What's your signature play style/role?
Smart guy?
What is it?
What's your signature play style/role?
Smart guy?
What is it?
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Divine caster, or so would my party have me believe.
Seems to be Nature and Big Weapons.
Mostly Barbarians and Rangers with an Axe.
Archer with a side of medic. Usually just book smart enough to tell that the "smart guy" of the party is full of shit.
>Forever GM
I usually fall back on the Huge Tank Bruiser trope. I try to do other archetypes though but I usually end up being the one to change to balance what the party lacks.
I erm... I punch things... Nosferatu, DnD, Solar or street samurai. I will be very good at punching things.
I'm Aneaky McSneak man. Even when I'm playing a caster, I might as well be playing a rogue. This leads me to problems when I remember that I am, indeed, not a rogue.
Acording to my friends its "Rebel Cop"
It's either the maid or the handyman, in that I have to fix everything and clean up all the shit my group manages to fuck up.
I'm obsessed with melee in modern times. I don't know why. Definitely the Str end of the Str-Dex spectrum too. I like the idea of a guy whose (implied) just naturally big and that translates into him hitting like freight train. It's easily translated into words how I feel about it but as an illustration I have done like a dozen melee runs in Fallout 1
Also I'm the person who never rolls more than middling intelligence (or logic in SR) and reminds the maladjusted fedora at the table that, no, my character isn't a drooling retard just because they don't qualify for mensa.
Always. It's either a sergeant in OW or a cleric in DH. Or something with high enough charisma to talk. Always . The rest of the party are usually murderhoboes
Whatever you want me to be, baby.
No really, I always end up covering roles that nobody else wants to play, so I usually end up with sarcastic characters.
Mr. Charisma
Even when I don't want to I end up the party face because we are all varying levels of autismo (i have savant recall, but ADHD) and I'm good at social stuff whereas most of them are mathletes or artists
Martial Macgyver
>Take a rogue/ranger/fighter (or setting equivalent)
>Give him a bag of holding (or setting equivalent)
>Watch as random objects from day to day life are added to the bag.
>Forget about what's in the bag
>Spring a puzzle 10 sessions later
>Watch as items from 10 sessions ago get combined into exactly what the party needs to escape death.
I also tend to be "The Guy With Shit Equipment" because I spend it on situational garbage, or I play characters that won't sacrifice his ethics for power. A couple sessions ago had the party forced to work with one of the minor antagonistic factions in order to take down the BBEG. They offer everyone some gear to up our combined strength for the upcoming fight. Despite these guys killing our contacts and dicking us over, everyone on the team jumps at the chance to play with shiny new toys, while my character flatly refuses.
I made that second story sound like it was going to end in an I told you so moment with my character being proven right for declining the gifts. It didn't. He just wound up with less cool shit (he was poised to get a pretty cool rapier, tho, if he had just accepted it).
I do like fun, I promise.
I am nearly always the plans man. It's infuriating, if I don't do it, everyone sits around doing fuck all the whole session.
Face punching but always with a lot of skills that character never advertises outright. Like a paladin that was actually good at stealing. Or seemingly single-minded abortion of a monk who always tried to punch first and then easily cut in a philosophical discussion.
>I have been divine and arcane casters
>I have attacked from range, reach, melee, and grappled
>I have been the skill monkey
>I have been a wall of meat and metal
>I have built broken gods
>I have played pure NPC class characters
>I have been aberrant monsters and the most common of men
>Every stat has been my dump stat
I am always the fucking party face and I always feel like this.
So help me god my next character will be a deaf mute with no understanding of common.
...and boy have I fucked up that job some times. Like the time I ordered the party to slaughter some elven refugees mistaking them for invaders.
As far as class, usually a gish or, when that's unavailable, a ranger or archer type.
As far as personality? I'm always the man of action. Party deliberating whether to leave some refugees behind or toss em some spare coin? I'm the first to tire of deliberations and take responsibility.
I played the literal party mascot once. Was fun as fuck.
I was the bard's pet dog, and the only party fade things I could do was growl/bark if I felt like someone was a dick and get the party into stupid situations when I was bored.
They still managed to make me do the talking for them one time by using Rary's Telepathic Bond on me and the duke. Their reasoning was something like, "He thinks we're liars, but dogs can't lie. Let Scrimshaw talk to him."
Spoiler:Dogs can lie
Is "loli that has to clean up the other retards' mess" a style/role? Because it keeps happening.
Yes, I am a game slut. Give me any role, master.
I like it when others do my job. Ideally, disposable others. So it's "Summoner" type when game allows. Or support character otherwise. Not a healbot, more like "lazy warlord" from dnd 4e.
Almost all of my characters are tankish to some extend, so from time to time I play "tank" characters too.
Mostly "the only guy trying to interact with the world instead of acting like a spergy spastic", but only out of necessity.
Tank, meatshield, what have you. I'm the guy with a shield swearing at the rogue for being shit at his job
I just wanna rip n' tear and play rocket tag with the GM. If I go first, I win. If I don't, time for a new character.
The powerless and clueless protag who is subject to a chain of misfortunate events, leading him/her to become witness to a myriad of extraordinary events, and only escaping narrowly from countless horrors and calemities through sheer luck and chance. Basically a novice scholar or an unfunny jester.
play kenku ranger, you can't be the face of the party because you don't have your own voice (if we're talking about dnd)
otherwise, play a full on sperg who cant say anything without dropping the spaghetti
I like to hit things with stick until they don't get up.
Skill monkey and a general utility guy. Failing that, explosives expert. If those two are both filled then it's DEUS VULT.
Nature/Spirit magic type caster for funsies or sometimes an unconventional melee.
Recently played a halberd weilding ratfolk knight with a buckler on his tail, good fun.
Barbarians tanks and Gishes.
A mix if melee,usually swords, and magic.
>Is "loli that has to clean up the other retards' mess" a style/role?
No, it's a pathetic excuse of one.
How is the wheel on that airship supposed to work?
How'd they get an entire city into the core of the world tree? I don't fucking know.
Styx is an interesting game, but it gives pretty much 0 fucks for realism.
Trivia Dispenser/Strategic Planner
Every day's a school day for the rest of the players, I also enjoy posing ridiculous ideas to spur discussion, some watered down version of the plan is usually setted on.
Con man
Smartass dark magic rogue.
He creates new, better plots by being a dumbfuck.
Comic relief, that guy.
Smart explorer or ranger with a little bit of magic.
The unholy abomination that is so minmaxed that it destroys everything until it reaches its weakness and dies in one blow. Yes I'm terrible.
This sounds fucking awesome.
Any kind of caster, specifics vary from game to game. I never pick a class with no magic abilities.
Primary DM, so chance to actually play is few and far between. But I generally like to try new concepts.
Major examples include
>A cowardly, ugly, stupid midget, but a great fighter.
>A self imposed exile merfolk prince, 8th from the throne, became a priest of Leviathan.
>Santa Monica beat cop turned Not!CIA agent parkour expert, became the flash.
>Diplodouche in fantastic space adventure.
>Sam Fisher, if Sam Fisher were a spoiled rich kid whose only helping the peasant resistance out of boredom and a manufacture sense of morality that would crumble under the slightest pressure.
>Pacifistic roboticist in semi-hard scifi adventure. Interesting concept, being a true pacifist. Forces you to rethink how to solve situations if you have any history of murderhoboing.
>A child golem crafter. Secret plans to combine with rest of party's magics to eventually form Ultron, outside of DM's knowledge.
>Only soldier in the strike team to pass demolitions training.
In retrospect, I rarely play classical mages, but I guess that could do with my several real time year campaign being the classical fantasy game, so no one else made one for a side campaign.
When playing the dumbfuck, you gotta take risks. No problem by being That Guy once in a while if normally everyone enjoys it. Good DMs know this and murder the fuck out of your Thatguyish dude before it gets unbearable, so you can make a better comic character.
Rouge who can fill in as a Tank.
I can be all sneaky but when the time comes for a fight I can hold the line.
Mostly, I find myself playing the only one with actual manners. Everyone in my group has this (I want to say) compulsion to play sarcastic assholes that I end up having to babysit.
So basically I play party face mixed with melee DPS, most of the time. The few times I've played caster classes though were pretty fun.
I'm the guy who can't decide and shows up with a new character every session.
I almost inevitably decide on a thief/acrobat, baring something completely off the wall. I'm trying for a Summoner who rides a giant bird/tigrex thing into battle wearing mock armor to look like a knight.
I like to play the wanderer/warrior/agent/trader from an exotic foreign land.
I try to make them different, of course.
Either burly strong man, or wise old man.
I'm going to try and play either a precocious young wizard or a sneaky rogue type.
Just for fun:
Wizard/Magician with not obviously offensive magic or Archeologist Adventurer
Somewhat more serious:
Cop or Paladin willing to cut a "few" corners
Usually tanky. Leaning a bit more towards damage dealer. I've been branching out towards magic use and being the "smart" guy recently though. It's refreshing.
I'm the plot driver. I'm the man with a plan who knows that the plan won't work but plans anyway just so that we can all think we know what's going on. If something happens in the story, it's because I made a great decision and role-played it out, or I made a terrible decision and role-played it out.
In combat, I'm the ambusher. Talk/sneak our way in, blast our way out when things inevitably go south.
Either a huge, burly guy who fights people up close, or a wise old man with some kinda magic.
I'm going to try and play either a precocious young wizard or a sneaky rogue type next time I make a character.
Lawful evil half-orc ranger. Tired and practical. I will alway dedicate stats to roleplay rather than min/maxing.
To play only casters, consciously excluding the usual opposite - how horrible! But to play only fighters, consciously excluding the unusual same - how boring!
Chaotic Angery
More often than not, my characters have at least one of the following, and often have most or all of these traits:
>An experienced survivalist. A hunter living outside of town, a homeless vagabond who's learned to scavenge and live off the land, a savage berserker from a hunter-gatherer community, you get the idea.
>A MacGuyver. He might not know how to build anything particularly fancy, probably isn't a hacker/coder or anything like that, but he can turn a bus into an armored death machine if he's got the scrap and tools, he can make a lot of tools out of spare materials, and knows how to build what he needs to get by.
>An individualist. Unless the character is young and needs character development, he usually doesn't resent society or established authority in civilization. Later he becomes more welcome to the idea and may even support some of the ones he can agree with more often than not, but never really feels the organized life of laws and societal roles is right for him. He is often an exile, hermit, or outlander in the setting.
>Low Charisma. If he leads, he does so unintentionally and only through example. He's not quick to socialize, small talk confounds him, but will talk shop at the drop of a hat if approached. He's rarely unkind, but even less often polite or eloquent. It's easy to deceive or manipulate him through patient kindness (to the extent that he may even accept your words and desires even when he knows he's being lied to or manipulated, if he trusts you enough to think you do so with good intentions), though flirtation and bribery are pointless.
The Wizard.
I like to throw lightning bolts at my friends in the pubs so all the peasants run away.
I get a free drink after they've ordered because my magic usually radiates in their armor and paralyzes them.
Usually the tank/dps longsword woman. Usually I have to be the "not smart, but clever" person.
I used to play burly, strong, usually nonhuman characters.
Now I usually play support characters regardless of class (though still usually nonhuman)- backing up party members, stabilizing them when they go down, and making purchases / managing supplies to generally make the group's life easier. This may have started when I began DMing seriously for groups.
That's not a longsword.
Tank leader and moral compass.
Paranoid about Traps, inventive and superstitious.
I tend to play Barbarians or other martials.
He did say 'usually.'
I tend to roll towards the big sword dude who can off-tank but is mainly built for dealing damage.
Tank with a fuckhuge sword
Nothing like jumping in the fray to take the hits for your mates while chopping like there is no tomorrow
Usually Martial the Artist where i can, Engineers in scifi, or something unique (More weird than snowflake though) if I get a fun idea I want to go for. Also like playing robos, tho a martial artist engineer robo goes a little overboard.
I'm playing a goddamn sentient box that cannot move in Eclipse Phase. All the things you could be, and you chose a sentient box. Doesn't stop me from being the team's powerhouse though (I am the pro hacker and all around a crafty bastard. Like Hal, except less murdery... Usually).
I kinda like going Metal Gear on modern settings and making a character who is hilariously optimised for something that is super-gimpy in actual gameplay terms.
Like a guy using a broadsword against terrorists armed with AKs and shit
Oh shit it's That Guy
All three. I'm an Abjurationist in my current 5E game. Outside of combat I do investigation and knowledge rolls as well as help the group plan and get prepared. In combat, I can either set up control spells or wade in melee while dropping fireballs on all the mooks who rush in to get a hit off on the "squishy" wizard.
according to my group, that's me. I usually end up playing some kind of smart support guy who isn't very strong but resourceful.
I also like fucking my enemies shit up with the power of nature/minions and/or ranged weapons if I can.
Eh, depends on the group. I've played with proactive and clever people where the guy you're quoting would be That Guy, but I've also played with people who will putz around forever unsure of what to do, so having someone like that around is basically the only way to get things done.
I tend towards either a tanky face or sneaky gadgeteer. The kind of guy who always has pockets full of random shit just incase one proves useful. Both are reactions to the most common gaps I've seen in just about every group I've played with. No one wants to tank, everyone's turbo awkward and refuses to talk in character or plan, and no one brings items that aren't weapons, armor, and healing.
I like manoeuvres; give me something like the Warlord ability suite from 4e and I'm happy as a pig in shit.
I play crusty middle aged human warriors with various sorts of region specific pole-arm, appropriately silly accent, usually a veteran of some comically pointless and costly war.
In fights I like to coordinate my team's positioning and act as our primary strategist; I'm happy to tank, but what I really like to do is trap a creature somewhere it can't reach me and poke it to death with a long stick.
My characters tend to have no pretension to valour and will happily kill their enemies unfairly, by trickery, betrayal or ambush, though I'm a rock to my boys.
I'm the Sergeant
It's not really any sort of sword with a discrete name.
By the blade geometry I'd call it a big machete crossed with a turco-mongol saber.
Usually "beefy dude with a big weapon who hits people." Sometimes it's a Fighter/Warrior, sometimes it's a Barbarian/Berserker, and sometimes it's a Paladin/Knight.
>It's not really any sort of sword with a discrete name.
Sure, but if we tried to shove it into our classification, it wouldn't be a longsword. Like you said, it's like a big machete. Personally, I'd call it a backsword.
>dat pic
How. I don't understand.
Spaghetti is very flammable. It's all carbs.
Your eagerness is wasted on games, have you considered domestic adoption?
Support / Team Mom
>anything but full thottle, balls against the wall, all out destructive magic
Where's the point?
Short lived balls to the wall guy, who undergoes the most drastic changes. Suicide bombing (and surviving), pushing powers, losing limbs, growing new ones, getting cybernetics, getting mutations, one guy lost his leg three times.
>Suicide bombing (and surviving)
The buddy, bodyguard, second in command or whatever. I often wait and see what others are making and make a character that piggybacks on the concept of someone else.
In terms of race/class/skills/concept I'm flexible and adapt to what the group has and needs.
Just make everyone in the room think and act like they're on fire with a high level illusion spell.
More loot left that way.
>More loot left that way.
Who cares? Material wealth is for chumps
I'm forever DM so I don't get to play much, but my favourite character I've ever played was a raider-turned bounty hunter-turned raider again party face in a post apoc game.
My character was not exceptional at anything except intimidating others. He wasn't super strong, wasn't super smart, wasn't super fast, wasn't a great fighter, but he could get into people's heads and commanded a lot of influence as he banded the rabble together to create a new raider gang network, and eventually conquered the nearest settlement.
He had a thing for showmanship, and had a lackey dedicated to hauling around a boom box to play his entry music, which was often pretty happy go lucky 80s jams before he'd start ordering his men to take heads.
The game kind of died but I want to play that character, or at least that archetype of a relatively useless but very influential villain character again.
It ain't bad being the number two man, and it doesn't necessarily mean you play second fiddle (pic related). But Chewie is such a nice example, because in no way does he overshadow Han Solo, but rather he adds to Hans mystique while being bad ass himself.
Party face, classes that have inherent abilities.
Sorcerers and Binders and Warlocks and Favored Souls and Psions and Warblades etc. In D&D specifically
In other settings anybody with the ability to openly challenge and question authority is appealing. Auged to the ears street samurai rather than leashed corporate assassin.