Was she a good example of lawful good Veeky Forums?
Was she a good example of lawful good Veeky Forums?
Nope. Self-deluded CE held on an LE commander's leash.
All she really wanted was the thrill of the kill.
Lawful Evil at best
But why? She was merely dealing with assassins, she protects the weak and the citizens while fightning agaisnt criminals.
She killed prisoners for funsies showing and loves killing for its own sake showing no honor. Went behind her captains back showing no loyalty. Goes on about fighting honorably but uses underhanded tactics, so she's a hypocrite. She worshiped men who were undoubtedly evil so she's stupid at best, but more realistically lies to herself.
Honestly I wouldn't put it past her to just be an incredibly stupid child soldier holding two WMD's.
A stupid child soldier is not a good example of lawful good.
Let's be fair, Esdeath is CE too.
Even if that is the case, she will never be a step up from Chaotic Stupid. In which case, killing her is a favor to the human genetic pool.
No, you are wrong. She clearly respects authority figures not solely for their power but for their place in the Empire hierarchy. A hierarchy she serves not out of self interest but for duty, tradition and some thing related to her father that was left unexplored.
>She worshiped men who were undoubtedly evil
There was literally nothing to prove they were evil, all the shit they did was secret for a reason.
From her perspective the Night raid just murdered her uncle and mentor, and they're nothing but assassins.
She also never killed the prisioners for fun, she killed them because she deemed them evil and decided that they didnt deserve to live, thats the whole logic behind it.
The last thing she could possibly be is chaotic.
She has a clear and focused moral code that revolves around her own bias of justice and even respects authority.
Some of the shit she does is no different than a palladin killing a monster because he deems it evil.
Because she's a psychotic cunt who kills people just because and the fact that she's your shitty edge lord waifu doesn't change that
>From her perspective the Night raid just murdered her uncle and mentor, and they're nothing but assassins.
Sure. Because she was either too stupid to notice her mentor was evil, or because she lied to herself. A man who frames people for criminals is not a good man, and that behavior leaks into the rest of his life.
>She also never killed the prisioners for fun
She practically has an orgasm every time her teddy bear ate someone alive.
>The last thing she could possibly be is chaotic.
The woman tried to ignore orders and kill Mine and Tatsumi because she couldnt bear to let them live. She killed prisoners because she couldnt control herself. She is extremely chaotic and it's kind of weird how you're trying to argue otherwise.
>She has a clear and focused moral code
She speaks of how justice fights fair and square yet consistently utilizes underhanded tactics.
Again, stupid child soldier at best.
>Because she's a psychotic cunt who kills people just because
Name one person that she killed who wasnt a criminal.
Just because she killed your shitty glasses waifu it doesnt change that.
chaotic anime retard
size: large magical
Congrats OP you know how to rile up Veeky Forums
>Sure. Because she was either too stupid to notice her mentor was evil, or because she lied to herself. A man who frames people for criminals is not a good man, and that behavior leaks into the rest of his life.
But there was no framing done here. No matter what you try to argue, it is murder, even night raid admits that.
>She practically has an orgasm every time her teddy bear ate someone alive.
This is not but assumption.
>She speaks of how justice fights fair and square yet consistently utilizes underhanded tactics.
Her whole character is almost a perfect depiction of the phrase fiat justitia ruat cælum. And she follows that to an extreme point which is why she has to be lawful of all things.
Or are you trying to tell me that defending your empire and killing evildoers is bad?
Nearly the entire capital is corrupt and literally everyone but her was aware of it. Tourists get a free ride on the "didn't know that shit" train, but someone that grew up there does not.
A lot can be assumed from a psychotic facial expression. First and foremost that the person is psychotic.
She is at best lawful stupid, at worst chaotic stupid. Either way, she's borderline retarded and hypocritical, regardless of the relativism of her morality.
Lawful evil.
Esdeath is Chaotic Evil that became lawful upon realizing it's superiority.
>Akame ga shit
>Alignment thread
I vomited a little. Have your (you).
Well memed my friend.
>A hierarchy she serves not out of self interest
Esdeath best girl by far, but she clearly serves the prime minister out of self interest, and it's even implied that if she weren't around he'd be overthrown a long time ago. She keeps him around because he allows her to do as she pleases (which means she pisses off people all the time so she constantly has foreign wars and internal uprisings to entertain her).
>and some thing related to her father that was left unexplored.
In the infamous beach episode she explicitly stated her war with the Northern Tribes had nothing to do with revenge. The thing with her father was probably him noticing there was something off about her from the very start.
The entire point of her character is that she's a piece of shit. Takahiro even pointed out in her profile that the she's supposed to be the kind of person you want on your side but can't convince to join you.
This is why you go for Leone, the safer version of Esdeath.
At least leone isn't a genociding S&M psychopath.
My point exactly: safer.
>tumblr gif
Its shit.
>objective truth is now memes
Hillary supporter plz go and stay go
Where is this from?
No CE is all about not giving a shit about any constraints while doing evil.
She's clearly bound to the law even if she's demented so LE for her.
Her commander on the other hand is Neutral Evil, she does what she wants but will still take some circumstances into consideration or she wouldn't be a le to command an army or inspire loyalty in her soldiers.
I didn't vote for Hillary tho.