Oh hey Anton LaVey is now a real space wizard.
Oh hey Anton LaVey is now a real space wizard
Is that a Thousand Sons or Word Bearers marine?
I'm already shipping Anton Le Vay and Morgan La Fey
thousand sons
That's Amon Kingsley you pleb
He's clearly Kingsley, user
When did Anton La Vey become Ben Kingsley?
don't be mad because your epic reference joke turned out to be inaccurate.
Anton LaVey was the founder of the church of Satan. Perfectly appropriate for a TS wizard.
More like Schlomo Oy Vey
Kingsley looks cool though instead of a sex offender Fu Manchu.
Anton La Vey /was/ actually Jewish. He was born Howard Stanton Levey.
So if they make a movie about Anton LaVey it should star Ben Kingsley?
probably, yes
sex offender Fu Manchu sounds cooler than Kinglsey looks
You just know they'd shoehorn Benedict Cucumberthatch into the role somehow.
literally more proof that thousand sons should be purged
This guy knows
satanist cuck looks too pale
Neat... Is this from the new Imperial Armour?
>Anton LaVey
>Ben Kingsley
Plebs all of you. Pleeeeeeeebs!
Is that Ahriman?
no its some other wizard
HH inferno. I think it's number 7?
>Just came out over the weekend, still not out for general release. Only leeks and some samples out now.
warhammer wasn't around when he was a kid, but flash gordon was.
Kane lives!
You insult the glory of Kane