes Star Destroyers in a more or less continuous path, it's not unfeasible.

Plus, robots. They work quickly and perfectly.

Here's the story in brief.
>Alternate timeline
>Lukes torpedoes blow up midway down to DS's reactor
>DS shoots at Yavin IV but doesntblowit up with first strike because laser got banged up a bit
>Second shot blows up the moon but rebels manage to flee
>Only to get captured
>Luke and Han manage to get away
>Luke is contacted by Bens force ghost who tells him to go to Dagobah
>Luke goes through his full training while Vader starts training Leia to become a force user
>Also he reveals to 3PO that he is his creator
>Han, Luke and Yoda team up and fly to Coruscant on an Imperial victory over rebellion anniversary
>Yoda goes to DS and mind controls Tarkin into flying the thing and starts shooting at the imperial fleet with the main laser
>Meanwhile Luke and Leia duel, Vader kills Palpatine when he starts electorcuting Vaders kids
>Vader dies and is left behind, Luke, Leia, droids and Han escape while Yoda J'edi ackbars the death star into Coruscant

Have you seen Star Wars, what makes you think that droids are particulerly efficient?

The droid factory on Genosis? Sure, the droids themselves weren't much, but the production line at least was quick.

As far as I can tell, droids only develop personalities and the associated issues if you make them deal with situations outside of their programming.

If they never have to adapt or improvise or think laterally, they'll be perfectly efficient and pretty nearly mindless.

Robot construction workers building endless identical Star Destroyers, with no issues and no creativity, will do just fine.

That is some horrendous same-face.

Remember that cargo hauler thing?

It's canon... ish.


Thank you, most honorable Sempai. Thank you for taking me on this most wonderful journey. There's just something so hilarious and wonderful about the earliest ideas for the EU. They were looking at it through such an innocent lens, at what Star Wars could be, rather than building upon the existing traditions. Hell, the concept of canon didn't even exist then, really.

Canon is mining the fuck out of old kenner toys.

Best specialization is clearly gadgeteer. Worst is easily performer. Most underrated is arguably gambler. Best species is human/cerean while worst is the rest. Thank you for reading.

What's wrong with Gank?

Are you counting corellian and mango human with human?

I understand that this is a /v/ oriented post, but what if they made a star citizen style game, where you can be a spacer, a bounty hunter, a miner, slaver, etc. Will that be a good idea /swg/?

Rodian and Embo's species are pretty good, and Klatoonian is pretty good too. I would argue sullustan is one of the best pilot races.

Drall and chadra-fan are solid competitors to Cerean.

I would honestly want something free-roam like SWG, but with Star Citizen-type gameplay.

Hi bait, nice to see you again.
This seems weird to me, because the Kenner toys were never that... amazingly well designed.

Fun idea but very prone to being overscoped if you take things to space. It would probably be doable if the game world was kept to a planetary region somewhere between Vvardenfell and Daggerfall in terms of size.

My guess it's a peace offering to the grognards. They seem to be filtering back as many old vehicles and set pieces without altering the story.

Well, mostly it's for units in like, cheap mobile games or just in reference material. The only thing I think which has been very prominent is the Imperial Troop Transport in Rebels, and that actually is an okay design.

Ok, time to trigger some autists.

And, to be fair, anyone blessed with the gift of sight.
>The definitive lightsaber of the Bladebuilders system provides kids with the unique components needed to create 100+ combinations from their imagination. The Jedi Master Lightsaber comes with a main Lightsaber featuring lights and sounds, two independently-lit lightdaggers, expansion hilt, two elbow connectors, dual connector, and cross connector. Combine with other Lightsabers in the BladeBuilders system (each sold separately) and imagine the thrill of battle with a custom Lightsaber! Requires three AAA batteries, included.

That lightsaber is small-time.

>Turn to the dark side with the Star Wars Bladebuilder Spin-Action Lightsaber and prepare to do battle against the Resistance fighters with just a flick of the wrist, or use the included lightdagger for close combat. Defend from every angle with the 360-degree spinning connector lightsaber hilt that sets this Bladebuilders lightsaber apart from any other!

Son, these kits are modular.

You could build your own dual counter-rotating swastikasabers if you'd like.

>those cross and triple emitters

Did Sienar have something to do with this?

Will we ever know?

Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet.

I was going to encourage Veeky Forums to construct their own hideous lightsaber-hamstertubes, but the official photos are as awful as anything we could invent.

If Sienar was involved, we'd see TIE panel shields included in the package.

What could possibly be worse than the spinning Inquisitor sabers?


There are no words...

You know, I could really go for a lightsaber trident.

We need to go crazier. Someone call Bloodborne's dev team. We need to use that lightsaber kit as a stepping stone to ever more ludicrous bullshit.


Lore question; How are ship weapons classified?

Ship scale blaster
Laser canon
Light turbo laser canon
Turbo laser
Heavy turbo laser

These may all be modified with macguffin ores and kyber crystals to be more powerful but they still fall into one of those five categories unless they are super weapons?

I have heard back and forth that all of them are actually plasma weapons that just use lasers to ignite the plasma but cant confirm...

I started down this rabbit hole because it always bothered me that star destroyer turrets look CIWS scale compared to their hull sizes. Would a star destroyer turret be stronger, barrel to barrel against say a CR90? Is it just the stupid number of canons that make them dangerous? Was this a thing even ever addressed anywhere? I suppose i always thought of battleships and how the size of the ship determined the size of the main canons but the ISD looks like a dreadnaught covered in AA, like it never finished outfitting.

If someone really wants to go there, is technology stunted in the setting? I was reading up on HK-47 and engineers 4000 years after he was built marveled at his advanced design... and weapons/shields dont seem to have changed at all in any period I've seen unless you want to go back something like 12000 years to belt pack powered light sabers.

Or a lightsaber sai.

I think the Rebels team is doing a good job on their own.

Eh, not really. They just copied something that's already been done.

Yes. I'm sure they saw /that/ episode of your obscure robot fighting tv show, user.



So which series from 1979 to 2017 should they have seen?

The issue isn't obscurity of brand - Gundam isn't unknown - but content glut. There are so many series, side-series, movies, and remakes that it's pretty hopeless to expect anyone but the most dedicated otaku to know every single episode and reference.

But then again, this is Veeky Forums. That's apparently exactly what we expect.

Not that user.
More like that one series was one of the ones they happened to watch. You don't have to know every single reference to know one.

Either way it's pointless argument because only the creators would know the answer.

I think that once they decided to make them auto-spinning, helicoptering was the next logical step.

Logic is a word you can use to describe that I suppose.

Naw, spinning was just Gen. Grievous-tier. Flying is a whole extra level.

rate my tardsaber

Is it crank powered?

>You could build your own dual counter-rotating swastikasabers if you'd like.

I-is such a thing even possible? A weapon to surpass the metal gear!

>This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. An elegant weapon... for a more civilized age.

10/10 made me laugh

Especially because i look at some of theseand hear harrison ford's voice in my head
>forget all that hokus pokus, give me a good blaster any day over something like that

They've got a module for that too.

You could make dual counter-rotating swastikasabers that also shoot nerf darts.

God help us all.



>that gunblade

All you need to do to finish that look is start loudly ranting about the glory of the german people whilst the swastikas are spinning

By far, the best I've found so far

Why do I get the feeling the next Inquisitors I use will be based on these three?



Damn, Episode 8 looks dope

The Knights of Ren!

Bwah? Does... does this make yellow sabers canon again?

You're welcome.

Sure. Why not?

Haven't they been canon since TCW?

Yellow sabers have been canon since TCW Season 5 at least. All of the Temple Guards carried them. They might have been shown before that, I don't know for sure.

>does this make yellow saber canon again?

They already are. Jedi Temple guards had yellow blades, and they were shown in both Clone Wars and Rebels.

The lightsaber trident is nice, but we need to.go further. We need to create a lightsaber menorah.

Good damn, does that also make lightsabers powered by D cells canon? Is there a reasons for those hilts of compensarion?

They're double bladed user, they've just not got the other blade activated.

Yah but... I've seen double sabers all over the place. This is like three double sabers glued end to end and then just wrapped in tape to give it some girth. But maybe thats just what you need to get those light-horse-cock sized blades.

>Tfw no Star Wars Citizen
>Tfw no Dropzone: Star Wars

Life is suffering

Ashoka also had a yellow blade.

That picture isn't quite right. Her off-hand saber wasn't full yellow, it was kind of yellow-green.

It's pretty yellow, m8.

>tfw no X-Wing Commander
>tfw no Dark Forces 3
>tfw no Battlefront: Bad Company
>tfw no Hearts of Beskar or Neo-Crusader Kings
Well, at least you can look forward to the inevitable Star Wars DLC for Kingdom Hearts 3. If you're into that.

>tfw Sev is still waiting for extraction

Is he, though? The game is no longer canon so technically, we don't even know if Sev went missing in this timeline.

Yes, but it's definitely not just yellow - there's absolutely green in that saber as well. Compare that saber to these:

At this point, we don't even know if Delta Squad even fought in the Battle of Kashyyyk in canon. They literally only have one appearance, and that was Witches of the Mist in TCW Season 3.

Yeah, you crank the dagger handle and it extends the main blade. Conversely you could swing it by the dagger grip like a pick axe.

Thinking about picking up an E-wing because I've heard Corran is making a comeback. Is it worth it?

Corran's good and A'baht is interesting. Getting a single E-Wing isn't a bad idea.

Hopefully all of them make it through the Clone Wars. It would be cool as shit to see oldfag Delta Squad get sent to take down Sabine's Mandalorian allies or Rex's rebel clones.

The guys I play with insist Corran is the only pilot on it worth using and I'm inclined to believe them, Abaht's ability is neat but even pairing it with someone like Ten Numb who can really leverage the crit it's just underwhelming for how many points you pay for the thing. Even when I try to make lists around E-wings I just find myself thinking I could put in a significantly more pimped out and capable T-70 for the same price.

Etahn is supposed to be really good in Epic, where you can get a lot more friendly ships on the action, and can get huge ships dice mods.

>Corran making a comeback
>With Kylo Ren out now

Yeah but nobody seems to like playing Epic and with that many ships around there's undoubtedly going to be something capable of nuking an E-wing off the board in the first turn of shooting.

With that in mind, how's this list?

>>Fire Control System

>>Integrated Astromech

>Jess Pava
>>Pattern Analyzer
>>Integrated Astromech

What are some good dark side force visions to tempt my Force and Destiny players?

Name another 3-attack Rebel ace with 3 agility and an evade action.

While on the subject of Kylo, is it wrong that he makes me think FFG is consciously trying to fuck over Rebel players?

What does it matter when you're going up against RAC with KR+Gunner+HSCP?

I'd rather have a 2 agi T-70 with passive autothrusters than a 3 agi E-wing spending actions on evades.

I don't plan on running him without Biggs (as mentioned in ).

We need to know more about your players before we can say what would be good to tempt them.

Hit 'em in the motivations and weaknesses.

I think FFG consciously tries to fuck over ships/lists people who don't play them complain about. Not everybody enjoys rebel Regen, Kylo eats regen but can't alpha strike wipe an entire enemy list like UBoats.

Just like FFG released half a dozen ways to kill Soontir Fel.

1. Commando background character that has tangled with hutts, slavers, etc.
2. Wookiee who was put through the battle pits. Tends to brute force his way through things.
3. Force sensitive on the run from Inquisitor that killed his family.
4. Sage that has been going heavy on the narrative end of foresee.
5. Ithorian healer. Not a lot of characterization.

Last two have been giving me the most trouble.