Character Art? I don't have anything else but that's why I need a thread up.
Character Art? I don't have anything else but that's why I need a thread up
Requesting some modern characters
wish i had a bigger resolution of this pic
There mess to be more business fantasy
Does anybody have more pictures of people wielding muskets, or anything else that could fit the 18th century?
Also, I'd love some more brown/black/asian ones, like this guy
Taking requests.
is this one good?
Yes, stuff like that, thanks!
Have any male lizardfolk? Bonus points for lizardfolk samurai or lizardfolk with dragons/drakes.
Why I do, actually.
Not a huge number though. Number goes slightly up if you're okay with snakes.
all I got.
Lemme see...
roman futurism a best
Dude, pangolins are mammals.
Oops, thought that was just armadillos.
my bad.
Requesting female orcs. Dumping the bit that I have
>my female orcs are half lewd pics
Do you want cutes or uggos
what about
Tough looking ones, but lewd isn't bad
Hey everyone. I need something specific if you all have it.
A male character missing an arm from mid bicep down and his eye on the same side of the arm.
I'll settle for missing the arm as it is the more important part.
Please help!
what about both?
Both is good
Anyone got any artwork of Slim pale guys? Preferably a bit psycho. Like Zsasz here from Batman.
I think that's about all I have
This was posted in the last thread, it's pretty much what I'm looking for but for fantasy or at least neutral.
Too specific, sorry. All I got is a barrel full of cyberlimbs.
Maybe 3-5 more orcs that I'm posting
Only thing i have
urban fantasy, if you please?
Requesting undead clerks, mayors, burgomasters and other officials who will run a buerocracy of my lych-BBEG's utopia.
Anyone got young (like 12-15) characters of low standing or peasant birth that might look like they have some innate, untrained magical ability?
I'm looking for some rogues/criminals armed with bows. Leather armor preferred.
Thanks fellas
looking for anything specific
Otherwise dumping misc
Okay this is gonna sound dumb, but how does the ball and powder not just fall out of those guns? Is it really rammed in there that hard? How much jostling would it take for it to fall out?
You guys should go to the drawthread rather than here if you have a really specific request. Generally speaking our drawthreads produce results pretty quickly and of good quality, if that's what you're worried about.
You don't load it till you're firing. It's not like a modern firearm, where you can just have shit in there. Also, if I recall correctly, there's some stuff about complex locking things with later muskets.
Requesting majestic drawings of warriors/knights/kings that would work as a family painting like pic related. Something you see framed over a fireplace or something.
good old far cry 2
Friction. The gun wouldn't operate properly if the ball was loose enough to just fall out.