>Throw in a BBEG wizard
>"Hrm... regular old summons are kinda boring."
>"How can I spice them up?"
>Notice my itunes playlist
>"Ey why not. I'll name my wizard summons after songs! That'll add some personality to them."
>My next session
>Throw in a BBEG wizard
>"Hrm... regular old summons are kinda boring."
>"How can I spice them up?"
>Notice my itunes playlist
>"Ey why not. I'll name my wizard summons after songs! That'll add some personality to them."
>My next session
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop playing with weeaboos. Or at least tell them to get some better taste with some china comics actually relevant to Veeky Forums.
The worst part about this thread will be that BBEG-fag shows up. This is also the best thing about it.
You can't honestly say you were surprised.
I'm pretty sure it's just ironic shitposting at this point. Hell, I feel tempted to pose as that guy.
Sounds like lots of fun. Is there a summon named "Rape me"
>Not casually referencing JoJo
>Not ending every session with a "To be continued"
My bard could only use buff during the runtime of this song youtube.com
Why is it hip to hate jojo all of a sudden?
>tfw season 2 never
It got popular so it's no longer cool to like it.
God damn contrarian children.
/a/ decreed that it was no longer their special secret series anymore so no one on Veeky Forums is allowed to like it anymore
/a/ posters are subhumans.
No you don't understand.
Liking JoJo is okay.
Making obnoxious, witless JoJo references is not okay.
At this point, JoJo references are no longer funny, they're just a clumsy attempt at some kind of super-radical secret handshake for us nerds.
Which is fucking annoying.
Surely you understand that?
Ok dude
Jojo is awesome you git
Shouting "ZOMG REFERENCE" isn't tho
>le taste meme
Honestly, I think if the group of friends is cool with it, then go ahead, if they aren't, don't.
So how did Rob Zombie summon look like?
It was a Superbeast.
>not a Dead Girl Superstar
At least an effort was given, I guess.
>inb4 berserk
Memes aside,amount of shitposting is pre-brony homestuck-level.
Is nobody going to ask which songs OP chose?
Battle Tendency came out a long tie ago. It's airing on Toonami now
I know what you mean, I feel your pain brother
Some idiots are spamming as their new obsession. Since it's a fairly mediocre series, it doesn't take much for people to get annoyed by it.
>on and off working on a setting
>decide to base the main pantheon on the major arcana
>have other magical creatures like fairies based on minor arcana
>friend finally convinces me to watch Jojo
>mfw part 3 starts
The worst part is that you made this thread just to get people to call you a faggot.
I mean, you just did.
>mfw people are starting to hate JoJo because of the obnoxious fanbase
i feared this day might come.
One time I was in a JoJo game. Really simple shit. D100 for rolls.
My stand was 「Journey」. It had the power to keep an object from decelerating until it left the effective range.
It was super fucking fun. Our GM was really imaginative and every time we played we'd come across really bizzare stands.
It's the eternal cycle.
>initial crowd likes a thing
>the aspies move in once it gains traction and decide that this is now the hottest shit ever
>they proceed to try and shove it into everything
>those who either tried and didn't like the thing or haven't tried the thing yet get blasted nonstop by this
>the public grows to hate the thing because it's shoved down their throat
>the people who just liked it privately on their own now get grouped with the aspies
>the aspies label them as hipsters for trying to "keep it to themselves"
>thus the people who just wanted to quietly enjoy the thing are rejected by both sides
The upside is that eventually the crowd will move on to the next big thing
I had a weird reverse situation. I actually got into JoJo backwards, by starting with Steel Ball Run, then going back to the beginning. I then reccomended my friend, who later became our group GM, to read it. He kinda ignored it, until the anime was released, and he suddenly became super into naming everything after music, which works since he's a big music buff.
So everyone has fun naming stuff after music, and I get to act smug to them because I actually wryyyyy'd the manga
Pic unrelated?
I've never seen it but my group brings it up completely randomly at every opprotunity so now I hate it and you.
Good. NGNL is trash.
People who hate something because of its fanbase are people who aren't worth your time.
>Making obnoxious, witless JoJo references is not okay.
Really? Because Veeky Forums in general and /a/ in particular were the ZA WARUDO ROAD ROLLA DAH WRYYYYYYYYYYYY meme train until fucking normies started watching the anime.
And lets not forget that old Veeky Forums used to dip into the JoJo barrel on numerous occasions
I miss the old memes
and I miss xioxio and the old stick fight animations