"Hello yes this Kaldor, thank you for calling Little Slaanesh's Pizza. Would you like to try one of our $5 Hot and Ready pizzas today?"
Wtf man, all that modelling gone to waste
it's like you've never seen What Dreams May Come
I think it actually worked out for the demons. They look like their skin is covered entirely in burns and scars
Marine is straight shit though
if you reverse image search this one you'll find an entire album of this army
Sorry Duncan, thicc is in.
I honestly think it looks ok. It looks impressionist or something. Like a painting, because of the broad and pronounced strokes
This is a style though.
I love these new sculpts but then i look at that waistline and they're literally bursting out of their corsets like a fat highschool goth girl.
Yeah but this would be their armour normally. So really it's fine since it's adding another half-inch to the diameter of their legs.
I've met a guy who looked like that.
Minus the armor of course.
Looks like some minis of mine that I left to strip for a few days.
Already discussed this.
Despite it being an obvious slop job, I still think it looks quite good. Like looking at a rare oil-painting, you know, the paint is so thick you can just feel the texture, this looks like one of those oilpaintings!
So if this was the idea, the artist defiantly succeeded. And imagine actually pulling of the eyes, with paint this thick!?!
Repaint, repaint, and thin no more....
Y'know, looking back, the lighting is top notch on this model. It's really not that bad.
Those eyes are evocative of the painting of Ivan the Terrible right after he shot his son in a fit of rage.
This isn't even bad.
thin your paints
thin your body
sculpt your green stuff
sculpt your abs
So painting miniatures is like homoeopathy?
Alternatively, you could just not lather it on.
eh that one's not so bad, yeah paints a bit thick, but it's mostly just a poor paintjob itself and not so much the actual thiccness
The dreadnaught in the back knows what's up.
A personal favourite.
Oh man there's a blast from the past.
Oh fuck no this has to have been done by a kid.
An early mini of mine from back in 2010
I want to make this now, but more properly.
It has potential, this colour scheme.
god almighty
Lord Lysander, your painting has improved!
Kitty litter marines- Piss for the Cat god !
It's a regular Night Lord.
Looks Loke Blanche's overrated messy smear style.
The fat Sisters of Battle is an insult to everyone who waited years for plastic Sisters.
are you one of those guys who bitches about how manly sister's models are?
>I don't want space warriors
>I want super models
Yeah, it's not a fucking realistic setting. Beauty is the most important female virtue and most people don't want fat bulldykes.
Honestly, GW was never great at making female minis. Chicks looks like rubbish in heroic scale.
You realize they have armour not body paint, right?
And they are fucking elite fighters, I'd bet they have some muscle
I think they look great. They have nice, not exagerrated proportions and still look kinda feminine and appealing
One of my first conversions making a Black Hand trooper for my NOD Guard.
>hurr durr muh realistic armor in the antirealistic joke setting
Point being?
Death to the GDE?
I want to fuck a saint now.
Chicks doesn't belong in a fatsuit when they could be wearing a catsuit.
But they got power armour. Sorry that I want atleast semi-tasteful looking female minis
GW don't make tasteful minis. Almost everything they do is tacky to some degree. Now Forge World on the other, that's tasteful stuff.
Demons look amazing, only the face looks too wonky, like its melting off.
>never met a girl who squats heavy
Post pictures of your sisters or
see the fatposters are an offense to their own intelligence and taste in women
Thinn your chicks.
My, my.
Better, user ?
That isn't bad.
fleshtone doesn't really work on the thighs , but otherwise it's a solid effort.