Eldar v Dark Eldar

Who do you prefer?

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I like both.

I like the Dark Eldar better, but I think the whole Eldar Dark Eldar super friends thing is cool.


I prefer Tau.

After the fall of the Eldar empire, would the number of Eldar hidden in Commaragh outnumber those of the Exodite and Craftworld?



Where is this art from? i can see a Shadowseer and a Haemy, and what I think is a Striking Scorpion, but I can't work out who the figure at the front is.


The Ynnari are the future.

Dark Eldar, not least of all because of their cool model range.

Doesn't really matter, your either a bitch to the Imperium now or some small meanigless scrap

>Picking human in any game with multiple races
How boring

Don't know but I found it here
My guess is it's from a codex

Commoragh was a large city, with offshoots, probly about the same size as a large Craftworld once the fall happened. However, the availability of clone tubes meant the DE outnumber Craftwolders and Exodites in a few generations after the fall.

Massively, the dark elder vastly outnumber the others, one craftworld elder is even shocked at the sheer scale of commoragh

> Picking a one note race as opposed to actually making a character with depth.

Literally the Eldar.

You done bitching?

So the Craftworlders and Exodites, although smaller in number, are more powerful than the Deldar left behind because they retained their psychic abilities?

Yes. Anyone who says differently doesn't really understand the fluff or the scale.

Commoragh is unfathomably massive and much bigger than all of the Craftworlds put together. Dark Eldar are also grown, they reproduce 100x to `1000x faster than normal Craftworlders.

No one said they were 'more powerful' unless you mean on the tabletop.

Dark Eldar are like Orks in that they can hardly all be rounded together to do anything as one. They war with each other ALL. OF. THE. TME. like literally more than any other race. The attack other factions as gangs and clubs to out-do other gangs and clubs.

The only advantage Craftworlds have is one military that will fight together.'

There is a big reason Commoragh is never attacked, beyond how well hidden it is. (well except for right now in the timeline by daemons)

While a craftworlder has more psychic potential both they and exodites are physically inferior and less martially skilled than a Commoraite. Dark Eldar perfected their bodies since they don't use their minds anymore. Every Commoragh denizen has fought for their survival since they could walk, whereas most Craftworlders and exodites haven't been effectively gladiators/soldiers for their entire lives

Harlequins are the only tolerable form of space-elf. The rest are trash.

Well they are the only ones allowed on Imperial worlds by order of the High Lords so yeah.

>Jedi or Sith or whacky Grey Clown Jedi honk honk
no thankyou


Dark, but I like the Aspects and Wraith constructs of Craftworld.

Why is craftworld Eldar better on tabletop despite being inferior in lore then?


That comparison doesn't work at all and you know it.
The Eldar and Dark Eldar don't have anything even remotely alike the relationship between the Jedi and the Sith.


Dark Eldar.

The lore and fluff is cool and stuff. But ultimately the models are amazing, fun to paint, and easy to customize. Making unique models that still fit the aesthetic is great fun.

But then why can a few Salamander Space Marine ships survive for really long in Commorragh with tons of things attacking them and cause enough of a threat to motivate all the primarcy Nobles of the time to move but Craftworlds regularly destroy entire Sector Fleets and Space Marine Chapters?

But in a game?

For the same reason Space Wolves receive wulfen while Tyranids get Imperial Guard units. Eldar are more popular then Dark Eldar because they are god tier powerful. Therefore, when a xeno needs to win its going to be Eldar over Dark Eldar. But please name the multiple Space Marine chapters wiped out by a craft world?

I like all space elves, but I prefer DEldar. They're basically a living relic of pre-fall Eldar society, and Commoragh being a convoluted and impossibly sized megalopolis filled with PIRATES, FLESH-CRAFTERS, AND GLADIATORS makes me ROCK HARD.

Their models are beautiful, although their rules for tabletop leave something to be desired. While I often joke they're the best supplement for codex: craftworlds, I play DE exclusively and don't have too much trouble. The army rules are not as bad as people say, but DE is very hard to learn and even harder to master.

Eldar. I like their aesthetic better, and they're the most "alien" of the civilized species in 40k, which I find neat. Aspect Warriors are also fucking sweet.

I've been a DEldar player since way back. Craftworlders are cool too, but I like the batshit insanity of the DEldar better.

The one thing I like best about the DEldar is that they basically saw that their behavior created a fucking Chaos God and nearly destroyed their own race, and instead of choosing the more reasonable option of "well let's not fucking do that again" like the Craftworlders did, they were like fuck it, I'm not giving up my good times even in the face of armageddon. I have a massive soft spot for characters like that.

I've been finding DE obsec kicks ass in maelstrom. But I feel some opponents get upset that half my army is zipping around playing the objectives instead of driving face first into their army.

an High Templar and Dark Templar Protoss?

Even less appropriate.

Alaitoc wiped out the Invaders.

Biel-tan beat ten Chapters and two fleets simultaneously.

I should ahve said 'taken on whole chapters though' didn't mean destroyed as in 'destroyed eery member' meant it like 'destroyed militarily' and beat in a fight.

Aspect Rangers, including the lost black Incubi Ranger, but not ranger-ranger he was a silly commercial stunt.

The real question is who makes better waifus? The answer is obviously DEldar

I want waifufags to leave.

Deldar Twins Were worst waifus in Heretical Love Quest. Tsundere Eldar girl was much better.

Returning 40k player here. I love both Eldar and Dark eldar but can't decide which to play.

I wanna grab a start collecting box. Would it be possible to make a decent force with a DE and Eldar start collecting force combined? Maybe Ynead or some shit? I dont know anything about their background tho.

shit taste

Better, not best. Shy Mechanus Girl was best girl hands down.

Never agreed with that Elder with their psychic discipling should be Kuudere.

Still curious.

Any resourses you recommend for background on both beyond the newest codex?

you can just ally them. the more craftworld the stronger it is. They are battlebrothers on the table (best alliance rating)

Noone really knows anything about the forces or Ynnead. Wait until the book is actually released.

Is my plan dumb cost wise?

I wonder if I should just pick one.

My friend plays necrons. I really like both sets of models.

Just wait for Ynnari and then you can play them both with new rules and include the Harlequins

I fucking love Maelstrom of War for this reason. There's more to it than just face rolling.


the craftworlders have had more thought put into them during the years and developed their designs for longer, they are better than the other more monothematic eldar.

>Is my plan dumb cost wise?
not really
you might want to add some jetbikes because i find 3bike squads not big enough. also you might want to split the kabalite warriors into 2 squads of 5 and buy a second transport for the squads. Remember if you do that you cannot take a heavy weapon (dark lance or splintercannon) if you do

if you buy the craftworld eldar bikes, be advised that due to some ruling every bike can take a heavy weapon. In previous editions it was one every three bikes, which is more of a gentlemanly approach.

I (OP) would also like to build a hybrid Eldar army, but being a beginner, should I start with the craftworlders first, as a base?

start with which ever one you like the most. i think the dark eldar get started box is way cooler than the eldar get started box. the eldar armored assault box special that just came out is also an option (the DE one is less good/identical to the starting box).

Yeah the DE start collecting one seems good value. How do I work out how many points the individuals miniatures work out to be.

get the codex or use the battlescribe program which has almost all points in it.

I like Dark Eldar. If they ever make Wyches decent on the tabletop, I'll start a Wych cult army.

I wish they were good. I really do.

Just worked it out, 243 points I believe

You can also upgrade the Kabalites to Trueborn

I like the Eldar. They're more chill and have all the cool psychic tech; plus their ideas regarding aspect shrines are very interesting.

I really can't choose. I guess I should read both codexes. Read 7th ed Eldar codex and wasn't impressed but really like the descriptions of Eldar found in Horus Hersey books so far. Why do new codexes suck so much compared to old ones? The art, amount of fluff and quality of fluff are shit.

they are rushed out
and yes, this sterile art should be torn out of them.
and again. you dont have to choose.

I am thinking of buying both sets a set of gangs of commerash and some recast wraths and wrath knights. Maybe some more jetbikes. Or an armored assault DE

It's hard to go wrong with a Pair of Deldar SC! boxes, and I think I'm going to get a Gangs Box because I can also get it for 25% off on top of that. The Armored Assault is great when you don't need anymore Reavers, and with Gangs out, it's even better.

I was gonna do a de and an eldar but we will see after I finish reading codex...

Figured it might be appreciated here.
I dun a thing.

Don't be that faggot, user.

>when you don't need anymore reavers.
I don't understand this phrase.

I started out actually liking eldar more. It's not my fault half their miniture line is from the 80s/90s.

I honestly really like eldar bikes and wraiths and not much else. (Their vehicles and characters are cool too tho. And warp spiders.)

>I honestly really like eldar bikes and wraiths and not much else.

So you're a cheese faggot

>And warp spiders

A turbo cheese faggot

Good on you, you have the making of a unrepentant eldar powergamer.

Or a prolific masterbaiter

Forgot the fighter-bomber aspect 0/10.

This whole shitstorm by GW has made me realize how much I love Biel-Tan as a craftworld. I knew this day was coming when AoS happened. It's finally time to say goodbye GW. After 20 years, no more 40k for me.

Dark Eldar master race

Nah, it was a mistake to include it as an aspect.

I refuse to acknowledge them until slicing orbs get rules.

I haven't even looked at datasheets I mean appearance. RIP

Maybe I should pick another xeno race. I cant decide what eldar to play.

>Playable wych cult never

I'm sure they'll find a way to nerf Wyches further in the next codex.

I don't know. It would be pretty difficult without arbitrarily making them cost more points. Wych Weapons already have pointless differences, so I guess they could just make them all the same and only rerolling 1s to hit.

>my faction got rekt in lore
>guess I can't have fun anymore

Codices, supplements, and FW stuff seems the like your best bet off the top of my head. There is the Path series from BL as well. The Dark Eldar one is good, Craftworld is nice for giving you a view into Craftworld life, but since each book is the same story from different perspectives you may only find yourself feeling like reading one.

Dark Eldar purely because of how funny they are when they're not being edgy.

> "Hey Jerry?"
> "Yeah?"
> "You know, it's pretty dark in here."
> "Oh yeah. Let's steal a sun."
> "Fuck yes."

Even poor Dark Eldar have the mortal equivalent of "Fuck You Money."

We once ran a Dark Eldar mission in Rogue Trader where we all played Kabalites or Wyches, and it was a giant heist of a Shrine World.

Tons of fun, but never doing it again.

>I have invented technology that will allow me to become a being of pure light!
>Now to fly to other planets and brag about how cool I am!

There's ways to play Eldar without being a cheesemaster

Specifically, don't rely on bikes (Maybe take a squad in high point games) and stay away from D Weapons. Bam, you're still mobile as fuck and shooty to boot without being a total asshole.
I Want Ynnari so I can field DEldar and Harlequins too

One of the Deathwatch rpg books. "The Outer Reach" I think. A fluff book about Necrons, those four are a group of Eldar who are monitoring the situation and trying to keep BAD THINGS from happening.

I'm a huge fan of Corsairs - they're really the closest to pre-fall Eldar.

Eh Im a DEldar and Harlies player. I meant in big expansions of lore, not codexes. I mean, How about the time one Haemonculus coven caused the entire Night Lord Leigion to flee in fear cause the Haemys freaked them out so much, or the time that they stole an entire Exodite world because they wanted tyranid specimens.

Every time someone suggests Corsairs to me, I get depressed because they have nothing to mimic wyches.

Why would I purposefully avoid the models I like the look of and buy the ones that I hate?

No, you can buy them, I'm just saying that they're very fucking strong, overly strong. You're gonna make people mad if you take them, especially with scatter lasers. I'm not saying don't take them ever, but don't spam or just rely on them, you will lose friends or make it so no one wants to play you.

I love the way they look

The corsairs are cool.