What are the worst rpgs, board games and card games? I mean stuff that is unsalvageble no matter what is attempted with them.
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The worst?
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Who would you rather have as a partner Erio Oire or L.A. Mal?
I don't know why I find this so funny.
Tell me about this
Never heard of it, what makes it so bad?
Erio Oire would be better in a scuffle/arresting people. He looks more intimidating, meaning people are less likely to start shit and his bulk would let him pin people down easier.
L.A. Mal would be better in a gunfight. Smaller profile means he's less likely to get hit, and he has multiple weapons.
It's LAMAJ and ERIOIORE, dingus.
L.A. also seems to be either a spiritualist or a ladies man.
I am pleased by this meme.
>posts both times LAMAJ's theme
Nice try, but ERIOIOIRE still kicks your ass fuccboy
Munchkin is the worst game you can make.
I don't know about "unsalvageable" but Onyx Path is trying really hard to see if they can get the White Wolf properties there.
It's so bad that most people who read it thought it was a joke and parody. And bad enough to have some ironic cult following, and enough of infamy that it was actually rereleased at some point.
Most of the people can't get through the character generation because you need to roll on several different tables that are SOMEWHERE in the book, but the tables aren't even numbered, only the section number is given.
Most of the game doesn't actually even make sense. For example, there are rules for things reliant on the setting, but even the sample setting doesn't have anything for these rules, and there are no guidelines how to make them.
And there's also the fact that there's the "Females get -4 STR", except it's half the amount of dice you roll for all physical attributes (half of 5d6, and no, it doesn't specify what it means). Also, this doesn't make the makers sexist because they explicitly say so in the opening chapter.
Why is everyone on Veeky Forums shitting on monopoly btw?
Because it's awful.
Erio Oire is clearly the villain of the piece.
Boardgames have a clear winner which is Monopoly: an overcomplicated snakes and ladders clone game designed to be disappointing and frustrating experience.
RPGs -2nd edition of 7th sea.
Because shit games like snakes and ladders or "drunkard" card game at least don't have overcomplicated mechanics
>And there's also the fact that there's the "Females get -4 STR"
>Most of the people can't get through the character generation because you need to roll on several different tables that are SOMEWHERE in the book, but the tables aren't even numbered, only the section number is given.
>Most of the game doesn't actually even make sense.
So they were going for realism
Monopoly was never designed to be an actually enjoyable game. It was originally meant to be an object lesson in why monopolies are bad, and why when one person gets ahead all everyone else can do is lose.
It's also why it's a bad game. Extremely non-interactive and with almost no potential for catching up once one player gets far enough ahead, but at the same time the game can still drag on for hours despite there being a clear winner.
>Most of the game doesn't actually even make sense.
>So they were going for realism
I guess.
>BUYING PROPERTY...Whenever you land on an unowned property you may buy that property from the Bank at its printed price. You receive the Title Deed card showing ownership; place it face up in front of you.
>If you do not wish to buy the property, the Banker sells it at auction to the highest bidder. The buyer pays the Bank the amount of the bid in cash and receives the Title Deed card for that property. Any player, including the one who declined the option to buy it at the printed price, may bid. Bidding may start at any price.
The game wouldn't drag on so long if people actually played by the rules.
The Realms of Atlantasia is a borderline unplayable mess of a game.
This is a game where slipping and killing yourself in combat isn't only possible, but surprisingly likely.
Bidding or removing the extremely common free parking rule still don't make monopoly anything other than a shit game
Now that's a spicy meme.
We had a couple of threads recently where someone ran combat tournaments in this game, and they were pretty fun. By the end he had honed a decent way to get it "playable" using imageboard format. I'd like to see more of that simply because of how ludicrously terrible it was.
That was me.
Oh, and I think I might have figured out how magic works.
literally this
Holy fuck. Is this the game where the dragons mating throw like 20% of the population through time every year btw?
Although I've recently discovered that the game actually specifies that every year there's a 30% chance that your character is thrown into another dimension.
So I guess player characters are just more likely to get caught in cosmic dragon fucking.
What's up with her-?
What's happening to his-?
What's going on with the-?
Just what the fuck?
I played a game of Monopoly just the other day and we all made sure to follow every single rule. The game still lasted almost six hours before we all just got bored and gave up. The game's win condition just takes too damn long to actually occur and games can and do go on for hours longer than they ever need to.
Oh right, the exploding Cat o' Nine Tails that obliterates everything in a significant radius when swung
Good threads
>Roleplaying the feminist resistance.
That sounds hilarious.
This is the stupidest card game I've ever "played" there's little to no control of what happens...someone just wins and you can't prevent them from winning.
If I want to starve to death in an empty field I can do that in real life.
I remember buying and cleaning that.
Want a PDF, lads?
>Want a PDF, lads?
I'm not sure if I know the answer to that question.
Psst, hey kid, wanna roleplay the feminist resistance? www20.zippyshare.com
Be forewarned, it's an oWoD heartbreaker, and is somewhat related to Witch Girls Adventures.
GURPS is even worse than FATAL
I can't stand GUMSHOE
Andor was a true suffering
And pic related is the worst thing I "played". Luckily it was never exported outside France
GURPS does have extremely good setttings though, especially in alt hist departmen, so it's not all that bad. Besides, GURPS is actually playable (not fun though) unlike FATAL.
Anyone got PDF of this?
Yep. Not the supplement, though. The PDF isn't great, and it might be missing some pages, but it's what we've got.
This is actually the expanded second edition, 3E's available on DTRPG.
>there are still distributor-new copies of both 2E and its supplement sitting on shelves at the publishers after 23 years
>GURPS does have extremely boring setttings
Fixed that for you.
Dex vs. Strength would be a great revenge game
Apparently the Hungarian RPG MAGUS is total shit.
Thank you very much
Hungarian here, can confirm.
Started out as an AD&D ripoff, kept adding shit until it became an overcomplicated bloated mess. Revisions made things worse, or at least differently bad.
I've got PDFs for Első Törvénykönyv (1E Revised) and Új Törvénykönyv (2E), but since I can't read Hungarian I have no idea what the fuck I'm even looking at. Which is the least shit?
And apparently there was a d20 version? My bet is that it was the least shit.
I've been drifting around the TVTropes page for MAGUS (because it's the best source outside Hungarian Wikipedia), and apparently there was some sort of spiritual successor game made by part of the MAGUS dev team called Codex. Was that also shit?
All of them are shit.
"Core game mechanics are missing" tier shit. One of them was missing the rules for making attacks, iirc.
If HungarianLARPfag comes around, he has hating MAGUS down to an art (not that it's hard, if I was playing MAGUS because I had no other games available, I'd be probably bitter as well).
D20 Modern is definitely one my most hated systems.
This piece of shit here. You think 3.5 is an imbalanced and convoluted mess? This shit tops it without breaking a sweat. And you know what's worst? It has some really good ideas, but the implementation just sucks moldy ass.
Every time I even consider trying to rework Monopoly into something half way decent, I basically come to the conclusion that you might as well just make a whole different game.
>If I want to starve to death in an empty field I can do that in real life.
Look, I get that you don't like the game but the reasoning you present above is like saying "I don't like 7 Wonders because I could build a monument to the gods, in real life."
>Shitting on based Fluxx
Fuck off mate
oh hey another german, do you know this pile of shit?
Basically this. I was considering combining aspects of Monopoly with maybe Risk or something similar to just make the ultimate bad fucking game, but I feel like it either won't be as shitty as Monopoly or it'll do a full 180 and whip back around to being enjoyable somehow.
See I just try to make it a semi viable game, rather than the awful mess it currently is. Still end up cutting so much out that I might as well start over and make a new game.
Nope. What kind of shit is it?
If you don't want to poison your hard drive with the PDF, check out this summary.
Weeping for humanity optional.
Yeah, for salvageable mess, that one takes the prize, on account of being the actual insane ramblings of someone on the brink of complete psychosis. It doesn't make sense overall, no part of it makes sense in itself, and there's nothing in there to even lift out and work off of, apart from using it as the ravings of an insane NPC.
It's often called the Time Cube of RPGs, but honestly, it's not nearly as lucid as the Time Cube.
>RULE # 1 : In the short term, binary logic < order > [soul equation] is far superior (?) than fuzzy logic < chaos > [cloning equation]. Most of the universe seems to be working in or using binary logic, with a constant state of war being waged against fuzzy logic by binary logic & vice versa. You don’t have to look too far for examples. Look @ RULE # 34, # 78, # 80, & # 83.
This surpasses Pepsi Universe in terms of insane rambling
But consider this: La Mal's name is literally "The Bad".
Erio Oire is clearly the superior choice. I mean when has anything stneserp semmes made been bad?
>beasts did gamergate
Synnibarr isn't the worst. I mean yeah it's an absolutely retarded clusterfuck of an AD&D heartbreaker, but it's got a certain idiot enthusiasm that just makes me like it. It's the RPG equivalent of a one eyed, three legged puppy. Is it going to get anywhere or be good at anything? No, probably not, but it's happy being it's broken, nonsensical self and I'll be damned if I can fault it for that.
Anyone have VTNL or whatever? The one with the really autistic dice rules and hyper railroad DMing guide
Risk isn't that bad for a casual game, specially compared to fucking Monopoly.
The difference being that the Pepsinomicon cost at least one million dollars.
As far as I know VTNL hasn't been translated.
It's not that Risk is bad, it just has one or two bad mechanics and like Monopoly, can last much longer than it has any right to. The aim of blending them would be to make a game that just never fucking ends without house rule intervention.
Terri Schiavo did Sandy Hook and was the mastermind behind the Bowling Green Massacre
Lamaj has STANDO POWAH, so I'd choose him
>Implying those little dudes aren't [WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE]
It's not the worst but I'll be damned if I don't actually try to be offensive while everyone around me just guffaws at the sex jokes and the forced cards.
There should be a Veeky Forums edition of CAH that has actual balls. One that tells you what cards to remove and it provides a PDF of new cards that you can print to add to the deck.
> Risk + Monopoly
Add in Diplomacy for the win.
I never played diplomacy, is it that bad?
It's a "game" called Bellum Maga.
There's a thread on it around here.
It's feminist propaganda the game. And it is completely unsalvageable.
The LGS I used to frequent had two copies of this game, as well as a copy of its God-forsaken card game precursor "Astrobirdz."
The website is breath-takingly terrible.
Looking around online, the games aren't good by any stretch of the imagination.
This game was so colossally bad. Fundamentally flawed right there in the rules to the point where once a person is ahead in points, that's it. Game's over.
The only saving grace was the little baggy of plastic tokens that look like cartoon steaks.
From the few times I've played it, it appears to be well designed but specifically made to destroy friendships.
I'll have a look. It can't be that bad. Should at least be good for a laugh.
Just kidding, GURPS is fun. My real submission would be World of Synnibarr.
it's Risk with no dice rolling, so the force with greater numbers wins, I believe defenders win on a tie. The real horror is that it allows for each side to call allies and encourages forming alliances and betrayals to the point of physically segregating yourself and the people you are speaking with from the rest of the game group for better privacy.
So yes, it is made specifically to destroy friendships.
After reading this article I'm not unconvinced that Bellum Maga isn't an elaborate false flag by someone with far too large a chip on their shoulder. The terrible grammar, awful art, nonfunctional system all seems to me like someone more concerned with lambasting feminazis. It doesn't help that all the feats/flaws reinforce negative female stereotypes or actively reinforce the hypocrisy of tumblr SJWs
>"I took a break from being a junkie to join a protest in NYC against a teen girl being burned at the stake in Omaha."
This is possibly the only plausible thing in Tammy's autobiography.
What is that picture?
It's not literally called the Pepsinomicon, but there was a massive, overblown document by an advertising agency trying to justify its minor tweaking of the Pepsi logo (and explain where that million dollars went)