EDH/Commander General


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, so?rted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.
Commandeer Edition

>Thread Topic
Do you play any "free" spells? What's your favorite "free spell"? Free spells tend to generate salt, have any free spell stories?

Other urls found in this thread:

gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&type= ["Legendary"] ["Creature"]&power= =[0]

>Do you play any "free" spells? What's your favorite "free spell"? Free spells tend to generate salt, have any free spell stories?

For when that one blue player just won't let you cast your commander.

Previous thread
I have a few stories about commandeers used to great effect.
>usually just use it to steal ramp or card advantage, nothing makes people saltier than losing their thran dynamo
>deflects removal spells or counterspells too
>insanely good when you have an abundance of cards in hand, exchanges useless chaff for valuable tempo
>often even a tempo AND value plus, any card worth 3 or more cards gets into incredibly powerful territory
>can be hardcast for immense value, which is fine if you're not a pussy
>when you use an opponent's tooth and nail to grab a scourge of fleets and a colossal whale, you will know what blue timmy feels like

Alright boys, i need help. I've started to fall out of edh due to the fact that if I'm having fun, odds are nobody else is. For example, I've made several decks, my first big one being derevi enchantress/stax. Yes, the one from reddit. All jokes aside it's one of the most fun decks I've played in edh, however it was massively tuned compared to my playgroup, even after i dumbed it down several times, and even intentionally not going infinite was still overbearing. So i said "i need something different that is the opposite of this" so i made izzet storm, which was a fun deck except it had a large solitaire feel to it, which i disliked. It's at this point that i learned that most of my group wants battlecruiser shenanigans more than anything else, so i said ok, and built gonti. At this point everyone basically assumed i was playing something degenerate so i would get targeted by most of the pod due to a lack of threat assessment, as i often did nothing all game due to this, And they would make excuses like "you make good decks so I'm targeting you." At this point i was fairly disheartened, as if i wanted to play edh in a way that was fun for me, it often just bopped the people i was against, and when i built casual i got targeted because i couldn't defend from multiple people swinging. As a last ditch effort i made ezuri, claw of progress, after finding a precon at Wal-Mart. I put in big cards like avenger of zendikar, but put no real money in the deck (nothing over 6ish dollars) , with the only attempt to go infinite being a sage of hours and a lab man for shits n giggles. But playing this durdly battlecruiser magic with "fair cards" and no combos, is the most unfun experience I've had in magic. So my question to you all is: do i play the cards i enjoy, or just stop bitching and play on the same level as everyone else, even if it is less enjoyable for me?

Get a group more to your power level.

The problem is that this is the only edh group in my area so that's not as possible

Get your group to play interaction. Then they can team up on you and stop you. If 3+ people teaming up to keep you down can't stop you you're playing with children.

The problem is that everyone wants to solitaire into big boardstates, and they do run some interaction, krosan grip etc, but typically they just want to play battlecruiser

Clones, copying, and countermagic. Scales well to any group, and is pretty fun to play as well. Also, choose a commander that doesn't scream busto and people will ease up.a bit, especially after a few games.

Casuals. What I did in that situation was create a stax deck, so I could play long games and still make people miserable. Cataclysm OP.

While I've heard this idea before, it just seems very boring, but maybe there's more than i would expect to it

what are some decks where they can hear me before they see me

While stax is fun, i enjoy having a group to play with

Does anyone else have an issue with running enough threats? I've been playing a lot of combo/control and have noticed I have a hard time actually sealing the deal. This was real prominent in my Mizxux deck (stormed out, but forgot to include any wincons at all besides decking) but my Breya deck had issues today where the only reason I won was because Dovin went ult and no one wanted to play it out.

How do you add threats while making sure you can still interact with the table?

Play a talrand deck and call it "Drake and Take". Supplant form is pretty good when it's hitting a rune scarred demon.

Mechanized production
This also requires my opponents to be running powerful cards such as said demon

if your opponents arent running any threats then how does anyone win?

What's a good mono black commander that is cheap and under the radar, but also deadly. I mostly play 4-6 player games, so something great in world games but not overpowering in 1v1

depends on what you want to do.

here are the best commanders in each archetype imo

kokusho or chainer, kokusho is more group sluggy and grindy while chainer loves to draw into a mana doubler and reanimate gary 5 times in a row, both are pretty strong. kokusho will draw a ton of hate though

probably Skithiryx, but you'll draw hate like crazy
drana, korlash and volrath are also decent options, but they don't have hexproof, ID or haste so it's not worth building that much around them

>big mana & control
erebos, hands down. he shits out value like crazy. you don't need any other draw and you can get away with like 5 less lands thanks to him, allowing you to go nuts with cheap spells and ramp. he also hoses lifegain strats, which i honestly think is dumb in the context of casual edh games where everything is supposed to be somewhat viable
toshiro is a meme option, never tried him

sidisi, but only consider this for sweaty tryhard games
mikaeus is a dumb commander even for combo, the only thing he does is let everyone know you play one of the boringest combos in the game and get you killed


i described them disregarding the price because it's just 1 card and none of them are *that* expensive. imo, you'll lose most money by buying cheap cards. no one will want to trade for a chainer, but a kokusho in your binder is prime trading material, if that makes any sense.

by the way, if you want your group to respect the power of black magic, then build kokusho. he's fucking hilarious in 4+ player games.

>turn 4 gauntlet of power
>turn 5 kokusho and strands of night
>turn 6 use strands of night 7 times, drain 5 life from each opponent 7 times and gain 140 life

i had him for a while until i was forced to take him apart because my group complained about him every game. i would just solitaire my reanimation tricks and consistently win turn 6-8 without any combos, just draining people like crazy even in 1v3 situations

but yeah, he won't run under the radar

Play maelstrom wanderer, you can make it a battle cruiser deck and still feel like a combo deck

So I bought the UBRG 2016 precon to play against a casual playgroup.

So far it's been hilariously cool. I was surprised by how many wheels and graveyard interactions there are, I'm enjoying the playstyle.

Cascade is the best mechanic. God, I'm such a Timmy.

Did you try any if the new precons, /edhg/?

Maga is pretty fun as well for control and big mana, although erebos is pretty much straight up better.

Unless your commander is a planeswalker or has 0 power, you've always got an inefficient but existent out a mere 21 points away.

I bought Saskia, switched like 10 cards. She is fine. Usually takes one player out before getting hated out of the game.

Is there even any legendary with 0 power?

I bought a friend of mine Yidris a while back, and after playing it right out þe box or a couple games, he still went a while only having swapped out lands. Even now, his decklist still bears a strong resemblance to how it came.

Atraxa is one of my generals since witch-maw is my favourite combination of multiple colours, but I couldn't even bring myself to play her default deck, its mana base and colour fixing were awful, and it just didn't feel flavourful when I looked at it.

I'd say Glint-eye stood head-and-shoulder above its peers in terms of straight-from-box-to-table playability, just based on its mana base. I know its been said by a lot of people before, and it doesn't need repeating, but each deck shoujld've at least had a chromatic lantern.

gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&type= ["Legendary"] ["Creature"]&power= =[0]

30 cards, some only have 0 in certain situations.

So, Azami, and that's it.

Stax is reasonable if your playgroup is trying to do degenerate things. Eventually EDH becomes an arms race of "trying to do degenerate things" or "making decks to stop degenerate things."

If your playgroup is rather casual and just likes to do cool stuff rather than combo ASAP, playing stax is just unnecessary.

is there a website or something to try and find edh groups locally that I just don't know about? I haven't had anyone to play with in months

Theros gods also count if you can't get the Devotion up.

They don't have p/t if they don't have devotion

You can find LGSs on the Wizards website but that's about it.

>They don't have p/t if they don't have devotion

That's what I meant, they are essentially 0 power creatures (in terms of being capable of dealing combat damage) so there's more viable commanders than just Azami that can have a situation where they can't have an inefficient clock as a commander.

Go to a LGS, most of them hold a "casual Magic" night where you can just play any format for fun.

Try joining an EDH game. I suggest a variety of power levels, bring something too strong and no one will want to play with you, something too weak and you'll just get stomped all the time and never have fun.

Once you start regularly going, you'll eventually become a store regular and people start to learn your name and actively seek you out.

I never played EDH until C14 came out, my friend kept telling me to try it with him and I finally gave in, bought the Daretti precon, and made some tweaks. I got introduced to some people at a LGS I only went to once and started playing.

2 years later I have like 15 EDH decks, play at my LGS like 2-3 times a week, and might be the best player in my playgroup (at least I have the highest winrate).

In case you can't figure it out yourself: you're That Guy.

I know, it feels good.

That's good to hear.

The Yidris mana base didn't give me much trouble, except for the fact that there are so many ETB tapped lands. It's frustrating, especially since my other deck has only 3 lands that come tapped.

FUG. none of the game stores around me do commander on saturday and that's the only night I have off each week

If you're desperate you can try some program like MTGO or Cockatrice or XMage (whatever people use) but they're often filled with super beyond budget degenerate decks.

If you have friends that you can't meet IRL to play you could set up something over Skype.

so I've been collecting the precon decks and have been playing casually against friends, but lately they've been dumping money into their decks and tryharding a bit.

precons I have:

what can I do with these and like $20 of purchases to tryhard?

What is some good colorless card draw for mono red?

Freyalise. Cut all of the Titania cards and go elfball.
It only costs like 30 bucks, and you can sell some of the precon cards you cut for that money.

That artifact Sphinx from C15

For Mizzix:
- Spell Burst
- Reiterate
- Lightning Bolt (for an infinite combo)
- Pyretic Ritual
- Whispers of the Muse
- Capsize
- Dig Through Time
- Treasure Cruise

With Firemind's Foresight and 4 experience counters, you tutor for Lightning Bolt, Pyretic Ritual, and Reiterate. You make infinite red mana with Pyretic Ritual + Reiterate, then infinitely Reiterate Lightning Bolt.

For Meren:
- Spore Frog
- Evolutionary Leap
- Sadistic Hypnotist
- Sidisi, Undead Vizier
- Winding Constrictor
- Birthing Pod
- Tortured Existence
- Stinkweed Imp/any other dredge creatures

I'm dense, Pyretic Ritual + Reiterate doesn't make infinite mana. Ignore me.

What is there to do with jund besides put creatures on the table and turn them sideways? I want to build Vaevictis Asmadi but my other 3 decks are aggro creature based so I was wondering of there was a point to try and do something different.

Yaheeni doesn't look like he's doing much until you sac something to him and feild wipe. Next thing anyone knows they are taking 30 commander damage.

There's also Skeleton Ship.

Yes it does, Mizzix reduces additional costs as well, so each pyretic ritual gives RRR, and Reiterate costs RR (even with buyback). You're left with an extra R after every Reiterate, assuming you let the Pyretic Ritual copy resolve. Repeat ad infinitum.

Sorry I'm like extra retarded, thanks for clarifying.

Hi Veeky Forums, I'm a new player with a small collection and i was wondering if the preconstructed decks are the best way to start playing commander.
Which one would you reccomend me?
Entropic Uprising seems a fun deck, but i have the feeling that Breed Lethality shits on all its 2016 counterparts

Yes get a precon. Any of them are good, really. I hot Yidris because I love cascade, but you can do whatever you like.

People really love Atraxa, but you can't go wrong with any of the precons. The main thing you'll need to work on is their manabases, but Yidris comes with a lantern so it's a bit less important.

Are there any wincons in Azami aside from Lab Maniac?
It seems like a fun deck, but I'm just trying to see other ways to win.

For four colors the manabases are pretty good. They're not particularly fast but they're consistent on mana fixing and for casual settings their just fine.

Yeah, but replacing etb tapped lands with shocks is an easy upgrade

Honest;y. use whatever one you like. I've played around with a lot of them and none of them over preform (with the exception of Sidisi and Kokusho) to the point where they break the archetype.

I use Yahenni in a mono black reanimator deck. She works wonders.

Hey /edh/, could you guys give me some feedback on my new Rhys the Redeemed deck?

Any spicy tech I should include?

Nah you're good

Thank you very much, I'll keep in mind


I guess I should post the link, huh?

>no Doubling Season

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy and Akiri Line-Sling (kinda)

It's a big cost. Parallel Lives and Primal Vigor are usually enough for token strategies.

>Akiri ever being zero power
>Jace ever not flipped
But yeah they also can have no combat clock too.

Not everyone is made of money. Also he already has Parallel Lives anyway.

I'll shell out money for cards, but ~$60 is too rich for me lol. I doubt they'll reprint it in the near future so I've resigned myself to never having one.

>tfw I have 5 Doubling Season just from attending weekly drafts back in OG Ravnica days


Kill someone in one swing, yes.
Otherwise, Gratuitous Violence or Dictate of the Twin Gods.

Throw one of those my way? I'll make ya feel good..

Gratuitous Violence is an option if you don't want damage dealt to you or your creatures as well, otherwise that's a fine card.

>60 trump dollars
>for a regular version
>checks MCM
>60 britcoins for a foil one

It sure feels good to be Europoor.

get all warm and fuzzy just bragging about it?

i still get the job done with corpsejack menace or primal vigor. people will learn to adapt.

Do you guys think a tana the bloodsower + sidar kondo of jamuraa deck would work? what cards would you recommend adding?


R8 my goofy speshul snowflake budget brew m8s. It's pretty jank, but goddamn, testing it has been so fun.

Also could use suggestions from oldfags who know pre-8th Edition cards better than I do.

The combo only works when you reach 4 experience counters.

Another way for reitereate infinite mana is turnabout/reset/reality spasm. Reset and Turnabout are a lot easier to work with than Reality Spasm since Reality Spasm turns shit into a math problem of figuring out how early you can go infinite and how many counters needed. It has the added benefit of being tutorable with Firemind's foresight and it will usually land you a counter though.

Ask yourself: is this spell worth playing if it costs 1U more?

I think that's the case with Hydroblast and similar effects, but most of the other stuff ends up as pretty ineffective. Like why play Barrin's Unmaking over Disperse? Gainsay over Counterspell?

Having a lot of those blue "conditional" color-based removal with Blind Seer is cool though.

I bought the Atraxa precon, and decided to go with creature counters instead of infect and superfriends.

It's not the most powerful but its fun to play with. The counters shenanigans with Corpsejack Menace, Sage of Hours, Vorel, and Spike Weaver among many other counter cards, are so fun.

Superfriends is pretty boring after the first few times

Unless the decks you're up against are completely terrible it will end up devolving into "Draw/Tutor Doubling Season; win game"

Superfriends is always boring. It goes one of two ways:

1) You keep playing Planeswalkers and you eventually win because your playgroup sucks
2) You keep playing Planeswalkers and they keep dying until you run out of gas and die a sad death because your playgroup is good
3) You play Doubling Season, instantly ult some bonkers 'walker, and win

Either way the gameplan never changes and it completely relies on Doubling Season to be bonkers or just depressing when you don't have it.

Hey now, there's also Deepglow Skate thank you very much.

Sometimes I'll only need to pay U more because I have a color-changing spell in hand, or I'll get lucky and my opponent will already be playing relevant colors, but that's still a good point for future card evaluation.

I know there's a lot of jank in there. Honestly, I don't really know much spicier stuff to bring since I'm limiting myself to only old frame cards, and I'll admit I don't really know older cards that well outside format staples and such.

Testing has been a blast though. Threw it at a pretty good Animar deck and actually managed to win somehow.

Pic related. Seems innocuous enough, but you can start running stuff like Grave Pact, Dictate of Erebos and Butcher of Malakir and start forcing people to sacrifice a lot of creatures at once.

And fuck it, throw in Last Laugh for some absolute hilarity. You should probably do that anyway, regardless of the commander you pick.

Mind's eye
Dreamstone hedron / hedron archive / mind stone
Loreseekers stone
Wheels (you're gonna run low on cards, trust me wheels are VERY strong in mono red)

First, what's with the thorns? It's really jarring to see, especially since it seems you're almost going out of your way to find situations to use it. Not only that, but that shit looks like "b" at a glance.

Second, it's "magnum opus", "magnum" meaning "great" and "opus" "work". Not "opus magnum".

tl;dr, You're a faggot. Stop that.

your being a bit overcritical there

Apparently I'm the first to do so then, if he made it all the way to Veeky Forums without being called out for it.

So I really like Rashmi in theory, but I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what to actually do with her. There's so much big blue bullshit I wanna try that I'm feeling spoiled for choice.

What do you folks do with her? What's her goal? What are some good wincons? What's your spiciest secret tech?

This kind of post is always trash, doesn't matter what the topic is, any "no don't build that deck I don't like it" post

Either it's based on shitty anecdotes from your shitty playgroup, or it's wildly generalized to the point of being meaningless, usually both

Next time go fuck yourself instead of posting, stupid faggot

found the superfriends player

>So I really like Rashmi in theory, but I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what to actually do with her.

Find your nearest dumpster , deposit rashimi in said dumpster.


Simic goodstuff with a few big bombs. Just build your own deck then come back for feedback.

>brew my pet deck searching cards and lists online
>fuck yeah this is gonna be sweet
>check the prices
>foil versions of course
>almost €200 worth of cards in cart
>mouse hovers over the Buy button
>realize I have no playgroup
>realize I would probably never cast those cards in a game
>cancel order

So, how was your day?

>tfw thorn is a perfectly good letter but nobody uses it anymore for whatever reason

now that's autism

Where do you live user

Mind's Dilation is hilarious in Rashmi. The interaction is just so great.

Middle of Nowhere, Slovakia.

I could travel to nearby cities to play occasionally, but that's too unpractical for regular games.

I played like 5 games of multiplayer EDH in the last 2 years.