Stop hating on GW.
ITT; debate me.
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At this point only detached grognards hate on GW.
I don't hate them; I just think their recent fluff is fucking awful.
Also still bitter about WHFB.
hatred is all I have left
Simple way to look like a complete retard.
>ITT; debate me.
Sure. Since you haven't actually made a claim I guess I'll have to start things off.
The Atmospheric Test Ban treaty needs to be repealed, because the leaders of nuclear superpowers have only a conceptual but not a practical understanding of the impact of nuclear weaponry.
Whats wrong with recent fluff? Better than no fluff. Plus Gathering Storm is lit. Also FB was on the decline, and was totally eclipsed by 40k. GW could of just abandoned FB completely and put all their resources into 40k yet they didn't and decided to spin it into a game casuals could play a lot more easily and maybe get into 40k once they get more advance. BUT I do admit they did fuck some stuff up.
But OP I don't hate gw, I quite like them.
>he got so autistic he shitposted in the wrong thread
I don't hate them, I just think they can do better. Not even prices-wise either - just in general shit like leaving some armies damn-near unplayable messes for years on end or leading people on with implied new codices or models just to give them nothing.
Isn't it a pain in the ass to sell GW's products from a business perspective? From what I remember, you have to follow their shitty codes of conduct or they won't give you product.
It used to be more so I think but I was talking to an employee at my local hobby store during black friday and GW stuff was all 20% off and he said that not until recently did GW allow private hobby shops to do sales of their products when they wanted.
I don't hate GW.
I just don't like them. They haven't done anything to earn my admiration or my loathing.
>Whats wrong with recent fluff? Better than no fluff.
I disagree:
>Space Wolves were right about Fenris having a super special awesome pure Warp souls
>Biel Tan, the one Craftworld that was being proactive and representing something approaching hope for the Eldar gets trashed because GRIMDARK
>Rowboat and Magnus returning when the whole point of 40k is that stuff like Primarchs are part of a lost, grander age.
GW could of just abandoned FB completely and put all their resources into 40k yet they didn't and decided to spin it into a game casuals could play a lot more easily and maybe get into 40k once they get more advance
You know what this didn't require?
Trashing the setting and replacing it with a generic as shit multiverse setting, effectively removing any real stakes.
I also strongly dislike the new overall looks and retarded naming/rebranding.
And I wouldn't give a flying fuck if they came up with something completely new; it's the fact that they not only destroyed their setting, but how much they shit all over the fluff in the process.
THe whole of End Times and everything since has been one giant middlefinger to everyone who got invested in both WHFB and the setting.
Their standards either can't be that bad or their products sell like hotcakes because every comic store in my area has a token GW shelf full of minis and another paint/brush station right next to it.
How can I hold all that autism?
The problem is that Veeky Forums has more detached grognards than any place on the Internet.
Ur not wrong
Maybe things have changed for the better. I'm planning on opening my own LGS soon, and was wary about selling GW products.
Live the dream, user. If you set up in Pennsylvania I'd definitely pay you a visit.
Lol. Americans nearly killed us with project Starfish.
Do you want to kill all humans within weeks ?
Where is it going to be user.
Now you HAVE TO tell
What are you gonna call it?
We don't need that many detonations, and modern hydrogen bombs are very clean. An h-bomb every four to six years would have negligible impact on the global environment, but the spectacle would certainly strike the fear of the atom back into politicians and leaders.
Opening a business particulary one dedicated to tabletop would be a dream. Best of luck user if this comes to fruitition.
I don't hate. I just don't care anymore. I still have a lot of affection for 40k as a setting, at least as I remember it, but the game stopped being fun to me a long time before I stopped playing.
If some other company picked it up, I might give it another look, but GW has shown their colors time and again. If they want my money, they'll make a good game. Clearly they don't.
>Debating someone who's set in their wrong opinion.
Waste of time, here's your (you)
They destroyed the setting just as it got the biggest budget tie in product GW has engaged with.
In fact, this whole thing happened so out of the fucking blue, that the "YO IF YOU LIKE THIS SHIT HERE ARE THE MINIATURES" link that Total War had up led to a dead link because they'd fucking moved everything without telling them.
Don't defend the decision, its retarded.
That's not as much of a kick in the teeth as you think it is. We've had several people in my local shop who play sigmar now who started collecting because total war tipped them off about the existance of the hobby, not one of them has complained about it not being fantasy.
New fluff is still better than "le grim dark all the time xD".
Counterargument: No.
I never "hated" GW.
I mean I could see reasons to "hate" them, those would be purely subjective and there wouldn´t be anything to debate or discuss.
Simple put this thread is pretty awful.
Counterargument: Yes.
>Stop hating on GW.
Nothing personel, partner
>New fluff is still better than "le grim dark all the time xD".
>says 8 yo kid
Nah, once a company reaches a certain asshole threshold it takes a lot to redeem.
Hate is a strong word, I guess. Just not getting any of my money.
The question is why is there always at least one extremely defensive user on Veeky Forums defending GW all the time.
Well, he have hard bonner for Ultramarines, so I guess it's Mat Ward
I used to hate GW. But after moving on to better games and not giving them my money for years I don't hate them. I have a sensible chuckle at their fuck-ups, pity people still in their thrall, oggle the pretty models before being turned off by the games and price tag, and wistfully reminisce about past good times at the GW store in the mall
>still in their thrall
Sort of like how you still post in GW threads despite "moving on"? You know what I do for things I don't care about anymore and quit? Not post in threads about them.
Stocking GW won't put you in the red, but it's not a money maker either. You can do it or not, as long as you stock stuff like M:tG or soda you'll do fine. It basically comes down to whether or not you want your store to support the GW gamers in your area.
>j-j-j-just stop talking about it if you disliked it.
>I don't even care about GW that's why I talk about it so much!
Never told you what to do, just pointed it out.
It is, basically you have no flexibility over what you can hold and for how much you can sell it.
>>I don't even care about GW
Where anyone said this?
He desperately needs the money.
>>j-j-j-just stop talking about it if you disliked it.
Same place anyone said that.
He's just grasping for straws now.
Screencapping this to prove his autism if he keeps this up
>g-guys! they're good now! All hail Rountree!
Good goy.
But you literally said it here
Wew. Are you new?
Not the guy you're arguing with, but I can relate to him. I too had this "agressive" anti-GW phase after finding other games, but nowdays I don't feel strongly about them or feel that their customers should be teached about better games at every occasion. Still want to keep track about models releases and the bottom line of the current fluff, because some chucklefucks spam a hundred threads about it every time WD drops anyway.
Thats not true. Here's a list of shit that GW has done in the last few years:
Released a game without proper rules.
Raised prices of their miniatures.
Released miniatures, along with books and rules for those miniatures that were redundant within a year.
Completely alienated their community
Spent little money / time on game balance (No. This isn't just a complaint- it's why 6th edition was the shortest edition ever)
Retcon'd lore
40k army grouping was made extremely confusing- Rules shouldn't trump lore. Come the apocalypse armies are fucking dumb.
>Stop hating on GW.
Give me some good reasons to then.
Shit company, good products.
How do you explain the comments down below, where GW have a policy in place of making old timers feel uncomfortable and to manipulate them out of stores so they can peddle more useless shit to newbies.
>Rowboat and Magnus returning when the whole point of 40k is that stuff like Primarchs are part of a lost, grander
>Could of
Stopped reading there.
40k fans used to be capable of basic english.
Has GW made a good game yet?
40k (before it became the bloated mess it is now)
AoS (I haven't played personally, but I only hear good things)
Burning of Prospero is a very good standalone game.
The Horus Heresy is a very good game.
You forgot Space Hulk old and new.
My main grip is how incompetent they are regarding shipping.
At first I thought it was a UK thing mainly due to Royal Mail, but after working and buying with other companies it seems it is just a GW thing.
The 1-2 Fast shipping is a lie, it takes about a month, 3-7 days is even worst 2 to 5 months.
It is easier and faster to buy from Chinaman than GW directly
>40k (before it became the bloated mess it is now)
>AoS (I haven't played personally, but I only hear good things)
>Burning of Prospero is a very good standalone game.
>The Horus Heresy is a very good game.
>good game
Top fucking kek
OP here on different IP; fuck ultrasmurfs but I think Girlyman is sort of cool. I play Orks and Red Corsairs.
>p-p-please leave GW alone!
Why even stick your head in here user? Or are you OP and ((((Debating)))) us?
>fuck ultrasmurfs but I think Girlyman is sort of cool.
Of course you are, mattew
your assuming those hunks of junk still work. I'm not even sure we have anyone who still remembers how to build one.
I made one grammar mistake, (sorry, not sorry) and I don't understand basic English, this is quality autism right here. And yes I meant "could have".
>company splits up codexes for money.
>introduces balance breaking formations for money
>releases more overpowered minis that require a new rule book to use that is sold separately with the most rushed execution and writing yet
>codex entirely designed to ally with people
>hard cover codexes just to charge more
for sake of fairness here are the not bad moves they have done.
>remade specialists games (which allows them to cut back on the competition that has sprung up)
>bringing back old sculpts that were popular, in metal via limited special order, another savvy move that makes them money.
>infantry + transport boxes.
would have prefered the old battle forces but these are pretty solid
They're doing better, but that doesnt mean they've stopped fucking up.
stop calling me matt ward anons REEEEEEEEEE
You do know that English is a shit language and even native speakers have problem with "a" "an" "you" and "your" let alone people that have English as their second or even third.
Luckily the language is basic and simple enough to survive the butchering of it.
Is not like Spanish that missing ~ could end with you having 21 years old to you having 21 anus.
But since Spanish speakers are not as autistic as English one they simply laugh and understand you mean years and not anus
I was vague in thread but I don't think they are completely without fuck ups (even recently for that matter!) but I still like what the company makes. But to argue some of your points for the sake of argument.
>company splits up codexes for money.
While I agree with this in afew aspects even recently (like splitting up Magnus and Traitor Legions was fucking top kek jew tier bullshittery) but recently, ESPECIALLY with the Imperial Agents book you have SO many units and formations it's absolutely bananas.
>codex entirely designed to ally with people
So? We don't really have many of those so this is new.
>hard cover codexes just to charge more
Seeing how much I transport my codexes I honestly don't care that I have to pay a bit more for something I would want anyways, my paperback codexes that only came that way are really trashed from constant transport and I wished I could've just payed an extra 5-10 bucks for a hardcover.
IA was basically spreading the Inquisition single unit into bunch of single model type units to later turn them into a formation... when the old codex already did that without needing a formation.
There is no reason for AI beside greed
8th Edition should be age of Emperor but they should do all the generals hand book stuff and development before they release it as age of emprah.
Kill team should be their flagship game, they should aim more multi unit boxes at the 200 point limit.
As someone that played 40k in the 90's 40k seems like it requires a huge investment to be involved in now. I've watched a few games on the webs of 40k and AoS and while theirs the potential to spend big on both the list building system of 40k seems to encourage people to buy stuff they don't want in order to field stuff they do.
Dropping £100 plus to get a starter army is an obscene investment for many people.
Those AoS boxes that retail at £50 but can be found 20% cheaper quite easily give people nice little starter forces.
I really like what GW is doing with the troop'n'transport boxes for 40k for example.
>While I agree with this in afew aspects even recently (like splitting up Magnus and Traitor Legions was fucking top kek jew tier bullshittery) but recently, ESPECIALLY with the Imperial Agents book you have SO many units and formations it's absolutely bananas.
Don't forget admech and skit.
or scions and guard.
or knights and admech
or death watch and IA (I know DW is in AI but there was no reason not to make IA, including deathwatch, sisters, assassins, stormtroopers, greyknight support,etc) while creating a separate codex.
Harlequins did not need to exist and by it's power level ought not to have.
it's all jewery.
>So? We don't really have many of those so this is new.
that is not a good thing. one buys an army to play an army, it is literally inefficient for me to buy pyskers or engiseers or priests from my codex now.
>Seeing how much I transport my codexes I honestly don't care that I have to pay a bit more for something I would want anyways
I suprisingly take fairly good care of my 'dexes but it's insult to injury when one has to pay 120 cad for two codexes just to know what the start collecting HQ does
even the new armoured fists or whatever are sort of shit.
i mean they good but for the price of the current start collecting i could have gotten for example the old space marine BF Rhino+ 10 tacts + 5 tacts + 5 scoots + 5 assult marines
Value of these sets have decreased
all he did was call you Mathew
no need to get autistic : ^ )
you seem to have forgot epic
it may have been bloated during it's different versions but it was a solid game
I love GW but Im fearing that my Slaaneshi demons and EC will share the same fate as my Tomb Kings
They are basically Comcast or BoA. I avoid them and don't understand people who use them.
>some people geniunely believe this
GW hires people to post here, as well as other prolific forums.
Source: I used to do it from 2013-2014.
You know that there's a problem when fan content is leagues better than anything that they do
>Shit company, shit products.
>I only hear good things
Are you deaf?
isn't it that peopel don't have a choice.
time Warner for example has like half the fucking USA as it's stomping grounds because of the naturally forming monopoly of being an ISP
>aesthetic of minis continues to deteriorate while price rises
>pushing special character meme shit
>destroyed well loved venerable and replaced with something considerably less likable
>formations in general
>kopinski and Adrian Smith tier art replaced by mediocre nobodies
There are legitimate reasons to dislike the direction of the company
How and where? I have a lot shitposting time and I would like to get paid Indian wages for it.
And autistic people can't quit the shitty game they have invested a huge chunk of their worthless lives into.
40k is a natural monopoly.
I was a redshirt, its how I got the job. Send a letter (not an email) to HQ and maybe you'll get lucky.
Are we still open for debate topics?
I think Earl Grey tea is one of the worst teas, and that Oil of Bergemont is vile.
You're taking a drink with delicate tastes and punching it in the face.
After that, you may as well burn it and seep it for an hour because you've already ruined it.
Cool argument bro
yeah I agree, but it's less about money and more about the market share, GW rules most FLGS because they know they can move product. and people buy it because it's there and they know they could play with it
>I think Earl Grey tea is one of the worst teas
i agree, but orange pekoe is the worst as far as Ive found it. thought i hated teas until i started on others.
rooibos is my savoir there is something in it that helps calm the mind, got me through some allnighters feeling great my dude
now tea with milk or without milk and do you pour the milk before or after you pour the tea.
your meme is old and normie tier and bad and you should be given a free helicopter ride
Fuck Earl Gray. Why have tea if you make it hippy fucking gross shit.
I usually drink Chinese Green (don't get me started on Japanese Green) or various Oolongs
If I'm feeling like drinking something that is basically a dessert, I'll occasionally have an Irish Breakfast with milk, and pour the milk afterwards so that I can properly measure.
Rooibos is definitely one of the better herbals, good taste.
>40k is a natural monopoly.
>GW rules most FLGS
Mine doesn't even stock it anymore. I always get surprised when I come on these boards and realize people still play GW games.
you are an exception rather than the rule.
in my area
>place that stocks gw,
>RV store, stocks gw
>comic book store, gw, privateer press, tried infinity, maulfaux, dystopian wars, etc
>miniature mecca, stocks everything, 5% off more or less and stocks GW
>former store, privateer press and gw and infinity
>gw store
>store that stocks gw
>card store, stocks GW
>former store, stocked mostly nerd crap and gw
and the list goes on.
this continues up into my northern province but that's a poor place and i've yet go up there for a couple years
Gross. Hopefully LGS wake up and stop feeding into that shit game.
I think you need to refer yourself to my previous statement
>yeah I agree, but it's less about money and more about the market share, GW rules most FLGS because they know they can move product. and people buy it because it's there and they know they could play with it
it doesn't matter that GW is beginning to resemble the imperuim more and more, with the spirit of the game dead for years and the love of money over taking everything.
what matters is it can move product in an age where tradition games are on something of a decline.
I agree the game has major flaws, for instance formations, fliers, every army and balance CC/shooting but that doesn't matter because it's still popular in a lot of regions meaning people buy it because people buy it.
It's sickening really, like some sort of autistic abused house wife.