Do your settings have an arthropod-based race?
My favourites are moth, spider and crab people.
Do your settings have an arthropod-based race?
Furries are for the fags.
Moths don't have fur, they have floof.
Gotta give it to the wasp and mantis folk myself
Yes, I have a planet that is completely filled with a hivemind species.
They're called humans. Because humans are basically one massive ape colony that have evolved to work like ants. *mic drop*
This is my most favourite picture of fantasy character art ever.
>tips fedora in your direction
Crab people and Beetles are my favorites, but moths are great too. I kinda want to make a setting with only arthropod based races now, desu.
Threads like these made me present every fairy-related creature as even more insect-like than before. I really like these designs.
Rabbitfolk? Remember one user saying he replaced halflings in his homebrew with a race of cartoon rabbits. He got some flack for it IIRC.
nigga what kind of bunnies have you been looking at
Moths, huh
I'm still deciding which races are in my setting. About to DM a pathfinder game, I've procrastinated worldbuilding, and the game is in less than 100 hours.
Include an animal-folk race.
You already know the answer to that
Kitsunes are always used as a fetish race and I've seen no in-game examples to counter this.
I've never even though about this. This good idea. Drider exists for spider people, but moth would be good race. Thanks OP for inspiration.
You say that like it's a bad thing
I understand you enjoy that, but you're gonna trigger the other user quite quickly. Allow me, as an outsider to warn you now. Also, your cries are attracting legit furries and that is not good.
Is there any reason why it isn't a bad thing for a race to be full fetish material when you're not trying to join an ERP?
Maximum fun for yourself at the expense of others
Yes, I pretty unabashedly use beast races. Mostly as a way to create a large number of races to make things feel chaotic. The big three arthropods in setting are the butterflies, bees, and spiders. Bees are the most civilized. Alien to humans, but they don't treat humans as prey to be killed on sight like the other two do.
There were crab people, but they were wiped out by a hiveminded man-o-war the size of a small country.
I had a phobia of moths and butterflies as a kid.
Thri-kreen are the goat arthropods
>Fomyr workers stand slightly shorter than humans, their height ranging from 4'10'' to 6', with only queens standing taller. They resemble nothing more than four-armed humanoid ants, covered in a tough exoskeleton that may be dark red, yellow, or black. Their faces feature antennae they use to inspect anything that catches their attention, as well as mandibles that house a fearsome bite but are still capable of speech. Fomyr voices sound unsettling to other races, not just because of the chittering noises they produce, but because Fomyr speak without any emotion or inflection whatsoever. They rely on pheromones to communicate these subtle cues, and most other races cannot pick up on them without magical aid. Finally, they have a large stinger with which they can inject painful venom.
>Nearly all Fomyr are biologically female. The only male members of the species are the princes, recognizable by their wings and generally smaller stature. Though all workers are female, very few are capable of reproduction. Fomyr queens produce pheromones that prevent other female reproductive organs from developing, though rarely some workers can resist this and lay their own eggs. However, disrupting the colony in this way is grounds for exile.
>Though Fomyr queens are necessary for the continuation of the race and have high status in Fomyr society, they have surprisingly little political power. Instead, a village or nest is very close to a true democracy in which all members have at least some say. Because all workers are sisters and are fanatically devoted to the survival of their colony, disagreements are uncommon once a consensus begins to form. However, what all Fomyr agree on and what is the best course of action are not always the same, and dissenting voices eventually give in.
Stuff from my current setting notes.
It's hentai
it's terrifying hentai
Was in a homebrew setting with "Tooth fairies" like that. Basically, tiny semi-sentient osseovores with chitinous exoskeletons and rusty knives.
And my char stuck his arm in a nest of them
15 year olds should be browsing a taiwanese painting forum.
_ ____ __ ____ __ _____
Guillermo Del Torro is that you?
link or a name?
Layers of White.
If I remember correctly the entire series was hardcore Monstergirl Femdom. That particular mothgirl straight up cuckolds th3 self-insert in the absolute worst of ways. It's like a golden gem of /d/.
Honestly, Guillermo Del Toro would be cool to play a game with.
>not wanting to fuck the moth
Doesn't she turn people into shotas?
Sadly, I am not he; though I suspect that these creatures were heavily influenced by them.
PC did nearly lose that arm though
pretty sure, too busy wanking to follow the plot very accurately.
no, she seems to have power over some sort of stable time loop, in which the adult main character, upon asking her why he got scared and ran away from her as a child, is told he never ran away, realizes he's a child, and runs away, scared.
My understanding is there is a sequel, but I haven't read it yet. Honestly, if they just cut out the porn part of it, it would make for an interesting horror short all on its own.
Neat. Wish I knew what happened next.
Actually, I think I recall a reading a bit of the sequel, but I might be mistaken so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it delves more into how the moth is destroying his life, in one loop driving him to kill his mother as a child for trying to take him away from the moth. That might be me remembering something else though, it's been a while since I looked into this.
I weirdly remember that. Goddamn that is some __sexy shit.
>Moth People
Oh boy, all my nightmare christmases have come at once.
reading it now, turns out not only is there a part 2, but also a part 3
>part 3
I thought my body was ready. I was wrong. Post it.
I've been trying to come up with an idea for an alien race of psychic bug people. A big part of their gimmick I suppose is their ability to integrate various cybernetic augmentations to their bodies, a major being a sort of speaker collar because they don't have vocal cords or mouths to articular words with. Another part of their gimmick is that they are genderless until they eat a special plant that triggers their change into male or female in which case they mate but the downside is the plants poisonious effects will kill them soon afterwards. Over time they have managed to create various medicines from this plant that allows them to access their psychic powers which can only be done by being a gender. Males become Dune like Navigators and females go to be part of their theocratic government having strong telekentic and telepathy powers
I have a race of cockroach people that compete with dwarfs for resources underground, and when above ground have to scuttle about underneath gigantic scaly parasols. I scared the shit out of my players when the one they were poking at stood up to its full height of two-and-a-half meters and started beating on them with its umbrella.
These moth people are a lot prettier, I must say.
>psychic bug people
I fucking loved Dromites.
these are p good wtf
part 3 is a happy end nigger.
merry christmas you fucking scrub.
>merry christmas
>sad panda
Nevermind, I got around it. Thanks spideranon!
no problemo, seƱor scrub.
I have berserk wasp-hornet people. They are also wizards.
Because I hate you all.
part three was a let down
I wanted spooks not skeets
Sounds like fun times.
can you fug it
Protag ends up wife'n the mothgirl and has vanilla sex with her
I'm thinking if I ever successfully build a setting I'll have either ant-based folk or beetle-based folk running about.
Not sure what to do more specifically than that.
a friend of mine has beetlefolk in a setting he's working on and they're pretty cool. don't want to give away too much info, but they hate elves, love reading, and are total bros.
>don't want to give away too much info
Oh wow, such a blow, I was absolutely dying to learn more about this unimaginative brainfart.
In the system I'm writing, I've got a playable race that's basically a mix of dwarves and mothmen. They have big bushy anttanae as moustaches and beards.
Embrace it
I've got crabs, but they aren't anthro crabs. They're just big ol crabs.
Several. They're aliens so they're not strictly analogous to any earth bugs, but they're spessbugs none the less.
Check out Cedric Laquiez' faerie sculptures.
Gotta admit those look really fucking adorable.
Since when arthropod = hivemind, you fucking retard?
>man-o-war the size of a small country
You know, most of the weird nightmare stories I see on Veeky Forums I assume are completely made up for the entertainment of the board, but I have genuinely seen a person bring their kitsune waifu to a game as their PC concept. This was 5e, and not Pathfinder, but the point remains. Also, the character was kind of sort of awful at combat which resulted in the player switching to a different concept after a few levels. Don't multiclass Cleric and Warlock.
Bugworld has all that and more
>Moths, huh
Ant is not for fug.
Ant is for hug.
That mic was like $200 and I just bought it a week ago, you had better not have fucking broke it.
i tried to make one based on cockroaches but i remembered they already exist
You know, I've started wondering why we don't see more spider stuff in post-Nuclear Apoc settings considering the whole "No evidence behind radioactive roaches" thing and semi-recent events.
mickey mouse is a spawn of satan
Moth people are a meme race. Including them outs you as a 4channer to aware normies.
Give us more details about them.
I know it gets a resurgence fairly regularly, but is the Veeky Forums-mothpeople link that well known?
I want to play a non-humanoid bug race.
>not having a desert populated by thri-kreen hunting in and picking over the ruins of a long-dead society in it in every single campaign
it's like you don't want them to hunt the party's elf for food or something
Moth is love, Moth is life