Post relatively new RPGs that are so niche you don't know anything about them.
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Post relatively new RPGs that are so niche you don't know anything about them.
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I think I see where this is going...
...and it's not a good place.
Here's another one. Like, what? Where? Who?
Never heard of it, but the art looks nice.
Red pill me on this setting.
All I know is the meme about the protagonists being a dyed in the wool Conservative Survivalist who doesn't get the irony that he is taking contract jobs from the governments.
It's Correira's rabid libertarianism run amok combined with a self-insert main character with the appeal of soggy cardboard.
The setting itself isn't horrible, aside from the "muh PMCs better than the lazy gubmnt" wankery, but it's fairly bog standard. Doesn't have the same spark as , say, Dresden.
I remember someone else posted about intelligent dragons, can you fill me in on them?
Are the monsters stand ins for groups of people he doesn't like?
I've only read the first book, after which I stopped, as it didn't do much for me.
To Correira's credit, while the government is woefully incompetent, and vaguely malicious, when compared to its private rivals, and the MC often holds forth on the merits of government, the monsters themselves are not blatant strawmen, at least to the best of my memory.
>It's Correira's rabid libertarianism
Still better than the rabid socialism/SJW of most contemporary urban fantasy romances.
Here's another one that flew under the radar.
>Peter Cakebread
Goddammit that sounds delicious.
Something isn't better just because you disagree with it less.
How are those types of novels Liberal/SJW?
I think the Fantasy Craft guys are also working on theirs.
>Something isn't better just because you disagree with it less.
That's the very definition of 'better', user......
>it's not as bad when authors suborn good storytelling to their political views if their views align with mine
Sorry, user, but if you truly weren't an ideologue, you'd be bothered equally either way.
>Monster Hunter International
Well shit. Somebody had been talking about this as a savage worlds book, and I got excited that somebody might have made a decent Monster Hunter Game-setting hack or something.
God, I never want to go near Monster Hunter International again. I'm sure it could be good when you have a group that knows rules and can cooperate, but after the shitfest I experienced I'd prefer to stick to something more like Champions.
(you)'re a special kind of stupid
'better' is a personal subjective judgement - there is no objective definition of 'better'.
Soo...whatever you disagree with LESS is, thus, BETTER.
Do you even logic, brah?
>le sigh
but 4srs
Better is more commonly used to mean not ill, more efficient, or more correct. You can use better to mean more preferable, but that's not the commonly held definition by many unless specifically in the case of saying 'I like X better than y' and I'm fairly descriptivist.
currently reading The Critique Of Pure Reason so yeah, I logic
and like fuck it, your terms are borked with a double negative in disagree with less so you should fix that
Agreeing with more = better
Disagreeing with a thing may have little impact on your preferences. Disagreeing that blue dogs are fast does not necessarily effect any other statement regarding blue dogs.
Monsters and eldritch horrors are real. Also has some magic and classic fantasy races. It can be pretty entertaining, such as when they visit the elf queen. Who happens to be a welfare queen. Of the white trash variety. Stereotypical as fuck, yet hilarious. Not real high quality though. I relegated it to the "I'm bored as fuck and don't want to be on or cannot access the internet" pile for books. Probably the best book was when you followed Agent Frank. who is Frankenstiens monster, with an unsurprising twist related to eldritch horrors
Here's the wiki so you can find out more yourself.
I don't know how good it is, I just googled it
>intelligent dragons
I don't remember anything about that.
>stand ins for groups he doesn't like
To the best of my knowledge, no. I've read all of them. The monsters are usually pretty stereotypical of monsters, as in a werewolf usually acts like you would expect one to.
>mentions bad experience with system
>don't continue storytime
You know the drill, get writing dammit.
>to mean not ill, more efficient, or more correct.
Sure....but, according to whom? What's the stick by which we measure 'better'?
That's right! Subjective bias!
You lost me...
Maybe so.
For all of Eclipse phase's story clearly just being an excuse to wank themselves raw to their lolbertarian stupidity, at least the preachiness comes through the setting.
In WoD they'll have a sidebar telling you that you're dumb if you think Xir is a stupid word.
Alright, I'll get to writing it up. Jeez.
What's not good about it? I suppose if you don't like cheesecake, but your opinion really isn't worth much in that case...
Savage Worlds setting about spanish space fascists who fight aliens, the british and the french in a 40k style comedy setting. Being spanish is probably required to find it funny, so I think it fullfills the concept of being "niche"
Okay, so once upon a time I was in a D&D Basic group, and we had a lot of fun adventures and shit. After a while, the DM decided that he was tired of just playing that, and wanted to change it up. He bought the books for a few systems, and decided to go through each one to see which seemed like the most fun for the group.
Now, that group of books was Pathfinder, Monster Hunter International (he read the books), and Champions Complete.
So, after some reading up, he wanted to try something with guns, but he didn't want to make a group of superheroes, so he wanted to do Monster Hunter International. I was starting to lose interest in the group, as I'm not big into the guns but the concept of being a funded monster hunter was cool, so I gave it about my 75%.
So, due to this being a long time ago, I can't remember exactly the stats of any of the characters, but let me just say, there were a couple of minmaxers in the group who were good at ruleslawyering and didn't read all the rules entirely, so we had some broken-ass motherfuckers.
I, meanwhile, basically just made a revolver-toting cowboy straight from Texas who was just a happy dude who enjoyed fighting. He wore a cowboy hat on top of a military helmet, and had a black duster that he hoped, one day, would work as a makeshift parachute. He wasn't smart.
Now, other than him in this group is a generic commando, played by the straight man of the group, as the straight man of the group. He did the talking, he did the buying. He minmaxed a little, but he wasn't that terrible.
Then there was the minmaxer, and his brother, whom I will call snippy.
The Minmaxer made a majorly minmaxed character who was so combat oriented, more specifically for melee, keep that in mind. Snippy, meanwhile, had help from his brother to make a character basically the same, except for ranged weaponry.
So, we have a dumb cowboy, a commando, a hulk, and your stereotypical super-sniper. First mission: Werewolf attack in the woods.
The art on the left looks a lot like Foreskin Man
So, onto the mission itself. So, we had to go deal with someone who'd gone berserk in the woods, something something alpha, something something needless casualties, we didn't listen to the briefing because we needed equipment. After getting what we needed, we made our way down to the campsite via helicopter.
Once in the campground, we looked around, checking for signs of the beast itself in any of the campers. Nobody suspicious, nobody odd, nobody missing a person in their party- yet. So, in an effort to make sure that nobody died on our watch (my character was actually the only one that cared about making sure nobody died, the commando just wanted to make sure everything went smoothly, while the other two decided that the campground was perfect bait) we took up residence up on top of a cabin, and waited until nightfall.
Or, we tried to. Around evening somebody in a wrecked jalopy came down the road, screaming about his family being attacked. We got down and we checked him out- big slash marks across his chest, barely able to process what's happening. Now, I don't know about you, but most people want to get to hospitals in that state, and most people also want people to get to hospitals in that state. The issue here were his wounds.
We didn't know if this setting supported scratch-conversion to lycanthropy or if it didn't. The other two argued that it didn't, the commando argued that it did, and I/the cowboy argued that it didn't matter and that he was bleeding out too heavily to keep around the camp. So, we sent him on his way.
Unfortunately, the setting we were playing with the system, which was basically just a slightly altered version of the base stuff, did support conversion via scratch. So, when it came time for the transformation, there were two werewolves up on our asses.
We all got back into our positions before the howling started.
The first werewolf was easily dealt with after a lot of bullshit rolls and some insane shit. So, instead of coming from down the road, the first werewolf came from the side, and basically tossed the hulk into a truck, knocking it over- with the gastank facing up.
The commando and I took potshots, while the sniper moved positions, thinking that if another came, it might come from a way to get him. Decent idea.
The werewolf ate a lot of bullets, but it continued going after the big guy. So, said big guy hatched a plan. He got into a sparring match with the werewolf, but his melee weapons were not explicitly silver, and thus when the issue came up they weren't. Thus, he was fighting a fruitless battle, up until he decided to grapple the werewolf and push it toward the truck. After this it got weird and distracted, and the sniper took the shot- at the gastank of the truck. It blew up, and the werewolf took the brunt of the damage, leaving it to be killed via the hulk's hands. It transformed back into the man he sent off in the jalopy afterward.
Then another howl started up, and we all groaned. However, this time it did not try to come down the road. Instead, it came from the back, behind the campsite, and landed on the roofs. It, of course, went after me and the sniper. Somehow, at an extremely short range, I could not hit the damn thing with my revolvers, but it instead went after the sniper after a moment. Bigger weapon, bigger threat.
The sniper jumped to the ground and started running while I kept taking potshots. The hulk was tired on the ground, and the commando couldn't hit shit with his gun. So, the werewolf continued chasing after the sniper, until he stopped running and decided to fight back. Everyone but the two minmaxed to shit characters were worthless.
He decided to try some crazy bullshit, which while fun at the time, has irked me a lot lately because with this shit there's no point to 90% of characters I want to make.
He turned around, tanked some damage from the werewolf, and instead of dying managed to survive, and just fucking
he just pumped a round into the fucker's skull
a round from the largest sniper rifle he could buy that didn't take ammo that costed a diamond a dozen
It died so hard that its body didn't even transform back, and its head was disconnected from its neck. Disconnected, meaning, a bunch of bone shards, gunk, and hair.
He celebrated with the locals, then went back to town. The only two who did anything meaningful were the minmaxed as shit characters. I didn't join that group for a while, instead going with another group because I just wasn't feeling it.
One time I joined because they needed people, and we pumped my character up accordingly. We were sent on an island to hunt some kind of sharktopus or something, and instead of actually fighting the beast, the brothers, hulk and snippy, started fighting. Snippy shot hulk in the foot, hulk got snippy in the torso with two normal sized axes from ten meters away. Confusing rules, rolls, and a bad group resulted in a clusterfuck of violence.
I'm glad I didn't stick with them. That shit would've pissed me off for more than one session. I've heard from friends that the hulk managed to jump to an active military helicopter, punch out the pilot, and steal it. With his fists. In a non-supers game, where they were all humans.
I just wish that the DM, who later invited me to play a supers game in the champions complete system (which I prefer but wish to stay away from) didn't let the hulk come back to play as well. Nobody liked him. He's gone now, but I can still feel the irritation.
Anyhow, so that's the story of why I will never play MHI again, if only because I'll have 'nam flashbacks.
I own a signed copy of this and It's fun to read and play in. As you get further into teh series the protagonist learns more about why the government does what it does and becomes less clear as to who is bad and why.
>doesn't have the same spark as, say, Dresden
Meanwhile, I couldn't stand Harry as a character. Larry's other series are actually better, but MHI is the big hit.
There's one dragon, in the one in Vegas (Nemesis? Can't remember, post SB stupor)
>Are the monsters stand ins for groups of people he doesn't like?
Nope. For that you want John Ringo.
It uses the same rules...
Yeah it uses the same rules, but superpowers. I don't have to deal with shitty range modifiers if I just punch things.
And that's a lot more viable in champions, whereas in Monster Hunters I get outclassed by anyone with a bigger gun and a better aim.
Book cover says enough.
>edgy young-adult shit books for retarded 12 year old "nerds"
Did my post indicate any kind of quality assessment? All my post indicates is a dislike for people that enjoy books like it.
I'm sure the books are fun if you want some retarded try-hard way-past-camp books.
I'm interested, but not Spanish.
Can you give me the quick rundown on how it appeals to Spanish sensibilities or would it just fly over my head?
To be fair that also includes the original complainer.
You're replying to the original complainer, and believe me, it bothers me just as much when Jim Butcher puts Harry on a soapbox to monologue about gay marriage for two pages. Nakedly political soapboxing yanks me out of the story regardless of whether I agree with the points being espoused.
It wouldn't be as egregious if MHI had any characterization to speak of, but alas, it does not.
Then your goal post shifting. You originally claimed it wasn't good due to the politics, now your saying if its characterization was good it would be forgivable.
Also your kinda setting up a false premise to begin with, that not liking the politics of either is somehow better than preferring one over its politics than the other. What makes your view of politics in media any better than his?
>you're dumb if you think Xir is a stupid word
Any word that starts with 'X' is a stupid word. Especially made-up words. Made up by some gen-Xer, no doubt.
What goalposts am I shifting? My opening post references both naked politicizing and weak-to-nonexistent characterization as flaws with MHI. You can't just quote presumed "fallacies" to win an argument.
I never said I didn't like Butcher's politics. I much prefer Butcher's politics. However, that doesn't mean that I'm any more eager to see them ham-fistedly inserted into the story in a way that yanks me out of it. When I read a story, I want just that, not an op-ed.
The difference between Butcher and Correira is that Butcher actually provides characterization worth reading for in addition to the occasional, and frankly quite rare by comparison, trumpeting of a political agenda.
And when did MHI actually soapbox?
Nice to see the spanish space foreign legion looks every bit as homo erotic as the Real one.
Have you read it? The MC repeatedly and specifically critiques the intentions and efficacy of the hapless, stubborn, incompetent gubment stooges. I'd pull some quotes, but I gave my copy away about a year back so it'd stop using up valuable shelf space.
To Correira's credit, the politicking didn't feel nearly so blatant in Grimnoir, but MHI is his first book, and oh boy does it show.
OK SJW, time to stop trying to sabotage teh guy. MHI has far less, if any, blatant political ranting, and while the characterization might be basic, it's definitely there.
If you want to talk first books, Dresden was a fucking mess til like book 4 at least, while MHI rolls along neatly from page 1.
I just noticed one soldier has a beer belly poking out between his power armour. What the fuck.
>while MHI rolls along neatly from page 1.
Hahahahah. Hahahahah.
Dude, stop being a fucking retarded faggot please. Have you ever read a real book? Without pictures?
>muh ad hominem
It's not a literary masterpiece, but it's more competent genre fiction than most. "rolls along neatly" means that things start off with a bang and don't get boring or weighed down by too much political grandstanding, among other things.
>how can I prove that I'm not too ideologically committed to Correia's political beliefs to recognize soapboxing?
>I know, immediately revert to political ad hominems
MHI is every bit as big of a mess, prose-wise and plotting-wise, as the first two Dresden books, but without any of Harry's charm to save things from becoming a total slog.
I literally couldn't tell you a single thing about MHI's MC after finishing the first book except that he loved guns and hated accounting and the government.
MHI is dumb '80s-action-movie-style fun, no more, and that's fine. You're clearly too ideologically committed to right-wing positions to distance yourself emotionally and form an objective critique. Pretty sad.
You've made a compelling point. I for one am convinced.
It's hardly "competent genre fiction". It's the poster boy for urban fantasy pulp. Generic setting, utterly forgettable MC, and an emphasis on ass-kicking action to the exclusion of all else.
The action is fine, I'll give Correia that, but the story and character development is execrable. It's the male version of UF featuring a kick-ass female protagonist who fucks vampires and werewolves to the cows come home. Don't oversell it.
Like I said, Grimnoir was a marked improvement, but MHI fails on far too many levels.
>oh no he's resorting to political arguments
Maybe he called you out as a SJW due to your admitted bias and implicitly political critique from the beginning.
And while I haven't read MHI, Dresden was, as said, "a fucking mess". Personally I quit after three books of Harry being an obnoxious cunt. I've heard the books get better around #5, but I'm not wasting another eight hours of reading time to get there. If anything you're making me want to check this MHI series out.
In other news, tastes and preferences vary.
>featuring a kick-ass female protagonist who fucks vampires and werewolves to the cows come home. Don't oversell it.
Nobody fucks a werewolf or vampire. Do you have Larry Correia confused with Laurell K. Hamilton?
>the story and character development is execrable
You just keep saying things are shit without actually giving any specific criticism.
"Is that a Imperial Eagle in your codpiece, or are you just glad to see me?"
He is also wearing no combat-ready shoes...
Fuck off you goddamn numale SJW faggot. It is retarded garbage trash for retards. Grow some fuckinggtaste. It is not a book. It is a comic drawn with words by someone who doesn't have the talent to turn his faggot fantasy into a Liefieldian hypergay comic book.
>Fuck off you goddamn numale SJW faggot
Sorry, you seem to have me confused with Also, Larry is one of the best-selling novelists in the SF&F genre and is a multi-millionaire. So clearly he's doing something right.
I don't have you confused at all faggot. And time will bury this faggot garbage. Making money now is easy. The trick is making money later.
>Maybe he called you out as a SJW due to your admitted bias and implicitly political critique from the beginning.
My "implicitly political critique" is that I don't like any kind of ham-fisted agenda-pushing in my fiction. Need I mention again that I found it just as off-putting when Butcher found the need to soapbox about progressive values?
If people are so hair-trigger sensitive to critiques of libertarian fiction that they need to jump immediately to calling a white male Trump voter an "SJW", well, that's pretty pathetic.
I must confess, I'm not sure why you bring up Dresden as though expecting this will score points. I completely agree that early Dresden is a mess. If you want to read MHI, go for it. If you like shallow right-wing pulp UF action, it may be the series for you.
>In other news, tastes and preferences vary.
Tell that to the guy who thinks you have to be an "SJW" to dislike MHI.
user, I think you may be confused. I made a simple analogy. MHI is UF pulp for right-wing males: guns, rugged libertarianism, action babes, just like Anita Blake is pulp for females. Do try to read a bit closet.
Want some specific criticism of the protag? MHI's protagonist is a big, not very attractive former accountant who loves guns and libertarianism. Larry Correia is also a big, not very attractive former accountant who loves guns and libertarianism.
But I'm sure you hate authors creating MCs in their image when liberals do it, of course.
Oh lord, an appeal to popularity? Really? Come now. Stephenie Meyer must make Correia look like a monkey flinging shit on a page, then, since she's sold many times more books.
Like I said, Grimnoir's a big improvement. Doesn't make MHI any less bad.
>But I'm sure you hate authors creating MCs in their image when liberals do it, of course.
Actually I don't hate this at all, regardless of who does it. If the character is fun to read about, then I don't mind what their genesis is. I only dislike it when it results in bad books.
>eclipse phase = liberal
I mean, only because the titanians gommunists are better than the hypercorps at memes, but the numbers speak for themselves.