Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

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Old thread:
So what new battletome would you like to see next?

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Slaanesh Or something weird like maneaters or firebellies

first for TK battle tome !

Eh match play

Why not another set of campaign books that move the storyline and includes more then one faction/GA

>So what new battletome would you like to see next?- 3 posts and 1 image reply shown.

An update of one of the current elf armies, or Soulblight.

Nice get. I would like to see more lore-stuff and maybe an RPG system for AoS

Now that I see it. Alarielle has some nicely shaped legs. She clearly didn't skip leg day.


theyll just keep nerfing them until nobody plays them any more

that way people will buy their new Bloodstoked Bloodgorriors instead

>RPG system
Yes, please. I feel like a tabletop RPG would help give AoS more lore to work with. Plus, with it being such an expansive setting, it would work great with an RPG.

Being able to do something like playing a Freeguild officer working with a Scourge Privateer, a Fyreslayer, or whatever, would be neat. There would also be opportunity to break it up based on what you're playing, like a Deathwatch-esque Stormcast RPG, or an equivalent to Black Crusade.

When playing Hinterlands, would using a Knight-Venator be too much? I love the model and I have it lying around from the Silver Tower expansion, but I feel picking a hero with that many super-long-ranged shots and that mobility might be a bit too much...


any ogre players?

From my limited understanding of ogors, you want ironguts

its just when i compare them to maneaters. it seems they do more. but maybe that 4+ save is insane.

they are really close and you can get 12 irongut for the price of 2 maneater.
so go for ironguts

but maneaters and ironguts are the exact same points and minimum-maximum in points and unit size.

They are pretty much the same, with Maneaters being slightly better on damage and the Ironguts being more resistent.

He's talking about money cost.

Also Ironguts can be in a Gutbuster allegiance if you want leadbelcher battleline.


Problem is Cubicle 7 is now the publisher of warhammer fantasy rpg and nothing has been leaked if they going oldhammer or sigmar

i bought a few ogre kingdom armys of the webs 5 years ago and have a few maneaters lying around i have not used yet.

so its nor about the money cost. literally trying to figure out which is better.

maneaters have that run and charge thing going on as well.

Anything Death really, deathrattle or soulblight have my preferance

about gutbuster allegiance.
are leadbelchers as battleline really worth it to toss away the army wide special rule from allegiance of destruction ?

Oh yiss

With FFG-GW divorce everything is possible

Does Age of Sigmar need more rules or is it fine in its current state.

I think it's fine but it gets a lot of criticism for being a "barely there" ruleset, or "baby's first war-game."


IMO enough. You don't need a lot of rules to play a tactical game. Wargamesfags are used to play games with 450-pages rulebooks so they don't really know how to have fun with something "smaller"

>mfw I was tricked into thinking the tzaangors were ugly by the terrible official paint job

So why do you post an even shittier paintjob ?

>I think it's fine but it gets a lot of criticism for being a "barely there" ruleset, or "baby's first war-game."

The only people that say that are the ones not looking at Battalion rules, or the rulesets for the TONS of different Battleplans (which is the primary way the game is supposed to be played). They just look at the four pages of rules and the unit sheets, and criticize based on that.



Wait, I've been outta the loop for awhile since AoS came about. I know the basics of it, but wtf are these?

Just open the AoS app man

They're beastmen, essentially.

Although those are the 40k version that came with Wrath of Magnus.

Ah, okay.
You underestimate how out of touch I am.

Get the app my dude. All the base rules and warscrolls for free

The multi component ones are ugly. The monopose from Silver Tower are cool.

So, any of you anons give names to your characters?

>Lord-Celestant Gilgamesh
>Lord-Relictor Solomon
>Lord-Celestant Antigone
>Retributor-Prime Reinhardt
are some I have right now.

I've got a name for one I haven't put together yet

Shadow Elves Daemons this Summer!


Tomb Kings market bubble burst. Ebay prices in free fall. FOTM army is now worthless.

unless you're one of the 0.001% of TK players who bought the army only because of the aesthetic

They wanted to give TK a final farewell, and we know that GW reads most forum, especially Veeky Forums, what do you think was gonna happen with TK players bragging on every single forum how they can literraly 1v3 or how that necrosphinx
>killed Alarielle+Archaon+Tamurkhan+Gordrakk+ur mom in one close combat phase lel.
When a small player base like that brag on forums you have the bigger player base that do not play that faction that starts complaining how OP it is.
You had it comming, it's only karma.

>You had it comming

not me. I don't buy into FOTM. people laugh at my shitty list ideas

hasn't lost a game yet


do i rebase my shit to round bases or not?

I have some.
Wight King: Ethelred IX.
Necromancer: Hector Lindqvist.
Tomb Banshee: Marka Lindqvist nee Emina.
Hell Knight: Sir Gaelfled.
Seneschal: Sargard.

The only place that gets you is not being able to play fantasy again if you ever feel like it

is it just me or is AoS getting more popular?

You usually play against your wife, yeah?

She must be retarded

yes because 40k is currently so unbalanced that most armies aren't fun to play and takes too long to play a game

>You usually play against your wife, yeah?She must be retarded

yes my army is terrible.

ha ha ha they will never nerf my army

I made up a whole clan for my dwarfs, Clan Izorstokaz (Copperfist), with named dudes (Hrafrin, Dorgurim, Skallgrim, Snorri), and a battlecry.

Wait are the prices really in freefall?

Holy shit I can finally make a TK army now, cause I'm apparently that 0.001%. I really just liked the Egypt vibe.

Grot warboss Gobsnik
Grot Shaman Zappzag
Have yet to name any champions


i need these new point balances. all these behemoths are way to fucking cheap.

yeah. i know i wasnt playing much old fantasy. but the thing is that its still a possibility, and i would be taking that away.

how much more fun is the game with round bases?

doesn't really matter that much but I prefer the look of round bases

I've been on the fence with my Order color scheme. I wanna paint my dudes in the Middenheim scheme; calling them the Lost Sons of Ulric. It'll be a Freeguild based force with some Stormcast Eternals. What're your opinions on a 'blueified' Stormcast without making it look like an Ultra Marine? Surely, there's gotta be an online template. Maybe go half blue, half white?

You can still take destruction allegiance. They need to have special battletome allegiance for that to work. Like slyvaneth and tzeentch. Old battle tomes don't count yet, they don't have abilities and artifacts.


and in general you can always choose. Perhaps you are still playing all tzeentch but didn't take much in the way of wizards, so you might want general chaos. It's just an another example.

Test model for friends sylvanetg what do you guys think?

You can do better. I believe in you.

It's good

This was kind of a Shit model to test the scheme on I'll admit since she has like no fucking details. But it was an extra dryad and he wouldn't let me kick around with a kurnoth hunter

I'm just not digging the pink in all honesty.

What's up with all these plague drones on clear bases. Why dont they come in the damn SC box

So I just started thinking about playing Stormcast and was wondering. With the new GHB that's coming out what do you guys think they'll do with the Extremis Chamber units points-wise? Are they good or shit for their points?

Originally wanted purple but didn't have the color and mixing wasn't working. Red seemed waaaay to edgy and green is overdone. Led me to mixing up some pink and this is what we come up with. I think I could make it pop more if I had more shades to work with. As it stands I only have my reds and whites.

So, doin a bit of work when it comes to a 1000 point tournament thats supposedly coming up on Saturday. I play Undead, and I've got a pretty sizable collection. The only things im really lacking are some of the Flesh Eater Court units, the Varghulf, and the seperate batswarms. I also have a few selections of Tomb King models, like the ALMIGHTY Necrosphinx and a Bone Giant. Unfortunatly, no Morghasts. Here's what I got:
Allegiance: Death

Coven Throne (260)
- General
- Trait: Ruler of the Night
- Artefact: Tomb Blade
Cairn Wraith (60)

10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
- Nighthaunt Battleline


Necrosphinx (400)

Total: 1000/1000
My oppenents, as far as Im aware, will most likely be this:
Stormcast mixed with Extremis, that features two Riders, and a Star Drake, along with the Archer Hero and Horn Hero. Pain in the ass, but I can make do.

Another Stormcast player, only has a double starter kit, I should be fine.

A MOON CLAN Gitmob player. Aside from playing the best race, he's a wild card. Two Spear Chuckers, lots of grots, lots of Maniacs, and some Squig Hoppers, all led by Skarsnik. I think I can easily beat him, but you never know.

Here are the main Guys im worried about:

Gun Line Empire player. Holy fuck, can this guy just shit out fire power. Lots of Riflemen, Cannons, and some Long Sword bodyguards. It's not a pretty fight. However, I think if I'm lucky, I'll be able to push my spirit hosts into his Gunline, and Drop my Necron Sphinx onto his cannons. It'll hurt like a bitch, but it COULD work. I'm also hoping that the Coven thrones Beguile will let me get into combat without Overwatch, and the Tomb Blade on either the ghosts or the Handmaidens will let me survive his volleys.

On the other hand, he also plays death. But Im not sure if he'll be rolling with that.

Do whatever you want.

Okay I have a question people.

Can models with 1" melee, attack anything on a flying base? Like a Gyrocopter, etc. I would have assumed yes, but then there's this weird rule from the Ripperdactyls

>Swooping Dive: At the end of your
movement phase, you can declare that this
unit will swoop down to attack the foe at
close quarters. If you do so, then in the
following combat phase you can re-roll
failed hit and wound rolls for this unit as
the enemy reels from the sudden assault.
Until your next hero phase, measure range
and visibility for models in this unit as
though they were on the ground.

Which would imply that normally you DON'T measure from does that mean flying units are immune to short-range melee? Has anyone had problems with this or experience, or does it generally not come up?

you play with people who don't house rule measuring from bases, and do the measuring from models?
because don't do that.

I think it's meant for ranged attacks, as it being on the ground makes it possible for models to act as cover.

I would assume so. I think it is there so in an attempt to clear the issue up. You'd normally need to shoot it down, or have something that also flies. Thats just been my experience.

Rules as written, yes flying models can be out of range from regular attacks.

If you measure base to base it don't matter, and since 99% of people do it that way the only benefit you get is moving over terrain/units

What new GHB?

GHB 2.0

Probably about 60/40 split? (in favor of mostly from bases) but there are both at my FLGS.

I don't get this hate towards measuring from the model. It balances itself out in the end.
>scumbag Steve models mini with foot long spear.
>can only set up mini sideways since it doesn't fit in deployment.
>has to use the movement of the model to turn it 5° per movement phase.
>Uses "advantage" to pile in, every model within 3 of spear can retaliate onto scumbag model.

It ends up being the same thing if you use exact measurements, it just allows you to finally use a 3rd dimension in combat.

Anyone on here part of the big ass sigmar trade/sell/buy group on fb?

I am, most of the listings are crap, what's up?

Is there a source or are you all talking about something that hasn't even been hinted at?

its been real for a long time

Bingo dingo.

Oh, shit. Sorry for being snide.

>Are they good or shit for their points?
they are god tier for their points but since they aren't out of print they will probably not be getting a points increase. (maybe a small increase)

As a lonely TK player, these point increases make me sad. I understand that the sphinxes need some increases, but I wasn't expecting it to be this drastic, especially in the case of the khemrian warsphimx. They really do want to kill any remaining TK players

Why is Alarielle so perfect?

Does anyone know where the full art of this is at?

>Why was Alarielle so perfect?


>cracked out hoe
>thicc muscle girl with firm tits and stronk thighs
Nigga what?

her old design is awful

her new one is muscular as well and I want her to squeeze me between her thick thighs

user, you'd better have a painting log I can follow

Does anyone know if the Storm Cast Battletome is up for order or not? White Dwarf has it listed as up for pre-order on the 4th, but I dont see it on the GW website. Anyone know if it postponed (I'm guessing this is the case) if so when it will be up for pre-order?

Found it.

>fat plant zombie with mutant tree arm is hot.

to each their own I suppose.


You don't get it at all do you

What could fyreslayers use that would expand their capabilities?
Also, went into my LGS, overheard a guy seriously pitch the idea of female seraphon to the store manager there. The manager had the look of a man that had great health benefits, but was dead inside.

movement buffer, or ranged/magic defense.

How would one go about starting a nurgle army? I'm assuming the start collecting nurgle daemons box might be a good place to start, or should I just buy a bunch of putrid blight kings?