Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Archaeology edition: what kind of ancient crypts, long-forgotten tombs, and lost civilizations does your party visit?

>HELPFUL TIP: If you want to ask for advice or information on a build or character, explain what sources (1st- and 3rd-party) are allowed and if you already have a theme or concept in mind.

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

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Other urls found in this thread: Whateley

>Azlant AP
>Just as I'm writing a bio for a recently awakened Thassilonian
I guess I'll at least be able to reuse the concept with a little bit of rewriting when I inevitably get refused.

>that most recent Bathe Yourself in Blood app

Jesus Christ. Is there no way to filter out random LFGers on Roll 20? Like make the game 'unlisted' or something?

There's a Shattered Star AP going on right aboot now.

>archeology edition
Had a short game recently where we (babylonians) explored our own collapsed civilization 1500 years after the fact

What do you have against normies?

Link please!

What campaign is this? This looks brilliant.

So! How was your weekend, /pfg/? Do anything fun or exciting, game-related or otherwise?

>app includes an extremely thorough flist page

Make a dummy roll20 room, post the join link here so you only get /pfg/ browsers.

I actually haven't checked the player's guide for that but I may be accused of metagaming and bookreading if I used my PC for that one.

That, and it seems rude to apply to two different campaigns with the same character.

I think this is my favorite excerpt.

>When he was but a tiny child person his parents got caught up in a most heinous of cults, they worshiped some dark being that thought tentacles were a swell time as they did odd rituals like eating live cephalopods and orgies in vats of squid ink and things like that. Hilariously the influence of all this and the shock of it all against his tiny human mind awoke his first instances of psychic abilities. His initial uses of it were benign, used to help him with the day to day chores and all this BORING activity. Then one day he was bullied, you see his father has a job plucking pheasants to which the other children thought to be particularly hilarious............... So he murdered them, he psychically turned into a monster and horrifically butchered the poor peasant children. Do not feel sorry for them reader they would have grown up into dastardly people who got drunk and caused problems for the world, good thing he got rid of them, you should be praising him!

We saved a silver dragon from an intellect devourer
Now it follows us like a highly intelligent puppy
We do not know if this is because of brain damage from the devourer

Okay, you can't show me just that and not link the whole thing.

My new character got introduced after roleplaying out my previous one (GM liked it, but it was a poor fit for the rest of the party). Surprised everyone when the 7 foot tall motherfucker wielding a colossal greatsword wasn't actually guts in the slightest.

>friction between interpretations of 'honor' or 'loyalty'
Funnily enough, there's at least one character I know of that fits that well. Even has the dichotomy between not!Japan and not!Germanic/Polish culture.
If only she was better-written.

Have at it, then.

My weekend just started. Last night at work we just watched the game all day, with almost no work. Cant beat getting paid to watch the Super Bowl.

That said, weekend's gonna be great, game tomorrow, and just broke up with my girlfriend so I'm single again. Good stuff.

I have done way, way too many homebrew archetypes as it's something I do when I get bored. The most recent is the Pegaus Knight, a paladin archetype for flying mounted combat and purity. A rather strong 'Fuck spellcasters' sub-theme.

Pegasus Knight

Phenomenal Prestidigitator (Spellburst savant archetype, charimsa-based stage magician)

Concecrafted Chorist (More supportive spellburst savant archtype with a musical theme)

Glorified Glossolalist (Divine spellburst savant archtype)

All of them save the Phenomenal Prestidigitator are very much still in alpha, so feedback would be appreciated. Sorry for posting this in a few previous threads, trying to get some balance feedback as I know that the creator is the worst person to actually evaluate their own work.

I'm also currently working on some stuff for Upper Class characters (As I was rather disappointed with the High Court book actually offering stuff on that front). It's still in design though so it's not up for look over until I've got a bit more for people to read. Is there anything people would like on the upper class character front that Pathfinder doesn't do very well right now?

I spent the entire weekend working on my application. It was painful and maddening, but in the end I made a character I can be proud of even if it isn't accepted.

The Durango 95 purred a real horror show

> Whateley
>Organ Molestation
>"Also Self-Explanatory"
What did he mean by this?

Game on Friday was a great warmup intro session, looking forward to the next one. Game on Sunday never happened because another player couldn't make it due to their lack of sleep finally catching up to them. Instead I spent Sunday day fucking about on shitty mobile games, watching anime while shitposting, and getting beat the fuck up at fighting games.

"Get new tech" they said. "It's easy!" they said. Little do they know my character only has two viable moves in neutral, and everything else is combo finishers or corner oki pressure.

Named after the monster from Dunwich horror which was a happu between a human and an eldritch horror.

Also made an appearance in carrion hill module

wow, several of these most recent apps don't even fit the chargen criteria


Intellect devourers do not deal intelligence damage.
They coup-de-grace your brain and literally take its place to wear the body like a suit. They even get basic information on the thing they took over; identity, personality and all abilities save spellcasting and spell-likes it possessed. It can use gentle repose to prevent the body from decaying normally, but does not have it as a natural racial ability (could get it from somewhere and it's more than smart enough to read scrolls and use items).

Be extremely careful. Silver dragons are smart, not dumb puppies... but a Shiavo'd bodysnatched one just might be...

My 9th level vigilantes are going to fight their first real Hellknight and try and kill their first real cleric of Asmodeus to save a 10 year old nascent oracle from being exorcised or made into a sacrifice to Asmodeus.

It promises to be a grand battle.

Don't look at me, I don't know shit
I only got skill points in knowledge religion and heal
It is obsessed with helping us now and with any magic artifacts

desu senpai only normies have been applying lately since pfg noticed a few red flags on the GM

Just warning you... Be aware that there's a chance you're being followed by something that might decide it needs a new body soon enough.

Oh the Intellect Devourer is dead as a smashed potatoes
At first I thought it was DEMONS possessing the poor thing but Protection from Evil just the same

Intellect devourers hunt in packs

Then why is anyone even still discussing it? Hasn't even been advertised here.

Gee I wonder why?

Well this fuck definitely doesn't have any friends left
Considering he was inside the dragon's head that was inside a stasis tube about 10k years old

Too bad the DM is spineless about what material is allowed. Everything 3rd party is "okay" but then the rest of the party gets to vote if it is "actually okay" in some sort of absurd survivor/tribal shit.

Protection from evil doesn't work if the creature's already possessed.

Try casting restoration to see if that helps, by the way

I was pretty sure it drives it out

I think he wants to disallow stuff but doesn't want to seem like a bad guy.

Nope. Keeps it from getting in, but it's safe if it already was.

Posted in a previous thread, posting again.

So I am GMing and want to go over last session. I want help from you all. Please point out anything you all really hate.

>players ended last session being informed what mythic sparks art at a banquet
>start of the session is them traveling on a ship, a relatively boring trip with a week a downtime with them doing research on where they are going
>the players are part of a mercenary company hired to go on an expedition into an evil sapient jungle
>the party are those who were exposed to mythic sparks, them plus a few NPCs
>players do some research, get told by their commander that he doesn't trust the guy who hired them so he is so he's sending everyone who is now mythic out ahead as a scouting force to be as far away from their employer as possible
>commander also thinks their employeer might be lying to them, so tells the party to grab as much info as possible from the ruins
>commander gives them a new guy, the newest member of the company, named weevil
>he was some random citizen who was unconscious but exposed to mythic power, the company brought him with them
>party heads into the jungle through a lagoon where the shore has a town carved into the cliffs
>the party and ~50 other soldiers are sent along an old road through the jungle
>party hears weird clacking
>off the road is an old stone shrine with a giant (6 foot long) beetle doing a mating display
>the party kill the beetle and check out the shrine
>it has a statue to a weird frog god from the region (the god is one of those frogs that carry its young on its back)
>the party take the little tadpole statues put into the divots on the larger statue's back (some of them are ioun stones, the rest are just holy symbols)
>party continues on to the evening
>find a giant sink hole filled with water (like 100 feet across and 60 feet to the water line)
>knowledge geography tells them they are fairly common on the continent

>see half submerged structures at the bottom carved into the side of the cavern
>the party explores them
>finds what appears to be an old office, recovers a bunch of scrolls, a few magical ones
>the noise of breaking down the door to the office attracts amoeba oozes
>the party end up putting two in a bucket to keep for later, leave the rest alone
>party goes up, finds some old stoneware and a sealed box with a journal
>the party decides to head down underwater too, using air crystals
>sees a giant crab in a room, decide to leave it alone
>head deeper again
>find something that pings on detect magic
>it's a skeleton trapped under a rock with a handy haversack and necklace of adaptation
>they bring all the stuff they found up and send another guy back down
>he finds three cases filled with unholy water sealed with wax (in the deepest part of the settlement), the bottles stylized like fish
>party looks through what they have
>find journals in the haversack along with a spell book
>the commanding officer (a player) reads through the journal and finds out it was a student who entered the country illegally
>father was rich, journal says if he died and body is found please return something to his father so he can be resurrected
>they grab the skull and label it in case they forget later
>the other messages are in a language they can't read
>weevil, their new guy, offers to help read the other letters
>revealed the mythic spark awakened oracle powers as well, makes him horribly exhausted (he was asleep for three days after becoming mythic)

>uses lore oracle trance ability for +20 and translates them
>they find out the place was a distribution center for water for the region at one point, the letters being about that sort of thing mostly
>find out they also worshiped a fish god that has underwater temples in the caverns, where the unholy water came from
>find out the journal was a kid wanting to go to the big city
>two letters he can't translate
>session ends with camp for the night

It was about a 3 hour session

Are all Lamias in Golarion female? I'm not sure if its just magical realm but in all the games that I've played I have only ever encountered females.

>is it magical realm?
This shouldn't even be a question.

Yeah, I'm worried I'll be passed over for taking "Third Party character classes enabled." at face value instead of asking about it and putting it to a vote, like with Legendary X. But we'll see. No big deal, I'd just prefer more clarity from the GM.

I think it's a universal standard that female lamias go out and hunt/rape while the males stay home and jazzercise or sweat to the 80s or whatever it is people do by themselves during the day.

I'm honestly sort of mad DHB's stuff isn't allowed. I can't see the reasoning why it shouldn't.

I hate to be a narc but a few people I know said that this guy was a flake.

>the party kill the beetle and check out the shrine
Why would the party kill a beetle doing a mating display to be honest?

>a few people
>it was literally just one user back when he first posted his game page link
Dood, what do you got against that guy?

From what I saw they they wanted to check out the shrine and the beetle was dangerous. They went in with the attitude of kill it now rather than risk it coming back to defend its territory. They were under orders to gather information which is why they were interested in all the ruins they could find.

They wanted the shrine, the beetle just got in the way.

Because it's more material the GM has to comb through to see what the players are actually capable of. Better question would be why should it be allowed if the GM doesn't feel like it.

Might've been cool to have a female beetle attracted by the display show up and fight them if they didn't finish in time

Fine, call samefag and witchunt. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Because it makes martials fun/interesting without requiring them to be PoW or minor spell casters.

It's not like anything in DHB's stuff breaks the game. The closest would be the weird scroll master fighter, but it's just a weird tier 3 non-spell caster.

Are there rules for playable lamia races?

Check the races for snek, it might even be 1pp.

Considering one applied to Comfy Goddess, there must be.

That's actually what I was planning. It was gonna call other beetles with noise (it was a beetle that could make noise by vibration). However the party knew this with a knowledge check and went in with the mounted war priest charging it while in a silence bubble so it couldn't.

Posting game advert for a player to join:
Level 8 evil lewd game, PoW or Spheres only, takes place on Wednesday nights 11pm EST into early morning.

The party just TPK'd to an ancient world destroying evil they woke up by accident so everyone's rolling new characters. The new party won't be going after that for a while, they'll just be doing other evil stuff and helping an evil queen take over the land.

Party composition is looking like one male antipaladin (with all the martial trainings), one trap sorcerer, a female hidden blade rogue, and a female enhancement hedgewitch.

>Better question would be why should it be allowed if the GM doesn't feel like it.
Even better question would be why won't the GM fucking nut up and say decisively what is and isn't allowed? Instead of this wishy washy crap

Yeah, I'm really assblasted that a bunch of normies voted against it because of reading. I wouldn't be so upset if the GM had just said no, but putting it to a entirely-open vote is just shirking responsibility to say yes or no.

It could make noise and attack via vibration. It was a DC 16 check and the party got 27 knowledge nature so they knew a good deal about it.

Oh well then that's cool
Doesn't seem to have any issues with the setup then.

"lewd" or ERP. Please be plain with us. I love evil games, but do not wish to ERP.

I like how he backtracked on the one thing he said he'd be resolute on.

ERP, sorry!
I'm sure you'll find a game that suits you some other place.

Personally I've found the combat in this game a lot of fun, but it's true that if you don't want ERP, this isn't a game for you.

Been searching the srd and all I'm seeing are bestiary entries. Maybe the player just refluffed an Undine?

See the thing is I don't like the voting system. Likely the people who voted have never read the material and just voted on impulse.

I'll join. But only if I can be a shota trap tiefling soulknife who dresses like a ladybug.

Not him but unironically how do people manage to ERP
Like I've seen it done before but that was because everyone knew the healslut in group party was being played by my sister, but how do you even ERP when you know the other side is most likely all dudes? And even laying that aside, how is basically writing smut actually hot?

I voted yes, and I didn't read the material.

Give this a read.


Even more so then. Votes on both sides have no idea what the material is.

I'd be more ok with the GM just saying "I don't want to learn the material so I vote no" rather than people voting on the grounds of balance when they're just uninformed.

If it's a character we can take seriously, you can post an application up and we'll see. A second trap in the party might be a hard sell, though.
Keep in mind that manifesting is off the table so you won't have free gifted blade.

Collaberative storytelling. Doesn't matter who's on the other side as long as they use third person. You're both (or more) working together to create a scene you think is hot without worrying about the greater world. Only fags without imagination can't do that and get so hung up in reality.

Seems kind of odd how little combat there was. The only thing they fought was the beetle, the rest they sort of just avoided.

I don't know man
I'm not that great at writing smut

It usually starts out quite innocently for me and then escalates from then on.

One second the Chelaxian thug is asking you to measure her feet so you can build her boots of speed that actually fit then another second she's pinning you against the wall with her ass.

The greatest one I ever saw was one very confused ork player in warhammer age of reckoning. Unfortunately the screencap (though it did make its way online; I mean how can one NOT show all their friends the insanity) is lost to me from being like, three PCs ago.

But it was this dark elf with a foot fetish, who paid an ork to do so.

>Wot? You wonts to smell me feet????

Neither are 75% of the people that do it...good way as any to get better at writing though.

Do you also throw a hissy fit when the guy playing the barbarian isn't a 8 foot tall roided out dude who can benchpress buses?

Do your manties get all in a twist when the 20 cha bard is played by a pizza faced dweeb who hasn't even touched a girl in his life?

How booty blasted do you get when the guy playing the wizard can't even cast spells IRL?

Do you flip tables when the guy who brings a cleric to the party is an atheist?


What the fuck are you flipping out about I'm just asking how people manage to do it
Calm your fucking shit

Sounds reasonable

but that's not collaborative writing, user

That was pretty good
>How did it feel?
>It feelz... it feelz like feets.

>manifesting is off the table
That's kinda the whole schtick for Soulknives though...

What the fuck is that from?

Also where we posting the app here? Surely not here.

Psionics aren't off the table. We had a zealot and avant guard in the last party.
Just actual manifesting.

So, something like warsoul augmented blade with no gifted blade will be fine.

>Just actual manifesting.
Why, especially if spheres is on the table.

It kind of ends up like the difference between watching a film and playing a videogame, desu. Yea you could just watch a story, or you could do something that lets you participate. As for the "they're dudes on the other end" bit? Text, my man. You fucking zone out from everything but the text and form a disconnect between the player and their character. After that you just accept that what you're doing is patently absurd and roll with it.

t. person so dense he didn't realize he was getting shangai'd into ERP on multiple occasions.

>That spoiler

Are you a shounen protagonist, user?

The GM's decided to just let everyone join the game room and post apps on the forum, so I guess here:

Also the F-List Room is called Evil Lewd Game to talk with the players.
You don't actually need a fancy profile on the site, even a blank one will do.

Well built psions or other full manifesters will outdo spherecasters in tier. Besides that, I dunno, something about subsystem clutter. (I'm not actually the GM)

My medium kinda ruined the whole mystery part of a murder mystery. 1/day speak with literally any dead guy ever is kinda broken in that respect.

>Player interprets my request to measure their sorceress for a dress she needs for an upcoming gala as a request to get down n' dirty with her
>they implicitly agree

>mfw the player starts describing the sorceress's busty figure and growing arousal at getting touched and held by my character

Aren't there plenty of factors that could potentially prevent a spirit from identifying their killer, though?