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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
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What's the easiest way to power up in either of the new DBZ jumps?
For DBZ the answer is always "train hard and avoid women".
By asking obvious bait questions you can use as a springboard to shitpost with later.
So a few months ago, I made a Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z jump for my personal use, with some help from my friend Digs. I didn't plan on these seeing the light of day and knew there was a lot of baggage associated with these, but after the last few threads, I kinda figured there's no point in tapdancing around the issue.
So, with permission and some help from Quicksilver, here's both. They're meant to be alternatives to the original endjump version. Next one will follow in the next post.
Power levels are bullshit user, focus on the acquiring of waifus.
And here's the other one.
You're not allowed to make replacement jumps.
>with permission and some help from Quicksilver,
If you had this wouldn't it be fine to post these before now?
If he had it he'd post proof.
Shitposter-kun, he said he got permission from Quicksilver.
>a lot of baggage
The rules aren't 'baggage'. Breaking them makes you a shitbag.
You're not allowed to exist.
I'm going to have to ask you to kill yourself.
The absolute madman
Where's his proof? The pope told me that Heavens is a heathen and I'm free to declare a crusade on his home state, you know.
Oh no, the sky is falling, dogs and cats are living together, mass hysteria., etc.
Now, I'm not trying to start a shitstorm here, but considering that we now have 2 new dragon ball jumps and a generic xianxia jump as well, would you say that the coiling dragon jump should be allowed on the drive? Reading through it again, I see nothing that would allow one to achieve a powerlevel higher than those jumps. I really like the setting, so having the jump recognized would be nice. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
It was a pleasure to work on these, and while I was perfectly okay with none of this getting seen by anyone...To me it seems a lot more earnest and respectful to just do this with Artie's blessing than trying to dance around it with loopholes, you know? In any case, I hope everyone has as much fun with it as we did writing it.
Can we officially call this the Balls Weekend?
Please delete, OP.
These are legit. I helped. Feel free to use these instead of the existing ones
>Dragon Ball jump
>One Piece jump
>Naruto jump
>Toriko jump
>Magi jump
And yet we don't have a Gintama jump.
What's wrong with you, /jc/?
I'm fine with it going on the drive, but I'm just one user.
It's a blatant fucking rule that there can't be multiple jumps for one setting. You know this.
>You fixed the text
I'm OK with this.
How are we supposed to have fun when you throw every single standard we've ever had under the bus?
Here we go.
Prepare yourselves, people.
Indeed, that's why the original creator is updating he's Jump and replacing the old version.
Just to clarify, I'm not the author. I just like the jump.
Pic related
Isn't also a rule that only the creator of the original jump can decide to hand it over?
What asshole are you pulling this rule from?
Then why does he keep saying 'alternate'?
He can hand it over to be replaced. There can't be multiple jumps.
Stop being so damn new.
The Kamen Rider jumps all take place in the same setting.
How obvious can you be, shitposter-kun?
Crossovers aren't canon.
Thy don't take place in the same era either.
>All this jumps coming in the threads
>I promised yourself to finish the jump by sunday
>I havent made any progress
You fired me up heavens, time to write!
I... what?
You're all insane.
...Reading eagerly now.
If the Jump Maker posts it and the thread accepts it then it can go on the drive, just like any other jump.
If you think the current state of both the jump and the thread means it would be accepted then go talk to him on SB to see if he wants this to happen.
The Dragon Ball jump covers both Super and the games.
These jumps don't. Stop being a bitch.
The end jump covers everything from dragonball to super. That makes these two redundant.
It makes me feel like dropping all my claims again, honestly. I'm disgusted.
>Star Wars
>Star Trek
>Dark Souls
>Dark Cloud
>WH40k jumps
>D&D jumps
Off the top of my head.
Look at all those jumps that don't cover the same timeframe!
Go then and use your 'Type-moon general jump'. Or your 'Fate/' jump and remove the others.
I really hate both of you now.
Which claims are those again?
So are these two getting on the drive instead of the other two that were based on fanfiction?
Time to gather the dragon balls and wish for something frivolous and stupid!
I've been criticized for making scenes before so I'll just slip out quietly.
They're replacement jumps for the AF/M jumps AND the original Dragonball jump.
when Hyperbolic Time Chamber says that The time compression wears off after a week of constant use is that a week inside or a week outside?
Quicksilver already posted in the thread that he's cool with this. He even helped.
Get over yourself.
>Abloo bloo bloo I dun liek dis Imma drop muh claims!
What claims?
I'm not gunna tell yu ;^)
Try harder, shitposter.
Just like this song, this event is a horrible thing.
It's actually not irrelevant. Since when can Quicksilver circumvent the rules?
>Insulting the OG Dragon Ball Opening
You've gone too far this time, Timmy.
Good to see you're still around, even if you don't post with your name very often.
different user but have a song
>teach a dinosaur to ride a ball
*Bird Noises*
You sound upset.
How long does 'Buu-Who?' extents our stay? Right before Battle of Gods?
Look, this is a floodgate issue. Now both replacement and redundant jumps are considered okay. We basically only have one rule now.
I've never heard this before. It's pretty good, actually. Thanks user.
Elemental control can be purchased multiple times but not Summoning.
I leave to order chinese food and I come back to this. This is a glorious day. Thank you Heavens
Replacement jumps have always been okay, with permission acquire from the original author, which is exactly what happened here.
It's a replacement, not redundant.
Can something be a replacement and a redundant at the same time?
If I got a heart transplant, it's a replacement.
I don't keep the old one.
But you're tryin' real hard, boyo. Keep it up.
This is awfully Dragon Ballsy of you guys. I'm kidding, this is great. Nice work, you three.
>It's a replacement, not redundant.
Then why did he say >They're meant to be alternatives
>>I don't keep the old one.
so you just throw away expensive things your mother gave you?
The original jumpmaker said it was ok. If you think it's still invalid see
I dont think you will have much luck until monday when we have to go to work/college/whatever
Not allowed.
Just means it's more fun for me to jump them cause I didn't make them
How about no.
Nope, every jump is now Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball Survivor 1 and 2, Dragon Ball and Conquer, Dragon Ball and Knuckles, featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series, the list goes on!
So then this is how jumpchain dies? Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
>Nope, every jump is now Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball Survivor 1 and 2, Dragon Ball and Conquer, Dragon Ball and Knuckles, featuring Danku from the Dragon Ball May Cry series, the list goes on!
No, these don't replace Multiverse or AF. They don't even cover them, really. These cover the original Dragon Ball Manga and the events of Z, and cut off at maximum before Battle of the Gods and thus the events of Super.
I knew this was a colossally difficult thing and was probably going to sour my reputation here forever, even if I got the floof's blessings and help on it. I was getting sick of the undue favoritism I was receiving, anyhow, so this works for me either way. If I'm going to sour my own reputation and credibility as a namefag on a random general, I'd rather do it myself.
I mean, when I say I'm going to do something incredibly wicked/stupid, I don't half-ass it.
At least you understand me, Toriyama.
No, user. To thunderous applause. At least get your memes right, shitposter-kun.
>Only once the thread finally dies, Jump-chan will be born
You designed to push what's going to either be an outright REPLACEMENT of a jump, or break a rule and create a redundant jump. Why the fuck are you so insistent on being a piece of shit?
Ah yes, thank you user. How could I make such a careless mistake.
The Shitposter was the real hero all along.
Your actions have actively driven off other jumpmakers now. How do you feel about that? Does it fit into your plans?
Bodacious Babes
>Don't you want her to be free?
Only starting with this thread.
You, a Red supporter, are leaving. And you managed to piss off Red on the way out. You're the hero we all deserve.
I congratulate you on a pair of good jumps and the Shitposter bullseye of approval you have likely just acquired.
My dick is rock hard.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
You haven't made the greatest sin yet:
>Make an Umineko jump.
>Offer Witch's powers for CP with no limits.
Then, and only then, the thread will actually explode.
It's funny, really, how you can see at first glance just which posts in this thread come from the shitposter.
Anyway, good job with the jumps Heavens, they look good, as always. Don't let yourself get discouraged by the thousand faces of Timmy.
This community is truly unsalvageable. We need to delete the drive and get all future threads deleted.
>thousand faces of Timmy
Was Timmy Nyarlathotep the entire time? Boy, slow millennia for him, huh?
I hate you but I agree with you because of this.
>If I'm going to sour my own reputation and credibility as a namefag on a random general, I'd rather do it myself.
And nothing of value was lost. Good fucking riddance.
Does this means that the Bleach jump over SB will be accepted here?