So what will he do with the Inquisition and the Ecclesiarchy?
So what will he do with the Inquisition and the Ecclesiarchy?
Something Vulkan did.
Be declared a heretic and get shot by ork snipers
Fix that for you.
But this.
You can also add Dorn to that mix, who Index Astartes says was mad not that the Emperor was being worshipped, but that Primarchs were also being similarly venerated.
He's not an idiot. Guilliman will see that the worship of the Emperor is the only thing that keeps the Imperium together and that the Inquisition is a necessary evil. He won't like either, but he knows there's nothing he can do about it that won't end badly for everyone involved.
And if it is something he doesn't like, he is going to work to undermine and destroy it over time. But he has bigger fish to fry. First push Chaos back into it's little hole, after spanking Failbbadon, then work on restoring the Imperium as he believes his father would wish him to. Probably by slowly exporting the work in Ultramar to the rest of the Imperium. Slowly, over time. Millennia if necessary. Nothing points to the likelihood that he isn't immortal like his father.
So other then emergencies, he has the time to get things done. Mortals will fade and pass. He can stand triumphant in the end.
he'll probably fuck them and found imperium secundus boogalundus
Do primarchs not age at all? I remember regular space marines having lifespans of up to 500 years or something
Well, the Inquisition has religious connotations now but the foundations of it go back to Malcador and it existed before his Gulliman dying. So no problem there.
What could Vulkan do? He is the Craftsman. It's not his job to fix the Imperium.
Guilliman is the Builder of Empires. It's HIS job to fix the Imperium.
Does he look older than his 30k mini?
Space Marines are immortal and do not die of old age. Due to a life of constant warfare most don't get to be older than a couple hundred years at most but there are examples of Astartes being thousands of years (some Space Sharks, several Fallen etc)
Split the Imperium in two and form an alliance with the Tau.
>Get assassinated.
>Do nothing.
>Destroy the setting and create Age of Emperpor: Imperium Secundus Boogaloo.
Pick one.
This is wrong though. There's dreadnoughts which only got that way because they got old, a Grey Knight who has to stay at the fortress and be a teacher because he's gotten too old to fight, and the Blood Angels are mentioned repeatedly to be the longest lived Space Marines. Which wouln't be something to mention if it wasn't a thing to mention.
The immortal marines are just a meme. GK Omnibus has an apothecary too old for combat duty, Titan has GK librarians too old for the field, and hrud age space marines into infirm old men.
There are quite a few marines that lived through the Heresy too, but the grand majority are roughly the same age as then due to Warp fuckery since the only ones that have lived that long and haven't been KIA are Chaos marines. There's Bjorn too, but he's been kept alive in a dreadnought. I think there is an upper limit to a space marine's actual age - probably at least a thousand years - but none will ever see it naturally since they're always fighting. The best example you'll ever see is probably Bjorn.
Explain Cypher.
Guillman is pure ambition.
I always wonder why the chaos gods didn't try harder to persude him.
Firstly Cypher may be a title, and secondly the Fallen were scattered across space and time by the Warp so warp did it works for them like it does for CSM so it doesn't really matter if it isn't a title.
The Inquisition was created by the Emperor during the Siege of Terra, Malcador chose the first recruits to them and the GK.
Cypher is a title, and there's potentially warp fuckery a foot. There are Chaos Space Marines that have been around since the Heresy, but to them only a couple hundred years has passed.
time flows differently when you are in the warp/when you are chaotic/when you are on plot's track/when you are a closet faggot/when you are native indian blooded
For Kharn it's probably just been one huge killparty that's never stopped.
Kharn is pretty jacked on the power of the Warp, so I don't doubt that he's spent an unreasonable amount of time actually being alive. Same with any Chaos Marine with enough Warp power. Ahriman as well is probably actually just ten thousand years old but kept alive by magic.
How did they fuck up so badly
It looks like WoW dogshit.
Why must it be a biggerer spess mahreen for the spess mahreen faggots. Why.
How much galaxy has progressed or stagnated since his stasis? Can't remember the event itself.
How fucked the humankind now? Will it make him mad? Or, rather, how mad he would be?
I'm just waiting for them to put out a plastic Angron. I fucking NEED it.
WoW is not the only game and that buzzword was dumb even back in 4e days.
Abaddon is going to die[s/poiler] at the end of Gathering Storm. Cypher is the man who pulls the trigger.
Leave them as they are.
Gulliman would likely take a good hard look at the Imperium, realise that what they're doing is 100% necessary given the current state of the universe, and then go about trying to fix what he can without causing issues with the Ecclesiarchy or Inquisition.
Trying to do anything about those organisations, given how entirely key they are to the current survival of the Imperium would be the single worst decision he could ever possibly make.
According to GW he's been in stasis for about nine thousand years, so it's been a long ass time for the Imperium to slide backward compared to when he was around. I doubt Guilliman would be mad. Disappointed, sure, but not mad. He must have known on some level that without the Emperor the Imperium was on its way to collapsing. Honestly, the fact that it's persisted as long as it has is a miracle unto itself.
>There will never a story set during the Nova Terra Interregnum.
Don't ask questions like that OP. Just accept that Age of Shitmar 40k will have more plot holes than a life boat made of donuts.
I like how everyone here is all "Necessary evils" when a vision of this future is what sent alpharius traitor, he believed that the total death of all humanity would be better that *this*
Wow, just like the rest of the WH?
Seriously, at this point - everything will be nice.
Robot Gorillaman still has to defeat the massive Chaos insurgency before he gets anything done. Most likely he'll be like "I'll begin major reform once we're at peace." Then spend eternity in never ending war.
Alpharius is a faggot though.
>t. Alpharius
>Don't ask questions like that OP. Just accept that Age of Shitmar 40k will have more plot holes
How can there be plotholes if the plot hasn't even advanced to the point where Guilliman returns yet?
That sounds like a plothole to me. You should complain to Veeky Forumss author.
Nothing, Abbadon will reach Terra faster than Girlyman.
>Guillman is pure ambition.
False. HORUS was pure ambition, which is why the Chaos Gods chose him and the Emperor made him Warmaster.
Roboute is a statesman through and through - while he strives to have a personal hand in everything, at the end of the day he views himself as a caretaker and builder, rather than a conqueror or king.
He straight-up said he didn't want to rule the Imperium in the Horus Heresy, and he backed that up by passing on governance to the High Lords after he reorganized the Imperium rather than become Emperor himself.
His ideal goal is to leave such an effective government and society that he doesn't even need to be there for it to function perfectly, and believes glory lies in service to the greater ideal that is Mankinds destiny.
Call me an idealist, but if it's Abnett and Kyme Guilliman and not ADB or McNeill Guilliman, things might be okay. Not saying I dislike ADB or what have you, I just found the Abnett and Kyme Roboute to be more rational and personable.
He come out as a fag, and will bring the glorious Age of Emperor that no one asked to have or even wanted, and all the glorious That Guys and Neckbeards of the w40k tabletop fan base will die screaming their favourite army catchphrases wanking themselves into a ecstatic stupor.
I mean, w40k fluff was never top notch but it worked. Shitting on main premise like 'never-ending war everywhere' is kind of idiotic move on GW part. But hey! Its GW after all! They will never learn.
>the Blood Angels are mentioned repeatedly to be the longest lived Space Marines.
And yet, Dante is the oldest at 1400~ and Imperial Fists have died in combat at 1000 (Alexus Polux) while Grimnar is approaching 800 and still going strong.
>Shitting on main premise like 'never-ending war everywhere' is kind of idiotic move on GW part.
it's still going to be never ending war
just the "macharian crusade" kind of never ending war instead of the "everything is shit" kind of never ending war
>Nothing points to the likelihood that he isn't immortal like his father.
What about the whole poisoned badly and needed to be in stasis?
He's definitely not a perpetual.
I could be wrong but I think he'll probably get bogged down in Syria...
In the Beast Arises, there is a Salamander that survived in Real Space back from the Horus Heresy. Got stuck in wreckage, went borderline crazy and had his vocal cords desiccated from lack of movement for millennia, but he was alive for over 10k years
He was in suspended animation. Marines have an implant for that. Or on life support, since removing him from the ship's command throne would have killed him and he had to be euthanized by the Salamanders who found him.
Also from that same story:
>'I don't know what I believe at this point,' he admitted. 'The warp storms could have affected the passage of time. But it's also entirely possible that this Salamander is simply many years old, longevity being a benefit of our slow metabolic rate. Such a thing has never been tested, given that most of our number invariably meet their end in war or, if death is not forthcoming and age arrives first, by wandering out into the Scorian Plain or setting sail on the Acerbian Sea to find peace. It is the way of the Promethean Creed.'
So, besides the possibility of a warp storm allowing him to survive that long, Salamanders do age and do the Long Walk if they get too old for combat duty.
>Liiion.. Liiiiion..! Wake up sleepy head!
>He's definitely not a perpetual.
You don't know that. He'd need to die first.
I'm not overly fond if the emperor and primarch are 10 feet tall and tower over normal marines fluff either.
Sadly it's not going anywhere
Incorrect on all levels. He will see that they are a cancer on the heart of the Imperium. And like such a cancer, must be excised. They key is how and when, as you don't want to stop the heart while you cut pieces off of it. Plus you don't want to do open heart surgery as your patient is fighting for it's life against a virus eating it's limbs (Chaos), or a parasite trying to suck on it's bowels (Tyranids), or even deal with too many large broken bones (Orks). Even a stubbed toe (Tau) could be bad just prior to surgery.
That being the case, he will proscribe a healthy diet and not suffer foolish life choices in his presence (He will fix any supply issues for his forces and worlds he needs, and fucking kill any inquisitor/ecclesicarch trying to make matters worse).
Assuming he can, he will fix everything around him. It's his nature. The key is if others will allow him the time and resources to do so. He is not the best strategist, nor warrior. He is the best statesman and logistician. Perhaps no the mosted loved, but he has probably the largest loyalist Astartes force to call on if necessary. That plus a blessed name and reputation might be enough. And this time, no brothers in his way. Just whelps like Failabbadon and Crazybitchtine.
he'll give them the roboot
He never hated Religion like his father either. He had Religious Minorities living and worshipping openly on Macragge.
As long as they payed their tithes and didn't cause trouble, he wasn't going to interfere.
>and this time, no brothers in his way
Magnus is knocking to this door.
>He never hated Religion like his father either
Yeah tell it to Lorgar.
He didn't want to do that and took no pleasure from it. but his Father commanded and he obeyed.
And he payed the price for obedience in blood.
Well no shit ADB can't write a non Chaos character well.
You know what they say; time flies when you're a faggot
>Black Library
>be all excited your niche ass chapter finally gets a second piece of fluff, and a full BL novel no less
>it's fucking trash filled with literal fanfiction and contradictions to the original canon
Fuck BL, seriously. The lore is literally better off if BL never existed.
>He didn't want to do that and took no pleasure from it.
>allowed Ultramarines kill everyone in the city
>And he payed the price for obedience in blood.
In First Heretic he was glad in humiliating Lorgar.
Stop right there, literally everything in BL is not only trash, it's contradictory and completely un-canon. Doubly so for everything regarding Guiliman and 30k. Seriously? Vulkan the Perpetual? Imperium Secundus?
As a matter of a fact, Magnus is apparently the main villain of the third Gathering Storm books. The leaks show that Thousand Sons have besieged Macragge. I wonder if the book ends with a duel between Magnus and Guilliman.
>>be all excited your niche ass chapter finally gets a second piece of fluff, and a full BL novel no less
It probably does. And then Bjorn barrels in out of nowhere and tackles Magnus off the cliffs of Macragge.
My brother's cousin's father's friend works at GW and says he saw it in the manuscript. Here's a photo for proof.
He was beaten by fucking brimstone horrors. Say no more.
>and completely un-canon.
HH are canon, and books about Abbadon are canon.
If you think BL HH is canon then you are basically saying BL overrides FW, codexes, and rulebooks. Which is fine to say, people have a right to say whatever the fuck they want, but it still makes you wrong and retarded.
>BL overrides FW, codexes, and rulebooks
How they overrides FW?
Also, ADB most popular Warhammer author, so his books are definitely canon
>Sadly it's not going anywhere
It's been there for a long time, user, complaining about it is like complaining that RT fluff doesn't apply wholesale these days.
that's adorble
Kek it will be funny, since Ecclesiarchy was builded around Book of Lorgar.
He was?
He didn't kill the people in the city. They forced the populace to evacuate before he glassed it from orbit. Some people opted to stay to send a message to the Word Bearers.
Strictly speaking, the dealbreaker wasn't the Imperium's stagnation and brutality, it was that Horus losing - i.e. the outcome which we know ended up happening - would in the long run lead to a complete Chaos victory (and for some reason Aaron and Lauren are the ones who get blamed for this).
Non-combatant senior Librarians and Gatherers are/were codex fluff. As is the Blood Angels' noted longevity. And the numerous instances, across all editions, where the survival of the original Traitor Legionnaires has been attributed to the lack of time within the Eye.
Hell, if anything, the idea that Marines are truly immortal actually comes from BL, and only as an in-universe belief.
And that's why the Traitor Legions codex supplement, for instance, explicitly mentions Monarchia, Coryphauses, Omegon, and the "I am Alpharius" and "In Midnight Clad" catchphrases.
It also explicitly contradicts BL in massive ways, because its fluff is built on a mishmash of coypasted lore lifted from multiple eras of the setting's development, some of which was outdated and overwritten even before the novels.
Inquisition was created by the Emperor. Ecclesiarchy I could ultimately getting left in place because it unites the Imperium, gives them hope, and in light of Celestine.
There is potential for Guilliman to shake things up, but given what GW has mentioned I have a feeling that is either going to die or go back in stasis or be stuck with so much fighting that he doesn't have time to overhaul the Imperium.
There is actually a lot wrong with the Imperium due to a combination of incompetence and corruption. From skimming through The Beast Arises it overall seems to portray the High Lords as useless outside of their respective fields and too overly concerned with politics, and this was M32.
The HH series from BL is canon and the idea that it somehow isn't while FW is seems like a falsehood perpetrated by people who hate BL. If BL wasn't canon then FW would not have events from its books in their own or on their timeline. BL gives a closer view of the Heresy and its characters, FW portrays itself as being in universe and is more concerned with battles and military composition.
But is a Space Marine the same thing as a Primarch?
Because Space Marine aging doesn't seem like it would apply to the demigod Primarchs.
BL and FW HH books share the same editor, who was Laurie Goulding and now somebody else took his place. So you are the one who is wrong and dumb. BL and GW are in close communication and everything is coordinated between them. HH BL books is personal accounts of the people who were there. A close view on the ground of the Hersey. FW books are written as in-verse documents from a in-verse character whose name has KA initials. It acts as a wider and general view of of the events of the HH. Since the writer wasn't there for a lot of the events of the HH and the secrets revealed in the HH novels weren't privy for her, she won't get it all right.
Since he's actually Alpharius in disguise, he will keep everything as is.
Seeing as Primarchs are basically demigods, would it be too far fetched to say that Guilliman being the genius he is, remembers how to to create weapons that the imperium has forgotten about during the past 10k years?
He personally designed sicaran battle tank along with Ferrus Manus, he is probably not as talented as Vulkan or Perturabo but he should know how archeotech works.
sure, but you know his primary talent is in organizational stuff
administratum 2 soon, fellow imperial
>remembers how to to create weapons that the imperium has forgotten about during the past 10k years?
May be but here is the problem, Perturabo working with Abbadon.
>the king of the dinobots
>knowing anything about technology
don't do chaos, kids
Depends exactly how noblebright they now want to make things.
They could always make it that his reintroduction causes serious ructions within the fabric of the Imperium, raising major internal power battles, questions concerning the nature of the Imperium what parts of it are necessary, what parts of it are simply the results of zealotry, perhaps even reveal that assuming a Primarch is better than any trillions of humans over 10000 years at everything is farfetched and have Roboute make mistakes and such.
Or, of course, he could just instantly make the Imperium work better and have stronger guns and shit.
It depends on how much GW wants Guilliman to single-handidly change the entire galaxy
BL is canon, but it's subject to the prevailing rule that all stories are stories that might be being told within the setting, and are prone to having errors or being twisted by the teller's biases. It's GW's standard get-out clause so the story can be made entertaining with any inconsistencies, minor or major, being explained away.
The closest thing to completely reliable information is the out-of-universe commentary in the rulebooks, though even that has some retconning going on.
In the unlikely event that GW are smart about this, Guilliman is going to be used to slowly rein in the shittier parts of the Imperium, giving an in-universe justification to pull back from the shonen power creep of byzantine idiocy that's been occurring in the fluff since the third or fourth edition.
>writes Codex Inquisitorius
>goes to war at the entire Inquisition until they accept his tactical doctrine
>going to war with a primarch who has the popular support of most space marine chapters AND is carrying the sword of the emperor himself
I mean I know the inquisition is a bit stubborn, but there's a certain point you gotta stop.
I wonder how Guilliman comes back.
>Macragge janitor trips over power cable
>stasis field turns off
>Guilliman instantly heals and sits up
>"Oh man I got a headache. I hope nobody did anything stupid when I was in my healing coma."
>"like put me in stasis for ten thousand years"
the warhammer community site already covered it, briefly
the ynnnayyldari rescue cawl and help fix him
Cawl + Aeldari necromancy.
Even fateweaver or whichever lord of change it was that spoke to Lorgar in his visions said that he (Lorgar) had been overthinking Guilliman's hatred of him.
>lord of change
Wow, very reliable persons
Lorgar isn't exactly a reliable narrator either, especially with his inferiority complex.
>Lorgar isn't exactly a reliable narrator either,
Unlike ADB
>Unlike ADB