Stat him.
Stat him
Other urls found in this thread:
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Here, do it yourself.
Might as well post the japan supplement too.
WS - 5
BS- 2
S - 2
T - 2
W- 1
I - 4
A - 2
LD - 6
SV - 5+
I know the pic is just a joke, but there's a considerable dose of truth in it.
I will never understand why these spergs think physical fitness is some shallow effort of vanity.
Is that a new Primarch?
Vanity is a thing, for some people it's the main drive, and a lot of those dudes go to the gym. You can look through their facade if you pay attention, although most of them keep to themselves and only get nastier than normal if you catch them doing shit they shouldn't anyway.
There are also those guys that just got out of the shell when they started to look half decent, they are confident but don't have the social skills to back it up, so they end up looking like huge douches to other awkward dudes or scare up girls trying to pull off a Gaston on them.
There's also the image of the proverbial Chad, the jock who's also an asshole that will steal your shit, and tries to touch your girlfriend but somehow is socially successful for some reason? and even if Chad isn't the strongest guy in the block, he certainly is friends with other people that go to the gym, and some of the other dudes were bullied into submission more than once by a Chad and company.
The closest analogy would be someone who complains of "that guy" while engaging in comparable behavior patterns. Spergs reeeeeeing at other kinds of spergs.
Unfair generalization and loud assholes do the rest, as happens with any stereotype.
I used to be a little nervous about gym culture until I started CrossFit. It became really obvious right away people who are self-absorbed and egotistical absolutely can't make friends in that environment. Which I guess is true in just about anything, but it further reinforces the idea out-of-shape Nice Guy nerds who won't go work about because they're afraid of Chad are pretty ignorant of how easy it is to make friends at the gym.
What the fuck is a "Blockchain"?
It's a thing from fighting games.
Must be an American thing, because when I go to the fitness center most people are normal people, greet, do conversations etc.
Also there is nothing wrong in taking pride in something you worked hard for.
Has anyone actually played this?
>2 A
>4 I
what is he, a veteran virgin?
Not even once.
Even the weakest human who isn't crippled or missing limbs is S3 T3. You are literally saying he is like a toddler level strength.
I dunno. Pretty sure a gretchin is an order of magnitude stronger than a toddler.
I'd say:
WS 4
BS 2
S 3
T 3
W 1
I 3
A 1
LD 6
SV -
If he actually practiced fighting with a sword often. I don't see why he'd be any better in melee than any guardsman from a planet with a warrior culture.
I've seen this before, and a damn good BTFO answer devaluating each of his "points" to boot - does anybody have it screencapped, by chance?
>There are actually people who take this shit rampling serious and waste their time with coming up with arguments.
Where are you? Here in Germany those who try to improve themselves are looked with suspicious.
If someome took the time to make it then it's only polite to offer a counterpoint
Germany? The country that is scared of its past so much that activity tries to fuck it self in the ass with its external politics.
Honestly curious about why is that. And sure as hell not going to ask them (you know that special board)
USA people are strange, might be related to how their cities work. Unless they are over cramp like New York, you need a car to get anywhere. That must take its toll on the mind resulting in some strange conducts.
Stereotypes exist because they do happen. To this day the black dude selling watermelon on the streets while eating a bucket of fried chicken is the best example of stereotypes happening. It was Columbus Ohio. So strange things can happen.
I had a point here but I got lost.
I'm honestly not sure if the OP's pic is bait or for real. I mean I'd assume it's a joke, then again.
>people wanting to become ubermencshen are monitored 24/7
>in Germany
Well go figure...
>I don't see why he'd be any better in melee than any guardsman from a planet with a warrior culture.
Then why did you give him weapon skill on par with that of a fucking space marine? Here let me fix this
WS 2 (3 maybe)
BS 2
S 2 (look at him, do you really think a gretchin couldn't take him in a fight?)
T 2 (see above)
W 1
I 3
A 1
LD 6
SV -
That's massively dependant on both your general area, and just where exactly your gym is located.
I've got two gyms of the same chain in my hometown in east Germany.
The central one close to the club/bar scene is full of posers and bimbos, a flesh market. Even the machines and weights are positioned to check each other out.
The other one is in a residence area, the clients are pretty average Joes and Jills. Down to earth, easy enough to get into light conversation or workout tips.
And the general populace doesn't care if you work out or not if you don't shove it into their faces on every occasion. You can be buff without giving up on social skills.
This guy legit died in a lake after falling out of a boat with his teenage girl apprentice.
Not even memeing.
>Apparently they were going to an island for some mystical ninja sword training
Jesus Christ. Was he living in a Anime?
Level 2 Commoner with EWP: Katana and average ability scores.
You know I really really hope this was originally made as a joke. Dear lord please tell me no one is that stupid. Just look at his noodle arms. If he's a master of the blade I must be fucking Miyamato Musashi.
>a Anime
Little trick if it has a vocal use an.
Humanity is rather stupid. If we didn't had some random smart people to actually do shit and we didn't breed a lot. We would had die on our first winter.
Its probably a stainless steel wall hanger too.
The kind of sword whose blade might fly off if you actually swing it.
>calls humanity stupid over grammatical errors
>while his post has more errors than the person they're correcting
I feel like this is a spot in Shitpost Bingo
>Shitpost Bingo
What do you guys think is in that?
>Corrects grammar but makes more errors
>posts stuff that sounds right but is actually the exact opposite
Any ideas?
At least he try to help with the grammar.
That's about it
I was under the impression that the
>humanity is stupid bit
was in reference to the mystic ninja training stuff, and the grammar thing was an unhelpful tip.
That particular stereotypes exist because lots of black people still live in the south because of slavery, and the south in general loves fried chicken
Also watermelon is native to Africa
That's just basic trolling though
>neither had been wearing lifeboats
>just like every other death in the lake in the past year
>katana strapped to the kayak
>guy swims back for it, "no!" and fucking drowns
I like to belive that everything in the side bar on the right applies to him.
/v/ usually uses it as character selection and abilities
>not comboing until perfect storm is charged
>t. manlets
Yeah, the watermelon and fried chicken bit is just "I like southern food." Southern whites love that shit too, but after the Civil War, a lot of southern blacks moved up north (because why the fuck wouldn't you?) and brought their favorite foods with 'em, and Northern whites figured it was a black thing, rather than just a south thing.
>legendary swordsman dies in fierce battle with merman
seems legit
I the watermelon thing comes from watermelons being the first fruits that could get ripe enough for selling in the time after slavery was abolished and black farmers first started working for their own fields for their own profit.
Watermelons even were a symbol of freedom for the black communities at the time before they became a stereotypicial thing to like.
>You can be buff without giving up on social skills.
Basically your average Paladin build
I go to the gym three times a week. I've been doing this for over a year now.
I have yet to talk to ANYBODY there except the staff. I mean, I go at crazy o'clock at night anyway so there's usually not many people there, but even that's something I do specifically so that I don't have to interact with people.
People think I'm aloof and an arrogant prick, but I'm actually just too terrified to talk. I thought getting fit would improve my self-confidence but I'm still the same cripplingly shy social pariah even if I'm no longer a blubbery neckbeard.
>Ryuujin no ken o kurae!!
Do people there not know how to fucking swim or tread water?
Maybe there is a strong current / undertow
>The girl told officers that Jacintho was swimming back toward the kayak, then yelled “no” before disappearing under the surface, Brooks said.
He could apparently swim just fine, but something made him yell "no" and then he died.
WS - 7
BS - 3
S - 2
T - 2
I - 5
A - 2
LD - 3
SV - 6+
Special Rules: Eternal Warrior, Deep Strike
Maybe his katana fell out of its sheath and he dove to try and save it, only to run out of air when/if he reached it.
I mean it must have been traumatising but fuck me that's fucking hilarious.
Maybe he got a leg cramp?
He went to fight an angry sea god, but was unfortunately trapped in the Lost Kingdom of Lesser Atlantis
More important than knowing how to swim is knowing how to breathe. Shallow panicky breaths are what make you sink like a stone.
>implying his apprentice didn't kill him and take his power
Ironic really, considering all were European Imports.
Don't worry everything is going to change for the better with Schulz.
>tfw you combo Scottsdale Rape into Missing Kid then nail them with Suspect Confession.
>neither had been wearing lifeboats
>wearing lifeboats
>watermelon used in the south as symbol of black freedom, self-sufficiency and
>perverted by the north into "DAS RACIST"
The kayak capsized, and the sword was strapped to it.
>i don't have gym friends
>because i'm socially inept
>so i keep myself from getting better
For a Perfect Storm?
>not liking crossfit makes you a manlet
not wanting to do sets of snapyourshitxfailure is what should make you not want to do crossfit
>perverted by southern whites into a racist caricature
Why do we have to a race based identity politics discussion every single thread? Do you guys sit in the fucking catalog waiting to spring on threads to debate each other to debate?
sick twirl
Why are white people obsessed with the katana?
He is literally wearing a T-Shirt. 6+ save desu
Not sure, the Swedish two handed Saber is better, weighs about the same, but it's longer and better balanced.
I believe it has to do with widespread Japanophilia that swept through America what with the Japanese consumer tech explosion and less with the practicality of the katana