So, how many sheets did you lose?
Myth-Weavers is Dead
Other urls found in this thread:
One in particular had a shopkeep mechanic and multiple pages worth of intricate notes on stock and production status.
HAH Good riddence.
They oppressed people for not being pro LBGT.
I was once in a game where i simply questioned someone on their characaters gender and they banned me, the GM who was mostly indifferent sided with me and they then banned him too.
I was in a Call of Cthulu game where we were in the 1920s and some gay wanted to play a gay. So i said; well if i find out, expect my character to react normally as they would in the 1920s. He went straight to the mods and had me band. Truth hurts most of all i guess.
Whilst I agree that's dumb, most people here didn't use myth-weavers' community for gaming as it's explicitly cancerous.
I for one just use it to store sheets, and play else where.
RIP five of my sheets.
I think one?
Haven't used it since 2013.
And even then, I was pretty much forced too by an autist that wouldn't accept an editable pdf.
I don't get it. The few new sheets I had are empty, but all my old ones are still up. What hapen?
nvm read the announcement.
Kind of a click-baity title on OP's part. Site isn't dead, just lost some data.
>Some gay
you seem like a fun person
>They oppressed people for not being pro LBGT.
"Straight oppression" is the same bullsihit like "white genocide".
When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. Or, in your case, butthurt.
I lost about 12 fucking sheets.
Is it back up? I keep getting routed to a blank status page
Just 4
one of them I just finished making early today
Several people in my roll20 group just got hit. Nothing game-ending, but some definite setbacks.
Quit being such a cuck.
t. Pedro(You can't gainsay me, you have privilege over me).
Lost 6 / 20 sheets, with a couple being set back a few levels.
0, but one of them is now half the level it once was. On a gestalt game.
I lost no sheets!
My entire fucking group did however so today's game got cancelled so I get to sit here and deal with house guests and be fucking social. Kill me.
You're already dead inside, user.
Zero. Never even heard of the site till now.
There are great benefits in using an offline space to store ones creations. I myself am fond of the program known as Zim.
Enjoy fellow elegen/tg/entlemen!
If you have any tabs to your sheets open from before the crash on your computer, tablet, or phone, it'll still show the pre-purge stuff so if it hasn't been refreshed yet you can copy it over.
none though I haven't used any of them in forever
As the GM of that game, I can attest to this. I'm just glad that I haven't been able to log into mythweavers for years because of some sort of login database screwup, so everything I have has either a local or paper copy.
None because I'm old and play with penand paper in person like a sane adult.
I just went and checked my account I haven't used in literal years.
All my shit's still there. No idea why. Now I feel kinda bad about you guys losing so much shit.
>I was in a Call of Cthulu game where we were in the 1920s and some gay wanted to play a gay. So i said; well if i find out, expect my character to react normally as they would in the 1920s. He went straight to the mods and had me band. Truth hurts most of all i guess.
while that is period appropriate, it's also kinda a dick move to do unless you and the other guy(and probably the GM too) agree to it beforehand
They only lost shit that was less than six months old. So all the older sheets are still there, but if you recently started a new game or updated an older sheet you're kind of fucked.
Incidentally I lost 5 characters completely and one got set back quite a bit of progress.
> Player can't handle party conflict
> Gets offending player banned
I get that the guy is edgy, but ffs, can people not just talk it out anymore? That said, he probably broke guidelines, and shouldn't have been with the group in the first place.
Zero. I never play online.
None. I make my own sheets in Googledocs.
Google docs master race
Ouch. That's gonna be a pain in the ass to rework.
I lost about 3 sheets and half a years worth of changes to a fourth. Luckily, the three sheets weren't in use, and weren't terribly important. The fourth one though, that woulda hurt if i hadn't kept notes and remembered the correct stuff.
Except it's pretty clear that in this example the gay guy had the privilege, since he managed to get a player and GM banned over nothing.
The problem with "muh privilege hierarchy" is that it isn't fixed; it's very circumstantial and can easily flip-flop, with previously-oppressed groups becoming the oppressors. More ironic still when the new oppressors refuse to accept their own privilege and still claim to be oppressed while beating the shit out of others.